Mutual-Feedback Environment: Advantage

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This environment favors honest feedback above all other forms of communication. When a worker
needs to improve, he or she is told about it. When a boss’ approach is unproductive or inefficient,
that communication is made, too. People trust one other to give, listen to and act on mutual
feedback, and everyone can improve as a result.

 Improves Performance

Feedback provides a clear expectation of performance. Learning what they do well increases a
team member’s confidence. They are more likely to try more, stretch themselves and share their
skills. Becoming aware of those areas that need improvement helps them improve performance
more quickly aligning it with business objectives. An added benefit is an increase in the
effectiveness of the manager giving the feedback.

 Creates a Pipeline

Regular feedback on job performance and new skills promotes professional and personal growth
as well as increasing a team member’s potential for greater areas of responsibility. In today’s
environment, where high performing talent is a competitive advantage, growing your own is part
of an effective business strategy.

 Improves Retention

Two of the benefits team members find most valuable are development and career
advancement. Effective feedback contributes to their development and potential
advancement. Team members stay longer where there is opportunity and an investment in their

 Promotes Employee Loyalty

Providing feedback in a timely and respectful manner with the intent of helping others improve
and succeed, sends a very strong message of support to our team members. That support fosters

 Decreases Costs

Organizations devote significant investments in both time and money to finding great talent.
However, with everyone that joins a new organization there is a period of time learning the
responsibilities of the job as well as how things are one within the new company. Even the best of
hires may have a misstep here or there. Providing regular and timely feedback helps new and
existing team members course correct thus avoiding additional investments in finding a

 Increases Sales

People like to do business with those they know and respect. It takes time to build relationships
with guests and clients. Feedback is an investment in the success and longevity of your team
members. Their on-going relationships with guests and clients contribute to loyalty and increased
sales for your organization.
If you’re a boss then your employee has a poor time management giving a feedback directly to
him or her is a great solution. Encourage them to find strategies that work for them.


I choose this environment because for me, effective feedback, both positive and
negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important
decisions. Not just for the employees but also for the employer, giving mutual feedback can help
improve the both parties in different aspect of their field.


"Feedback directs behavior - that is, it keeps goal-directed behavior on course.”

- influences future performance goals, essentially creating objectives for achieving higher
levels of performance in the future.

-increases people's ability to detect errors on their own. Feedback enhances individual

-increases motivation by demonstrating what behaviors contribute to successful


- helps people clarify their beliefs about the effects of their behavior. Feedback increases
feelings of control and power.

-increases people's feelings of involvement in a task.

Positive feedback is reinforcing in and of itself.

People learn what aspects of the situation beyond their control influence these outcomes.

People used to receive feedback learn to seek it out.

In a group setting, feedback focuses group members' attention on the same performance
elements and provides all group members with a common perspective.

Regular feedback helps people feel they can cope with performance problems by being able to
make incremental changes in their behavior and see the effects.

In negotiations, feedback is a mechanism for evaluating offers.

In decision making, feedback about the results of the decisions helps groups and individual
recognize biases and avoid these biases in the future.


Among of the five, for me in mutual-feedback environment you can give positive or
negative feedback to someone for them to improve. Giving feedback drives performance of the
team member aligning it with the objectives of the business. Providing effective feedbacks offer
great benefits like what I’ve stated in the advantage and compare with the other environment,
the mutual-feedback environment is more advantageous because the both parties can help and
improve each other.


DeMers, J. (2016, February 11). The 5 Most Successful Work Environments (and the 5 Worst).

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Key Benefits of Effective Feedback - : HR Aligned Design. (2013, August 21).

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Prykucki, B. (2018, October 04). Feedback for success.

Retrieved from

The 5 Key Components of a Successful Feedback Loop. (2019, June 14).

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