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Conference Paper

“Fundamental Concepts in Substation Design”

James R. Lusby

Black and Veatch

Paner No

93 D2 0 1993 IEEE


James R. Lusby, P.E.

Project Manager
Transmission and Distribution Division
Black 8c Veatch

ABSTRACT: Electric utility substations vary widely in (d) To control power flow in the utility
design and appearance, depending on the purposes for system by switching elements into or out
the substation and its location. A 69/13.8 kV distribu- of the utility system.
tion substation near a rural community, for example, (e) To provide sources of reactive power for
will be quite different in design and possibly appear- power factor correction or voltage control.
ance from a 500/230 kV substation at a nuclear power (f) To provide data cOncerning system param-
plant. The fundamental design concepts, however, are eters (voltage, current flow, power flow) for
the same. use in operating the utility system.

This paper describes some of the basic concepts When the utility system is discussed, it is almost
which are common in the design of all substations, and always the "ac" or alternating current system that is
provides a general outline for substation design in an referred to. Electric energy in the United States and
appendix. Substations and their component systems throughout the world is generated and consumed as ac
are described, along with the various bus configurations electric energy. Most utility system interconnections
and types of construction in use today. are synchronous ac connections at a transmission net-
work voltage level. Some utility systems are intercon-
An overview of substation design and general nected asynchronously using direct current systems, or
information for the planning and preparation required "dc." These dc interconnections are not common, and
to design a substation are also presented. are much higher in capital cost than comparable ac
What is a Substation?
A substation is an installation that interconnects There are many kinds of ac substations.
elements of an electric utility's system. These elements Generating station substations transform generation
can include generators, transmission lines, distribution voltage (usually 15 kV through 23 kV) up to trans-
lines, and even neighboring utility systems. It is mission network voltage (usually 69 kV through
common to refer to the transmission and distribution 500 kV). Transmission switching substations inter-
elements as networks or again, as systems. Depending connect portions of the utility system transmission
on the size and complexity of a particular utility system, network, but do not include transformation between
the transmission and/or distribution networks may voltage levels. Transmission step-down (or step-up,
include more than one voltage level. For instance, a depending on your point of view) substations inter-
utility's transmission network may include 115 kV and connect portions of the utility system transmission
230 kV transmission lines, while another utility's dis- network, and include transformation between trans-
tribution network may include both 13.8 kV and mission network voltage levels. Distribution step-down
34.5 kV distribution lines. substations may or may not interconnect portions of the
utility system transmission network, include transforma-
The functions of a substation may include one or tion between transmission network and distribution
following: network voltage levels, and interconnect portions of the
utility system distribution network. Distribution sub-
To isolate a faulted element from the rest stations interconnect portions of the utility system
of the utility system. distribution network, and may include transformation
To allow an element to be disconnected between distribution voltage levels.
from the rest of the utility system for
maintenance or repair. DC interconnections are made with one of two
To change or transform voltage levels specialized types of substations. The first type, ac/dc
from one part of the utility system to or dc/ac conversion stations, interconnect the ac
another. transmission network of one utility system with a dc

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transmission line or network. The dc line or network Both the switchyard and the control building are
connects with one (or more) other conversion stations. constructed on a site that must be made secure,
The second type, ac/dc/ac (back-to-back) conversion sometimes screened from the public, and has adequate
stations, interconnect the ac transmission network of access to public roads for the delivery and removal of
one utility system with the ac transmission network of large equipment and structures.
another utility system. In effect, this is two conversion
stations on the same site with the dc transmission line Following are descriptions of the various systems
inside the converter building. of a typical substation, including the functions and
components of each system.
Substation Svstems
Experienced substation designers break a sub- Site-Related Svstems
station down into smaller pieces so that they can Site-related systems are those that have to do
develop design criteria, prepare calculations, write with substation security, appearance, and access. These
specifications for purchasing and construction, and systems include the following.
prepare descriptive drawings. Defining substation
systems and then dealing with each of them individually Securitv Fence/Wall Svstem. The security
makes substation design manageable and understand- fences/wall system prevents entry of unauthorized
able, and these small pieces are the systems that persons to the substation, provides adequate electrical
together make up a substation. clearance from energized buses and equipment to areas
accessible to the public, and provides entry to the
A substation system is a set or arrangement of substation for equipment delivery, removal, and
components so related or connected to perform a maintenance. For some substations, another function
common function. Each system has a definable of this system is to screen the substation from the
function to which the system components contribute. public. The components of the security fence/wall
A substation consists of many systems which may be system are the fence or wall, the gates that allow entry
broadly classified into the following categories: to the substation, and the below-grade foundations that
support the fence or wall.
(a) Site Related Systems.
(b) Switchyard Systems. Site Access Svstem. This system allows access
(c) Control Building Systems. to the substation from public roads, and access inside
(d) Protection, Control, and Metering the substation fence/wall for the installation, removal,
Systems. and maintenance of the substation equipment, buswork,
(e) Auxiliary Systems. and structures. The site access system includes the
access road from the designated public road to the
A typical substation consists of a switchyard and substation, and the access ways and corridors estab-
a control building of some kind, as shown in Figure 1. lished within the substation.
The switchyard is usually the outdoor, open air
insulated, high voltage portion of the substation. Site Grading, Drainage, and Surfacing
However, the switchyard can still be air insulated, but Svstem. The site grading, drainage, and surfacing
enclosed within a building for aesthetic or environ- system provides a reasonably level switchyard for access
mental reasons. A switchyard can also be metal- to equipment, positive drainage of storm water from
enclosed and SF, gas insulated, thus requiring a the switchyard, a driveable surface within the
smaller area than a comparable air insulated switchyard, and a layer of constant resistivity crushed
switchyard. Gas insulated switchyards (GIS) can be rock above the ground grid for personnel safety. The
installed either outdoors or indoors. site grading, drainage, and surfacing system includes
the drainage facilities and surfacing materials selected.
The control building contains the equipment that Drainage facilities may simply consist of sloping the
protects, controls, and monitors the switchyard. The switchyard from a higher elevation at the center to a
control building may be a small pre-engineered metal lower elevation at the fence lines, or may include a
building, or a large masonry and steel frame control/ series of collection basins piped together and
switchgear building that houses both protection, collectively drained to a retention facility such as a
control, and metering equipment, and distribution pond or the city storm-water sewer system.



ACCESS - . . .....-.
...., ......

....., .....

... .,..... /.’ ’.--...... ...

- I


Figure 1. Typical Substation

Siie LandscaDinQSvstem. The site landscap- Bus Svstem. The bus system interconnects the
ing system beautifies the site and complements the sub- high voltage portions of the various components of the
station fence/wall to screen the substation from public switchyard to form the required bus configuration for
view. This system includes the various plantings and the substation.
any sprinkler (irrigation) facilities selected for the
particular substation. The components of the bus system include the
rigid and strain bus conductors, the fittings used to
Switchvard Svstems connect the bus conductors to the switchyard equip-
Switchyard systems are those that describe the ment, and the insulators that support the bus
facilities installed in the substation high voltage conductors.
switchyard. These systems include the following.
Measurinq and Relavinq Communications
Switchinq EauiDment Svstem. The switching Equipment Svstem. The measuring and relaying
equipment system connects and disconnects elements communications equipment system provides low voltage
of the substation or utility system from the rest of the or low current inputs to the protective relaying and
substation or utility system. Some components of this metering equipment which are proportional to the
system, such as the circuit breaker, are capable of voltage or current which exists in the substation buses
interrupting (disconnecting) the very large quantities of and equipment, and transmits protective relaying equip-
current associated with electrical short circuits, or ment communication signals on transmission line con-
faults. Other components can switch (connect or dis- ductors. The measuring and relaying communications
connect) normal levels of load current, and some can equipment system includes potential transformers
be operated only if little or no current is flowing. (PTs), coupling capacitor voltage transformers
Some components are normally operated electrically (CCVTs), current transformers (CTs), bushing current
from a remote location; others can only be operated transformers (BCTs), line traps, and line tuning units.
manually at the component location. Other less widely used components include bushing
potential devices and linear couplers.
The components of the switching equipment
system include circuit breakers, circuit switchers, circuit Reactive Power Compensation Equipment
reclosers, and disconnect switches. Power fuses can Svstem. The reactive power compensation equipment
also be included in this system. The supporting system supplies large quantities of capacitive or reactive
foundation for circuit breakers and any other system power for power factor improvement or voltage con-
equipment not supported by a switchyard structure are trol, limits fault current on buses or distribution lines,
also included within this system. and supplies low impedance tuned paths to ground for
harmonic voltages, which are "nuisance" voltages
Power Transformation Equipment Svstem. occurring at frequencies above 60 hertz.
The power transformation equipment system transfers
power between voltage levels in the utility system. In The components of the reactive power compen-
effect, the components of this system create the trans- sation equipment system include capacitor banks and
mission and distribution voltage levels of the utility reactors, installed individually or in combinations. The
system. Power is generated at the voltage level of the most common form of reactive power compensation is
generator, and must be transformed up to transmission the installation of bulk capacitor banks within a sub-
voltage levels, then back down to distribution voltage station which are switched on or off to supply capaci-
levels by power transformers. The components of this tive power to the system. Current limiting reactors are
system are the various types of power transformers sometimes installed on distribution feeders to add
found throughout the utility system, such as generator impedance to the feeder source impedance, thus limit-
step-up transformers, transmission step-up trans- ing the current that can flow if the feeder is faulted.
formers, and distribution step-down transformers. The Harmonic filters are installed in HVDC stations to
supporting foundation and oil spill containment short or shunt harmonic voltages to ground, thus pre-
facilities for the power transformers are also included venting these harmonic voltages from entering the
within this system. utility system. The supporting foundations for any


system equipment not supported by a switchyard struc- Linhtina and Communication Svstem. The
ture are also included within this system. lighting and communications system illuminates the
switchyard for security, illuminates switchyard
Direct Stroke and Surge Protection Svstem. equipment for emergency switching and repair, and
The direct stroke and surge protection system protects provides a means for personnel to be paged and to use
the switchyard and control building from being struck telephone communications. The lighting and communi-
by lightning, and protects the insulation system of the cations system includes the various light fwures,
switchyard equipment from transient, high voltages lighting control devices and interconnecting wiring, and
entering the substation from the transmission or distri- the telephone and paging devices and interconnecting
bution systems. These transient voltage waves can be wiriing installed throughout the switchyard.
caused by lightning strikes to the transmission or distri-
bution lines, or from switching of the transmission Control Building Svstems
system. The components of this system include the Control building systems are those that describe
shielding masts and wires and the surge arresters the structure and supporting facilities that compose the
installed within the switchyard. The supporting founda- control building. These systems include the following.
tions for lightning masts are also included within this
system. Buildinn Architectural Svstem. The building
architectural system provides a durable, weatherproof,
Switchvard Support Structure Svstem. The and attractive enclosure for the substation equipment
switchyard support structure system provides support requiring indoor installation. The components of the
for the switchyard equipment and bus at the elevations building architectural system include the roof, walls,
needed for adequate electrical clearance from grade to interior partitions, doors, windows, penetrations, floor
the bus or equipment live parts, and terminates out- coverings and paints, and plumbing. The selection of
going transmission or distribution line conductors building appearance and colors would be made as part
within the switchyard. The components of this system of the design of this system. Fireproofing of walls and
include the various stands for disconnect switches, roof would also be designed as part of this system.
measuring equipment, bus support insulators, surge
arresters, and termination structures for overhead or Building Structural Svstem. The building
underground transmission and distribution lines. The structural system supports the roof and walls of the
foundations for the structures would be included within building, and equipment mounted within the building,
this system. and provides level floors within the building. The
components of the building structural system include
Grounding Svstem. The grounding system the structural steel frame, floors, and foundation.
protects personnel within the substation from encoun-
tering large potential differences during voltage or Building Space Conditioning Svstem. The
current transients, provides a low impedance path to building space conditioning system provides a clean,
true earth for proper protective relaying operation, and uniform temperature and humidity environment within
dissipates into the earth large current flows from the building, and exhausts fumes and odors from inside
lightning strikes or faults. The components of the the building. This system is also known as the heating,
grounding system include the buried ground rods and ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The
conductors that form the ground grid, and the con- components of the building space conditioning system
ductors, called stingers, that attach equipment and are the heating, air conditioning, and ventilating devices
support structures to the grid. installed within the building; the ductwork used to dis-
tribute or collect air within the building; and the
Racewav Svstem. The raceway system con- controls that operate the system equipment.
tains, supports, and protects from physical damage
control and power cables within the switchyard. Most Building Grounding Svstem. The building
switchyard raceway system components are installed grounding system protects personnel from electric
below grade. The components of the raceway system shock by connecting equipment enclosures to the
within the switchyard can include cable trench, duct substation grounding grid and provides low resistance
banks, conduit, manholes, junction boxes, and pull paths to ground for protective relaying equipment.
boxes. Depending on the types of equipment installed within

the building, the building grounding system may also some combination of the three. The action taken can
provide a low impedance path for fault current flow to be the tripping (opening) or closing of a switching
ground. The building grounding system is connected to device such as a circuit breaker. The protective
the switchyard grounding system and is actually an relaying system for a given substation is subdivided into
extension of the switchyard grounding system. relaying schemes, each scheme designed to monitor
and protect a portion (zone) of the substation or utility
The components of the building grounding system. Examples are the protection of power
system are the ground rods and conductors buried transformers, substation buses, or transmission lines.
below the ground floor slab that extend the switchyard The components of this system include the various
ground grid below the building, the conductors that relays and associated relaying communications
ground the steel frame of the building, and the equipment that make up the protective relaying
conductors that ground the raceway and equipment schemes for the substation.
enclosures within the building.
Control Svstem. The control system provides
Buildinq Racewav Svstem. The building race- a means of manually operating electrically operated
way system contains, supports, and protects from devices, either from within the substation control
physical damage control and power cables within the building, or from a remote operating (dispatch) facility,
control building. The components of the building and monitors selected system parameters and auto-
raceway system can include cable trench, cable tray, matically operates equipment under normal circum-
conduit, electrical metallic tubing, wireway, junction stances within preset limits. Devices that are manually
boxes, and pull boxes. operated by this system can include circuit breakers,
circuit switchers, power transformer load tap changers,
Buildinq Liqhtincl and Communication and motor-operated disconnect switches. Examples of
Svstem. The building lighting and communications normal automatic operation are the changing of power
system illuminates the exterior entrances to the build- transformer taps or the switching on or off of capacitor
ing for security and the interior of the building for banks. The components of the control system include
operation and maintenance of the equipment installed the control switches mounted on the control panels
within the building, emergency egress, emergency within the control building, the automatic control
operation and repair of equipment within the building, schemes installed within the control panels within the
and provides a means for personnel to be paged and to control building, and the SCADA equipment which
use telephone communication. allows remote operation of the substation equipment.

The components of this system include the Meterinq Svstem. The metering system pro-
various light fMures, lighting control devices and inter- vides a quantitative measurement of system parameters
connecting wiring, and the telephone and paging and displays those measurements for operator infor-
devices and interconnecting wiring installed throughout mation or for record. Meters can show the amount of
the control building. The switchyard lighting and voltage to ground or between phases of substation
communications system is an extension of this system. buses, the amount of current flowing in a substation
bus, transmission line, or transformer, or the amount
Protection, Control, and Meterina Svstems of instantaneous, average, or accumulated real or
Protection, control, and metering systems describe the reactive power flowing through a substation bus, trans-
protective relaying, local and remote control, indication, mission line, or transformer. The metering system can
monitoring, annunciation, and metering equipment also input to the SCADA equipment, displaying read-
included in most substations. These systems include ings of system parameters at the remote dispatch
the following. center. The components of the metering system
include the meters installed on the control panels
Protective Relavinq Svstem. The protective within the control building. Also included are the
relaying system protects substation equipment or the transducers that convert system parameters into
utility system from damage and limits the damage of SCADA input signals.
faulted equipment by monitoring the operation of the
utility system and by taking action automatically if the Indication and Annunciation Svstem. The
parameters being monitored exceed the limits preset indication and annunciation system informs operating
for the relaying system. The parameters being personnel of the status of switchyard equipment (open
monitored can be voltage, current, or frequency, or or closed) and draws attention to the misoperation or

abnormal condition of substation equipment. The The components of this system are the various
indication of equipment status can be displayed with types of insulated cables used throughout the
indicating lights installed on the control panels within substation.
the control building or displayed in the remote dispatch
center via the SCADA equipment. The annunciation Fire Protection Svstem. The fire protection
of equipment misoperation can be displayed by a system detects and a l a r m s fires within the control
flashing annunciator window and horn within the building or in the area of major switchyard equipment
control building or displayed in the remote dispatch such as power transformers and provides a means of
center via the SCADA equipment. extinguishing fires.

Auxiliarv Svstems This system includes the various detectors and

Auxiliary systems describe the auxiliary power alarm system devices that detect fires and the extin-
facilities, interconnecting cabling, and fire protection guishers, hose cabinets, deluge systems, and other
equipment that are included in most substations. devices to extinguish fires.
These systems include the following.
Bus Confiaurations
AC Station Service Svstem. The ac station The equipment and buses installed in the
service system supplies electric power for the normal substation switchyards are arranged and connected in
operation of equipment auxiliaries, space conditioning, specific ways to form bus configurations. The industry
and lighting within the substation. Equipment a d - has developed several standard bus configurations that
aries include power transformer cooling pumps and vary in complexity, cost, and reliability.
fans, power transformer load tap changers, circuit
breaker operating mechanism compressor motors, and The standard bus configurations are the radial
equipment enclosure space heaters. The components bus, sectionalized radial bus, main and transfer bus,
of this system include the system source transformers, single breaker double bus, ring bus, one-half breaker,
transfer switches, panelboards, transformers required to breaker and one-half, and double breaker double bus.
reduce voltage levels within the system, and safety The layout of a substation for any particular con-
switches required for equipment power disconnection. figuration may vary to accommodate differences in
equipment type, size and arrangement, and site specific
DC Station Service Svstem. The dc station criteria.
service system supplies reliable electric power for the
operation of the protection and control systems, for the Radial Bus
emergency egress of personnel, and operation of the The radial bus configuration is shown in
substation. The dc station service system is normally Figure 2, and consists of one main bus to which lines,
sourced from the ac station service system through the transformers, and shunt capacitor banks are connected
battery chargers which convert ac power to dc power. through circuit breakers, circuit switchers, or motor-
If the ac station service system loses its sources, the dc operated or manually-operated disconnect switches.
station service system continues to supply power to its
connected loads from the substation battery for a pre- Radial bus substations are the simplest to
determined period. The components of this system operate, but have the least system reliability and
include the substation battery, battery charger, transfer flexibility of operation. Bus faults and failure of a
switches, and panelboards. breaker to operate for a fault require an outage of the
complete substation. In radial bus substations, it is
Power and Control Cable System. The necessary to take an outage of a circuit to perform
power and control cable system interconnects the low periodic or emergency maintenance on its associated
voltage measurement and control components of the circuit breaker.
equipment within the switchyard and control building
to implement the various protective relaying, control, As shown in Figure 3, breaker bypass switches
metering, indication, and station service systems. This can be installed to allow removal of a circuit breaker
system includes low voltage cables, usually rated from service for maintenance without an outage of the
600 volts or less. associated circuit, but this leaves the circuit without

4 Ir


k E l ~ E : r

,-j ,$
Main Bus


I I I I Figure 2. Radial Bus

Main Bus
Circuit Leading To
Other Substations


Normally Open
Bypass Switch

1. Circuit

Figure 3. Breaker Bypass Switch

relay protection. When the breaker is isolated for Advantages of the radial bus substations over
maintenance, the bypass switch is closed, and the other configurations are lowest cost, small required
circuit breaker and its associated disconnect switches land area, ease of expansion, simple operation, and
are opened. All protective relaying and control for the simple protective relaying. Disadvantages include low
circuit at the local substation are removed from service reliability, low flexib&ty of operation for maintenance,
when the circuit breaker is isolated. A fault on the and the removal of the substation from service in cases
circuit with its associated circuit breaker bypassed of bus faults and failure of a breaker. The radial bus
requires an outage of the complete substation. configuration is generally applied in substations from
distribution voltage through 161 kV and in locations ciated disconnect switches are opened. Reliability and
where system reliability is not critical. protection are not compromised during maintenance.
Considerable attention must be given to the selection
Sectionalized Radial Bus of the protective relaying for the transfer circuit
The sectionalized or split radial bus is shown in breaker.
Figure 4, and is a modification of the radial bus. This
configuration is two radial buses tied together through The advantages of main and transfer bus sub-
a sectionalizing or bus tie circuit breaker. The sec- stations when compared to other configurationsinclude
tionalizing circuit breaker can be operated normally the small land area required, ease of expansion,
open or normally closed, depending on system require- increased flexibility of operation over radial bus or split
ments. Bus faults or the failure of a breaker (other radial bus, and the fact that any breaker can be
than the tie breaker) to operate for a fault requires an removed from service without an outage of the circuit
outage of only the affected bus section. served. Disadvantages over the radial bus are the
increased cost, increased complexity of operation,
The grouping of circuits on bus sections is increased complexity of protection, and no improve-
determined by examining system operating criteria. ment in reliability.
Circuits should be arranged to prevent outages on
similar or redundant circuits. Circuits fed from the The main and transfer bus configuration is gen-
same source or circuits feeding the same load should erally applied in substations from distribution voltage
be on different bus sections. through 161 kV and in locations where system relia-
bility is not critical.
Breaker bypass switches can be applied in
sectionalized radial bus substations and operate the Sinqle Breaker Double Bus
same as in radial bus substations. The single breaker double bus configuration
(Figure 6) is a modification of the sectionalized radial
Sectionalized radial bus substations offer the bus. This configuration consists of two main buses
advantages of small land area, increased reliability over connected through a tie circuit breaker. Each circuit
radial bus, increased flexibility of operation over radial has one circuit breaker that can be connected to either
bus, and ease of expansion. Disadvantages when com- main bus through disconnect switches. This configura-
pared to the radial bus include increased cost, tion allows circuits to be connected to either main bus
increased complexity of operation, and increased com- to balance load, separate critical circuits, or place
plexity of protective relaying. sources on each bus, and allows all circuits to be
connected to one bus in case of an outage on the other
The sectionalized radial bus configuration is bus. Switching of a circuit from one bus to the other
generally applied in substations from distribution is not automatic, and requires manual switching.
voltage through 161 kV and in locations where system
reliability is not critical. Single breaker, double bus substations have the
same advantages and disadvantages as the split bus
Main and Transfer Bus radial, and additional disadvantages includingincreased
The main and transfer bus is shown in Figure 5, cost over split radial bus, increased complexity of
and is another modification of the radial bus. This protective relaying over split radial bus because of the
configuration consists of a main bus and a transfer bus. requirement for switching of bus relaying current trans-
All circuits are connected to the main bus through former secondary circuits.
circuit breakers and to the transfer bus through trans-
fer switches. The main and transfer buses are con- The single breaker double bus configuration is
nected through a transfer bus circuit breaker. generally applied in substations from distribution
voltage through 161 kV and in locations where system
The transfer bus circuit breaker protects a circuit reliability is not critical. It is also the least common of
during maintenance of its associated circuit breaker. the radial bus configurations discussed.
When a circuit breaker is removed from service for
maintenance, the transfer circuit breaker and its Ring Bus
associated disconnect switches are closed, the transfer The ring bus configuration (Figure 7) is in reality
switch for the circuit breaker to be serviced is closed, a series of sectionaliied radial buses connected
and the circuit breaker to be maintained and its asso- together to form a ring. Each bus is called a position.


Bus-Tie Circuit Breaker

f Main Bus No. 2

Main Bus No. 1

L B r e aCircuit
k e r Disconnect

J Circuit

* f *
Figure 4. Sectionalized Radial Bus
Main Bus

Figure 5. Main and Transfer Bus

Sometimes a transmission line and a transformer are This configuration allows for any circuit breaker
paired on one ring position. to be removed from service for maintenance without an
outage on any circuit.
In this configuration, only one position is
removed from service for a circuit or bus fault. The Line disconnect switches are often installed to
circuit breakers which serve the faulted position are allow a line to be removed from service and the ring to
opened. The failure of a breaker to operate for a line remain intact. The two circuit breakers sourcing the
or bus fault will cause two positions to be removed line are opened, the line disconnect switch is opened,
from service. and then the two circuit breakers are closed.

- v
Main Bus No. 2

-7 Transfer
T w

Figure 6. Single Breaker Double Bus

Ring bus substations are highly reliable and figuration, one of the breakers is usually at the other
flexible to operate. They are generally limited to a end of the transmission line. In Figure 8, Substa-
maximum of eight positions to prevent splitting of the tions A, B, C, D, and E form an extended ring bus.
ring. Sources of generation or redundant circuits
should not be terminated on adjacent positions of the The advantages of this configuration are the
ring bus. This prevents a failed circuit breaker from same as for the ring bus, and on an individual sub-
removing two sources of generation or two feeds to the station basis, the costs are even lower than for the
same load from service. radial bus.

Ring bus substations have the advantages of high The one-half breaker configuration is generally
reliability, flexible operation, and low cost when applied in substations from 69 kV through 161 kV,and
compared to the breaker and one-half configuration, in systems where several substations are located near
removal of any breaker from service without circuit each other.
outage, and the possibility of expansion to breaker and
one half configuration. The disadvantages are the Breaker and OneHalf
complex protective relaying and control and the The breaker and one-half configuration is shown
eight-position limitation. in Figure 9, and consists of two main buses.
Connected between the main buses are bays which
The ring bus configuration is generally applied in consist of three circuit breakers. A circuit is
substations from 115 kV through 345 kV, and in terminated between each two circuit breakers. In this
limited application at 500 kV in locations where high configuration, each circuit has a dedicated circuit
system reliability is a requirement. breaker and shares a circuit breaker with the adjacent
circuit, resulting in one and one-half breakers per
One-Half Breaker circuit.
The one-half breaker configuration, shown in
Figure 8, is a variation of the ring bus concept on a Frequently, a substation is designed to operate
multiple substation basis. As with the ring bus, two initially as a ring bus up through expansion to six
breakers must be tripped to isolate a faulted line or positions. Beyond six positions, the substation evolves
transformer. In the case of the one-half breaker con- to a breaker and one-half configuration.


+ - v - 4f

Circuit Disconnect

twBL+ I


Figure 7. Ring Bus (Four Position)

Sub A Sub D
r---- 1 r - - - -1

Figure 8. One-Half Breaker Configuration

- No. 1

x+ ?t
I$- Disconnect
S wi tcli Circuit

Main B u s

Figure 9. Breaker and One-Half

Two types of breaker and one-half contlgura- a main bus and a circuit to operate for a main bus fault
tions, conventional and folded, are shown in Figures 9 requires that only the circuit adjacent to the circuit
and 10. In the conventional arrangement, transmission breaker be removed from service. The failure of a
lines must pass over one of the main buses, causing circuit breaker between two circuits to operate for a
line termination structures to have higher pull-off fault requires the two adjacent circuits be removed
points. Also, installation of line traps, current from service.
transformers, and disconnect switches in the lines is
difficult. The folded arrangement locates line termina- This configuration allows any circuit breaker to
tion structures outside the main buses, allowing con- be removed from service for maintenance without an
ventional pull-off heights to be used. Installation of outage on any circuit.
line traps, current transformers, and disconnect
switches in the lines is relatively easy. Also, the folded Line disconnect switches are sometimes installed
arrangement can be "fitted to oddly shaped sites more to allow a circuit to be removed from service and all
easily than can the conventional arrangement. circuit breakers to remain closed.

In this configuration, only one circuit, the faulted Breaker and one-half substations are very reli-
circuit, is removed from service for a fault. A main able and flexible in operation. Sources of generation
bus fault does not require that circuits be removed or redundant circuits should not be connected in the
from service. The failure of a circuit breaker between same bay. This prevents a failed breaker from

Main Main
Bus Bus
No. 1 No. 2


Figure 10. Folded Breaker and One-Half

removing two sources of generation or two feeds to the requires that no circuits be removed from service. The
same load from service. failure of a circuit breaker to operate for a bus fault
requires only that the circuit terminated in that bay be
Advantages of breaker and one-half substations removed from service.
over other configurations are very high reliability, very
flexible operation, removal of any breaker from service This configuration allows any circuit breaker to
without a circuit outage, and ease of expansion, with no be removed from service for maintenance without an
limit on the number of bays. Disadvantages are the outage on any circuit. Line disconnect switches are
large land area required, the high cost, and the com- usually not required.
plex protective relaying and control.
Double breaker double bus substations are the
The breaker and one-half configuration is gen- most reliable and are very flexible to operate. They
erally applied in substations from 230 kV through ultra- require no separation of sources of generation or
high voltages, but can be applied at 69 kV, 115 kV, redundant circuits.
138 kV,and 161 kV. Because of its high reliability, it
is often applied at major generation facilities and at Double breaker double bus substations have the
locations where system reliability is critical. advantages of very high reliability, very flexible opera-
tion, the fact that breaker removal for maintenance will
Double Breaker Double Bus not cause an outage, and ease of expansion. Dis-
The double breaker double bus configuration is advantages include high cost, the large land area
shown in Figure 11 and consists of two main buses. required, and the complex protective relaying and
Connected between the main buses are bays consisting control.
of two circuit breakers, and between the circuit
breakers, a circuit. In this configuration, each circuit A large substation may include both breaker and
has two dedicated circuit breakers. Only the faulted one-half bays and double breaker double bus bays to
circuit is removed from service for a fault. A bus fault take advantage of the features of both.
4 Bus No. 2

Figure 11. Double Breaker Double Bus

The double breaker double bus configuration is Usually, some bus configurations can be elimin-
generally applied in substations from 230 kV through ated from consideration for a particular substation on
ultra-high voltages, nuclear generating facilities, major
the basis of its function. A radial bus configuration
generation facilities, and locations where system relia-would not be considered for a nuclear generating
bility is very critical. station, nor would a double breaker, double bus con-
figuration be considered for a distribution substation.
Comparison of Bus ConfiQuration Selection of a bus configuration for a particular sub-
The following tabulation compares the relative station should always take into account the ultimate
constructed costs and levels of reliability of each anticipated development and function of that installa-
configuration for a substation serving six transmission tion. Figure 12 shows at what voltage levels each
lines. configuration is typically applied.
per Unit Cost Reliability Tvpes of Construction
The types of construction typically used for
Radial 1.00 6
switchyards in the US include the box structure, low
Sectionalized Radial 1.17 5 profile rigid bus, low profile strain bus, and gas
Main and Transfer 1.29 4 insulated types.
Single Breaker 1.29 4
Double Bus Box Structure
The box structure is generally applied at 138 kV
One-half Breaker 0.8-1.25 3.5
and below. It requires the least amount of land area
Ring Bus 1.25 3 and uses layers of bus, disconnect switches and related
Breaker and One- equipment, one above the other, connected with ver-
Half tical bus runs, and supported on a common structure.
--Conventional 1.45 2 The support structure is generally structural steel con-
struction. Rigid or strain bus can be used. The bus
--Folded 1.48 2
configurations most easily applied with a box structure
Double Breaker 1.75 1 are radial, split bus radial, main and transfer, and
Double Bus

_ _ 115
_ _ 138
kV _ _ _kV- - -161 kV 230 kV 345 kV 500 kV
Radial/Sectionalized Radial
Main and Transfer
Single Breaker Double Bus
Ring Bus
Breaker and One-Half
Double Breaker Double Bus
One-Half Breaker

Figure 12. Typical Bus Configuration Voltage Levels

single breaker, double bus. This construction is construction. Figures 17,18, and 19 show a typical low
generally considered the least attractive, and is profile strain bus substation.
predominantly installed in rural or industrial locations.
Figures 13 and 14 show a typical radial bus box struc- Gas Insulated Construction
ture substation. Gas insulated construction consists of completely
enclosed.buses and equipment insulated with SF6 gas.
Low Profile Riaid Bus Because of the excellent insulating properties of this
Low profile rigid bus construction has become gas, very compact phase spacings and therefore, sub-
widely used and is generally applied from 69 kV stations, can be constructed. Gas-insulated substations
through EHV and UHV levels. The main and cross are generally installed where land area for the sub-
buses run horizontally on two relatively low levels with station is extremely limited and/or environmental con-
the substation equipment supported on individual struc- tamination is severe. Since gas insulated substations
tures. This construction requires more land area than are shipped as factory-assembled units or modules,
the box structure but provides a much less massive field erection time and cost are reduced. AU bus con-
appearance. Rigid bus is used to allow minimum figurations can be applied using this construction. It is
phase-to-phase spacings. All of the bus configurations generally applied from 115 kV through EHV levels.
can be applied using this construction. This construc-
tion is generally installed in all locations, and has been Comparison of Constructions
successfully installed in residential areas. Figures 15 All of these constructions have applications for
and 16 show a typical low profile, rigid bus substation. which they are best suited. If a 115 kV substation is
needed to serve an industrial complex in a purely indus-
Low Profile Strain Bus trial area, appearance is not a principal criterion in the
Low profile strain bus construction is similar in design. To provide guidance in the selection of the
concept to the low profile, rigid bus construction, best construction for a given situation, the tabulation
except that overhead strain buses are used. It is gener- below ranks each construction in terms of overall cost,
ally applied from 69 kV through EHV and UHV levels. land area required, and appearance. A similar bus
Wider phase spacings must be used to compensate for configuration with an identical number of circuit
strain bus movement. Thus, strain bus substations breakers, switches, lines, etc., is considered for each
generally require larger land areas than do comparable construction. A ranking of one is assigned the lowest
rigid bus designs. Also, strain buses must contain in cost, least in land area required, and best in
multiple conductors to have equivalent ampacity ratings appearance.
with rigid bus. Strain bus designs are extensively used
Land Area
at UHV levels because the very large phase spacings
required make the support of rigid bus more costly. -Cost Reauired Amearance
Also, strain bus is used in high seismic areas to allow Outdoor Box 1 2 4
some movement of equipment and bus during seismic Structure
events. All bus configurations can be applied using this

Figure 13. Radial Bus (Box Structure), Plan View
Land Area a pleasing and acceptable appearance to the
Cost ReQuired ADDearance neighborhood. These techniques may include one or
more of the following:
Outdoor 3 3 2
Low Profile a. Perimeter walls to enclose the substation.
Outdoor 2 4 3 b. Special architectural materials in the con-
Strain Bus struction of major structures.
c. Extensive landscaping.
Outdoor Gas 4 1 1 d. Extra land for a buffer zone.
Insulated e. Earthen berms in the buffer zones to give
As can be seen from these rankings, selection of additional concealment.
the type of construction to be used is a complex f. Completely enclosed gas insulated sub-
process which must be made in the context of the site station with underground transmission
chosen. This selection directly impacts the cost of a line entrances.
particular substation.
The use of special techniques to improve the
Aesthetic Considerations appearance of substations increases their overall cost,
When a major substation must be located in an but the good will generated from their use often proves
urban, residential area, utilities often incorporate to be a prudent investment.
special architectural techniques into the design to give

D2-1 7
Station Post

Figure 14. Radial Bus (Box Structure), Section A-A

An Outline for Substation Design Following project authorization, the conceptual
Attached as an appendix to this paper is an design step establishes the basis for the detailed design
outline of the steps in the planning, design, and of the substation. Basic information concerning the
construction of a substation. The first step is to substation site is collected. Culminating this step is the
identify the need for the substation and what require- preparation of the design criteria report which docu-
ments it must meet, both when first constructed and in ments the design basis for the project.
the future. The voltage levels, numbers of lines to be
connected, and level of reliability required are Detailed design of the substation includes pre-
determined. The basic milestone dates for the project paring the design calculations and drawings needed for
are established. A preliminary one-line diagram and both the construction of the substation and as
site arrangement plan are prepared. Several alternate permanent documentation of the substation. Design
sites may be identified and a preferred site may be drawings should always be arranged so that future
selected. additions can be incorporated into them as they are
Once the need and basic requirements are deter-
mined, the project is planned. This step includes The equipment and materials needed for the
establishing a detailed schedule for the design and substation are usual€y purchased at the same time as
construction of the project, and preparing a preliminary the detailed design is being prepared. Equipment
cost estimate for the project. This step usually leads to information must be included in the fmal design, and
obtaining authorization of the project by utility some design must be performed before some of the
management. materials can be purchased. This step includes


Electrical Connection
High Bus and Bus Support
1 1

, n i c A B C A B C A e c

Figure 15. Low Profile Rigid Bus, Plan View

Rigid Bus

Figure 16. Low Profile Rigid Bus, Section A-A

Figure 17. Low Profile Strain Bus
Strain Bus

Figure 18. Low Profile Strain Bus, Section A-A


Figure 19. Low Profile Strain Bus, Section B-B

preparing the specifications and bills of material Performing these steps will provide a well
needed for purchasing the equipment and materials. planned and designed substation, and a reliable
permanent record of the as-constructed substation.
The construction of the substation must be
described in some form of specification whether the Conclusion
construction is performed by construction contractors, Design of a reliable and cost efficient substation
or by the utilities own personnel. The design drawings begins with the establishing of need through system
that have been prepared for the substation also planning. It then progresses through an optimizing
describe the construction to be performed. analysis in conceptual design that balances reliability,
aesthetic considerations, ultimate development, and
During construction, the design engineers should cost; and culminates in detailed design in which cal-
inspect the work to verify that it is being performed in culations, drawings, and specifications are prepared.
accordance with the specifications and drawings that While this paper has discussed important concepts in
have been prepared for the substation. This step also substation design, the extent to which each topic was
includes maintaining an accurate record of field discussed has understandably been limited by time and
changes made to the design during construction. space. The author recommends that substation
designers obtain and refer at length to the publications
After construction is complete, the design listed below:
drawings should be revised to include the field changes
made during construction, so that an accurate as-built 1. ”Design Guide for Rural Substations,” US
record is provided. This becomes very important when Department of Agriculture, Rural Electrification
future additions are made to the substation. The Administration Bulletin 65-1, June 1978.
project design criteria report should also be updated to
accurately reflect the design basis for the substation. 2. “Guide for Design of Substation Rigid-Bus
Structures,” IEEE Standard 605-1987.

3. "Guide for Safety in Substation Grounding," 5. "The Rolling Sphere Method of Lightning Pro-
IEEE Standad 80-1986. tection for Substations: A Practical Application,"
by Jeff C. Camden, Black & Veatch, 1990.
4. "Guide for Determining the Maximum Electric
Power Station Ground Potential Rise and
Induced Voltage from a Power Plant," IEEE
Standad 367-1987.


This appendix lists activities that should be performed C. Develop the electrical and structural
for the complete design of almost any substation. All design criteria to be used for the project.
of the steps listed are necessary, but the party perform- This includes determining the electrical
ing each step may vary depending on the capability of clearances and spacings to be used.
the utility for which the substation is being designed.
Large utilities perform almost all of these activities D. Determine the need for aesthetic treat-
themselves, whereas small utilities may delegate most ments and environmental constraints that
of the activities to a consulting engineer. What is will affect the design.
important is that it be clearly understood which activity
is to be performed by which party. E. Select the equipment and bus ampacity
ratings based on load flow and fault
I. System Planning studies performed for the project.
A. Identify the need for the substation.
F. Obtain a site topographical survey for use
B. Identify the voltages to be included, and in the grading and drainage design.
the numbers of lines to be connected,
both initially and ultimately, based on the G. Obtain soil borings at the site and per-
best planning studies available. form laboratory tests to determine the
soil parameters needed for foundation
C. Perform system load flow and fault design.
studies to supply data needed for con-
ceptual design. H. Perform soil resistivity tests at the site
to determine the values needed for the
D. Select a location for the substation based grounding design.
on area needed and line routing.
I. Develop the protection and control
11. Project Planning schemes to be used for the substation and
A. Prepare a project CPM schedule. The transmission lines.
schedule evolves from a basic list of
milestone dates determined during system J. Prepare a Project Design Criteria Report
planning to a complete design, procure- which documents the design basis for the
ment, and construction schedule. substation.

B. Prepare a project cost estimate. This IV. Detailed Design

estimate is prepared initially during
system planning or conceptual design, A. Prepare the substation protection and
updated during detailed design, and fina- control one-line diagrams.
lized as equipment and material procure-
ment and construction are completed. B. Prepare the electrical and structural site
plan drawings. This includes any required
111. Conceptual Design landscaping and architectural wall design.
A. Based on the results of system planning,
develop a preliminary substation and C. Prepare the switchyard bus and equip-
system one-line diagram. This includes ment arrangement plan, section, and
selecting the bus configurations to be detail drawings.
D. Prepare the switchyard direct stroke
B. Based on the preliminary substation one- lightning shielding analysis, and add the
line diagram and the location selected, shielding masts and wires to the arrange-
develop a preliminary substation site plan. ment drawings.


E. Prepare the switchyard support structure 3. Control (dc) schematic diagrams.

4. Panel internal wiring diagrams.
F. Prepare the switchyard foundation design,
foundation plan, and d e t d drawings. 5. Interconnecting wiring diagrams.

G. Prepare the switchyard grounding design, 6. Circuit and raceway list.

grounding plan, and detail drawings.
V. Equipment and Material Procurement
H. Prepare the switchyard raceway design, A. Prepare specifications and/or bills of
raceway plan, and detail drawings. material and procurement documents
needed to purchase the equipment and
I. Prepare the switchyard lighting design, materials for the substation.
lighting plan, and detail drawings.
B. Bid, evaluate, and award contracts/
J. Prepare the control building equipment purchase orders for equipment and
arrangement plan and elevation drawings. materials.

K. Prepare the control building architectural C. Review manufacturers' shop drawings for
plan and detail drawings. equipment and materials. Revise the
design drawings to reflect the actual
L. Prepare the control building structural equipment purchased.
steel design and structural steel plan,
and section and detail drawings, if VI. Construction Document Preparation
required. A. Prepare specifications and procurement
documents needed to contract for con-
M. Prepare the control building foundation struction of the substation. Generally two
design, foundation plan, and detail contracts are awarded, as follows.
1. General construction to prepare
N. Prepare the control building grounding the site and construct foundations
design, grounding plan, and detail and the control building.
2. Electrical construction to install
0. Prepare the control building raceway grounding, raceway, equipment,
design, raceway plan, and detail drawings. structures, bus, cables, etc.

P. Prepare the control building lighting B. Bid, evaluate, and award contracts for
design, lighting plan, and detail drawings. construction.

Q. Prepare the control building space condi- C. Review contractor shop drawings for
tioning design, space conditioning plan, contractor-furnished equipment and
and detail drawings. materials.

R. Prepare the protection and control draw- D. Review contractor field tests of concrete
ings for the substation, then include the strength, soil compaction, etc., for
following: compliance with the construction
1. Protection and control panel front
elevation drawings. VII. Construction Management
The activities for construction management vary
2. T h r e e - l i n e (ac schematic) widely depending on the utility's preferences.
diagrams. Usually, constructioncontract administrationand


construction inspection are performed. As-built B. Update the Project Design Criteria
field records are kept. Report with any changes made during the
project to maintain an accurate final
VIII. Engineering Completion record of the design basis.
A. Revise the design drawings to include any
as-built field changes.


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