Bsbwor301 Assessment 1

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BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

Learner Instructions 1
(Develop own work plan and monitor own performance)

Submission details

Students Name

Student ID


Assessor’s Name

Assessment Date/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to organise and complete a
personal work schedule and monitor own work performance.

Assessment description

You will meet with your assessor to discuss and determine KPIs and work goals,
create a personal work plan, and use appropriate business technology to achieve
work outcomes.
You may use real KPIs and work goals from your place of work or use appropriate
KPIs and work goals for a simulated workplace as negotiated with your assessor.
As you perform activities outlined in your work plan, you will monitor and seek
feedback on work performance and adjust work performance to meet organisational
and legal requirements. You will also identify sources of stress and take appropriate
stress-reduction measures.

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1. Plan and complete work tasks at your own place of work. You will need to
provide your assessor with:
a. two goals and relevant KPIs
b. relevant policies and procedures (including those related to setting work
goals and KPIs, such as performance management policies and
c. legal requirements identified for your workplace or tasks
d. any relevant standards and specifications for the completion of work tasks
e. policies or procedures for monitoring the quality of goods or services
f. third-party report verifying satisfactory completion of workplace activities
g. two identified stakeholders, such as supervisors, clients, colleagues and
requirements for performance (required to provide feedback on
Note: If you do not have a workplace, you will need to discuss with your
assessor to agree on a simulated business scenario.
2. Develop work plan to achieve agreed goals. Ensure you:
a. prioritise tasks in a way to best achieve goals, for example, use the
urgent–important matrix.
b. determine how relevant policies, procedures, legislation, codes,
standards, etc., will be followed
c. consider and plan for contingencies such as:
i. budget constraints
ii. competing work demands
iii. environmental factors such as time, weather
iv. resource and materials availability
v. technology/equipment breakdowns
vi. unforeseen incidents
vii. workplace hazards, risks and controls
d. determine how appropriate technology will be employed to achieve goals.
Note: You may use the template provided in Appendix 1, use a work plan
template from your own place of work or adapt or develop your own template.

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1. Meet with your assessor to explain:

a. principles of goal setting:
i. What makes an effective goal? What makes an effective KPI?
Explain how goals and KPIs have been designed for the relevant
tasks to be effective performance targets and measures.
b. how goals and KPIs are set according to relevant policies and procedures
c. how work plans are designed to ensure work goals are achieved
d. how activities have been prioritised appropriately to best achieve goals
e. how relevant policies, procedures, legislation, codes, standards etc. have
been incorporated into work plans
f. how contingencies have been planned for and alternate plans developed
g. how appropriate technology will be employed to monitor progress in
achieving goals and schedule tasks.
2. Complete all activities in your work plan. Ensure you use appropriate
technology to monitor your progress. Make note of any changes you make to
the way you work to ensure completion of task:
a. to quality specifications
b. to time specifications
c. in compliance with policies and procedures, legislation, etc.
Note: Ensure you monitor progress on at least three occasions over the course
of completing your work plan. Record monitoring in self-assessment template
provided (Appendix 2).
3. Seek feedback on performance from two identified stakeholders. Use the
third-party record template provided in Appendix 3.
Note: If you are using a simulated workplace, seek feedback from your
4. Consider feedback from stakeholders.
a. Identify changes to work practices you will undertake based on the
feedback you have received.
b. Record feedback and changes to work practices in the self-assessment
template provided.
5. Identify signs of stress and effects on your personal wellbeing. Record signs of
stress in the self-assessment template provided.
6. Identify the sources of stress you experienced while performing the work
activities outlined in your plans and:
a. identify a source of support to help you manage this source of stress

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b. identify a strategy to combat this source of stress.

7. Record sources of stress, support and strategies in the self-assessment
template provided.
8. Submit documentation as per specifications below.


You must:
● meet with assessor to discuss goals, KPIs and work plan

● regularly monitor and self-assess your performance on three occasions

● seek feedback on performance from two agreed stakeholders

● submit:

○ a work plan (Appendix 1)

○ evidence of completed work
○ self-assessment (Appendix 2)
○ goals and KPIs for work tasks, policies and procedures, standards, etc.,
third-party report by supervisor (Appendix 3, unless a simulated
environment is agreed).

Your assessor will be looking for:

● communication skills (including oral) to seek and receive constructive feedback

● literacy skills to read and understand the organisation’s procedures

● planning skills to organise work priorities according to work goals and

● problem-solving skills to solve routine problems

● self-management skills to:

○ comply with policies and procedures

○ consistently evaluate and monitor own performance
○ seek learning opportunities
● efficient and effective use of business technology to manage and monitor
scheduling and completion of tasks
● knowledge of key provisions of relevant legislation from all levels of government
that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:
○ anti-discrimination legislation
○ ethical principles

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○ codes of practice
○ privacy laws
○ work health and safety (WHS)
● knowledge of organisational policies, plans and procedures

● knowledge of methods of gathering and using feedback to improve

● knowledge of how to explain ways to elicit, analyse and interpret feedback
when communicating with people in the workplace
● knowledge of how to how to set goals, measure performance, and manage time

● knowledge of how to explain the principles and techniques of goal setting,

measuring performance, time management and personal assessment of
learning and development needs
● knowledge of how to identify and explain signs and sources of stress, and
strategies to deal with stress in the workplace
● knowledge of how to self-assess honestly and constructively.

Candidate: I declare that this work has been completed by me

honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a
Signature: ___________________
fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s
Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of
Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Date: ____/_____/_____

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Appendix 1: Work plan

Goal 1: Engaging customers with great customer service

Activity Priority Task Resources/technology Date % Duration Contingency

due Complete (actual) and

Provide High  enquiry  slide presentation 1- 45% continuous Observing

communication handling month and
 handouts/brochure
skills training monitoring
 face to face
 explaining your correction on
services the spot.
 establishing
needs through
and listening

Dealing with High  Run a short  Video graphic 1- 60% continuous Be

difficult training presentation week responsible in
situations and session with every action
 demonstration
complaint some tips and and try to
handling opportunity to seek help
share best from the
practice. manager if
things get out
 Practical

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demonstration of hand.
of how not to
respond to the
complaint or
followed by a
good example.

Develop High  All the menus  The menu 1- 75% 5 days Make self
product must be week familiar with
 brochure
knowledge memorized by the menu and
hard keep
 Must be able to
whether it is
tell customers
correct or not
what’s in the
with other
food as to
avoid allergy

View Medium  Run some  Telephone or online 1- 43% continuous Observe an

competitor practical order month improve the
customer activities like enthusiasm of
 Self-research
service telephoning a the
competitor to competitors
make an
purchase a
small item, or
utilise their
service. This

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type of activity
usually helps
people to
service from a
perspective. As
a result, this
enables them
to consider
what they
could do better
within their own
This type of
activity can
help to change
and mindsets.

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Goal 2: Make sure all the food and drinks are prepared following the recipes

Activity Priority Task Resources/technology Date due % Duration Contingency and

Complete (actual) Corrective action

Memorize High  Practicing to  Brochure 1-week 78% 5 days Always double

what’s in and make drinks check the
 demonstration
how to make over and over ingredients and
drinks without taste
the taste of it

Make sure the High  prepare foods  demonstration 1-week 85% 4 days Double check the
good in front of presentation
 observation
presentation manager to before give it to
of food and see whether it  the menu customers
cleanliness reach the
 always wear
gloves and
cover the head

Be aware of High  use the sharp  slide presentation 2-weeks 70% 7 days Be extra careful
hazards in the knife when when handling
 demonstration
kitchen cutting dangerous items
in the kitchen and
 wear the
always watch over
proper attire
other staff’s back
and shoes
 be careful of
hot oil

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Knowing the High  make sure the  slide presentation 3-weeks 67% 1-week Always use new
danger of cleaning gloves to handle
 brochure
cleaning products are food and use
product to put in a safe special gloves for
avoid food place far from cleaning
contamination food products

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Appendix 2: Self-assessment

Item Y/N Details

Did I complete Yes How did I monitor achievement of goals and adjust work to ensure completion or improve
goals as per work performance?
plan as measured
-Ensure that feedback on performance is actively sought and evaluated from colleagues and
by KPIs?
manager in the context of individual and group requirements.
-Routinely identify and report on variations in the quality of products and services according to
organizational requirements

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Item Y/N Details

Did I complete all Yes How did I monitor the quality of products and services delivered to identify and eliminate variations in
work activities and quality and manage time?
deliverables on
Occasion 1: Feedback control
work plan on time  is used to review operations performance through the collection of information which is
and to acceptable focused on end-results. Products or services are checked for quality and to ensure that they
standard? meet the predetermined standards. The information is passed back along the line to make
improvements where necessary

Occasion 2: feed-forward control

 focuses on reducing or preventing problems caused by inputs. Information about quality and
timeliness of supplies and other inputs is passess forward along the process line and
monitored to ensure that quality is correct prior to the inputs entering the transformation

Occasion 3: concurrent control

 used a serries of checks throughout the process chain to ensure quality standards are met at
all stages. A range of checks are used to identify and act on below-standard products,
human observation, computer readings, gauge measurements and rejection devices
depending on the process being controlled.

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Item Y/N Details

Yes How did I adjust work to ensure completion to specification or improve work practices?
By setting clear and concise goals with my work gives me the ability to focus on my priorities. Also
being aware of what I am trying to achieve allow me to evaluate each minor activity performed so
that I can achieve my goals.
By being responsible for own actions and seek helps or guidance.
By manage time efficiently to improve services.

Did I monitor Yes What policy or procedure was followed? How was it adhered to?
quality of products
 Workplace Health and Safety Policy
and services in
accordance with Adhered to workplace hygiene, personal hygiene and work area cleanliness by making it
organisational utmost importance while working.
requirements?  Kitchen safety regulations
Adhered to hazards in the workplace and try to eliminate the danger

Did I follow all Yes How did I monitor compliance?

required codes,
By using a Safety and health Program Assessment Worksheet to review progress of work.
procedures or legal Reviewing my work to identify new risks.
requirements to Investigate incidents as they occur
complete activities
and deliverables? Double checking with colleagues on my work quality.

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Item Y/N Details

How did I adjust work to ensure compliance or improve work practices?

Make it a habit to correct the wrong practices
Seek guidance from manager to improve my work
Thinking outside the box on how to make my work easier without compromising the quality

Did I use Yes What adjustments to my use of technology did I make to improve performance?
 Consolidate
technology to
monitor and Consolidate my task into one lists by using google calendar. This will help me to bring
schedule tasks? everything together to plan and prioritise more easily.
 Use my mobile phone
To keep all the menus and recipes for reference from time to time

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Item Y/N Details

Did I seek Yes Stakeholder 1: The Manager

feedback for my

What adjustments did I make or will I make to my work on the basis of performance feedback to
improve my future performance?
Continually seek feedback and pulse check. Don’t just suck up, or suddenly appear in front of your
future manager whenever a role pops up. Make them play an active role in your development so that
they have the confidence you are creating the right behaviors that would not only make you eligible
for the role, but a right fit for the team. You will not be taken seriously if you only show up when you
want something. Managers also enjoy the bragging rights that come with being involved in the
development of future talent and seeing those people flourish in an organization.

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Item Y/N Details

Did I seek Stakeholder 2: Assistant Manager

feedback for my

What adjustments did I make or will I make to my work on the basis of performance feedback to
improve my future performance?
Communication goes both ways though, and if a manager has you pegged for future advancement
or has a succession plan for you, it would be useful if they communicated that to you as well. This
transparency will motivate you to work towards something and allow you the opportunity to align
your plans with your manager’s and ensure a common goal.

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Item Y/N Details

Did I identify signs Yes What signs of stress did I experience? How do they affect my wellbeing?
of stress?
 Lack of rest
Constantly tired and back ache
 Physical stress
Sore feet from long-hours standing
 Mentally stress
Lack of day off and spend less time with family

If no signs of stress experienced, what signs of stress should you keep an eye out for in your work or
 Bad behaviour resulting from unfair treatment
 Slow movement and tiredness
 Many mistakes while conducting the job
 Not punctual

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Item Y/N Details

Did I identify Yes How did you determine sources of stress?

sources of stress?
By evaluating my personal health issues
By evaluating my relationships
Being aware of emotional changes

What strategy will you employ to address the source of stress identified above? What support will
you seek? If no source identified, then identify a possible or likely source of stress and identify a
strategy to combat it and means of support.

 Morale support from the family

 Find time to exercise
 Try making workplace an enjoyable place
 Seek for peer support

Name of candidate:
Contact details:

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Item Y/N Details

Signature: Date:

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Appendix 3: Third-party report

Item Y/N Comments

Please provide example of performance. Please
provide feedback for continuous improvement of
professional skills.

Did the candidate Yes The candidate complies with the organisational
determine or policy by following the steps while executing the job.
participate in It achieve a satisfactory level the way the candidate
consultation on goals get the job done.
and KPIs in
accordance with

Did the candidate Yes The candidate shows effort and try very hard to
complete goals as complete the goals provided. Not all completed yet
per work plan as but it is on satisfied level for the organization.
measured by KPIs?

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Item Y/N Comments

Please provide example of performance. Please
provide feedback for continuous improvement of
professional skills.

Did the candidate Yes The candidate does the job properly according to
complete all work code of conduct and adhere to time provided to an
activities and acceptable standard.
deliverables on work
plan on time and to

Did the candidate Yes The candidate complies to all of the rules set up by
follow required the organization and authority in completing the job.
codes, policies, The organization is highly pleased with it.
procedures or legal
requirements to
complete activities
and deliverables?

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Item Y/N Comments

Please provide example of performance. Please
provide feedback for continuous improvement of
professional skills.

Did the candidate Yes The candidate make use of latest technology in
use appropriate helping him to execute the tasks given which is a
technology to good sign of creativity.
monitor and
schedule tasks?

Name of candidate:

Name of observer: Paul Allen

Position: Manager
Contact details: 04 0856 6055

Signature of observer: Paul Allen Date: 1/7/2019

Signature of candidate: Date:

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