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Project on Embedded Systems and PCB Designing

Shubhashish Masih 0105EC171102
Suhani Sinha 0105EC171110
Vaishali Raut 0105EC171119


Voting is an essential part of any democracy. It is the act of giving your favour to the
representative of your choice. For many years voting in India has been done manually
over ballot papers which is tiresome work and requires large manforce. It also has
disadvantages like voting frauds, consume large time to declare results etc.
But over advancement in technology, Electronic Voting Machines were developed ​that
uses ​electronic​ means to either aid or take care of casting and counting votes. Electronic
voting technology intends to speed the counting of ballots, reduce the cost of paying
staff to count votes manually and can provide improved accessibility for disabled voters.
Also in the long term, expenses are expected to decrease. Results can be reported and
published faster.Voters save time and money by being able to vote independently from
their location. It is user friendly, it means voter feels convenient, because he/she has to
press only one key of the respective candidates to vote. This may increase overall voter
turnout. The citizen groups benefiting most from electronic elections are the ones living
abroad, citizens living in rural areas far away from polling stations and the disabled with
mobility impairments. For the country, electronic voting may improve the country's
image and serve as promotion.

In this project we are going to design and develop a ​simple voting machine by using
ATmega16A microcontroller​. To keep everything simple we are going to make a
voting system for a size of four people.We will have four buttons for four people and
whenever a button is pressed, a vote goes for the corresponding person and the number
of votes each person gets shown on LCD.
The “Electronic Voting Machine” basically consists of four main blocks. These blocks are
Keypad, Microcontroller, LCD Display and Control switches.

● Keypad:​ We have 4 keys on the keypad. Thus it has one key specified for one
candidate. This block is used in voting mode, in voting mode key of respective
candidate is pressed, the corresponding signal is sensed by micro controller.

● Micro controller:​ Micro controller senses the signal given from switches and
decides the mode of operation in voting mode it increments the data for
corresponding key i.e. respective candidate as well as it sends a signal to display
block to indicate one key is pressed. In counting mode micro controllers fetches
data from memory location and send it to display devices.
● LCD display:​ Liquid Crystal Display which is commonly known as LCD is an
Alphanumeric Display it means that it can display Alphabets, Numbers as well as
special symbols thus LCD is a user friendly Display device which can be used for
displaying various messages unlike seven segment display which can display only
numbers and some of the alphabets. Here we have used 16x2 Alphanumeric
Display which means it can display two lines with a maximum of 16 characters in
one line.
● Control switches:​ There are two control switches:
I. Voting Mode Switch
II. Display Results Switch.
Operation or Working of Project
● Power on:​ When supply is turned on the LCD will display a “WELCOME”
● Mode selection:

i. Voting mode: Switch 1 is pressed.

ii. Result mode: Switch 2 is pressed.

​ oting Mode​: When switch is in voting mode “Please Vote” is displayed. And it
waits for a response by Voting buttons.

​ esult Mode​: When switch is in result mode all the candidates with the number
of votes to each respectively is displayed on the screen.

● Voting Buttons (A, B, C, D):​ Each of the four voting buttons represents
different candidates contesting the election. Upon pressing any one of the
switches, name of the candidate is displayed followed by a “Thankyou” message.
● Buzzer indication:​ Pressing any key in voting button, is indicated by a buzzer
sound to alert the authorities that vote has been cast.

Applications and Advantages

1. It is economical and requires less manpower.

2. Time conscious, as less time required for voting & counting.

3. Avoids invalid voting.

4. Saves transportation cost due to its compact size.

5. Convenient on the part of voters.

Future Development
● We can implement GSM technology in this project.


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