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•Resolving the
Process capability of
•Planning and lower
Input Construction of illuminance
Aeroponics level received
•Establishing the by the plants to
Problem desired PPF System
nurture a
Statement level that will
influence the •Measuring the
growth and
•Maturity of expansion of distance to attain development of
lettuce and maturity of the the various lettuce and
pechay in indoor leafy plants: desired pechay
farming lettuce and illuminance
pechay in
•Growth of leafy aeroponic •Analyzing the
plants in a lower system. Growth and
illuminance Development of
level Lettuce and
•Improvement n
to the current
techniques of
vertical farming
Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Research Design

In order to accumulate the desired data to be analyzed and interpreted, the

researchers utilized an experimental design which showcased the precision of quantitative

records measured in the growth and development of lettuce and pechay plant in an

aeroponics system. The study applied Completely Randomized Design (CRD) as sampling

distribution technique in the preparation of set ups for both lettuce and pechay plants’

replicates in the three-part vertical farm structure.

The experimental set-up were comprised of three treatments that vary on the

illuminance level received by the plants. Additionally, fourteen replicates of lettuce and

fourteen replicates of pechay were situated for each treatment. These treatments were

positioned adjacent to each other with varying distances situated in a relative environment

that differ only in illuminance level experienced by each crop planted in the system while

keeping other factors in control.

Treatment C Treatment A Treatment B

Figure 3. Three treatments were prepared aligned to each other, each receiving variant
level of illuminance and having 14 samples for lettuce and the same number
for pechay each.

The first treatment showcased the average illuminance among the three, in which

150 PPF (56, 925 lux) were held constant throughout the entire region where the plants are

located. While the second treatment involved the lowest illuminance experienced by plants,

which considered 100 PPF (37, 950 lux). The third treatment take account of the minimum
optimum light requirement in growing leafy plants, and highest among the set-ups, scaling

to 200 PPF (75, 900 lux). The first two treatments (Treatments A and B) serves as the

experimental treatments that were tested and compared to the third treatment (Treatment

C) which is the controlled one. All treatments experienced the same photoperiod of grow

light exposure, similar levels of water and nutrient supply and shared atmospheric pressures

and temperatures in order for the researchers to distinguish the direct influence of various

illuminance in the growth and development of pechay and lettuce plant.

Research Environment

Fabrication of the entire three-part aeroponics system was carried out in Central

Luzon State University (CLSU) Engineering Farm, located near the PAG-ASA station and

Animal Control Center at Maharlika Highway, Science City of Munoz. Tools and materials

used in the construction were procured from different locations in Nueva Ecija and ordered

online: a) LED lights, PVC pipes and related stuffs, and electrical tools were purchased in

ACE hardware and other hardware located in Cabanatuan City; b) Simple Nutrient

Addition Program (SNAP) solution, and brushless motor pump (aquarium pump) were

ordered online via Shopee Philippines and c) Polyfibers, and wood products and plastic

cups were bought in San Jose City and Science City of Munoz respectively.

Pechay seeds that were utilized in the experiment was obtained from TILAH Seed

Center in Brgy. Maligaya, Science City of Munoz, while lettuce seeds were acquired from

Mannalon Agri Shop located near the Science City of Munoz Public Market. These seeds

were planted and sowed by the researchers in the CLSU Engineering Farm before

transplanting into the vertical farms. After two weeks, the seedlings were then moved
inside the chamber for indoor farming where it was observed and studied for more than a

month. The entire experimentations, from the fabrication of vertical farm up to final

gathering of data was commenced within the range of last week of February until third

week of April, then followed by the data analysis in the first week of May.

Materials and Equipment or Instrumentation

Procedures undertaken by the researchers for the entire experimentation of the

study involves two primary course: a) the fabrication of the vertical aeroponics system and

b) the preparation of setups and its data gathering practices which includes observation,

measurement and analysis of collected data from lettuce and pechay planted in the system.

The initial part of the study: the construction of the vertical farm includes a wide

range of materials that includes polymerizing vinyl chloride (PVC) pipes that vary in sizes,

such as three-inches PVC Orange Pipe, one half-inch PVC Blue pipe and their junctions,

namely PVC Orange and Blue Tee and Elbow, Blue Cap and Orange Clean Out and

connector which is PVC Glue, which were all used for the water connections of the system.

Aquarium pump or the brushless water pump was also included to supply the water and

nutrients into the three treatments continuously. While the electrical components that were

used for the lighting connection includes #14 Electrical wires, electrical tape, electrical

outlet and male plug. Sixteen (16)-watts LED daylight were utilized to serve as grow lights

that aids the growth of the leafy plants. Mechanical timers were also used to control the

duration of photoperiod and to regulate the water supply of the system, while extension

cords were used to facilitate the electrical connections of the overall setup.
Aside from water and lighting connections, the entire framework of the aeroponics

systems required wood and other carpentry materials such as good lumbers (2x2x8” and

1x2x8”), claw hammer, 2” nails and 2 ½” nails, and metal wires. Enamel white paint was

applied to the framework and pipes using paint sprayer to protect it from moisture and

environmental exposures. All quantities procured for each materials and there relative

prices were included in the Appendix (number).

Afterwards, the preparation of setups includes the following materials and

instrumentation: due to short maturity duration (four to five weeks) and proven

effectiveness in vertical farms, lettuce and pechay seeds were planted, sowed and

transplanted in aeroponics system to be observed and measured for its responses to the

difference in illuminance level. Paper cups were positioned in each spaces allotted for each

lettuce and pechay, while polyfibers were used during the transplant of seedlings to their

respective spaces to hold the plants in place and prevents leak in water solution that can

affect the water supply of the system. SNAP solution were included to the water supply to

give the necessary nutrients for plants that fill up the absence of soil in its growth and

development. To measure the PPF levels received by the plants per treatment, quantum

flux meter was used and borrowed from the CLSU Engineering Farm.
Data Gathering Procedures

Fabrication of Aeroponics System

As mentioned above, the entire experimentation is subdivided to two phases where

the construction of the vertical farm is the first part. After the different tools and materials

were purchased, these were then compiled and assembled to build the aeroponics system.

A. Aeroponics Tower

Initially, three aeroponics towers were prepared for the three treatments of the study

to serve as the foundation where the crops were grown. In building the tower, three 3”

PVC orange pipe were cut with a length of 125 cm each using a handsaw. These pipes

were then scraped with sand paper to smoothen its edges, and allowing the paint to

easily be applied to its surface. Subsequently, each pipe was divided into four columns,

where each column was partitioned into seven rows. In every row, a 5 cm horizontal

line was cut through into the pipe, rendering up to 28 horizontal lines, with a distance

of 15 cm from each other, around the surface of the pipe. Using an electric heat blower,

these horizontal lines that were cut were subjected into the hot air from the equipment

making the PVC pipe malleable and can be reshaped with ease. Immediately after the

sliced line in PVC pipe is sufficiently heated, a wooden tool with a pointy shape was

penetrated to the slit until it forms a cup-like structure (see Figure 4). The shape formed

served as the space where the seedlings were transplanted and grow up to its maturity.
Figure 4. Cup-like structure that held the seedlings in the aeroponics system

Thereafter, the newly molded spaces from the first column were cooled down

before moving to the next column to prevent unwanted deformations into the pipe.

After all the cut lines were reshaped for all the columns, twenty-eight cup-like spaces

were formed for each of the three tower, where the opening of the spaces have a

distance of 15 cm and a diameter of around 5 cm. The first and third columns

(arbitrarily labeled) were used to cater the same type of crop where the first cup-like

structure is located 10 cm below the peak of the pipe, while the second and fourth

nurture the same variant of plant and its first cup-like structure is located 15 cm below

the peak of the pipe.

B. Water System

After all the aeroponics tower were constructed, these three were then connected

to each other using a base pipe that served as main passageway of water solution from

the three treatments. The base pipe is composed of three 3” PVC orange pipe with

different measurements, two 3” PVC Orange Tee and one 3” PVC orange elbow

bonded using PVC glue (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Base pipe and its parts: a) PVC Elbow, b) PVC Tee and c) PVC pipe,
and their respective distances.

In connecting the components of the base pipe, the opening of the PVC elbow

was positioned 36 cm away from the opening of the first PVC tee, while the second

PVC tee was positioned 50 cm away from the first. These measurements also served

as the distances between the three treatments. When the base line was finished, the

three aeroponics towers were then situated into the three openings of the base pipe

through the PVC clean out.

After installing the base pipe, the water conduits above the tower were then

mounted using PVC Blue pipes. Similar to the structure of the base line, the water

conduits above were composed of one PVC elbow, two PVC tee and different
lengths of PVC blue pipes. In addition to this design, a nozzle was connected in the

end of each openings where the top of the towers were connected, this nozzle breaks

the water into smaller droplets, producing a low pressure water drip inside the

towers. A PVC elbow is also connected in the end of the water conduit that connects

another PVC blue pipe that extends vertically downward towards the water storage.

Figure 6. Water connection inside an aeroponics system which utilize water in an

efficient manner

The water storage used in the water connection is a durable plastic pail with cover

that has a capacity of 16 liters. A circular hole with a diameter of three-quarters of an

inch was cut into the cover in order for the PVC blue pipe be inserted inside the storage.

Another circular hole was cut into the side of the pail with a diameter of 3 inches, the

PVC orange pipe in the end of the base pipe was inserted into this hole to return the
excess water supplied by the water conduit above the tower. Inside the water storage,

an aquarium pump was installed to supply the necessary water to the three aeroponics

towers, allowing the water cycle in the system that minimizes the overall water wasted

during the hydration of plants, thus water consumption was reduced significantly (see

Figure 6 above).

C. Vertical Farm Framework

After installing the water system, the framework of the entire setup were built to

support the entire structure of the aeroponics system, and hold all the connections

associated in it that were used to aid the growth and development of plants.

Variant sizes of good wood were used to construct the framework. Ten 3-meter

good wood were cut into several proportions with a variety of measurements: four

pieces of 180 cm long 1x2” wood, two pieces of 130 cm long 2x2”wood, one piece of

130 cm 1x2” wood and several pieces of 2x2”wood for support. All of these were used

to assemble the entire framework with a length of about 130 cm, a height of about 180

cm, and a width of about 35 cm. Screws and nails were used to link all the wood into

their respective places. Holes were punched in the wood located horizontally above,

with the same distance as the nozzle in the water conduit above the aeroponics tower.

These holes hold the water conduit in place. While 30 cm above the ground, a wood

support were constructed to carry the base pipe and the towers installed along with it.

After the framework was constructed, aeroponics towers and the water system were

situated in the structure and loosen screws were tightened to fix each components into

their respective places. These wood were then grazed by sand papers to remove the
excess timbers in the surface of the wood, to make the lumber be easily painted.

Afterwards, an enamel paint was air sprayed into the whole system, except for the water

storage and the PVC blue pipes. The paint added protection the components of the

system, especially from exposure to moist air that can decay the wood easily.

Moreover, it added aesthetic value in the whole setup which makes the experiment

more presentable.

D. Lighting Setup/Connection

Aside from water, light is also a vital factor in the growth and development of a

crop. In this study, 16W LED Daylights were used as the light source for the lettuce

and pechay. After the water connections were structured in its place in the vertical farm

framework, the lighting setup were then designed and constructed.

Figure 7. Proposed lighting setup for the aeroponics system

Initially, 24 LED daylights were used in the entire setup and proposed to be

positioned with a pattern of 4-3-3-2 in both sides of towers (see Figure 7). Electrical

wires were used to connect the circuit of each LED lights in a parallel connection to

assure that each light receive equal amounts of voltage, and to avoid other light sources

be affected if one source fails to light up. Electrical tapes were then used to cover the

live wires created during the connection of the light sources. In order to fix these LED

lights in both sides of the aeroponics system, pairs metal wires, with a distance based

on the height of the LED daylight, were screwed horizontally in both sides. The LED

lights were then hanged and clipped into those wires following the pattern mentioned

above. The lights were installed in the wires loosely so that in can be adjusted for the

following processes that were undertaken. Each LED daylights were positioned at least

31 cm away from its opposite light source. Male plugs were then fixed into its end wire

of connections, afterwards.

Legend: - LED daylight - Treatment - metal wire

Figure 7. Top view of overall lighting setup for the experiment

Initial Setup for Data Gathering: Preparation of Treatments

Upon finishing the first phase of the experimentation: the fabrication of the vertical

farm system, which includes the aeroponics towers, the water system, the vertical farm

framework and the lighting connections; the second phase was then commenced which

includes the testing of the influence of the illuminance level received by plants in its growth

and development.

Before doing so, the treatments were initially prepared into series of steps that the

researchers undergone to come up with the results significant to the entirety of the paper.

First, plastic cups were cut and adjusted where it can fit into the cup-like structure of the

aeroponics tower. The base of the plastic cups were also punctured with holes to allow the

flow of water through it. These plastic cups were then placed in their respective spaces in

the aeroponics tower.

Second, while the aeroponics system was being fabricated, pechay and lettuce seeds

were sowed by the researchers two weeks before the expected day of transplantation.

During the preparation of treatments, the seedlings were transplanted into their respective

spaces in the aeroponics system. The lettuce and pechay seedlings were carefully removed

from the seedling bed with the aid of water to rinse the dirt and soil particles attached to its

roots. Right after, a small piece of Manila paper was used to cover the entire roots of the

plant and transferred it directly to the cup-like structure of the aeroponics tower. This paper

aided the roots of the crop in absorbing water in the first few days after being transplanted,

since the sudden change in environment may affect processes of the plants as it tries to

adjust with the change. Polyfibers were then inserted together with the seedling. These

cotton-like material has three main purpose: a) supports the seedling after transplantation
as it gives continues supply of moisture to the roots, preventing from drying up and aids in

nutrient absorption, b) blocks off spaces where water could leak, resulting to inefficient

water consumption, and c) serves as the medium where the plants’ roots would hold

without directly affecting the plant’s processes.

Lettuce seedlings were randomly assigned among the three treatments, taking up

two opposite columns per tower. This randomization is also applied to pechay seedlings

who also took up two opposite columns in the tower. Each tower was comprised of 28

seedlings (14 from lettuce and 14 from pechay) that were situated into the same

environment. Afterwards, the plants were labeled above their spaces (e.g. L1 for lettuce on

the highest part of the tower up to L7 to the lettuce on the lowest part; L8 is located with

the same height opposite to L1, as well as L14 to L7. The same labeling was used on

pechay). After being labeled, the entire aeroponics system was moved inside the second

chamber of the CLSU Engineering Farm, which is specifically designed for indoor

farming. The room’s wall was made of reflective aluminum sheets, to maximize the

distribution of light, two exhaust fans and two air conditioners were installed to maintain a

stable temperature inside.

Upon positioning the setup, the mechanical timers were installed in the water

system and lighting connections to control the duration of photoperiod and water supply of

the plants. The mechanical timers for the water system were adjusted to operate every 15

minutes, (15 minutes with water supply, 15 minutes without) to maintain a stable rhythm

of plant hydration that keeps the roots from drying up. On the other hand, the lighting

system were adjusted to have a 16-hour photoperiod (16 hours exposure to light per day, 8

hours in without the presence of light). The light source operated five-o-clock in the
morning and shut downs nine-o-clock in the evening daily. These certain periods allowed

the plants to experience a complete darkness during night and unaltered light intensity

received during the day.

The SNAP solution (nutrient solution) which served as an alternative for benefits

given by the soil (such as potassium, nitrogen, iron and other nutrients needed by the

plants), was supplied to the plants only after 3 days, to give time for the plants to adapt to

its environment. Application of SNAP solution within the same day of transplantation may

burn the leaves and proc the wilting of the plant. After three days, the SNAP solution A

and B were mixed into the water supply in less concentration (10 ml) to avoid abrupt

changes in the level of nutrients in the water that can affect the plant’s growth. One week

after transplant, the concentration of SNAP solution shifts to the standard ratios (25 ml per

10 liters of water) indicated in the label of the product, since the effect of such changes

were not delicate enough to harm the plant’s processes.

After series of testing in the water system, checkups in the electrical connections of

the light sources, and facilitation of nutrients solutions, the treatments were finally prepared

and ready for observation, data gathering and analysis over the course of five weeks.
Inspection, Data Collection and Analysis

Immediately after the setups were prepared, the LED lights were adjusted to attain

the desired illuminance level for each treatment. Using quantum flux meter, the PPF levels

were measured by the researchers for each treatment. If the instrument indicate a lower

PPF level compared to the desired level, the lights were shifted towards the tower, if a

higher measurement is shown, the lights were shifted away. Since the positioning of the

lights and overall design of the setup do not allow totally equal PPF levels, the researchers

assigned a range of ±10 PPF for each treatment. Therefore Treatment A must have a PPF

level within the range of 150±10 PPF, Treatment B in 100± 10 PPF and Treatment C a

range of 200±10 PPF level. Once all treatments received the desired PPF levels, the

distance between the LED lights and the plant were measured from both its left and right.

These measurements were recorded to indicate the average distance required to have a

certain level of illuminance.

Subsequently, the initial leaf dimension (length and width) of each plant were

measured in millimeters. In measuring the length of leaves in pechay plant, the distance

between the apex of the leaf and its base were considered. While in lettuce plant, the entire

length of the leaf was measured, which is from shoot to the apex. On the other hand, the

width were measured by quantifying the diameter of the leaf, both for pechay and lettuce.

These initial measurement for leaf dimension was conducted to be compared for the final

measurement of the leaf dimension after it has reached its maturity period.

Henceforth, in addition to the initial and final measurements, growth rate of leaf

dimensions of the plants were measured weekly to observe in which treatment the lettuce

and pechay grow better in specific period/week of its growth. Growth rate was measured
by subtracting the current measurement from the past week’s measurement. Pechay plants

were measured its growth rate weekly in a duration of four weeks, while lettuce plants

extended up to five weeks, since pechay plants grow faster compared to lettuce.

Aside from data gathering methods, the researchers also undergone daily visitation

in the setup to ensure that all components of the system functions properly, and in order

for the plant to have accurate responses on different levels of illuminance and to minimize

the errors that may affect the results of the study. Moreover, if the water supply in the

storage reach the critical level (pertains to the point when the water level reaches the end

of the PVC blue pipe), the storage is refilled with the combination of 25 ml of SNAP

solution and 10 liter tap water.

Final Setup for Data Gathering: Growth and Development

After four weeks of observation and daily visitation by the researchers, the pechay

plants were measured for its different measurements, observed its responses and leaf

qualities. On the other hand, lettuce plants that were observed for five weeks were also

measured in the same aspects. Both pechay and lettuce undergone series of steps in order

for the researchers to accumulate the data needed to be analyzed and interpreted. The steps

are as follows:

A. Measurement of Leaf Dimensions (Length and Width)

Leaf dimensions pertains to the measurement of the leaf’s length and width, which

signifies how much do the leaf grew within the span of four or five weeks. Since lettuce

and pechay leaf are irregular shapes, the leaf surface area is difficult to measure and
requires extensive instruments that are out of field of the students. Therefore, leaf

dimension were used to describe the overall growth of the plants, specifically its length

and width. In this study, the initial length and width of the plants were measured as

well as their final length and width.

In measuring the length of pechay plant, the measurements starts from the tip/apex

of the leaf up to the leaf base or where the leaf blade ends. While in lettuce plant,

measurement of the length starts from the tip/apex of the leaf towards the shoot or the

site where new buds of lettuce grow. Measuring the width of the leaf is similar for both

pechay and lettuce where the diameter of the leaf in flat ground is measured. After

measuring the leaf dimensions of lettuce and pechay in all treatments, the average

growth were calculated.

The average growth pertains to the difference of the initial length and width to its

final length and width, where it will determine “how long does the leaf grow within the

given duration?” Since length and width are independent quantities in the study,

separate tables for length and width were drawn. The average growth of leaf’s length

is equal to the difference of the average initial length of fourteen replicates and the

average final length of the same replicates. The same computation applies to the width

of the leaves. Afterwards, these measurements were then compared among the three

treatments to test its difference. Different tables were drawn from lettuce and pechay

since these two crops were regarded as independent to one another.

B. Measurement of Leaf Count

Leaf count defines the number of leaves the plant vegetated over the course of

certain time period. Aside from leaf dimension, leaf count also describes the

development of the plant as it grow to a certain conditions. In this study, leaf count

pertains specifically to the mature leaves produced by each crop from seed to maturity


In order to distinguish the average leaf count for each treatment, the researchers

manually count the total leaves developed by each of the fourteen replicates of pechay

and lettuce and divided it by fourteen. Only the mature leaves were counted, while the

shoots were not included. The resulting number is the average leaf count for each

treatment and were compared among the three treatments that varies in PPF levels.

C. Measurement of Crop’s Fresh Mass

Aside from the external measurements, the aggregate of plant materials, along with

the water and air content of the crops were measured. Fresh mass is the total mass of

the crop right after being harvested, which still have amounts of water and air inside

that can add to its weight. In this study, the researchers weighed the fresh mass of

lettuce and pechay in grams using a digital scale.

The pechay and lettuce plant were harvested using scissors to cut off the roots from

the leaves and shoots. The roots may have a significant effect on the mass of the plant,

but since the plants were installed in an aeroponics system, the roots of the crops tend

to entangle with one another, making it impossible to remove the pechay and lettuce
plant from its respective spaces separately. Since roots of these crops are not usually

considered part of the edible portion of these crops, the researchers neglect its mass for

all the replicates and treatments. Using the digital scale, a container was used to the

hold the pechay and lettuce in place. Since this container can add up to the mass of the

crop, the researchers used the feature of the digital scale of neglecting this excess

weight by pressing “Tare.”

After weighing all the crops, the average fresh mass for each treatments were

computed and then compared to each other. The same with the leaf dimension and leaf

count, the pechay plant and lettuce plant were considered independent to one another,

therefore different tables were drawn from each of the two crops.

D. Leaf Quality Description

Leaf quality scopes wide range of description but in this study, it focuses on three

aspects which are visual attributes, external texture and basic chromaticity. Visual

attributes refer to certain characteristics that can be distinguished in leaf, such as the

shape of the leaf, any deformities or evidences of pests and overall structure of the

plant. External texture, on the other hand, relates the tactile consistency of the leaf’s

surface, such as smoothness of the leaf, or presence of bumps. Lastly, basic

chromaticity is technically the color of the leaf and its respective saturation (e.g. more

green or pale green). Since these aspects cannot be measured by figure or

quantitatively, the researchers utilized a descriptive method on portraying the data that

were gathered from the growth of plants in the different treatments.

The descriptive method that were used is more of a comparison between the

treatments, rather than depiction using concepts and theories that were too intricate to

be included in this study. Therefore, the leaf quality for each treatments were described

relative to the characteristics of the other treatments, thus allowed comparison of results

that can support the results in other objectives of the study.

Statistical Data Analyses

From figures gathered and plotted into tables, the researchers used a statistical tool

of comparing mean of more than two treatments (which in the case of this study is three)

to analyze the results gathered from the data gathering procedures. Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) was used in comparing the means of leaf dimensions, leaf count and fresh mass

of the three treatments both from pechay and lettuce that were grown in an aeroponics

system. This test were used to resolve the uncertainty if a lower illuminance received by

the lettuce and pechay can produce a crop that is comparable to the minimum optimum

light requirement established, if it was grown in a vertical farm setup and utilized artificial

light source. ANOVA results that showed a significant difference undergone Post-Hoc test,

where in this study, used Least Significant Difference (LSD) test to determine which of the

following pair of treatment has a significant difference.

• Leaf Quality
• Measurement of
Data Analysis Crop's Fresh Mass

• Measurement of
Leaf Count
• Measurement
Final Data Gathering of Leaf
Setup Dimensions

Inspection, Data
Gathering and Analysis

Initial Data Gathering


Fabrication of
Aeroponics System

Collection of Materials
and Equipments

Figure 8. Flow Chart of the Study

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