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Case #22: Chi Ming Tsoi (Petitioner) vs.

Court of Appeals and Gina Held:

Lao-Tsoi (Respondents) The court approved the annulment because Chi Ming Tsoi’s
refusal to have intercourse with his wife constitutes as psychological
Facts of the Case: incapacity. In order to determine the incapacity of Mr. Tsoi, his penis
The marriage of the petitioner and respondent took place on was examined by a doctor that concluded that he is capable of
May 22, 1988 at the Manila Cathedral. The wife commenced the having sexual intercourse with a woman. It was said that since he is
annulment case with the claims that her husband is impotent and a not suffering from physical disability, such abnormal unwillingness
closet homosexual because from May 22, 1988 until March 15, 1989 to consummate the marriage is an indicator of a serious
he refused to consummate the marriage. According to her, Chi Ming psychological disorder. He claimed that she could have a physical
Tsoi married her to maintain his residency status in the Philippines disorder, but this makes it incumbent upon him to prove such a claim
as well as to maintain the appearance as a heterosexual. It is due to which he was unable to do. The court was unable to identify whether
this in which she hopes to have the marriage annulled by reason of it was the petitioner or respondent that refused intercourse, but the
psychological incapacity. However, on the other hand, Mr. Tsoi fact remains that there was no coitus. Questioning the one who
claims that the reason for the lack of sexual contact is due to his wife refuses to have sex is immaterial because the action of attempting
avoiding him. He believes that the reasoning for which she filed the to declare the marriage void may be done by either party. However,
case is because she is afraid to return the jewelry of his mother and the fact that the petitioner did not go to court and seek the
that her husband, the respondent, would consummate their declaration of nullity weakens his claim. He never asserted his right
marriage. Mr. Tsoi stated that the reason of not having intercourse to procreate and the court takes in consideration the manner in
is not psychological but perhaps physical on his wife’s part. Since which his wife exposed their relationship to the public thus
there was no attempt of sexual intercourse, they submitted strengthening her claims.
themselves to a medical examination in which her results were Under the Family Code, one of the essential obligations in a
healthy and normal while her husband kept his confidential and was marriage is to “procreate children based on the universal principle
prescribed medications. It is noted that Mrs. Lao-Tsoi has no that procreation of children is the basic end of marriage.” In this
intention to reconcile with Mr. Tsoi while he hopes to maintain their case, the continuous refusal to fulfill this marital obligation is the
civil status because he loves her, is physically and psychologically equivalent of psychological incapacity. The manner in which Mr. Tsoi
capable, and believes that the relationship can still be reconciled. was unwilling to perform the sexual act indicates a hopeless
situation that pertains to an incapacity that allows one to be
Issue/s: discharged from the basic marital covenants within the Family Code.
Is the marriage entered into by Chi Ming Tsoi and Gina Lao-
Tsoi void due to psychological incapacity?

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