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Permanent Emigration

Withdrawal Form
If you would like help in completing this form, please email or phone us on
0800 FF KIWI (0800 335 494) or +64 9 445 3377.

You can complete this form on-screen by typing directly into each field. Once you have completed your details,
please print, sign and post the form to Fisher Funds Management Limited, Private Bag 93502, Takapuna,
Auckland 0740.

Who should complete this form?

Please use this form if you have permanently emigrated from New Zealand and you have lived overseas (excluding
Australia) for at least 12 months. If you have permanently emigrated to Australia you cannot make a withdrawal
on the grounds of permanent emigration. However you will be able to transfer all of your KiwiSaver funds to a
participating Australian superannuation scheme (subject to a maximum transfer amount). Please contact your Australian
superannuation scheme provider to obtain a transfer form.


Please compete the checklist below and supply the relevant documents to support your request.

Complete sections 1-2.

Provide proof of bank account (refer to section 3 for our requirements).

Provide certified proof of identity (refer to section 4 for approved identity documents and section 5 for how to
certify those documents).

Provide proof of address (refer to section 6 for our requirements).

Provide proof of departure from New Zealand (refer to section 7 for our requirements).

Confirm if you have ever been adjudicated bankrupt in section 8.

Complete the statutory declaration in section 10 in front of a Justice of the Peace, Solicitor, Notary Public or
other person authorised to take statutory declarations.

You can find a Justice of the Peace near you by visiting the New Zealand’s Justices’ Association website or Yellow Pages He/she will be able to certify your ID and witness your
statutory declaration. You can also call Yellow’s Directory Assistance on 018 (note charges up to about
$1 apply).

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Section 1: Your Details

Title First Name/s


Date of Birth Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme Account No. IRD Number


City Country Postcode

Home Phone Work Phone Mobile

( ) ( ) ( )

Email Address

Section 2: Payment Details

We will only make payments in New Zealand dollars to either a New Zealand bank account or an international bank
account in your name. (The cost of an international transfer is paid by the member). We will adjust your withdrawal
amount for any tax liability.

Name of Bank Account

Swift Code (if an overseas bank account)

Account Number

Bank Branch Account Number Suffix

Name of Bank and Branch Address

Section 3: Proof of your Bank Account

Please provide proof of your bank account name and number by supplying any one of the following:
■■ a pre-coded deposit slip
■■ a copy of a cheque
■■ a copy of a bank statement
■■ an over-the-counter printed receipt with a tellers stamp
■■ an online bank account statement with the name of the bank in the header/footer

Section 4: Identity Documents

Your application must be submitted with one of the identity document options set out in the table below. If these
documents have been provided to us after 30 June 2013, they do not need to be provided again.


One of the following: One of the following:

■■ Passport* (pages containing name, ■■ Full birth certificate*
date of birth, photograph and signature) ■■ Certificate of citizenship
■■ New Zealand driver licence
PLUS one of the following:
■■ New Zealand firearms licence
■■ Overseas driver licence
■■ 18+ Card


One of the following: One of the following:

■■ Full birth certificate* ■■ Full birth certificate*
■■ Passport* ■■ Passport*
■■ Both parents/all guardian’s identification ■■ One parent/one guardian’s identification
(see option 1 or 2 above) (see option 1 or 2 above)
■■ Proof of guardianship (if applicable) ■■ Proof of guardianship (if applicable)

*If you are supplying foreign identity documents you must also supply proof of New Zealand residency.

Section 5: Certifying your Identity Documents

Identity documents must be certified by one of the Identity documents cannot be certified by the
following people: following people:
■■ Justice of the Peace ■■ Yourself
■■ Registered Teacher ■■ Someone related to you
■■ Notary Public ■■ Your spouse or partner
■■ Registered Solicitor ■■ Someone who lives at the same address as you
■■ Registered Doctor ■■ A person benefitting from this withdrawal
■■ Member of Parliament
■■ Chartered Accountant
■■ Police Officer

The person certifying your documents must write the following statement on the copies of your documents:

“I certify this to be a true copy of the original document and confirm it represents the identity of (full name).”

The person certifying your documents must include the following details:
■■ Their name
■■ Their signature
■■ Their occupation
■■ The date of certification
Certification must have been carried out within three months of your application. If you wish, you may personally bring
your identity documents to the Fisher Funds office and we will copy and verify your documents.

Please do not send in original versions of your identity documents.

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Section 6: Proof of Address for all Persons 18 Years and Over

Please provide proof of your physical address (not a PO Box) by sending us a copy of an invoice, statement, letter or
contract in your name, dated within the last 12 months, from one of the following sources:
■■ utility providers e.g. water, electricity, gas, telecommunications
■■ professional service providers e.g. lawyer, accountant, doctor
■■ major service providers e.g. Sky TV, internet provider, newspaper, insurance
■■ central or local government correspondence e.g. IRD, benefit statement, rates notice
■■ current employer payslip
■■ bank correspondence or statement
■■ tenancy agreement

Section 7: Proof of Departure from New Zealand

Please provide evidence of confirmed travel arrangements, copy of passport pages showing departure date stamp or
evidence of necessary visas.

Date of depature

Section 8: Bankruptcy

Have you ever been adjudicated bankrupt or admitted to a No Asset procedure?

Yes No (go to section 9)

If ‘Yes’, please provide details:

Date Official Assignee Reference/Case Number

Section 9: Privacy Statement

Any information that you provide to us may be used by Fisher Funds and the Supervisor and any of their respective
related entities, and by other service providers to the Scheme to provide services in relation to your withdrawal request.
I understand the information supplied by me with this application can be used to electronically verify my identity
and address (where necessary) and may be disclosed for these purposes to third parties where relevant, including a
government agency or reliable, independent source. You have the right to access the information held by us and you
may also request that it be corrected.

Section 10: Statutory Declaration

A Statutory Declaration is a written statement that allows a person to declare something to be true. This page will need
to be completed in front of an authorised person who will witness the declaration.

Who can witness me making the declaration?

The following people can witness you making the declaration
■■ Notary Public
■■ Justice of the Peace
■■ Enrolled solicitor or barrister of the high court


Address Occupation

solemnly and sincerely declare that:

■■ I am member of the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme.
■■ I am applying to withdraw or transfer my balance from the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme.
■■ I understand that any Member Tax Credit amounts will not be paid to me and will instead be repaid to Inland
■■ I confirm that I permanently emigrated from New Zealand at least 12 months ago.
■■ I agree that by withdrawing from the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme I am ending my membership and all claims
that have been made or may be made by me on the Manager and/or the Supervisor in relation to the Fisher Funds
KiwiSaver Scheme.
■■ I understand that my withdrawal value will or might fluctuate based on the unit price(s) which applies when the
withdrawal is processed and that fees, taxes and expenses may be deducted from my Fisher Funds KiwiSaver
Scheme account.
■■ The information given in this form is true and correct. I acknowledge that the Manager and the Supervisor of
the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme will rely on information provided in (or in connection with) this form and
accordingly agree to indemnify them against any claims, liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever
which may arise directly or indirectly as a result of any information provided in (or in connection with) this form
being untrue or misleading (including omission).
■■ I understand that the Manager and/or Supervisor of the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme will not be able to
complete its assessment of this application if the information given in this form is incomplete or incorrect.

I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations
Act 1957.

Your Signature

Declared at
Address Date

Before Me


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