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Gradilišni prostor će biti uređen u skladu sa lokalnim propisima i ustaljenim standardima izvođača

radova. Prostor gradilišta će imati ogradu i potrebno osvjetljenje. Na gradilištu će biti smješteni
pomoćni, privremeni i drugi objekti koji će se koristiti za vrijeme građenja, kao i deponije materijala i
sve potrebne instalacije.

Gradilišna ploča će biti vidljiva i sadržavat će podatke o investitoru, projektantu, izvođaču i nadzoru,
nazivu i vrsti građevine koja se gradi, nazivu tijela koje je izdalo akt na temelju kog se gradi.

Shema gradilišta grafički prikazuje položaj planiranih zgrada i pripremne radove potrebne za
učinkovito izvođenje radova.

Na šemi uređenja gradilišta vidljivi su:

 Gradilišna ograda
 Priključci neophodni za odvijanje građevinskog procesa (vodovod, kanalizacija,
 Prostor za čuvara gradilišta
 Prostor za tehničko osoblje (voditelj građenja, poslovođa, nadzorni inžinjer...)
 Prostor za radnike (svlačionica, soba za odmaranje tokom dana)
 Sanitarni čvorovi
 Prostor za prehranu
 Skladišta za sitan inventar i alat
 Prostor za smještaj skele i oplate
 Prostor za smještaj postrojenja
 Prostor za smještaj armature
 Prostor za smještaj građevinskog materijala
 Gradilišne ceste za unutrašnji transport
 Dizalice...

Vanjski transport materijala će biti organizovan vlastitim transportnim sredstvima, ali i sredstvima
dobavljača, sa akcentom na osiguranju očuvanja kvaliteta materijala i pravovremenih isporuka kako
bi se izbjegla kašnjenja u samom izvođenju radova. Ključni stroj kod unutrašnjeg vertikalnog
transporta je vlastiti kran, a organizacijom gradilišta osigurano je da kran dobro pokriva građevinu,
skladište i ostale pogone.

Opskrba gradilišta strujom, vodom i odvodnjom, će biti organizovana iz javne mreže. Pritom su
prethodno izračunate potrebne količine električne energije i vode, te dobivena suglasnost za
priključak od nadležnih distributera.

Uposleni na gradilištu podijeljeni su prema vrsti poslova koje obavljaju, a podjela je vidljiva u
organizacijskoj šemi u nastavku:
Voditelj gradilišta potpisuje svu tehničku i financijsko-materijalnu dokumentaciju (građevni dnevnik,
građevnu knjigu, situacije, račune i dr.). On vodi računa da se objekt izvodi kvalitetno, kvalitetnim
materijalima i u ugovorenom roku i povodi mjere zaštite na radu. Poslovođa vodi računa o
kvalitetnom izvođenju radova prema projektnoj dokumentaciji i prikuplja podatke za građevni
dnevnik i građevnu knjigu.

U tehničku administraciju gradilišta spadaju: - Građevni dnevnik - Građevna knjiga - Situacije - Radni
nalozi - Knjiga evidencije prisutnosti radnika na radu - Izrada, proračun i praćenje dinamičkih planova
građenja, potreba materijala, radne snage i mehanizacije.
The construction site will be arranged in accordance with local regulations and established contractor

The construction site will have construction fence and required lighting. and there are auxiliary,
temporary and other facilities that will be used during construction, as well as material dumps and all
necessary installations.

The construction site will have temporary and auxiliary facilities that will be used during construction,
as well as material dumps and all necessary installations.

The construction board will be visible and will contain information about the investor, designer,
contractor and supervisor, the name and type of construction works, the information about the legal
body who has issued the act about building.

The scheme of the construction site graphically shows the location of the planned buildings and the
preparatory works needed for the efficient execution of works.

The construction site scheme shows:

• Construction fence

• Necessary installations for the construction site (plumbing, sewage, electricity ...)

• A place for the site keeper

• A place for technical staff (construction manager, supervisor, supervising engineer ...)

• A place for construction workers (changing room, place for breaks during the working day)

• Sanitary facilities

• Dining area

• Small inventory and tool warehouses

A place for scaffolding and formwork

• A place for the necessary plant

• A reinforcement bars storage

• A place for building materials storage

• roads for the internal transportation

• Cranes ...
External transportation of materials will be organized with our own vehicles, as well as the means of
transportation of suppliers, ensuring the preservation of quality of materials and timely deliveries in
order to avoid delays in the execution of the work itself.

The key plant machine for inland vertical transport is our own crane and the organization of the
construction site will ensure that the crane covers the building, storage and other facilities very well.

The supply of the site by electricity, water and drainage is organized from a public network. The
required quantities of electricity and water were calculated beforehand and the consent for
connection was obtained from the competent distributors.

The electricity, water and drainage supply on the site will be organized from a public network. The
required quantities of electricity and water will be calculated beforehand and a valid consent for
connection will be obtained from competent distributors.

Construction site employees are grouped by the type of work they do, and the division is visible in
the organizational chart below:

The construction manager is authorized to sign all technical and documentation related to the
material (construction logbook, construction book, situations, invoices, etc.).

He takes care that the facility is constructed within the agreed deadline and with good quality

He is also responsible for providing all necessary activities to meet safety at work standards.

The manager takes care of the quality of executed works according to the project documentation
and collects data for the construction logbook and all the other construction books.

In the technical administration, construction books, of the construction site, the contractor will
provide: - Construction logbook – a Book on spent building materials – Temporary situations - Work
orders – Book of workers' presence at work –Calculation, processing and monitoring all the dynamic
construction plans, material requirements, workforce and plant machinery.

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