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Chemical Engineering Communications

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Villadsen and M. L. Michelsen. Prentice-Hall, 1978. 446
Published online: 21 May 2007.

by J. Villadsen and M. L. Michelsen. Prentice-Hall, 1978. 446 pp., Chemical Engineering Communications, 2:6, 275-275, DOI:

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Chern. Eng. Cornrnun. ©Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Ltd., 1978
1978, Vol. 2, p. 275 Printed in Great Britain

Book Review
SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION which there is not only an extensive list but also
MODELS BY POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMA- useful commentary and appraisal.
TION, by J. Villadsen and M. L. Michelsen. It is a matter of taste how much emphasis should
Prentice- Hall, 1978. 446 pp. be given to engineering and how much to numerical
methods in a book of this nature-in this reviewer's
opinion the authors have struck a good balance,
This book continues the contributions of the except perhaps in the overly long first chapter. On
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"Danish school" in developing useful and efficient the other hand more attention could have been
computation methods with special application to devoted to comparisons with alternative numerical
chemical engineering. The basic method employed methods (which are however discussed in certain
here is that of weighted residuals using, as the title critical cases, e.g. the solution of "stiff" differential
indicates, almost exclusively polynomials as equations).
approximating functions. Collocation and Galerkin's The methods proposed by the authors are applied
method are most commonly used, particularly with in many cases to processes occurring in finite
orthogonal Jacobi polynomials. Global spline regions with sufficient symmetry to give solutions
collocation is used' where rapid changes in functions which are even functions of x. Full use is made
are encountered and/or where the integrations must of this situation by transforming the independent
be carried out over a semi-infinite region. A great variable to x 2, but the resulting accuracy of the
deal of attention is devoted to special conditions solution is thus abnormally high. It would be useful
likely to be encountered, e.g. including the boundary to develop methods of comparable accuracy 'for
conditions in the collocation procedure for one and other cases (e.g. odd functions). More generally
two-point boundary value problems and wherever this reviewer would like to see more use made of
possible the errors of the methods are analysed. approximate analytical solutions in cases exhibiting
The procedures are extended to. the numerical some singularity leaving the "well behaved" part or
solution of partial differential equations and coupled residue to for example polynomial approximation.
sets of non-linear ordinary differential equations. The book is attractively printed and only the
Program listings for the main methods are given in usual number of typographical mistakes were noted.
appendices. Only occasionally does the text indicate that the
The book includes a large number of worked author's native language is not English-the most
examples, almost entirely from chemical engineering notable example being the use of "side conditions"
and indeed largely from the authors' area of instead of the usual initial and boundary con-
interest, the analysis of chemical reactors, ending ditions, which, confusingly, are also used.
with a chapter on selected research problems. Thus while definitely a specialist monograph, the
The book begins with a survey chapter presenting book contains a large amount of valuable work
the basic transport equations used in examples in and experience summarised in general and easily
the rest of the text. Every chapter ends with a list applicable methods for solving a variety of ordinary
of exercises to be solved using the proposed and partial differential equations and as such can be
methods, often taken from the research literature to highly recommended.


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