Perception of Clicks in Music

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Perception of clicks in music

Article  in  Attention Perception & Psychophysics · January 1977

DOI: 10.3758/BF03199545


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1 author:

Andrew H. Gregory
The University of Manchester


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Perception & Psychophysics
1978, Vol. 24 (2),171-174

Perception of clicks in music

University ofManchester, Manchester M13 9PL, England

Subjects were asked to judge the position of a click that occurred during a short piece of
music. Clicks were, on average, judged to be later than their actual position. The click and
the music were presented through headphones to different ears, and the clicks were judged .
to be significantly later if they arrived at the right ear rather than at the left. There was also'
a significant tendency for clicks to be attracted to phrase boundaries in the music. These last ~
two results are similar to those from experiments with a click during speech, but the late'
judgments of a click in music contrast with the early judgments of a click in speech.

There are several interesting analogies between the earlier than its actual position. Ladefoged and Broadbent
perception of music and the perception of language. (1960), in the original paper on the phenomenon, found
In particular, the grouping of items into phrases is an that, on average, the click was reported 1 syllable early
important principle for both. Sloboda (1977) has when the click and the sentence came through loud-
studied the eye-hand span of musicians sight-reading speakers. Bertelson and Tisseyre (1970), also using
music from a projected slide by occluding the slide, loudspeakers, found that the click was perceived about
and found that they tended to continue playing up to I syllable early if there was no prior knowledge of the
a phrase boundary. This is analogous to the experiment sentence, and 0.3 syllable early if there was prior knowl-
by Levin and Kaplan (1970) on eye-voice span for sub- edge. However, Bertelson and Tisseyre (1975) also
jects reading prose, who tended to continue reading to found that if subjects had no warning that a click was
a phrase boundary when the text was removed. to be presented, the click was perceived as late if it was
Similarly, Sloboda (1976) found that errors in both presented from a loudspeaker to the right of the subject
musical and verbal texts were least likely to be detected and the speech from the left.
near the middle of words or musical phrases. If the perception of music is basically similar to that
One well-known perceptual effect related to linguistic of speech, then one would expect the apparent position
phrases is the demonstration by Fodor and Bever (1965) of a click presented during music to vary in a similar
that the apparent location of a click presented during manner to that of a click during speech. However, the
a spoken sentence tends to be displaced towards a ear asymmetry effect may be related to cerebral dom-
phrase boundary or syntactic break. Reber and inance for language, and its direction for a click in music
Anderson (1970) confirmed this effect when the sen- would then depend upon which cerebral hemisphere
tence was read with normal intonation, but not in a mediates the perception of music.
monotone, thus emphasizing the linguistic nature of the The evidence concerning hemispheric dominance
effect. They, and Reber (1973), also used a control and the perception of melodic sequences is not con-
group, who were asked to guess the position of nonex- clusive, and has recently been well reviewed in chapters
istent clicks, and found that a high proportion of these. by Benton (1977), Damasio and Damasio (1977),
responses also occurred at syntactic breaks. They sug- and Wyke (1977). Neurological evidence shows that
gested that the effect was at least partly due to response receptive amusia may exist with or without aphasia,
bias, but one can argue that even this response bias and may result from left- or right-sided temporal lesions.
demonstrates the psychological reality of linguistic Milner (1962) found that tonal memory and some other
segments. musical abilities were impaired by excision of the right
Another effect found by Fodor and Bever (1965) temporal lobe, but not the left. Gordon (1974) mentions
is that if the click and the sentence are presented two cases of hemispherectomy, in one of which the
through headphones to different ears, the click tends removal of the right hemisphere left speech unimpaired
to be judged earlier when it arrives at the left ear and but caused severe deficits in musical abilities, 'while
the sentence to the right than for the opposite condi- in the other, removal of the left hemisphere impaired
tion. This has been confirmed by Bertelson and Tisseyre speech but had little effect upon musical abilities.
(1972), who found that clicks were, on average, per- Psychological evidence comes mainly from dichotic
ceived 1 syllable early (0.14 sec) if they came to the listening studies, where superior performance by one ear
left ear, with the sentence to the right, and about 0.6 is assumed to reflect mediation by the contralateral
syllable early (0.09 sec) if they came to the right ear. hemisphere, Kimura (1964) found a left-ear superiority
There is also a general tendency to judge the click as for recognizing dichotic melodies, as opposed to a right


ear superiority for dichotic digits. However, Gordon It was thus predicted that clicks on the third and fourth notes
(1970), using musically experienced subjects, found would be heard in the intervening pause in the first case and in
no significant difference between the ears for dichotic the earlier or later pauses in the second case. This method has
the advantage that the phrase boundary is entirely perceptual
melodies, although there was a left-ear dominance for and does not coincide with a long acoustic pause.
recognizing dichotic chords. Bever and Chiarello (1974),
on a monaural listening task, found that musically Stimuli
experienced subjects were more accurate with the right Each stimulus consisted of a six-note tune delivered to one
ear and a click to the other ear. The tunes consisted of a set of
ear, and nonmusical subjects better with the left ear. pure tones generated by a Modular One computer connected
One possible explanation of these results is that to a Leak stereo amplifier through a DAC synchronized to an
musical subjects may tend to recognize the whole tune, external crystal oscillator. The frequencies of the notes were
while nonmusical subjects may rely more on recognizing those of the natural scale (A = 440 Hz). Three different tunes
individual notes, and that these two tasks may be were used: 0) G, C, G, D, B, G; (2) B, F, C, G, D, C; and
(3) F, G, D, B, F, C. (D = 297 Hz, F = 352 Hz, G = 396 Hz,
mediated by the left and right hemisphere, respectively. B = 495 Hz, C = 528 Hz).
This would agree with the general idea (Efron, 1963) The tunes were presented at two speeds. At the slow rate,
that the left hemisphere is specialized for temporal the duration of each note was 200 msec and at the fast rate
tasks, whether linguistic or nonlinguistic. This has been 100 msec. The notes were separated by pauses of the same
duration as the notes themselves. Each note had a rise and fall
supported by Halperin, Nachshon, and Carmon (1973), time of about 10 msec, and all were of equal amplitude. The
who found a right-ear dominance for recognizing clicks were produced by a square wave of 0.1 msec duration,
dichotic three-tone sequences with two transitions, on the opposite channel from the tune, and were positioned
and by Papcun, Krashen, Terbeek, Remington, and precisely in the middle of either a note or a pause.
For each of the three tunes, a tape was prepared comprising
Harshman (1974), who found a right-ear dominance for 2 slow practice trials, with the duration of notes and pauses
trained Morse operators recognizing dichotic Morse being 400 msec, then 18 slow trials followed by 18 fast trials.
code signals. This idea would predict that the ear asym- Each tune was followed by a 7-sec pause and preceded by a
metry effect for a click in music would be in the same 200-msec warning tone (G) on both channels 2 sec before
direction as for a click in speech, that is, the click would the tune.
Each block of 18 trials included 9 with the tune to the left
be judged earlier when it arrived in the left ear than ear and 9 to the right, in randomized order. Clicks, on the
when it arrived in the right. opposite ear, were positioned at the center of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
or 5th note or the pauses in between them. There were two
METHOD clicks at each of these seven positions, except the 3rd and 4t"
notes, which had four clicks in order to increase the accuracy
One problem with experiments on music perception is that of analysis of phrase boundary effects. The order of these click
the majority of people are not well trained at sight-reading positions was randomized in each block of 18 trials.
music. It was decided for this initial study to use subjects un- The tape was played on a Sony TC·377 tape recorder, using
selected for musical ability and to use the same short tune on TDH-39 headphones matched to ±2 dB. The intensity of the
each trial. The subjects were shown the musical notation for tones was 80 dB SPL, measured with an artificial ear (Bruel
a short tune consisting of six notes of equal duration, and even & Kjaer Type 4152) and a sound-level meter (Bruel & Kjaer
nonmusical subjects were confident at indicating the position Type 2203). The click was examined on an oscilloscope con-
of the click. Figure I shows one of the tunes used. In order to nected to the output of the sound-level meter, and was found
study the effects of phrase boundaries, half the subjects were to be a biphasic spike of 1.5 msec duration, with approximately
told to think of the tune as two triplets and were shown the equal amplitude excursions in both positive and negative direc-
notation in Figure la, while the others were told to think of tions. The peak-to-peak amplitude was five times that of the
three pairs of notes and were shown the notation in Figure lb. tone measured in the same way.

Thirty-six young right-handed adult subjects with normal
hearing participated in the experiment. Each tune was heard
by 12 subjects, for half of whom the headphones were reversed.
o. For each of these six groups of subjects, half were told to
think of the tune as two triplets and half as three pairs of notes.
The subjects were asked to point to the note or the pause
between notes where they thought the click had occurred.


Each response was scored according to the number of

intervals (notes and pauses) after the stimulus. Thus,
b. a click during the third note would be scored as +2
if it was reported on the fourth note, and as -1 if on
the pause before the third note.
Table I shows the numbers of early, equal, and late
Figure 1. The two modes of visual presentation for one of responses, and the mean apparent delay of the click
the tunes used. converted to milliseconds. The results are summed over

Table I although significant, is not very marked, but this may

Early Equal Late Delay* be partly due to the fact that not all subjects perceived
the phrases in the way suggested by the experimenter.
Click-R 106 306 236 43 The most interesting result is that the click is, on
Click-L 143 320 185 17
Combined 249 626 421 30 average, perceived later than its actual time of occur-
rence, whereas with speech it is usually perceived earlier.
"Mean apparent delay in milliseconds.
Ladefoged and Broadbent (1960) invoked Titchener's
(1909) law of prior entry: "The stimulus for which we
Table 2 are predisposed requires less time than a like stimulus,
Frequency of Responses to Clicks on the Third and Fourth for which we are unprepared, to produce its full
Notes that Fall in Central or Outer Pauses conscious effect." However, on this principle, listeners
Perceived Central Outer would surely be predisposed towards (or attend"'mg to)
Pattern Pause Pauses the stimulus which commences first, that is, the sentence
2 X 3 Notes 78 57 or the music, and it is the click which should be delayed.
3 X 2 Notes 59 76 The principle thus does not support the early perception
of a click in speech, but does support the late perception
of a click in music. It may well be that there are special
all stimuli for all subjects and are analyzed for ear of linguistic processes which produce a delay in speech
presentation.' perception relative to nonlinguistic stimuli.
Overall, late responses are much more frequent than The ear asymmetry effect appears to be in the same
early ones, and this difference is highly significant on direction for both music and speech. Clicks tend to be
a binomial test (z = 6.7, p < .001). perceived earlier if they arrive at the left ear, with the
The mean subjective delay of the click was 30 msec. speech or music at the right ear, than for the opposite
There was no significant difference between the results condition. If the ear asymmetry effect reflects .cerebral
of 20 of the subjects who had received some training dominance, then this would agree with the idea that
at reading music and those of the 16 subjects who had temporal judgments are mediated by the left cerebral
had no musical training. hemisphere for both linguistic and nonlinguistic
There were more late and fewer early responses when situations.
the click was presented to the right ear and the tune The experiment is clearly worth repeating with
to the left than in the reverse condition. musically trained subjects sight-reading longer passages
This asymmetry between the ears is significant of genuine music, as this would be more analogous to
(i = 10.85, p < .001). The mean apparent delay the linguistic experiments.
with the click to the right ear was 43 msec and with
the click to the left ear, 17 msec. REFERENCES
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