01 Integrated Marketing Communications BBA-VI, VII, VIII

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus

Detailed Course Outlines

Integrated Marketing Communications (MGT-403)

Catalog Description
Instructor: Muhammad Shafiq Gul
Course Code: MGT-403
Credit Hours: Three (3)
Semester: Spring 2019
Email: mshafiqg@ciit-attock.edu.pk

Course Description
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is an approach to brand communications where the
different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customer. Customers are
presented with a similar tone and style that reinforce the brand’s core message. The ultimate goal
is to make all aspects of marketing communication like advertising, sales promotion, public
relations, direct marketing, personal selling, online communications and social media that work
together as a unified force, rather than in isolation. This synergy between different marketing
elements maximizes their cost effectiveness. The cost effectiveness of mass media due to
fragmentation has forced integrated marketing communications to the forefront of modern
marketing. As consumers spend more time online and on mobile devices, the goal for marketing
teams should be for all exposures of the brand to tie together so they are more likely to be
remembered. Increasingly the strategies of brands cannot be understood by looking solely at their
advertising. Instead they can be understood by seeing how all aspects of their communications
ecosystem work together and in particular how communications are personalized for each
customer and react in real time.

Course Learning Objectives

 To develop a clear understanding of integrated marketing communications (IMC)
 To understand how key elements within the marketing communications mix (e.g.,
advertising, promotion, direct marketing and the Internet) are integrated.
 To know how broadcast media (e.g., television, radio), print media (e.g., magazines,
newspapers), support media (e.g., outdoor advertising), direct marketing (e.g., direct
mail), and interactive media (e.g., the Internet) are used in IMC. 
Program Learning Outcomes
 Outline the nature of IMC and describe its environment;
 Explain how to set IMC objectives and formulate an IMC budget;
 Evaluate creative strategies in the light of given marketing objectives and 
 Analyse and evaluate the cost effectiveness of various forms of media;
 Explain the behavioural factors that influence the effectiveness of 
COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus
 Describe the various control mechanisms to evaluate activities;
 Prepare an IMC Plan.

Recommended Textbook
Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications (2013)
Ninth Edition by Terence A. Shimp & J. Craig Andrews, SOUTH-WESTERN CENGAGS

Assessment Criteria


1 Quizzes 15% 15

2 Assignments 10% 10

3 1st Sessional 10% 10

4 2nd Sessional 15% 15

5 Final Examination 50% 50

Lecture Schedule

The following schedule of lectures on weekly basis will be followed as set out in the table. The
table shows complete details of lecture wise topics, assignment, quizzes and case studies.

Week/Lecture Course Content

Ch01: An Overview of Integrated Marketing Communications
Introduction 6
Lecture Marketing Communications Objectives and Terminology 7
Week 1
1&2 Promotional Mix Elements 8
The Primary Tools of Marketing Communications 9
The Integration of Marketing Communications 10
Ch09: Overview of Advertising Management
Lecture Introduction 234
Week 2
3&4 The Magnitude of Advertising 235
Advertising Functions 241
Week 3 Lecture Ch10: Effective and Creative Ad Messages
5&6 Introduction 260
Suggestions for Creating Effective Advertising 260
Qualities of Successful Advertising 261
What Exactly Does Being “Creative” and “Effective” Mean? 261
Making an Impression 267
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Advertising Plans and Strategy 268
Constructing a Creative Brief 270
Quiz # 1

Ch11: Endorsers and Message Appeals in Advertising

Introduction 290
Lecture The Role of Celebrity Endorsers in Advertising 290
Week 4
7&8 Source Attributes and Receiver Processing Modes 291
The Role of Humor in Advertising 297
Appeals to Consumer Fears 299
Ch11: Endorsers and Message Appeals in Advertising
Appeals to Consumer Guilt 301
Week 5 The Functions of Music in Advertising 304
The Role of Comparative Advertising 306
Assignment # 1 uploaded
Ch12: Traditional Advertising Media
Lecture Introduction 316
Week 6
11&12 Newspapers 316, Magazines 319
Radio 328, Television 331
Ch13: Online and Mobile Advertising
Introduction 352
Search Engine Advertising 355
Week 7 Display or Banner Ads 358
Rich Media: Pop-Ups, Interstitials, Superstitials, and Video Ads
Quiz # 2
Ch13: Online and Mobile Advertising
Websites and Sponsored Sites 362
Week 8 Blogs and Podcasts 363
E-mail Advertising 364
Mobile Advertising 366
Ch 14: Social Media
Introduction 378
Lecture Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages 380
Week 9 Social Networking 381
Organizing Social Media Efforts 391
How to Advertise on Social Networks 391

Ch 15: Direct Marketing and Other Media

Introduction 402
Lecture Direct Marketing 402
Week 10
19&20 Direct-Response Advertising 404
Direct Mail 406
Outbound and Inbound Telemarketing 415
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Ch 18: Sales Promotion Overview and the Role of Trade Promotion
Introduction 512
What Are Sales Promotions’ Capabilities and Limitations? 520
Week 11 The Role of Trade Promotions 525
Trade Allowances 527
Quiz # 3
Assignment # 3 uploaded
Ch 21: Public Relations, Word-of-Mouth Influence, and
Introduction 604
Week 12 Proactive versus Reactive MPR 605
The Special Case of Rumors and Urban Legends 611
Word-of-Mouth Influence 614
Buzz Creation and Viral Marketing 616
Ch 21: Public Relations, Word-of-Mouth Influence, and
Week 13 Sponsorship Marketing 622
Event Sponsorships 623
Cause Sponsorships 629
Ch 22: Packaging, Point-of-Purchase Communications, and
Introduction 640
Week 14 Packaging 640
Point-of-Purchase (POP) Communications 648
On-Premise Business Signage 661
Out-of-Home (Off-Premise) Advertising 663
Ch 16: Advertising Media: Planning and Analysis
Introduction 432
Week 15 The Media-Planning Process 435
Selecting the Target Audience 436
Specifying Media Objectives 437

Week 16 Revision

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