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Objectives cg

3. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics leading to the ability
to understand contemporary terminology, progress, issues, and trends.
4. A thorough introduction to computer graphics techniques, focusing on 3D modeling, image synthesis, and
5. Topics cover: geometric transformations, geometric algorithms, software systems (OpenGL, shaders), 3D
object models (surface, volume and implicit), visible surface algorithms, image synthesis.
6. Shading and mapping, ray tracing, radiosity, global illumination, Monte Carlo path tracing, photon mapping,
and anti-aliasing.
7. The interdisciplinary nature of computer graphics is emphasized in the wide variety of examples and
8. Aiming at conducting Tutorial,seminars and remedial classes.


1.Students will demonstrate an understanding of contemporary graphics hardware.

2. Students will create interactive graphics applications in C++ using one or more graphics application
programming interfaces.
3. Students will write program functions to implement graphics primitives.
4. Students will write programs that demonstrate geometrical transformations.
5. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the use of object hierarchy in graphics applications.
6. Students will write program functions to implement visibility detection.
7. Students will write programs that demonstrate computer graphics animation.
8. Students will write programs that demonstrate 2D image processing techniques.

1. Students can understand the architecture of mode

2. They can analyze the Performance of a compute
performance equation
Understand the architecture of a modern 3. Understanding of different instruction types.
4. Students can calculate the effective address of an
computer with its various processing units. Also addressing modes
5. They can understand how computer stores positiv
the performance measurement of the computer negative numbers.
6. Understanding of how a computer performs arithm
system. In addition to this the memory operation of positive and negative numbers.
7. Understanding of how computer stores floating po
Computer Organization management system of computer. in IEEE 754 standard.
8. Cache memory and its importance.
9. Students can understand how cache mapping oc
computer and can solve various problems related
10. Secondary storage organization and problem solv

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