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A Flexible IoT Energy Monitoring Solution

Danielly B. Avancini1 , Simion G. B. Martins1 , Ricardo A. L. Rabêlo2 , Petar Solic3 , Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues1,4,5
1 National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel), Santa Rita do Sapucaí - MG, Brazil
2 Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Teresina-PI, Brazil
3 University of Split, Split, Croatia
4 Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
5 University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza - CE, Brazil,,,,

Abstract— Energy management is a current major concern including smart energy meters. IoT can provide new criteria
due to several reasons. Increasing energy consumption brought for sharing data and information among smart sensors. In
new challenges to energy networks, leading their development this context, IoT can allow these sensors to share informa-
towards an intelligent direction with the advent of smart meters.
Intelligence in energy systems provides results in many hetero- tion by using wireless communication improving the network
geneous applications taking advantage from IoT, such as energy management. In addition, smart sensors must cooperate and
delivery efficiency, reliability, and fault recovery. Energy in smart satisfy several features, such as being dynamically adaptable
environments is an important research topic of IoT since energy to scenarios and changing conditions as well as being able
efficiency is vital for the environment and global sustainability. to monitoring and predict electrical energy consumption, for
Smart meters create the basis for intelligent energy networks,
providing real-time information regarding quality and usage example [3]. Through IoT, the entire power grid chain, both
of appliances, data consumption, and energy flow information. generation and consumption, will become intelligent. Two-way
Besides, the use of an energy management system, capable for communication provided by IoT networks enables capabilities
collecting data from distinct sensors, generate various reports for power grid monitoring and control anywhere and anytime
using collected data, and perform alarm reports based on data [4].
analysis, is a need for both consumers and suppliers. The authors
proposed, designed, and implemented a cost effective three phase In modern energy systems, sensors and transducers will
smart energy meter, IoT enabled, multi-protocol and modular, have a significant role for energy monitoring, in real-time,
capable to collect, process, and transmit several electric energy according to demand. Smart sensors can provide new oppor-
related information, mainly focused on consumer-side, to any tunities for energy consumption or generation measurement,
smart energy control system. It is also proposed the use of and data processing, including decisions on real-time [3]. This
a specific software platform to manage collected information,
performing data analysis and post-processing. The proposed modern concept involves new challenges for energy network
platform is client-server based, expandable, and future-proof, researchers. Several defiance and issues must be faced, such as
allowing further integration. the development of new efficient and smart sensing systems,
Index Terms— Energy Efficiency; Energy Management Sys- capable for attending this dynamic scenario of energy networks
tem; Smart Places; Intelligent Energy Networks; Internet of [3]. Chasing a better energy quality and efficiency has been
Energy; Internet of Things (IoT); Smart Energy; Smart Energy considered essential to stimulate the development of Intelligent
Meter. Energy Networks (IENs) all over the world [1] [5].
Smart energy meters plays most important rule in IENs,
monitoring energy consumption or energy generation and
even controlling appliances. These smart devices can ex-
HE significant increase of global energy consumption change energy consumption information between companies
T brings new challenges to energy networks [1]. It is
estimated that residential and commercial buildings represent
and consumers. Two-way communication is a key feature
that distinguish smart devices from non-smart ones [6]. These
approximately half of the total world energy consumption. equipments record electricity consumption or generation in-
Smart sensors communications are critical due the fact that formation in small time intervals, using voltage and current
sensors collect and transmit very important real-time moni- sensors, and send this information to a central system for
toring data, such as temperature, occupancy behavior, outdoor monitoring and other purposes [2]. Smart energy meters are
environment, humidity, light intensity, electricity quality and not widely studied on research publications, unlike smart grids
consumption, etc. These sensor networks placed in different and IENs. Technologies about smart metering are advancing
buildings and environments can be abstracted and integrated substantially. However, there are important issues to address in
into the same virtual network, which provides the benefit of order to promote this development, like inter-operation stan-
allowing multiple smart environments to be remotely managed dards for equipments [5], [7]–[9]. Then, this paper proposes
by a centralized controller [2]. Therefore, Internet of Things the development of an IoT based smart energy sensor, capable
(IoT) can provide new alternatives to smart sensors networks, to attend IENs demand, such as real-time energy quality and

consumption monitoring, and flexible for being integrated to recording and alarm sending are important to perform energy
any existing wired or wireless network communication. It network status monitoring and useful for consumers to know
also proposes an integrated energy management system for the details about their energy usage [1].
monitoring and control smart sensors in smart environments. Two-way communication enables smart energy meters to
Such solutions are proposed to create a centralized control for transmit not only measured data, but also specific commands
whole smart environment. and instructions for remote appliances control. With this fea-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II ture consumers can remotely manage their appliances, turning
elaborates on a background analysis related to energy meter them on/off as needed. Also, suppliers can perform network
and IENs. The project and development of an IoT based changes or even remotely disconnect consumers energy [1].
smart energy meter able for power monitoring, in real-time, is Smart energy meters should contain a communication module,
described in Section III while Section IV presents the proposed which is responsible for transmitting measured data and receiv-
energy management system. Conclusion and future works are ing instructions to perform specific actions. In order to improve
considered in Section V. smart energy meters reliability, the communication module
usually operates independently of other smart meter functions,
such as metering, data recording, and alarm sending. In this
way, losing connection to the network will not affect other
Electromechanical meters are the most common type of meter’s functions and communication may continue after the
electricity meter. They measure electricity flows by counting equipment gets re-connected [15], [16]. Two-way communi-
the revolutions of a metal disc, which rotates at a proportional cation functionality for smart energy meters can be performed
speed to the energy metered. These equipments do not aggre- via wired or wireless communications. Wired connections usu-
gate intelligence to energy monitoring systems [10]. In other ally provide a larger transmission capacity, while maintaining
hand, electronic meters are integrated with many advanced both reliability and security. However, wired networks usually
features, based on Digital Micro Technology (DMT) and do require larger infrastructure investments when compared to
not depend on mechanical moving parts. Electronic meters are wireless technologies. Fiber options and power line communi-
becoming "smarter" as technology advances, providing real- cation (PLC) are the most common wired technologies used on
time consumption information and other parameters to cos- IENs [17]. For wireless communication, different technologies
tumers and suppliers, using two-way communication. Bidirec- are available for smart meters, each one with specific charac-
tional communication distinguishes smart meters from regular teristics regarding bandwidth, transmission distance, stability,
meters [11]. and cost. Most common wireless technologies used to create
Smart energy meters measure the amount of electrical IENs are ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, and Wireless
energy consumed or generated by the consumer in kilowatt M-bus [12], [16].
hour (kWh) unit. Other parameters commonly measured are Heterogeneous network are frequently proposed when cre-
real power, reactive power, apparent power, voltage, current, ating IENs communication networks. Wired communication
and frequency. To calculate electrical energy consumption it can be used to connect backbones where information of many
is necessary to have three parameters: voltage, current, and smart sensors is transmitted, due to its larger transmission
power factor. These parameters are measured by the voltage capacity. In turn, wireless communication is more efficient
sensor, current sensor, and zero crossing detector [12]. and cheaper when connecting smart sensors in smaller areas,
Many comprehensive functions have been developed and providing flexible and bi-directional communication [17].
added into smart energy meters based on two-way communi- In addition, a new concept has recently gained much
cation. These technical and logical improvements extend the popularity, the Internet of Energy, referring to the specific
applicability of smart energy meters, facilitating technological type of IENs where the Internet is used as a communication
upgrade from conventional meters to smart energy meters tool. Internet continuous development will enable future IENs
[13]. Another important aspect regarding smart energy meters with greater communication capacity, which invites for more
is modularization: basic meters with an open structure can advanced features and applications for smart energy meters.
receive new modules with new functionalities as needed, Given the strengths and weaknesses of every technology, it is
allowing its usage for more than just electric energy meter important to combine different communication technologies in
purposes [11]. order to meet technical requirements and also maintain invest-
Every energy meter must perform a regular and precise ment cost, system reliability, and system security at optimal
metering of energy consumption. One of IENs purposes is levels [16]. An appropriate IoT-based networking model can be
to reduce energy consumption and improve energy network designed and implemented with such combinations, improving
quality, adjusting supplied and demanded energy. To perform IENs efficiency to reach better results both for consumers and
such tasks, smart energy meters are required to operate meter- suppliers [18].
ing hourly or more frequently intervals [14]. Another common The arrival of smart devices has promoted the concept of
functionality directly related to regular and precise metering connecting everyday objects via data networks. The extreme
is to record the registered data and send alarms notifications increase of connected devices has outreached the conventional
according to preset definitions. Besides real-time information, network elements capacity, resulting in a new network ar-
smart energy meters can also record historical and cumulative chitecture creation, based on IoT concept. IoT networks can
data over a certain period, such as energy consumption. Data manage heterogeneous devices and objects, each one uniquely

addressable and capable of identifying and sharing informa-

tion, with or without human interaction. IoT network concept
is matured and receives extensive attention, leading towards
the innovation of novel applications, i.e. smart building, smart
home, smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart industry,
etc. Therefore, making IoT as a standard for connecting smart
sensors, it can help the creation of an universal communication
platform for smart environments [19].


Before smart meters, conventional electromechanical meters
were the main type of devices for measuring electricity flows
and consumption. Measured data was locally displayed on
analogue counters and must be manually recorded. Two-way
communication capability is the most important feature that
distinguishes conventional meters from smart meters [1]. The
authors developed a Smart Energy Meter that incorporates
several communication interfaces, wired and wireless, to pro-
vide two-way information flow. The developed equipment also
support several communication protocols for easy integration
with any remote monitoring software solution. The following
subsections will present the complete proposed solution for
energy monitoring in a Smart Environment.
The proposed solution in this paper is based on a smart
energy meter with improved characteristics including re-
mote management, programming, and control; interoperability
among several power meters, sensors and management sys-
tems; embedded data storing, processing, and decision making
algorithms; and power quality analysis.
With a powerful main processor (ARM Cortex R
- M4
Architecture) and state-of-art energy meter integrated circuit
(IC), the smart energy meter developed can perform a real- Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed IoT Enabled Smart Energy Meter.
time analysis of various electric parameters, detect faults, and
even control different appliances used in smart environments.
Conceived on an open platform and using open protocols, this 3.3Vdc buck regulator. Any phase applied to the meter supplies
smart meter aggregates several functionalities, as the ability voltage to its internal regulator. An optional external 12Vdc
to communicates with others and with Smart Energy Control input is also provided to be used as a battery backup power
Systems. The Wireless IoT connection is provided by a multi- supply. For calibration, internal firmware provides parameters
standard 2.4GHz micro-controller unit (MCU), allowing its for adjusting voltage and current values and phase correction.
connection to almost any Smart Environment (using Bluetooth With accuracy <0.5% over 2000:1 with dynamic range for
Low Energy, Zigbee, RF4CE, or 6LoWPAN). Figure 1 shows phase current, the Smart Energy Meter exceeds ANSI C12.20
a complete equipment block diagram. and IEC 63053 Standard requirements. Figure 2 shows the
Energy meter functionality is performed by sensing volt- created IoT Enabled Smart Energy Meter final board.
age and current from three phases. Alternated voltage is Energy Meter IC provides the following parameters from
directly applied to voltage inputs and alternated current each phase for real-time analysis and historical data: RMS
is sensed using current transformers (CT). Both current Voltage, RMS Current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Ap-
and voltage front-end inputs are protected from spikes us- parent Power, Power Factor, Frequency, and Voltage-Current
ing transient-voltage-suppression (TVS) diodes and varistors. Phase. For a consumption analysis, the following parameters
A 10-bit successive-approximation-register (SAR) analog-to- are provided: Active Import Energy, Active Export Energy,
digital converter (ADC) measures the reduced phase voltage. Reactive Quadrant I Energy, Reactive Quadrant II Energy,
Phase currents are sensed using CTs and converted using 24- Reactive Quadrant III Energy, Reactive Quadrant IV Energy,
bits second-order sigma-delta ADCs, with differential inputs. Apparent Import Energy, Apparent Export Energy, Sag Events
Since the magnitude of current waveform varies more than (Reduced RMS Voltage), Sag Total Duration, Swell Events
the magnitude of the voltage waveform, the higher accuracy (Increased RMS Voltage), and Swell Total Duration.
ADCs should always be used to sense current. The main processor collects power IC data and provides its
The Smart Energy Meter is powered-up by an internal RC information using multi-protocol interfaces. With an internal
power supply, which generates reduced continuous voltage to a HTTP server, all measured data can be accessed using any

Figure 2. Photo of the created IoT Enabled Smart Energy Meter.

Web browser. MODBUS TCP, MODBUS RTU (RS485), and

SNMP V2C protocols are supported in order to integrate Smart
Energy Meter to almost any SCADA and network management
system. RESTful APIs can also be used for any software
The multi-standard Wireless 2.4GHz MCU supports
Bluetooth R
Low Energy (BLE) 4.2 Specification and the Figure 3. Illustration of the proposed Energy Management System Architec-
IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC. The Constrained Application
Protocol (CoAP) and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
(MQTT) IoT protocols can run over Bluetooth R
, ZigBee R
, is developed in C# programming language and uses RESTful
APIs to optimized client-server communication. It supports
and 6LoWPAN or ZigBee RF4CE, allowing equipment
connection to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). a multi-protocol network management system, called Horus
The hardware used by the authors is based on state-of- NMS R
, a solution developed by a Brazilian company, named
art technologies, providing reliable data and multi-standards TSDA Comunicações, that can be used for monitoring smart
connection, and it is cheaper than conventional smart energy sensors. Figure 4 shows a dashboard created for a single phase
meters with equivalent functionalities. It is important to notice Smart Energy Meter monitoring, analyzing parameters in real-
that there is no commercial available solution that provide all time, using Horus NMS R
the supported connectivity options and protocols in a single


As important as the use of smart sensors is the choice of a
suitable software to collect sensors data and make it available
in real-time, in a ubiquitous and safe way [2]. The large
amount of sensors and available data requires a scalable and
expandable platform. These available data are requested by Figure 4. Smart Energy Meter Dashboard.
distinct users in different physical locations. A client-server
software architecture is the best solution for these purposes. Besides real-time monitoring, Horus NMS R
provides sev-
Figure 3 shows an Energy Management System collecting sen- eral distinct reports, where monitored parameters can be
sors data and turning them available to a Network Operation related. Figure 5 shows a report generated by Horus Report
Center (NOC) and remote users, using a client-server based Manager Module with voltage and consumption informations.
software architecture. Information is a valuable resource generated by smart sensors,
Smart environments usually require smart sensor from dis- therefore an Energy Management System must handle it
tinct providers, with different communication protocols, since carefully and provide easy access to these user’s data. As may
there is no single standards for IoT sensors. Based on this, be seen, the system performs very well and offer a promising
an energy management system must be able to communicate IoT-based energy manitoring solution.
with most common smart sensors protocols, such as SNMP,
MODBUS, CoAP, and MQTT [3]. A specific remote monitor- V. M AIN A DVANTAGES AND P OTENTIAL I SSUES OF THE
ing software platform is also proposed in this paper to collect P ROPOSED C ONCEPT
data from smart meters, generate reports with all managed In an environment where more and more people are depen-
data, and send alarm notifications to system users. The solution dent on the good functioning of machines, the idea that failures

Figure 5. Example of an Energy Management System Report.

can and should be avoided highlight the need for continuous operation is interrupted abruptly and for this, many have
monitoring. In addition, a remote operating diagnostics system batteries or no-breaks to avoid variations and lack of energy.
allows the user to check the status of the equipment or an Remote monitoring at the entrance of a building grid will
environment of interest, and can be accessed at any time enable a complete report of the energy supplied by the local
or anywhere in the world and reduce waste. Infrastructure utility. Thus, in addition to obtaining contracted energy quality
monitoring system has many benefits for process control, rapid data will be possible to make preventive decisions in case
problem identification and maintenance agility. In any com- of oscillations in the electric network, such as switching the
pany the cost reduction and the efficiency and the productivity power supply to the generator group.
are criteria in which excellence is sought. A monitoring system
The information and controls will be in a central location
reaches the excellence of its operation when it presents the
and the sensors will be connected to it through Internet
measurements in real time, according to what happens with
of Things technology, allowing the services of interest to
the process equipment or environments.
perform their functions continuously, analyzing the possible
Variable monitoring provides sufficient data to perform interventions needed. In this way, damages can be avoided in
trend analysis, diagnostic and decision making, indicating the an unscheduled way increasing equipment’s lifetime and, also,
actual operating conditions of the monitored services to detect being able to generate proposals to implement improvements,
any change in the state of the data. However, the measurements always seeking a better use and efficiency of all the environ-
and records of the variables are useless if they are not analyzed ment.
and interpreted, since it is the weighted evaluation of these
Through the proposed intelligent energy meter, it will
data that allows a diagnosis and, consequently, the making of
be possible monitoring and controlling other services and
a plan of action.
equipments besides monitoring two way energy flow. Climate
Problems and disturbances regarding the quality of electric control appliances and lighting circuits can be programmed
power are directly related to the performance, wear and and operated whenever necessary, avoiding unnecessary con-
reduction of equipment’s life. The occurrence of oscillations sumption and minimizing energy waste. Usually, the activation
and failures in the electric power supply by the concessionaire of the air conditioners and lamps of an environment are carried
can generate frustrations or losses of equipment. There are out manually, allowing equipment to remain turned on even
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