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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

Millimeter Wave MIMO with Lens Antenna Array:

A New Path Division Multiplexing Paradigm
Yong Zeng, Member, IEEE, and Rui Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication is a network (WPAN) [7] and wireless local area network (WLAN)
promising technology for future wireless systems, while one [8]. While recent measurement results have shown that, even
practical challenge is to achieve its large-antenna gains with only in outdoor non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environment, mmWave
limited radio frequency (RF) chains for cost-effective implemen-
tation. To this end, we study in this paper a new lens antenna signals with satisfactory strengths can be received up to 200
array enabled mmWave multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) meters [9], [10], which indicates that mmWave communica-
communication system. We first show that the array response of tions may also be feasible for future cellular networks with
lens antenna arrays follows a “sinc” function, where the antenna relatively small cell coverage.
element with the peak response is determined by the angle of MmWave signals generally experience orders-of-magnitude
arrival (AoA)/departure (AoD) of the received/transmitted signal.
By exploiting this unique property along with the multi-path more path loss than those at much lower frequency at a given
sparsity of mmWave channels, we propose a novel low-cost and distance in existing cellular systems. On the other hand, their
capacity-achieving spatial multiplexing scheme for both narrow- smaller wavelengths make it practically feasible to pack a large
band and wide-band mmWave communications, termed path number of antennas with reasonable form factors at both the
division multiplexing (PDM), where parallel data streams are transmitter and receiver, whereby efficient MIMO (multiple-
transmitted over different propagation paths with simple per-
path processing. We further propose a simple path grouping input multiple-output) techniques can be applied to achieve
technique with group-based small-scale MIMO processing to highly directional communication to compensate for the severe
effectively mitigate the inter-stream interference due to similar path loss [10]–[13]. However, traditional MIMO processing is
AoAs/AoDs. Numerical results are provided to compare the usually implemented digitally at baseband and thus requires
performance of the proposed mmWave lens MIMO against the one dedicated radio frequency (RF) chain for each trans-
conventional MIMO with uniform planar arrays (UPAs) and
hybrid analog/digital processing. It is shown that the proposed mit/receive antenna, which may not be feasible in mmWave
design achieves significant throughput gains as well as complexity systems due to the high hardware and power consumption cost
and cost reductions, thus leading to a promising new paradigm of the large number of required RF chains. To reduce the cost
for mmWave MIMO communications. and yet achieve the high array gain, analog beamforming has
Index Terms—Lens antenna array, MIMO, millimeter wave been proposed [14]–[16], which can be implemented via phase
communications, path division multiplexing. shifters in the RF frontend, and thus requires only one RF
chain for the entire transmitter/receiver. Despite the notable
cost reduction, analog beamforming usually incurs significant
performance loss due to the constant-amplitude beamformer
The fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication systems constraint imposed by phase shifters, as well as its inability
on the roadmap are expected to provide at least 1000 times ca- to perform spatial multiplexing for high-rate transmission. To
pacity increase over the current 4G systems [1]. To achieve this enable spatial multiplexing, hybrid analog/digital precoding
goal, various technologies have been proposed and extensively has been proposed [17]–[22], where the precoding is imple-
investigated during the past few years [2]. Among others, mented in two stages with a baseband digital precoding using
wireless communication over the largely unused millimeter a limited number of RF chains followed by an RF-band analog
wave (mmWave) spectrum (say, 30-300GHz) is regarded as processing through a network of phase shifters. Since the
a key enabling technology for 5G and has drawn significant hybrid precoding in general requires a large number of phase
interests recently (see [3]–[6] and the references therein). Ex- shifters, antenna subset selection has been proposed in [23] by
isting mmWave communication systems are designed mainly replacing the phase shifters with switches. However, antenna
for short-range indoor applications, e.g., wireless personal area selection may cause significant performance degradation due
Manuscript received July 7, 2015; revised November 10, 2015; accepted to the limited array gains resulted [24], [25], especially in
February 15, 2016. This work was supported by the National University of highly correlated MIMO channels as in mmWave systems [26].
Singapore under Research Grant R-263-000-B62-112. The associate editor
coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Besides, another promising line of research for mmWave
Prof. Xiqi Gao. or large MIMO systems aims to reduce signal processing
Y. Zeng is with the Department of Electrical and Computer En- complexity and RF chain cost without notable performance
gineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583 (e-mail: degradation by utilizing advanced antenna designs, such as
R. Zhang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer En- lens antenna arrays [27]–[37]. As shown in Fig. 1, a lens
gineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583 (e-mail: antenna array is in general composed of two main components: He is also with the Institute for Infocomm Research,
A*STAR, Singapore 138632. an electromagnetic (EM) lens and a matching antenna array
Digital Object Identifier xxxx with elements located in the focal region of the lens. Generally

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

y significantly reduce the RF chain cost, yet without notably

comprising the system performance. This is in sharp contrast
y z x to the case of applying antenna selection in the conventional
arrays without lens [24], [25]. Furthermore, for mmWave
focal arc
Dy channels with sufficiently separated AoAs/AoDs, different
2 signal paths can be differentiated at different antenna elements
with the use of lens antenna arrays. Therefore, the detrimental
EM lens
multi-path effect in wide-band communications, i.e., the inter-
I B0 symbol interference (ISI), can be easily alleviated in the lens
Tm array MIMO systems, without the need of sophisticated ISI
F mitigation techniques such as equalization, spread spectrum,
or multi-carrier transmission [47]. In fact, in the favorable
Dy antenna m
 scenario with sufficiently separated AoAs and AoDs, the lens
MIMO system is shown in this paper to be decoupled into
a set of parallel additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) sub-
channels, each corresponding to one of the multi-paths. This is
true regardless of narrow-band or wide-band communications.
Fig. 1: The schematic diagram of lens antenna array with an Thus, multiple data streams can be simultaneously multiplexed
incident uniform plane wave with AoA ϕ. and transmitted over these sub-channels, each over one of
the multi-paths with simple per-path processing. We term
this new MIMO spatial multiplexing scheme enabled by the
speaking, EM lenses can be implemented via three main tech- lens antenna array as path division multiplexing (PDM), in
nologies: i) the dielectric lenses made of dielectric materials contrast to the conventional multiplexing techniques over
with carefully designed front and/or rear surfaces [38], [39]; ii) orthogonal time, frequency or space.1 We summarize the main
the traditional planar lenses consisting of arrays of transmitting contributions of this paper as follows.
and receiving antennas connected via transmission lines with
variable lengths [40], [41]; and iii) the modern planar lenses • First, we introduce a systematic design framework of
composed of sub-wavelength periodic inductive and capacitive the lens antenna array as an integrated component, for
structures [42], [43]. Regardless of the actual implementation which the detailed array configuration is presented and
methods, the fundamental principle of EM lenses is to provide the corresponding array response is derived. Note that
variable phase shifting for EM rays at different points on the this is in contrast to existing works on lens antenna arrays
lens aperture so as to achieve angle-dependent energy focusing [27]–[32], which treat the EM lens and the antenna array
property. Specifically, a receiving lens antenna array is able to separately by modeling the lens as an approximate spatial
focus the incident signals with sufficiently separated angle of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) filter. Our new result
arrivals (AoAs) to different receiving antenna subsets. Simi- shows that, different from the conventional arrays whose
larly, a transmitting lens array can steer the departure signals response is generally given by phase shifting across
with sufficiently separated angle of departures (AoDs) from the antenna elements, the array response for the lens
different transmitting antenna subsets. In [28], the concept of antennas follows a “sinc” function, where the antenna
beamspace MIMO communication is introduced, where lens with the peak response is determined by the AoA/AoD
antenna arrays, or discrete lens arrays (DLAs) as termed in of the received/transmitted signal. This analytical result
[28], are used to approximately transform the signals from is consistent with that reported in prior works based
the antenna space to the beamspace, which has much lower on simulations [35], [39] or experiments [42]. With
dimensions, to significantly reduce the number of required RF the derived array response, the channel model for the
chains. In [29], beamspace MIMO is also studied in multi-path mmWave lens MIMO system is rigorously obtained,
environment, and the extensions to the multiuser scenarios are which is compared to that of a benchmark MIMO system
investigated in [30], [31]. In a parallel work [34], the lens using the conventional uniform planar arrays (UPAs).
antenna array is applied to the massive MIMO cellular system • Next, to obtain the fundamental limit and draw insight,
with large number of antennas at the base station (BS) [44]– we consider the so-called “ideal” AoA/AoD environment,
[46], which is shown to achieve significant performance gains where the signal power of each multi-path is focused
as well as cost and complexity reductions as compared to the on one single element of the lens array at the receiv-
conventional arrays without lens. er/transmitter. We show that the channel capacity in this
In this paper, we study the mmWave MIMO communication case is achieved by a new orthogonal PDM (OPDM)
1 Note that PDM differs from the conventional sectorized antenna or space-
where both the transmitter and receiver are equipped with
division-multiple-access (SDMA) techniques. Although they similarly exploit
lens antenna arrays. Due to the AoA/AoD-dependent energy the different AoAs/AoDs of multiuser/multi-path signals, the sectorization
focusing property, the signal power in mmWave lens MIMO technique achieves spatial signal separation only in a coarse scale (say, 120
with limited number of multi-paths is generally focused degrees with a 3-sector antenna array), while SDMA obtains finer spatial
resolution but requires sophisticated beamforming/precoding. In contrast, for
on only a small subset of the receiver/transmitter antenna the proposed PDM, high spatial resolution is achieved without the need of
elements; as a result, antenna selection can be applied to complex array signal processing.

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

scheme, which can be easily implemented by antenna PDM that is applicable for both narrow-band and wide-band
selection with only L transmitting/receiving RF chains, communications is presented, and a path grouping technique
where L denotes the number of multi-paths. Notice that is proposed to further improve the performance. Finally, we
L is usually much smaller than the number of transmit- conclude the paper in Section V.
ting/receiving antennas in mmWave MIMO channels due Notations: In this paper, scalars are denoted by italic letters.
to the multi-path sparsity. We further compare the lens Boldface lower- and upper-case letters denote vectors and
array based mmWave MIMO system with that based on matrices, respectively. CM ×N denotes the space of M × N
the conventional UPAs, in terms of capacity performance complex-valued matrices, and I represents an identity matrix.
as well as signal processing complexity and RF chain cost For an arbitrary-size matrix A, its complex conjugate, trans-
in both narrow-band and wide-band communications. pose, and Hermitian transpose are denoted by A∗ , AT , and
• Finally, the mmWave lens MIMO is studied under the AH , respectively. For a vector a, ∥a∥ denotes its Euclidean
practical setup with multi-paths of arbitrary AoAs/AoDs. norm, and diag(a) represents a diagonal matrix with the
We propose a low-complexity transceiver design based diagonal elements given in a. For a non-singular square
on PDM, applicable for both narrow-band and wide- matrix S, its matrix inverse is denoted as S−1 . The symbol
band communications, with per-path maximal ratio trans- j represents the imaginary unit of complex numbers, with
mission (MRT) at the transmitter and maximal ratio j 2 = −1. The notation ~ denotes the linear convolution
combining (MRC)/minimum mean square error (MMSE) operation. δ(·) denotes the Dirac delta function, and sinc(·)
beamforming at the receiver. We analytically show that is the “sinc” function defined as sinc(x) , sin(πx)/(πx). For
in the case of wide-band communications, the proposed a real number a, ⌊a⌋ denotes the largest integer no greater
design achieves perfect ISI rejection if either the AoAs than a, and round(a) represents the nearest integer of a.
or AoDs (not necessarily both) of the multi-path signals Furthermore, U [a, b] represents the uniform distribution in
are sufficiently separated. Moreover, we propose a simple the interval [a, b]. N (µ, C) and CN (µ, C) denote the real-
path grouping technique with group-based small-scale valued Gaussian and the circularly symmetric complex-valued
MIMO processing to mitigate the inter-stream interfer- Gaussian (CSCG) distributions with mean µ and covariance
ence caused by insufficient AoA/AoD separations. matrix C, respectively. For a set S, |S| denotes its cardinality.
Furthermore, S1 ∩ S2 and S1 ∪ S2 denote the intersection and
It is also pointed out that there has been an upsurge of union of two sets S1 and S2 , respectively.
interest recently in exploiting the angular domain of multi-
path/multiuser signals in the design of massive MIMO sys-
tems. For example, by utilizing the fact that there is limited II. S YSTEM D ESCRIPTION AND C HANNEL M ODEL
angular spread for signals sent from the mobile users, the A. Lens Antenna Array
authors in [48] propose a channel covariance-based pilot as-
A lens antenna array in general consists of an EM lens and
signment strategy to mitigate the pilot contamination problem
an antenna array with elements located in the focal region of
in multi-cell massive MIMO systems. Similarly in [49], [50],
the lens. Without loss of generality, we assume that a planar
an AoA-based user grouping technique is proposed, which
EM lens with negligible thickness and of size Dy × Dz is
leads to the so-called joint spatial division and multiplexing
placed on the y-z plane and centered at the origin, as shown
scheme that makes massive MIMO also possible for frequency
in Fig. 1. By considering only the azimuth AoAs and AoDs,2
division duplexing (FDD) systems due to the significantly
the array elements are assumed to be placed on the focal
reduced channel estimation overhead after user grouping. In
arc of the lens, which is defined as a semi-circle around the
[51], an OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing)
lens’s center in the azimuth plane (i.e., x-y plane shown in
based beam division multiple access scheme is proposed for
Fig. 1) with radius F , where F is known as the focal length of
massive MIMO systems by simultaneously serving users with
the lens. Therefore, the antenna locations relative to the lens
different beams at each frequency sub-channel. In this paper,
center can be parameterized as Bm (xm = F cos θm , ym =
we similarly exploit the different AoAs/AoDs of multi-path
−F sin θm , zm = 0), where θm ∈ [−π/2, π/2] is the angle of
signals for complexity and cost reduction in mmWave MIMO
the mth antenna element relative to the x-axis, m ∈ M, with
systems, while by utilizing the new lens antenna arrays at both
M , {0, ±1, · · · , ±(M − 1)/2} denoting the set of antenna
the transmitter and receiver.
indices and M representing the total number of antennas. Note
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II we have assumed that M is an odd number for convenience.
presents the array architecture as well as the array response Furthermore, we assume the so-called critical antenna spacing,
function of the proposed lens antenna array, based on which i.e., the antenna elements are deployed on the focal arc so that
the MIMO channel model for mmWave communications is {θ̃m , sin θm } are equally spaced in the interval [−1, 1] as
derived. The benchmark system using the conventional UPAs m
is also presented. In Section III, we consider the case of “ideal” θ̃m = , m ∈ M, (1)

AoA/AoD environment under which we introduce OPDM and where D̃ , Dy /λ is the lens dimension along the azimuth
demonstrate the great advantages of applying lens antenna plane normalized by the carrier wavelength λ. It follows from
arrays over conventional UPAs in mmWave communications. 2 For simplicity, we assume that the elevation AoAs/AoDs are all zeros,
In Section IV, the practical scenario with arbitrary AoAs/AoDs which is practically valid if the height difference between the transmitter and
is considered, where a simple transceiver design based on the receiver is much smaller than their separation distance.

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

(1) that M and D̃ are related via M = 1 + ⌊2D̃⌋, i.e., more 10

sin φ = 0
antennas should be deployed for larger lens dimension D̃. It is 9 sin φ = 0.18

worth mentioning that with the array configuration specified 8

in (1), antennas are more densely deployed in the center of 7

the array than those on each of the two edges.

Array response
We first study the receive array response by assuming that
the lens antenna array is illuminated by a uniform plane
wave with AoA ϕ, as shown in Fig. 1. Denote by x0 (ϕ) the
impinging signal at the reference point (say, the lens center) 3

on the lens aperture, and rm (ϕ) the resulting signal received 2

by the mth element of the antenna array, m ∈ M. The array 1

response vector a(ϕ) ∈ CM ×1 , whose elements are defined
by the ratio am (ϕ) , rm (ϕ)/x0 (ϕ), can then be obtained in −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
Antenna index
the following lemma.
Lemma 1: For the lens antenna array with critical antenna Fig. 2: Array response of a lens antenna array with A = 100
spacing as specified in (1), the receive array response vector and D̃ = 10 for two different AoAs.
a(ϕ) as a function of the AoA ϕ can be expressed as
√ On the other hand, since the EM lens is a passive device,
am (ϕ) ≈ e−jΦ0 Asinc(m − D̃ϕ̃), m ∈ M, (2) reciprocity holds between the incoming and outgoing signals
where A , Dy Dz /λ2 is the normalized aperture, i.e., the through it. As a result, the transmit response vector for steering
physical area of the EM lens normalized by wavelength square, a signal towards the AoD ϕ can be similarly obtained by
Φ0 is a common phase shift from the lens’s aperture to the Lemma 1. The details are omitted for brevity.
array, and ϕ̃ , sin ϕ ∈ [−1, 1] is referred to as the spatial
frequency corresponding to the AoA ϕ. B. Channel Model of MmWave Lens MIMO
Proof: Please refer to Appendix A.
In this subsection, we present the channel model for the
Different from the traditional antenna arrays without lens, mmWave lens MIMO system, where both the transmitter and
whose array responses are generally given by the simple phase receiver are equipped with lens antenna arrays with Q and M
shifting across different antenna elements (see e.g. (11) for elements, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3. Under the general
the case of UPAs), the “sinc”-function array response in (2) multi-path environment, the channel impulse response can be
demonstrates the AoA-dependent energy-focusing capability modeled as
of the lens antenna arrays, which is illustrated in Fig. 2. ∑L

T (ϕT,l )δ(t − τl ),
Specifically, for any incident signal with a given AoA ϕ, H(t) = αl aR (ϕR,l )aH (3)
the received power is magnified by approximately A times l=1
for the receiving antenna located in the close vicinity of the where H(t) is an M ×Q matrix with elements hmq (t) denoting
focal point D̃ϕ̃; whereas it is almost negligible for those the channel impulse response from transmitting antenna q ∈ Q
antennas located far away from the focal point, i.e., antennas to receiving antenna m ∈ M, with Q and M respectively
with |m − D̃ϕ̃| ≫ 1. As a result, any two simultaneously denoting the sets of the transmitting and receiving antenna in-
received signals with sufficiently different AoAs ϕ and ϕ′ such dices as similarly defined in the previous subsection; L denotes
that |ϕ̃ − ϕ̃′ | ≥ 1/D̃ can be effectively separated by simply the number of significant channel paths, which is usually much
selecting different antenna elements, as illustrated in Fig. 2 smaller than the number of transmit/receive antennas due to
assuming a lens antenna array with A = 100 and D̃ = 10 the multi-path sparsity in mmWave communications [5]; αl
for two AoAs with sin ϕ = 0 and 0.18, respectively. Thus, and τl denote the complex-valued path gain and the delay
we term the quantity 1/D̃ as the array’s spatial frequency for the lth path, respectively; ϕR,l and ϕT,l are the azimuth
resolution, or approximately the AoA resolution for large D̃ AoA and AoD for path l, respectively; and aR ∈ CM ×1 and
[28]. aT ∈ CQ×1 represent the array response vectors for the lens
Note that in Lemma 1, we have assumed that the insertion antenna arrays at the receiver and the transmitter, respectively.
loss of the EM lens as well as its boundary effect are Note that in (3), we have assumed that the distances between
negligible. Furthermore, it is worth noting that with modern the scatterers and the transmitter/receiver are much larger than
lens fabrication technologies, such as those based on true-time- the array dimensions, so that each multi-path signal can be
delay (TDD) techniques [43], the 3dB-gain bandwidth of a well approximated as a uniform plane wave.
typical EM lens can be up to 40% of the center frequency. Denote by AT and AR the normalized lens apertures, and
Thus, the result given in Lemma 1 is applicable for both D̃T and D̃R the lens’s normalized azimuth dimensions at
narrow-band and wide-band communications. From (2), it is the transmitter and at the receiver, respectively. Based on
seen that the phase response Φ0 of the lens antenna array is Lemma 1, the elements in the receive and transmit array
common for all antenna elements, which is a design parameter response vectors aR and aT can be expressed as

of the EM lens, as shown in Appendix A. Without loss of aR,m (ϕR,l ) = AR sinc(m − D̃R ϕ̃R,l ), m ∈ M, (4)
generality, we assume in the rest of this paper that Φ0 = 2nπ √
for some integer n, so that the phase term in (2) can be ignored. aT,q (ϕT,l ) = AT sinc(q − D̃T ϕ̃T,l ), q ∈ Q, (5)

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

EM lens in
scatterer z y-z plane

lens y
2 ,W
2 ,I
R ,2 ,I
D1 ,W , 2

1 I ,
R ,1 I
T ,1 x
TX lens
,I ,3, T ,3
D 3,W 3 R
focal arc in
x-y plane

Fig. 3: A mmWave lens MIMO system in multi-path environ- (a) Lens antenna array

where ϕ̃R,l , sin(ϕR,l ) and ϕ̃T,l , sin(ϕT,l ) are the Dy

AoA/AoD spatial frequencies of the lth path. Without loss
of generality, ϕ̃R,l , ϕ̃T,l ∈ [−1, 1] of the L multi-paths can
be expressed in terms of the spatial frequency resolutions
associated with the receiving/transmitting arrays as x
ml + ϵR,l ql + ϵT,l
ϕ̃R,l = , ϕ̃T,l = , l = 1, · · · , L, (6)
D̃R D̃T Dz
where ml ∈ M and ql ∈ Q are integers given by ml =
round(ϕ̃R,l D̃R ) and ql = round(ϕ̃T,l D̃T ); and ϵR,l and ϵT,l
are fractional numbers in the interval [−1/2, 1/2]. Intuitively, 2
ml (or ql ) in (6) gives the receiving (transmitting) antenna
(b) Uniform planar array
index that is nearest to the focusing point corresponding to the
AoA (AoD) of the lth path; whereas ϵR,l and ϵT,l represent Fig. 4: 3D schematic diagrams of a lens antenna array versus
the misalignment from the exact focusing point of the lth path an UPA with the same physical dimensions.
signal relative to its nearest receiving/transmitting antenna. By
synchronization at the receiver, the general multi-path signal
substituting (6) into (4) and (5), the channel impulse response
model in (8) reduces to
in (3) can be equivalently expressed as
∑L √ r(t) = Hx(t) + z(t), (9)
hmq (t) = αl AR AT sinc(m − ml − ϵR,l ) ∑L H
(7) where H = l=1 αl aR (ϕR,l )aT (ϕT,l ) denotes the narrow-
l=1 band MIMO channel.
× sinc(q − ql − ϵT,l )δ(t − τl ), m ∈ M, q ∈ Q.
Loosely speaking, (7) implies that the signal sent by the
C. Benchmark System: MmWave MIMO with UPA
transmitting antenna with index q = ql will be directed towards
the receiver mainly along the lth path, and then mainly focused As a benchmark system for comparison, we consider the
on the receiving antenna with index m = ml , as illustrated in mmWave communications in the traditional MIMO setup
Fig. 3. employing conventional antenna arrays without the EM lens.
With the channel impulse response matrix H(t) given in In particular, we assume that the transmitter and the receiver
(3), the baseband equivalent signal received by the receiving are both equipped with the UPAs with QU and MU elements,
lens antenna array can be expressed as respectively, with adjacent elements separated by distance
dU = 0.5λ. For fair comparison, we assume that QU and
r(t) = H(t) ~ x(t) + z(t)
MU are designed such that the UPA has the same physical

dimensions (or equivalently the same normalized apertures AT
= T (ϕT,l )x(t − τl ) + z(t),
αl aR (ϕR,l )aH (8) and AR ) as the lens array of our interest, as illustrated in Fig. 4.
Accordingly, it can be shown that QU = Dy Dz /d2U = 4AT >
where x(t) ∈ CQ×1 denotes the signal sent from the Q Q and MU = 4AR > M , i.e., in general more antennas need
transmitting antennas, and z(t) ∈ CM ×1 represents the to be deployed in the conventional UPA than that in the lens
AWGN vector at the receiving antenna array. In the special antenna array to achieve the same array aperture, since the
case of narrow-band communication where the maximum energy focusing capability of the EM lens effectively reduces
excessive delay of the multi-path signals is much smaller than the number of antenna elements required in lens array. This
the symbol duration Ts , i.e., max ′
|τl − τl′ | ≪ Ts ≈ 1/W may compensate the additional cost of EM lens production
with W denoting the signal bandwidth, we have τl ≈ τ and and integration in practice. Denote by HU (t) ∈ CMU ×QU the
x(t − τl ) ≈ x(t − τ ), ∀l. As a result, by assuming perfect time channel impulse response matrix in the mmWave MIMO with

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

UPAs. We thus have then be expressed as

rm (t) = hmq (t) ~ xq (t)
HU (t) = T,U (ϕT,l )δ(t − τl ),
αl aR,U (ϕR,l )aH (10)
l=1 {√
where αl , τl , ϕR,l and ϕT,l are defined in (3), and aR,U and AR AT αl xql (t − τl ), if m = ml for some l,
aT,U are the array response vectors corresponding to the UPAs 0, otherwise.
at the receiver and transmitter, respectively, which are given (13)
by phase shifting across different antenna elements [52], i.e.,
√ [ ] Under the assumption of perfect time synchronization at each
aR,U (ϕ) = M AR
1, e jΦ2 (ϕ)
, · · · e jΦMU (ϕ) T
, (11) of the receiving antennas, i.e., τl is known at the receiver and
√ [ ]
perfectly compensated at antenna ml , (13) can be equivalently
aT,U (ϕ) = A QU 1, e
T jΦ2 (ϕ)
, · · · ejΦQU (ϕ) T , (12) written as

with Φm , m = 2, · · · , MU or 2, · · · , QU , denoting the rml = AR AT αl xql + zml , l = 1, · · · , L, (14)
phase shift of the mth array element relative to the first where zml denotes the AWGN at receiving antenna ml .
one. The input-output relationships for the UPA-based wide- Therefore, the original multi-path MIMO channel has been
band/narrow-band mmWave MIMO communications can be decoupled into L parallel single-input single-output (SISO)
similarly obtained as in (8) and (9), respectively, and are thus AWGN channels, each corresponding to one of the L multi-
omitted for brevity. paths. It is worth mentioning that the channel decomposition
in (14) holds for both the narrow-band and wide-band commu-
nications. This thus enables a new low-complexity and cost-
III. L ENS MIMO UNDER I DEAL AOA S AND AO D S effective way to implement MIMO spatial multiplexing, by
multiplexing L data streams each over one of the L multi-paths
To demonstrate the fundamental gains of the lens MIMO independently, which we term as OPDM. It is straightforward
based mmWave communication, we first consider an “ideal” to show that by applying the standard water-filling (WF) power
multi-path propagation environment, where the spatial fre- allocation [47] over each of the L parallel sub-channels with
quencies {ϕ̃R,l , ϕ̃T,l }L
l=1 corresponding to the AoAs/AoDs power gains {|αl |2 AR AT }L l=1 , the capacity of the mmWave
of the L paths are all integer multiples of the spatial fre- lens MIMO system can be achieved for both narrow-band and
quency resolutions of the receiving/transmitting lenses, i.e., wide-band communications.
{ϵR,l , ϵT,l }L
l=1 defined in (6) are all zeros. Furthermore, we
assume that all the L signal paths have distinct AoAs/AoDs
B. Capacity Comparison
such that ml′ ̸= ml and ql′ ̸= ql , ∀l′ ̸= l. In this case, we
show that the multi-path signals in the lens antenna enabled Next, we provide capacity comparison by simulations for
mmWave MIMO system can be perfectly resolved by different the proposed lens MIMO versus the conventional UPA-based
antenna elements without any interference, thus leading to MIMO in mmWave communications. For the lens MIMO
a new and capacity-achieving spatial multiplexing technique system, we assume that the transmitter and receiver lens
called OPDM. We also show that with OPDM, the lens antenna apertures are both given by AT = AR = 20, and the azimuth
based mmWave MIMO system achieves the same (or even lens dimensions are D̃T = D̃R = 10, which correspond to the
better) capacity performance in both narrow-band and wide- number of transmitting/receiving antennas as M = Q = 21.
band communications as compared to the conventional UPA For fair comparison, the UPA-based MIMO system is assumed
based mmWave MIMO, but with dramatically reduced signal to have the same array apertures as the lens MIMO, which
processing complexity and RF chain cost. thus needs MU = QU = 80 transmitting/receiving antennas,
as discussed in Section II-C. We consider a mmWave channel
of L = 3 paths, which is typical in mmWave communications
[5]. We assume a set of ideal AoAs/AoDs with ϕ̃T,l =
A. Orthogonal Path Division Multiplexing (OPDM)
ϕ̃R,l ∈ {0, ±0.2}. Furthermore, the √
complex-valued path gains
In the “ideal” AoA/AoD environment as defined above, the {αl }Ll=1 are modeled as α l = βκl ejηl , l = 1, · · · , L
channel impulse response from the transmitting antenna q to [9], where β denotes the large-scale attenuation including
receiving antenna m given in (7) reduces to distance-dependent path loss and shadowing, κl∑ represents the
∑L √ power fractional ratio for the lth path, with l=1 κl = 1,
hmq (t) = αl AR AT δ(m − ml )δ(q − ql )δ(t − τl ). and ηl ∼ U [0, 2π] denotes the phase shift of the lth path.
l=1 The value of β in dB is set based on the generic model
The above expression implies that the signal transmitted by −βdB = c1 + 10c2 log10 (d) + ξ, where c1 and c2 are the
antenna q will be received at antenna m if and only if model parameters, d is the communication distance in meters,
there exists a propagation path such that the focusing points and ξ ∼ N (0, ϵ2 ) denotes the lognormal shadowing. We
corresponding to its AoA and AoD align exactly with the assume that the system is operated at the mmWave frequency
locations of antenna m and q, respectively, i.e., m = ml and f = 73 GHz, for which extensive channel measurements have
q = ql . Denote by xq (t) the signal sent by antenna q of the been performed and the model parameters were obtained as
transmitting lens array, where q ∈ Q. The signal received by c1 = 86.6, c2 = 2.45, and ϵ = 8 dB [9]. Furthermore,
antenna m (by ignoring additive noise for the time being) can we assume d = 100 meters, with which the path loss is

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

15 15
UPA MIMO, fully digital UPA−based MIMO
UPA MIMO, hybrid, 2L RF chains
UPA MIMO, hybrid, L RF chains
Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

10 10

5 5

0 0
−30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)

Fig. 5: Performance comparison of the lens MIMO versus the Fig. 6: Performance comparison of the lens MIMO using
UPA-based MIMO in narrow-band mmWave communication. OPDM versus the UPA-based MIMO using MIMO-OFDM in
wide-band mmWave communication.
136 dB, or E[β] = −136 dB, with the expectation taken
over the log-normal shadowing. In addition, the multi-path Fig. 6 compares the lens MIMO using OPDM versus
κ′ the UPA-based MIMO using MIMO-OFDM in wide-band
power distribution {κl }L
l=1 can be modeled as κl =
∑L l ′ ,
κ k=1 k communication. For MIMO-OFDM, the total bandwidth is
with κ′k = Ukrτ −1 10−0.1Zk , where Uk ∼ U [0, 1] and Zk ∼ divided into N = 512 orthogonal sub-bands, and a cyclic
N (0, ζ 2 ) are random variables accounting for the variations prefix (CP) of duration 100 ns is assumed, or equivalently with
in delay and in lognormal shadowing among different paths, CP length µ = 50 symbols. It is observed in Fig. 6 that for
respectively [9]. For mmWave channels at f = 73 GHz, rτ and the wide-band communication case, the lens MIMO (with L
ζ have been obtained as rτ = 3 and ζ = 4 [9]. Furthermore, RF chains) achieves higher spectrum efficiency than the UPA-
we assume that the total bandwidth is W = 500 MHz, and the based MIMO-OFDM (with fully digital MIMO processing),
noise power spectrum density is N0 = −174 dBm/Hz. Denote which is mainly due to the advantage that no CP is needed in
by P the total transmission power, the average signal-to-noise the lens MIMO system with the proposed OPDM scheme.
ratio (SNR) at each receiving array element (without the lens
applied yet) is then defined as SNR, P E[β]/σ 2 . We consider
two communication environments characterized by different C. Complexity and Cost Comparison
values of the maximum multi-path excessive delays Tm , which In this subsection, we compare the lens MIMO against the
correspond to: i) the narrow-band channel with Tm ≪ 1/W ; conventional UPA-based MIMO in mmWave communications
and ii) the wide-band channel with Tm = 100 ns. in terms of signal processing complexity and hardware cost.
In Fig. 5, the average spectrum efficiency over 104 channel The results are summarized in Table I and discussed in the
realizations is plotted against SNR for both the lens array- following aspects.
based and the UPA-based mmWave MIMO systems in narrow- MIMO processing: For the lens MIMO based mmWave
band communication. Note that since the AoAs/AoDs are communication, the capacity for both narrow-band and wide-
ideal in this case, the lens array system with fully digital band channels is achieved by the simple OPDM scheme,
MIMO processing (i.e., no constraint on the number of RF which can be efficiently implemented with signal processing
chains) coincides with the OPDM scheme, which achieves the complexity of O(L), with O(·) representing the standard “big
channel capacity requiring L RF chains only. On the other O” notation. In contrast, for the UPA-based mmWave MIMO
hand, for the UPA-based MIMO system, the channel capacity communication, the capacity is achieved by the eigenmode
is achieved by fully digital MIMO processing with the well- transmission for narrow-band channel and approached by
known eigenmode transmission and WF power allocation over MIMO-OFDM for wide-band channel. The signal processing
the eigen-directions of the MIMO channel [47]. It is observed complexity for both schemes is mainly due to performing the
from Fig. 5 that the lens MIMO based OPDM scheme achieves singular value decomposition of the MIMO channel matrices,
almost the same capacity as the conventional UPA-based which has the complexity O(MU QU min{MU , QU }) for a
fully digital MIMO system, but requires L RF chains only. generic matrix of size MU ×QU [53]. For a low-rank MU ×QU
Fig. 5 also shows the performance of the hybrid analog/digital channel matrix of rank L, the complexity can be reduced to
communication scheme for the UPA MIMO system based on O(MU QU L) by exploiting its low-rank property [53]. Thus,
the algorithm proposed in [19]. It is observed that while the the MIMO precoding/detection complexity for the UPA-based
hybrid scheme with 2L RF chains is able to achieve near- MIMO communication is O(MU QU L) and O(MU QU LN )
optimal performance as the fully-digital MIMO, it incurs a in narrow-band and wide-band communications, respectively,
considerable performance loss when the number of RF chains where N denotes the total number of sub-carriers in MIMO-
reduces to L. OFDM, which in general requires additional complexity of

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

TABLE I: Complexity and cost comparison for lens MIMO versus UPA-based MIMO.
Signal Processing Complexity Hardware Cost
MIMO Processing Channel Estimation
Antenna RF chain
Narrow-band Wide-band Narrow-band Wide-band
Lens MIMO O(L) O(L) O(L) O(L) M +Q 2L
UPA-based MIMO O(MU QU L) O(MU QU LN + (QU + MU )N log N ) O(MU QU ) O(MU QU N ) MU + QU MU + QU

O((QU + MU )N log N ) at the transmitter and receiver for TX antenna index

OFDM modulation/demodulation. As L ≪ min{MU , QU } in q1 q2 q3
mmWave communications, the lens MIMO has a significantly … -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 …
lower signal processing complexity than the UPA-based MI- m2 -3
MO with fully digital processing, especially for the wide-band -2

RX antenna index
communication case.
Channel estimation: It follows from (14) that the lens
MIMO using OPDM only requires estimating L parallel SISO
channels for both narrow-band and wide-band communication- m3 1
s, which has a complexity O(L). In contrast, the conventional 2
UPA-based MIMO in general requires estimating the MIMO 3
channel of size MU × QU for narrow-band communication, m1 4
and N different MIMO channels each of size MU × QU for

wide-band communication using MIMO-OFDM.3
Hardware cost: The hardware cost for mmWave MIMO
Fig. 7: An illustration of the sparsity for a lens MIMO
communications mainly depends on the number of antennas
channel with L = 3 paths. D̃T = D̃R = 10. ϕ̃R,l ∈
and the required number of transmitting/receiving RF chains,
{0.36, −0.27, 0.08}, ϕ̃T,l ∈ {−0.2, 0.12, 0.24}. ∆ = 1.
which are composed of mixers, amplifiers, D/A or A/D
M1 = {3, 4}, M2 = {−3, −2}, M3 = {0, 1}, Q1 =
converters, etc. For the lens MIMO system, it follows from
{−2}, Q2 = {1, 2}, and Q3 = {2, 3}. Note that Q2 ∩ Q3 ̸= ∅
(14) that only L receiving/transmitting antennas located on
due to the small AoD separation between path 2 and path 3.
the focusing points of the L multi-paths need to be selected to
operate at one time; whereas all the remaining antennas can ∆ from the focusing point (see Fig. 2), i.e.,
be deactivated. This thus helps significantly reduce the number √
of RF chains required as compared to the conventional UPA- aR,m (ϕR,l ) = AR sinc(m − D̃R ϕ̃R,l ) ≈ 0, ∀m ∈ / Ml ,

based MIMO, as shown in Table I in detail. Moreover, for aT,q (ϕT,l ) = AT sinc(q − D̃T ϕ̃T,l ) ≈ 0, ∀q ∈/ Ql ,
the case of wide-band communication, MIMO-OFDM suffers where Ml and Ql are referred to as the supporting receiv-
from the practical issue of high signal peak-to-average-power ing/transmitting antenna subsets for the lth path, which are
ratio (PAPR), which requires more costly RF chains and/or defined as{
additional signal processing. In contrast, for the proposed lens }
Ml , m ∈ M : |m − D̃R ϕ̃R,l | < ∆ , (15)
MIMO, only single-carrier (SC) modulation is needed for each { }
of the L data streams and thus the issue of PAPR is relieved. Ql , q ∈ Q : |q − D̃T ϕ̃T,l | < ∆ , l = 1, · · · , L. (16)
Consequently, the (m, q)-th element of the channel impulse
IV. L ENS MIMO UNDER A RBITRARY AOA S /AO D S response matrix H(t) in (3) has practically non-negligible
power if and only if there exists at least one signal path l
In this section, we study the mmWave lens MIMO in such that m ∈ Ml and q ∈ Ql . Since L ≪ min{M, Q} due
the general channel model with arbitrary AoAs/AoDs, i.e., to the multi-path sparsity in mmWave channels, it follows that
the spatial frequencies {ϕ̃R,l , ϕ̃T,l }L
l=1 are not necessarily H(t) is in practice a (nearly) sparse matrix with block sparsity
integer multiples of the spatial frequency resolution of the structure, where each non-zero block corresponds to one of
receiving/transmitting lens arrays. In this case, the power for the L multi-paths and has approximately 2∆ × 2∆ entries
each multi-path signal in general spreads across the entire around the element (ml , ql ), as illustrated in Fig. 7. Note that
antenna array with decaying power levels from the element depending on the AoA/AoD values, {Ml }L l=1 (or {Ql }l=1 )

closest to the corresponding focusing point. Let ∆ > 0 be a may have non-empty intersection for different paths, i.e.,
positive integer for which it can be practically approximated certain antenna elements may receive/transmit non-negligible
that |sinc(x)|2 ≈ 0, ∀|x| ≥ ∆. It then follows from (4) and power from/to more than one signal paths, as illustrated by
(5) that the receive/transmit array responses for the lth path Q2 and Q3 in∪Fig. 7. ∪L
are negligible at those antennas with a distance greater than Let MS = l=1 Ml and QS = l=1 Ql be the supporting
3 Note that by exploiting the channel sparsity in mmWave communications receiving/transmitting antenna subsets associated with all the
with small L, the channel estimation in UPA-based MIMO can be imple- L paths, and HS (t) ∈ C|MS |×|QS | be the sub-matrix of
mented with lower complexity via jointly estimating the multi-path param-
eters {αl , ϕR,l , ϕT,l , τl }L the channel impulse response H(t) corresponding to the
l=1 , which, however, requires more sophisticated
techniques as in [21]. receiving antennas in MS and transmitting antennas in QS . By

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications

deactivating those antennas with negligible channel powers, on (18) and (19), the discrete-time equivalent received signal
the input-output relationship in (8) then reduces to rMS [n] can be expressed as
rMS (t) = HS (t) ~ xQS (t) + zMS (t) (17) ∑L
rMS [n] = αk aR,k aHT,k xQS [n − nk ] + zMS [n] (21)


T,QS (ϕT,l )xQS (t − τl ) + zMS (t),

αl aR,MS (ϕR,l )aH k=1
∑L √
l=1 √ pl
(18) = pl AT αl aR,l sl [n − nl ] + T,k aT,l sl [n − nk ]
αk aR,k aH
| {z } k̸=l AT
|MS |×1
where rMS , aR,MS , zMS ∈ C respectively denote the desired signal | {z }
sub-vectors of r, aR and z in (8) corresponding to the receiving ISI
∑ L √
L ∑
antennas in MS ; and aT,QS , xQS ∈ C|QS |×1 denote the sub- pl′
vectors of aT and x corresponding to the transmitting antennas + T,k aT,l′ sl′ [n − nk ] +zMS [n].
αk aR,k aH
l′ ̸=l
in QS , respectively. |
{z }
Remark 1: It follows from (18) that for mmWave lens inter-stream interference
MIMO system with arbitrary AoAs/AoDs, only |MS | ≪ M (22)
receiving and |QS | ≪ Q transmitting RF chains are generally
Note that in (22), we have decomposed the received signal
needed to achieve the near-optimal performance of the full-
rMS [n] for decoding the lth data stream, which includes the
MIMO system with all M + ∑Q antennas/RF chains in use.
L desired signal component propagated via the lth path with
Furthermore, since |MS | ≤ l=1 |Ml | ≈ 2∆L, and |QS | ≤
∑L symbol delay nl , the ISI from the same data stream received
l=1 |Ql | ≈ 2∆L, the total number of RF chains required via all other L − 1 paths with different delays, and the inter-
only depends on the number of multi-paths L, instead of the stream interference from the other L−1 data streams over all L
actually deployed antennas M and Q. signal paths. By applying the receiver beamforming in (20) and
treating the ISI and the inter-stream interference both as noise,
A. Transceiver Design Based on PDM the effective SNR for the lth data stream can be expressed as
(23) shown at the top of the∑Lnext page. The achievable sum-
In this subsection, by exploiting the reduced-size channel rate is then given by R = l=1 log2 (1+γl ). In the following,
matrix in (18), we propose a low-complexity MIMO transceiv- two commonly used receiver beamforming schemes, i.e., MRC
er design based on PDM (instead of OPDM due to arbitrary and MMSE beamforming, are studied to gain insights on the
AoAs/AoDs), which is applicable for both narrow-band and proposed PDM scheme.
wide-band mmWave communications. With PDM, L indepen-
dent data streams are transmitted in general, each through 1) MRC Receive Beamforming: With MRC, the receiver
one of the L multi-paths via transmit beamforming/precoding. beamforming vector vl for data stream l is set to maximize
Specifically, the discrete-time equivalent of the transmitted the desired signal power from the lth path, i.e., vlMRC =

signal xQS (t) can be expressed as aR,l / AR , ∀l. By substituting vlMRC into (23), the SNR can
∑L √ be expressed as (24) shown at the top of the next page. Note
xQS [n] = aT,QS (ϕT,l )sl [n], (19) that we have used the identity ∥aR,l ∥2 ≈ AR , ∀l. For two
l=1 different paths l′ ̸= l, define the transmitter- and receiver-side
where n denotes the symbol index, sl [n] ∼ CN (0, 1) inter-path contamination (IPC) coefficients respectively as
represents the independent CSCG distributed information- 2 2
a a ′ a R,l R,l
a ′
bearing symbols for√ data stream l, with transmit power pl ; ll′
ρT ,
T,l T,l ll′
< 1, ρR , < 1. (25)
and aT,QS (ϕT,l )/ AT denotes the unit-norm per-path MRT A2T A2R
beamforming vector towards the AoD ϕT,l of path l. Note that
The SNR in (24), γlMRC , can then be simplified as
we have used the identity ∥aT,QS (ϕT,l )∥2 ≈ ∥aT (ϕT,l )∥2 =
pl |αl |2
AT , ∀l. At the receiver side, the low-complexity per-stream ∑L ∑L ∑L ′ σ2
k̸=l pl |αk | ρR ρT pl′ |αk |2 ρlk
2 lk kl + kl
based detection is used, where a receiving beamforming vector l′ ̸=l k=1 R ρT + AR AT

vl ∈ C|MS |×1 with ∥vl ∥ = 1 is applied over the receiving (26)

antennas in MS for detecting sl [n]. Thus, we have pl |αl |2
≈ ∑L ∑ ( )
ll′ 2 ll′ + σ2
k̸=l pl |αk | ρR ρT + l′ ̸=l pl |αl | ρR + |αl | ρT
2 lk kl L
′ 2
ŝl [n] = vlH rMS [n], l = 1, · · · , L, (20) ′
where rMS [n] is the discrete-time equivalent of the received
Note that the approximation in (27) is obtained by keeping
signal rMS (t) shown in (18).
only the two dominating inter-stream interference terms in (26)
Next, we analyze the performance of the above proposed
with either k = l′ or k = l.
PDM scheme for wide-band communications. The analysis
for the special case of narrow-band communications can It is observed from (27) that for wide-band mmWave lens
be obtained similarly and is thus omitted for brevity. For MIMO systems using PDM and the simple MRC receiver
simplicity, we assume that the multi-path delays can be ap- beamforming, the ISI is double attenuated as can be seen from
proximated as integer multiples of the symbol interval Ts , i.e., the IPC coefficients ρkl lk
T and ρR at both the transmitter and
τl = nl Ts for some integer nl , ∀l. For notational conciseness, receiver sides, and the inter-stream interference is attenuated

let aT,l , aT,QS (ϕT,l ) and aR,l , aR,MS (ϕR,l ), ∀l. Based through either transmitter-side IPC coefficient ρll
T or receiver-

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


pl AT |αl |2 |vlH aR,l |2

γl = ∑L ∑L ∑L pl′ , ∀l. (23)
k̸=l AT |αk |2 |vlH aR,k |2 |aH
T,k aT,l | +
l′ ̸=l k=1 AT |αk | |vl aR,k | |aT,k aT,l | + σ
2 H 2 H ′ 2 2

pl |αl |2 AR AT
γlMRC = ∑ 2 2 ∑ ∑L 2 2 . (24)
L 2 H H L pl′ H H
AR AT |αk | aR,l aR,k aT,k aT,l + |αk |2
k̸=l l′ ̸=l k=1 AR AT aR,l aR,k aT,k aT,l + σ
′ 2

D̃T = 10 interference, which need to be further mitigated. One practical
0.9 D̃T = 20 interference mitigation technique is MMSE beamforming at
Inter−path contamination coefficient

D̃T = 50
the receiver, for which the beamforming vector vl in (20) for
0.7 the lth data stream is set as [54]
0.6 C−1l aR,l
vlMMSE = , l = 1, · · · , L, (30)
∥C−1l aR,l ∥
where Cl is the covariance matrix of the effective noise vector.
Based on (22), Cl can be obtained as (32) √ shown at the top
0.2 of the next page, where ãR,k , aR,k / AR , k = 1, · · · , L.
0.1 The corresponding SNR can be obtained as
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 γlMMSE = |αl |2 pl AT aHR,l Cl aR,l (33)
AoD difference (degree) ( L

Fig. 8: Transmitter-side inter-path contamination coefficient = |αl |2 pl ãH
R,l pl |αk |2 ρkl H
T ãR,k ãR,k
versus the AoD difference |ϕT,l − ϕT,l′ | with different D̃T in k̸=l
lens MIMO systems. )−1

L ∑
′ σ2
+ pl′ |αk |2 ρkl H
T ãR,k ãR,k + I ãR,l . (34)
side IPC coefficient ρll l′ ̸=l k=1
Based on (5), we have R.
2 In the favorable scenario with both sufficiently separated AoAs

∑ ′
ll′ ′
1 and AoDs such that ρll T ≈ 0 and ρR ≈ 0, ∀l ̸= l, it can be
aT,q (ϕT,l )aT,q (ϕT,l′ )

ll ∗
ρT = 2 (28)
AT shown that the MMSE and MRC receive beamforming vectors
2 become identical.

= sinc(q − D̃T ϕ̃T,l )sinc(q − D̃T ϕ̃T,l′ ) , (29) B. Path Grouping
As can be seen from (26) and (34), the performance of
which vanishes to zero for sufficiently separated AoDs such the PDM scheme with MRC or MMSE receive beamforming
that |ϕ̃T,l − ϕ̃T,l′ | > 2∆/D̃T , or equivalently Ql ∩ Ql′ = ∅. depends on the ISI and inter-stream interference power via the
ll′ ′
Similarly this holds for the receiver side IPC coefficient ρR . ′
′ IPC coefficients ρllT and ρR , ∀l ̸= l. In this subsection, the
In Fig. 8, the IPC coefficient ρll T is plotted against the AoD PDM scheme is further improved by applying the technique
difference |ϕT,l −ϕT,l′ | for different AoD resolutions provided of path grouping, by which the paths that are significantly
by the transmitter lens array, which verifies that the IPC interfered with each other are grouped and jointly processed.
vanishes asymptotically with large AoD separations and/or It is shown that the PDM with path-grouping achieves the
high AoD resolutions. Thus, with either sufficiently separated channel capacity for both narrow-band and wide-band lens

AoAs or AoDs (not necessarily both), such that ρll

R ≈ 0 or MIMO systems, provided that either the AoAs or AoDs (not

T ≈ 0, ∀l ̸= l, the ISI in (26) can be perfectly eliminated.
ρll necessarily both) are sufficiently separated. In the follow-
On the other hand, in the favorable propagation environment ing, we present the AoA-based receiver-side path grouping
with both sufficiently separated AoAs and AoDs, such that technique in wide-band lens MIMO systems by assuming

ll′ ′
R ≈ 0 and ρT ≈ 0, ∀l ̸= l, both the ISI and the inter-
ρll sufficiently separated AoDs of all paths. The technique for
stream interference in (26) vanish. As a result, the SNR for the AoD-based transmitter-side path grouping with sufficiently
the lth data stream reduces to γl = pl |αl |2 AR AT /σ 2 , ∀l, separated AoAs can be obtained similarly and is thus omitted.
which is identical to that achieved by the OPDM in the With sufficiently separated AoDs for all paths (but possibly
ideal AoAs/AoDs case as discussed in Section III-A. In this close AoAs for certain paths), we have |ϕ̃T,l − ϕ̃T,l′ | >
case, PDM with simple MRC receive beamforming achieves 2∆/D̃T , ∀l ̸= l′ . This may correspond to the downlink trans-
the channel capacity for both narrow-band and wide-band mission where the transmitting lens antenna array equipped at
mmWave communications. the base station has large azimuth dimension (D̃T ≫ 1) and
2) MMSE Receive Beamforming: In the general case where hence provides fine AoD resolution; whereas the receiving lens
the transmitter- and/or receiver-side IPC coefficients are non- array at the mobile terminal can only provide moderate AoA
zero due to the limited AoA/AoD separations and/or insuf- resolution. In this case, it follows from (16) that Ql ∩ Ql′ = ∅,
ficient AoA/AoD resolutions provided by the lens arrays, ∀l′ ̸= l, i.e., {Ql }L l=1 form a disjoint partition for the
the PDM scheme suffers from both the ISI and inter-stream transmitting antenna subset QS . As a result, the input-output

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


pl ∑L ∑
Cl = |αk |2 |aH
T,k aT,l | aR,k aR,k +
2 H
|αk |2 |aH
T,k aT,l′ | aR,k aR,k + σ I
2 H 2
AT ′
k̸=l l ̸=l k=1

L ∑
L ∑

= pl AT AR |αk |2 ρkl H
T ãR,k ãR,k + pl′ AT AR |αk |2 ρkl
T ãR,k ãR,k + σ I, ∀l,
H 2
k̸=l l′ ̸=l k=1

relationship in (18) can be re-written as


rMS (t) = T,Ql (ϕT,l )xQl (t − τl ) + zMS (t),
αl aR,MS (ϕR,l )aH Q1 W1
l=1 M1
where aT,Ql , xQl ∈ C|Ql |×1 are the sub-vectors of aT,QS
and xQS corresponding to the transmitting antennas in Ql , Q2 W2
respectively. The expression in (35) shows that the signals M2
sent by each transmitting antenna arrive at the receiver only
W3 M3
via one of the multi-paths, though certain receiving antennas
may receive signals from more than one paths, as illustrated 
in Fig. 9. This thus provides the opportunity for path delay
pre-compensation at the transmitter by setting the transmitted  RX
signal as xQl (t) = x′Ql (t + τl ), ∀l. As a result, (35) can TX
be equivalently written as (36) shown at the top of the
next page. It is observed from (36) that, with sufficiently Fig. 9: An illustration of the effective channel in mmWave
separated AoDs and by applying path delay pre-compensation lens MIMO system with sufficiently separated AoDs. The path
at the transmitter, the original multi-path channel in (18) delays are labeled for each link. Gray antennas represent those
is essentially equivalent to a simple |MS | × |QS | MIMO with negligible power and hence can be deactivated. Note that
AWGN channel, regardless of narrow-band or wide-band path 2 and path 3 are grouped since they have similar AoAs
communications.4 The channel capacity of (36) is known to at the receiver (but different AoDs at the transmitter).
be achieved by the eigenmode transmission with WF power
sub-vectors of rMS , zMS and x′QS in (36), respectively; and
allocation based on the MIMO channel matrix HS . However, ∑
H̄g , l∈Lg αl aR,M̄g (ϕR,l )aH T,Q̄g
(ϕT,l ) denotes the corre-
a closer look at HS reveals that it is still a sparse matrix due
to the sparsity of the receiving response vector aR,MS (ϕR,l ), sponding MIMO channel matrix for group g. The capacity of
∀l, which can be exploited to further reduce the complexity the channel in (37) is achieved by the eigenmode transmission
for achieving the MIMO capacity, as shown next. over each of the G parallel MIMO channels, which have
Recall that the receiving array response vector aR,MS (ϕR,l ) smaller dimension and hence require lower complexity as
has essentially non-zero entries only for those receiving compared to that in (36) without path grouping.
antennas in the subset Ml ⊂ MS . The main idea for
the proposed design is called receiver-side AoA-based path- C. Numerical Results
grouping, by which the L paths are partitioned into G ≤ L In this subsection, we evaluate the performance of the
groups such that paths l and l′ belong to the same group proposed PDM in wide-band mmWave lens MIMO systems by
if their supporting receiving antenna subsets have non-empty simulation. We assume that the lens apertures at the transmitter
overlapping, i.e., Ml ∩Ml′ ̸= ∅. Denote by Lg ⊆ {1, · · · , L}, and receiver are AT = 100 and AR = 50, respectively, and
g = 1, · · · , G, the subset containing all paths in group g. For the azimuth lens dimensions are D̃T = 20 and D̃R = 10,
instance, for the system shown in Fig. 9, we have G = 2 respectively. Accordingly, the number of transmitting and
and L1 ∪= {1} and L2 = {2,∪ 3}. In addition, denote by receiving antennas in the lens MIMO systems are Q = 41
Q̄g , l∈Lg Ql and M̄g , l∈Lg Ml , g = 1, · · · , G, and M = 21, respectively. For the benchmark MIMO system
the supporting transmitting and receiving antenna subsets
{ }Gfor with the conventional UPAs, the number of transmitting and
all paths in group g, respectively. By construction, Q̄g g=1 receiving antennas are set as QU = 400 and MU = 200,
{ }G
and M̄g g=1 form disjoint partitions for QS and MS , respectively, for achieving the same array apertures as the
respectively. Therefore, the input-output relationship in (36) lens MIMO system. For both the lens MIMO and UPA-based
can then be decomposed into G parallel (small-size) MIMO MIMO systems, antenna selections are applied by assuming
AWGN channels as that the number of RF chains at the transmitter and receiver are
MRF = QRF = 6. For the lens MIMO system, the AoA/AoD
rM̄g = H̄g x′Q̄g + zM̄g , g = 1, · · · , G, (37)
based antenna selection method given in (15) and (16) are
|M̄g |×1
where rM̄g , zM̄g ∈ C and x′Q̄g ∈C |Q̄g |×1
denote the applied at the receiver and transmitter, respectively. However,
4 Recall from Section IV-A that with either sufficiently separated AoAs or since the optimal antenna selection scheme for the UPA-based

ll′ ′ MIMO-OFDM system is unknown in general, we adopt the
R ≈ 0 or ρT ≈ 0, ∀l ̸= l, the ISI can be completely eliminated
AoDs, i.e., ρll
by PDM. power-based antenna selection due to its simplicity and good

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


 ′ 
[ ]  .. 
rMS = α1 aR,MS (ϕR,1 )aH
T,Q1 (ϕT,1 ) · · · αL aR,MS (ϕR,L )aH
T,QL (ϕ T,L  .  +zMS .
) (36)
| {z } ′
| {zL }

25 25
PDM with receiver−side path grouping PDM with MMSE receiver
PDM with MMSE receiver PDM with MRC receiver
PDM with MRC receiver UPA based MIMO−OFDM
20 UPA−based MIMO−OFDM 20

Avrage spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
−30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
SNR (dB) Number of multipaths L

Fig. 10: Average spectrum efficiency achieved by various Fig. 11: Average spectrum efficiency versus the number of
schemes in wide-band mmWave MIMO communication with multi-paths L with fixed number of transmitting/receiving RF
antenna selection. The number of transmitting/receiving RF chains MRF = QRF = 6.
chains are MRF = QRF = 6.
L > MRF is modified accordingly so that only the MRF
paths with the maximum AoA/AoD separations are selected
performance [25]. We assume that the AoDs and AoAs of
for spatial multiplexing. It is observed from Fig. 11 that while
the L paths are equally spaced in the interval [−75◦ , 75◦ ].
the performance of the UPA based MIMO-OFDM has almost
Furthermore, the maximum multi-path delay is assumed to be
no variation over L, that for the lens array based PDM scheme
Tm = 100 ns and the total available bandwidth is W = 500
degrades dramatically as L increases. This is as expected
MHz, which is divided into N = 512 sub-carriers for the
since with more multi-paths, the signal energy will be more
UPA-based MIMO-OFDM. The CP length for OFDM is set
evenly spread across the lens antenna array; thus, antenna
as 100 ns.
selection will lead to considerable power loss, as in conventinal
Fig. 10 shows the average spectrum efficiency achieved by MIMO systems. In fact, it is observed from Fig. 11 that as L
various schemes for mmWave channels with L = 3 paths. becomes sufficiently large, the lens MIMO based PDM scheme
Note that for simplicity the power allocation {pl }L l=1 for approaches to the UPA based MIMO-OFDM. Therefore, the
the PDM with MRC and MMSE receive beamforming is benefit of lens antenna array system critically depends on the
obtained via WF by assuming L parallel SISO channels with multi-path sparsity of the mmWave channels (for which L is
power gains {|αl |2 AR AT }Ll=1 . It is observed from Fig. 10 that typically much less than those shown in Fig. 11).
the UPA-based MIMO-OFDM gives rather poor performance,
which is expected due to the limited array gain with the
small number of antennas selected. In contrast, the lens V. C ONCLUSION
MIMO systems with the three proposed PDM schemes achieve In this paper, we have studied the use of lens antenna arrays
significant rate improvement over the UPA-based MIMO- for mmWave MIMO communications. The array response of
OFDM with the same number of RF chains used or antennas the lens antenna array was derived and compared with that
selected. Moreover, Fig. 10 shows that in the low-SNR regime, of conventional UPA without the lens. We showed that the
PDM with the simple MMSE and MRC receive beamforming proposed lens antenna array significantly reduces the signal
achieves the same performance as that with path grouping, processing complexity and RF chain cost as compared to
which is expected due to the negligible inter-path interference the conventional UPA in mmWave MIMO communications,
in the low-SNR regime. While as the SNR increases, the three yet without performance degradation. We proposed a new
PDM schemes show more differentiated performances due to low-complexity MIMO spatial multiplexing technique called
their different interference mitigation capabilities. PDM, which is applicable for both narrow-band and wide-
Fig. 11 shows the average spectrum efficiency versus the band communications. Analytical results showed that the PDM
number of multi-paths L with the SNR fixed as ρ = 0 scheme is able to achieve perfect ISI rejection as long as
dB, and the number of transmit/receive RF chains fixed as the AoAs or AoDs (not necessarily both) are sufficiently
MRF = QRF = 6. Since the spatial multiplexing gain is limited separated, thanks to the energy focusing capability of the
by the number of available RF chains, the PDM scheme for lens antenna. Finally, a simple path grouping technique was

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


y y
y y
2 z x
z x
focal arc

F x T F x

 y sin I B


Fig. 12: Top view of a planar EM lens placed in the y-z plane
with focal point B0 (F, 0, 0) for normal incident plane waves.
Fig. 13: A planar EM lens placed in the y-z plane with oblique
incident plane wave of azimuth AoA ϕ.
proposed for PDM to mitigate the inter-stream interference
more effectively.
With the phase shift profile designed in (39) to achieve focal
point B0 for normal incident wave, the resulting phase delay
A PPENDIX A from the lens’s input aperture (0, y, z) to an arbitrary point
P ROOF OF L EMMA 1 B(xB , yB , zB ) is then given by
To derive the array response of the proposed lens antenna ψ(y, z, B) = Φ(y, z) + k0 d(y, z, B), (40)
array, we first present the fundamental principle of operation √
where d(y, z, B) = x2B + (yB − y)2 + (zB − z)2 denotes
for EM lenses. EM lenses are fundamentally similar to optical the distance from the point (0, y, z) on the lens to point B.
lenses, which are able to alter the propagation directions of Of particular interest is the field distribution on the focal
the EM rays to achieve energy focusing or beam collimation. arc of the lens, which is defined as the arc on the x-y
Fig. 12 shows a planar EM lens of size Dy × Dz placed plane with a distance F from the lens center, as shown in
in the y-z plane and centered at the origin. Denote by B0 Fig. 13. Let B(F cos θ, −F sin θ, 0) be a point on the focal
with coordinate (F, 0, 0) the focal point of the lens for normal arc parameterized by angle θ ∈ [− π2 , π2 ]. With (39) and (40),
incident plane waves, where F is known as the focal length. we have
The main mechanism to achieve energy focusing at B0 is to √
ψ(y, z, θ) = Φ0 − k0 F 2 + y 2 + z 2
design the phase shift profile Φ(y, z), which represents the √
phase delay provided by the spatial phase shifters (SPS) of + k0 F 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2yF sin θ (41)
the lens at any point (0, y, z) on the lens’s aperture, such that ≈ Φ0 + k0 y sin θ, (42)
all rays with normal incidence arrive at B0 with identical phase
where (42) follows from the first-order Taylor approximation
for constructive superposition [42]. We thus have
and the assumption that F ≫ Dy , Dz .
Φ(y, z)+k0 d(y, z, B0 ) = Φ0 , Let s(y, z) denote the signal at the lens’s input aperture.
[ ] [ ]
Dy Dy Dz Dz Due to the linear superposition principle, the resulting signal
∀(y, z) ∈ − , × − , , (38)
2 2 2 2 on the focal arc of the lens can then be expressed as
∫ Dz /2 ∫ Dy /2
where k0 = 2π/λ is the free-space wave number of the
incident wave, √ with λ denoting the free-space wavelength, r(θ) = s(y, z)e−jψ(y,z,θ) dydz (43)
−Dz /2 −Dy /2
d(y, z, B0 ) = F 2 + y 2 + z 2 is the distance between the ∫ Dy /2 [ π π]
≈ e−jΦ0 Dz s(y)e−j

point (0, y, z) on the lens’s aperture and the focal point B0 , dy, θ ∈ − ,λ y sin θ
and Φ0 is a positive constant denoting the common phase delay −Dy /2 2 2
from the lens’s input aperture to the focal point B0 . The phase (44)
shift profile is then designed to be where
[ in (44),
] [ we have assumed that s(y, z) = s(y), ∀(y, z) ∈
√ Dy Dy ]
Φ(y, z) = Φ0 − k0 F 2 + y 2 + z 2 , − 2 , 2 × − 2 , 2 , which is true for uniform incident
Dz Dz
[ ] [ ]
Dy Dy Dz Dz plane waves with negligible elevation AoAs. By defining D̃ =
∀(y, z) ∈ − , × − , . (39) Dy
2 2 2 2 λ , ỹ = λy , θ̃ = sin(θ), the relationship in (44) can be
As can be seen from (39), due to the different propagation equivalently written as
∫ D̃/2
distances from the lens’s aperture to B0 , the phase shift profile
varies across the lens apertures with different y and z values. r(θ̃) ≈ e−jΦ0 Dz s̃(ỹ)e−j2πθ̃ỹ dỹ, θ̃ ∈ [−1, 1], (45)
In general, larger phase delay needs to be provided by the SPS [ ]
located in the center of the lens than those on the edge. where s̃(ỹ) with ỹ ∈ −D̃/2, D̃/2 is a linear scaling of the

0090-6778 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2016.2533490, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


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Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1194–1206, Jun. 2014. Yong Zeng (S’12-M’14) received the B.Eng. (First-
[35] T. Kwon, Y.-G. Lim, and C.-B. Chae, “Limited channel feedback for RF Class Hons.) and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical
lens antenna based massive MIMO systems,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. and electronic engineering (EEE) from the Nanyang
Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Feb. 2015. Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2009
and 2014, respectively. Since September 2013, he
[36] T. Kwon, Y.-G. Lim, B.-W. Min, and C.-B. Chae, “RF lens-embedded
has been working as a research fellow at the De-
massive MIMO systems: fabrication issues and codebook design,” sub-
partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
mitted to IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, available
National University of Singapore. From June 2010 to
online at
October 2010, he worked as an intern student at the
[37] L. Yang, Y. Zeng, and R. Zhang, “Efficient channel estimation for
Research and Innovation Center (Bell Labs China),
millimeter wave MIMO with limited RF chains,” to appear in IEEE
Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Company, Ltd., China.
International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2016.
His current research interests include MIMO transceiver optimization for
[38] B. Bares, R. Sauleau, L. L. Coq, and K. Mahdjoubi, “A new accurate wireless systems, massive MIMO, wireless power transfer, millimeter wave
design method for millimeter-wave homogeneous dielectric substrate communications, and other 5G related topics.
lens antennas of arbitrary shape,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 53,
no. 3, pp. 1069–1082, Mar. 2005.
[39] P.-Y. Lau, Z.-N. Chen, and X.-M. Qing, “Electromagnetic field distribu-
tion of lens antennas,” in Proc. Asia-Pacific Conf. Antennas and Propag.,
Aug. 2013.
[40] Z. Popovic and A. Mortazawi, “Quasi-optical transmit/receive front
ends,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. Techn., vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1964–
1975, Nov. 1998.
[41] Z. P. S. Hollung and A. Cox, “A bi-directional quasi-optical lens
amplifier,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Th. Techn., vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 1964–
1975, Dec. 1997.
[42] M. A. Al-Joumayly and N. Behdad, “Wideband planar microwave lenses Rui Zhang (S’00-M’07-SM’15) received the B.Eng.
using sub-wavelength spatial phase shifters,” IEEE Trans. Antennas (First-Class Hons.) and M.Eng. degrees from the
Propag., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 4542–4552, Dec. 2011. National University of Singapore in 2000 and 2001,
[43] M. Li, M. A. Al-Joumayly, and N. Behdad, “Broadband true-time-delay respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Stanford
microwave lenses based on miniaturized element frequency selective University, Stanford, CA USA, in 2007, all in elec-
surfaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1166–1179, trical engineering. From 2007 to 2009, he worked
Mar. 2013. at the Institute for Infocomm Research, ASTAR,
[44] T. L. Marzetta, “Noncooperative cellular wireless with unlimited num- Singapore, where he now holds a Senior Research
bers of base station antennas,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 9, Scientist joint appointment. Since 2010, he has
no. 11, pp. 3590–3600, Nov. 2010. joined the Department of Electrical and Computer
[45] F. Rusek, D. Persson, B. K. Lau, E. G. Larsson, T. L. Marzetta, Engineering of the National University of Singapore,
O. Edfors, and F. Tufvesson, “Scaling up MIMO: opportunities and where he is now an Associate Professor. His current research interests
challenges with very large arrays,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 30, include energy-efficient and energy-harvesting-enabled wireless communica-
no. 1, pp. 40–60, Jan. 2013. tions, wireless information and power transfer, multiuser MIMO, cognitive
radio, and optimization methods. Dr. Zhang has published over 200 papers.
[46] L. Lu, G. Y. Li, A. L. Swindlehurst, A. Ashikhin, and R. Zhang, “An
He was the co-recipient of the Best Paper Award from the IEEE PIMRC in
overview of massive MIMO: benefits and challenges,” IEEE J. Sel.
2005, and the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications
Topics Signal Process., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 742–758, Oct. 2014.
in 2015. He was the recipient of the 6th IEEE Communications Society
[47] A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. Cambridge University Press, Asia-Pacific Region Best Young Researcher Award in 2011, and the Young
2005. Researcher Award of the National University of Singapore in 2015. He has
[48] H. Yin, D. Gesbert, M. Filippou, and Y. Liu, “A coordinated approach served for over 30 IEEE conferences as TPC/Organizing Committee chair
to channel estimation in large-scale multiple-antenna systems,” IEEE J. or member. He has been an elected member of IEEE Signal Processing
Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 264–273, Feb. 2013. Society SPCOM and SAM Technical Committees, and the Vice Chair of
[49] A. Adhikary, J. Nam, J. Y. Ahn, and G. Caire, “Joint spatial division the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Board Technical Affairs Committee. He is
and multiplexing-the large-scale array regime,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, an editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE
vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 6441–6463, Oct. 2013. Transactions on Signal Processing, and the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
[50] A. Adhikary, E. A. Safadi, M. K. Samimi, R. Wang, G. Caire, T. S. in Communications (Green Communications and Networking Series). He has
Rappaport, and A. F. Molish, “Joint spatial division and multiplexing been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (also known as the World’s Most
for mm-wave channels,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, Influential Scientific Minds), by Thomson Reuters.
pp. 1239–1255, Jun. 2014.
[51] C. Sun, X. Gao, S. Jin, M. Matthaiou, Z. Ding, and C. Xiao, “Beam divi-
sion multiple access transmission for massive MIMO communications,”
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2170–2184, Jun. 2015.
[52] R. B. Ertel, P. Cardieri, K. W. Sowerby, T. S. Rappaport, and J. H. Reed,
“Overview of spatial channel models for antenna array communication
systems,” IEEE Personal Commun., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 10–22, Feb. 1998.

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