Improvement On Macau Resort

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Improvements Keep
Macau Resort Efficient
The Sands Resorts Cotai Strip in Macau includes three resort
properties that have more than 21 million ft2 (2 million m2)
of conditioned floor space, presenting a unique challenge for
sustainability and minimizing environmental impact.

FIGURE 1   Sands China Ltd. (Sands Resorts Cotai Strip Macau).

4 article
A Swas
H R Apublished
A L   a s hJournal,
r a e . o r gNovember
  N O V E M2018.
B E R 2Copyright
0 18 2018 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may not be copied and/or distributed
electronically or in paper form without permission of ASHRAE. For more information about ASHRAE Journal, visit

The Cotai Strip, which includes the Venetian Macau that

opened in 2007, the Plaza Macau in 2008, and the Sands
Cotai Central in 2012, have a combined net conditioned
floor area of 21.5 million ft2 (2 million m2), and includes
restaurants, retail shops, and a 15,000 seat arena.
The Sands ECO360 Global The Sands Cotai Central plant (SCC),
Sustainability strategy helps mini- has a 40,000 ton (140 680 kW)
mize environmental impact, and installed capacity with 10 sets of
reflects our vision to lead the way in water cooled chillers. Both plants are
sustainable building development similar in design and arrangement
and resort operations. The strategy but differ with the type of refrigerant
was established by identifying areas used and type of expansion process.
with the largest environmental Both plants use centrifugal chillers
impact such as green building and in series counterflow arrangements
environmental responsible opera- that have a combined capacity of
tions and areas with the greatest 4,000 ton (14 068 kW) per unit. Upon
potential opportunities such as review, energy efficiency measures
stakeholder engagement and sus- (EEM) for the water-cooled chillers
tainable meetings. were initiated:
•• Chilled water reset for the
Energy Efficiency chilled water supply temperature;
The journey toward energy effi- and
ciency is driven by a five year envi-
ronmental target. To understand
the big picture of our energy con- Building at a Glance
sumption, patterns and trends, we
conducted Level 1, 2 and 3 energy
Sands Resorts Cotai
audits of our facilities. Based on the Strip Macau (Venetian
audit findings, we addressed less Macau, Plaza Macau and
expensive improvements first, such Sands Cotai Central)
as lighting replacements followed by
medium to high capital investment Location: Macau

initiatives in central chilled water Owner: Sands China Ltd.

plants and HVAC systems. Principal Use: Resort, hotel and casino

Includes: Hotel, office, retail food services, theater, arena,

Central Chilled Water Plant casino convention and exhibition halls, warehouse, guest
System rooms

There are two central chiller plants Employees/Occupants: 28,500

that serve the integrated resorts on Conditioned Space Square Footage: 21.5 million
the Cotai strip. First is the Venetian
Substantial Completion/Occupancy: 2007 and 2012
Macau (VML) plant, which is a 52,000
Occupancy: 100%
ton (182 884 kW) installed capacity
with 13 sets of water-cooled chillers. National Distinctions/Awards: Ranked 62 in 2016 in Top 500
Global Companies by Newsweek; CDP (Carbon Disclosure
Project); Macau Green Hotel Gold Awards; CEM Energy
Syed Mubarak Abdul Razaak is executive director of Savings Excellence Awards; China Hotelier CSR Award;
MEP and Paul Mikii Abuel is director of plant operations ISO 20121 Event Sustainability Management System
at Sands China Ltd.

N O V E M B E R 2 0 18   a s h r a e . o r g   A S H R A E J O U R N A L 45

•• Staging based on optimal loads.

35 Cooling Tower Performance
Reset on the chilled water supply temperature is

Entering Condenser Water (°C)

raised from a design setting of 5.5°C to 7°C (41.9°F to 30
y = 0.6033x + 12.715
44.6°F) whenever outdoor temperatures are below 21°C R2 = 0.8845
(69.8°F) dry bulb and 65% RH.1 This method was shown
to improve the chillers’ performances by 0.013 to 0.016 20
kW/ton for each degree (°C) increased. For the staging
method, more than a year’s worth of data was reviewed 15
to identify the unit’s optimal percent loads. Thus, creat-
ing a guide for the plant operator on how and when to 5 10 15 20 25 30
stage. Outdoor Wet Bulb (°C)
Both the Venetian and Sands Cotai Central plants FIGURE 2   ECWT vs. WB control (SOO).
have been installed with a variable primary chilled
water pump system, but were not fully enabled since Heating Water Loop Loads Include:
the chiller manufacturer suggested the operation of the · Space Heating · Spa & Pool Heating
· Potable Water Pre-Heat
pumps to just meet design evaporator flow rates. This
was further evaluated and decisively not considered. 45°C 55°C
Upon further testing and actual validation of flow lim- 7 × 1,200 kW
Heat Pump
its, EEM proved to be feasible and found to reduce 50%
12°C Variable °C 13 × 4,200TR
of the motor’s baseline energy use by modulating flow Chillers
based on maximum chilled water plant DT (5.5~6.5°C
Chilled Water Loop
[9.9~11.7°F]) and satisfying the end of line differential
As a part of a budgeted optimization project, a total of
FIGURE 3   Heat pump system arrangement.
92 cooling tower fans (55 kW each) from both central
plants were converted from a two-speed soft starter,
into full variable speed drive (VSD) units. Their con- compressors and their cooling side is connected as per
trols were programmed to reduce fan speed once opti- Figure 3 to provide a bit of chiller relief. Operating the
mum tower approach is achieved. Fans would switch hp plant simultaneously with the chiller plant shows
off and enable free flow at an outdoor wet bulb of 18°C some challenge during winter as the hp system would
(64°F) or lower to maintain minimum entering con- receive return temperatures of lower than 10°C (50°F)
denser water temperature (ECWT) of 18 to 20°C (64 and enable a high compressor lift. Root cause showed
to 68°F) (Figure 2). Since there is about 0.5°C (0.9°F) that the major branches returned at a lower degree but
reduction in ECWT for every 10% tower flow reduction, could not stage off the chillers completely due to a con-
tower hot basins were converted into low flow weirs to stant load required on the small essential circuit (UPS,
ensure water distribution has full coverage of the outer server rooms, and refrigeration racks). This proves
PVC infills. This was deemed necessary due to the con- to be a major EEM as the team enabled a pipeline to
denser pump still operating at constant flow as of 2016. directly parallel the hp’s evaporator into the essential
Therefore, to reduce flow more towers than operating circuit, thus completely switching off the chiller sets
chiller sets were needed. However, this is done at peri- and letting the hp provide cooling to the essential cir-
ods when wet bulb is low and winter is approaching. cuit during winter months.
Both VSD and low flow weir conversion have reduced Based on the central chiller plant annual consumption
energy consumption by 30% from the towers’ baseline from Table 1, there has been an average of 6% annual sav-
consumption. ings and a 6% increase in COP (cooling) by 2016 compared
A heat pump (hp) system is installed in both plants, with 2013. Plant COP decreased in 2015 vs. 2014, due
the Venetian has seven 1,200 kW units, and the Sands to the construction of new properties’ cooling demand
Cotai has six 1,200 kW units. Both plants use screw during pre-opening and commissioning stages. Upon

46 A S H R A E J O U R N A L   a s h r a e . o r g   N O V E M B E R 2 0 18

TABLE 1  Plant energy use summary. Plant COP vs. Benchmark

Total Plant Energy Annual Saved Annual 5.0
Year Consumption (kWh) Energy (kWh) Plant COP 4.1 Good
2013 153,933,236 — 4.44
2014 146,690,787 7,242,449 4.46 Fair
2015 137,032,110 9,658,677 4.19
2016 124,572,090 12,460,019 4.70

Needs Improvement 4.70 Excellent

comparing the 2016 COP with benchmarked chiller plants
(Figure 4), current performance is rated “good” since only FIGURE 4   Benchmarking efficiency.
the chilled water pumps and the cooling towers are in
variable speed drives. An on-going optimization project
from 2017-2018, should further improve the plant effi-
ciency toward the goal of COP 5. This has resulted in a Ventilation Damper
Setpoint (% Open)
cumulative carbon reduction of 30,175 MTCO2e.
Boiler Plant Occupied Setpoint
The properties use three hot water, gas fired (LPG and 0%
NG), boiler plants with units ranging from 2.5 MW to
6.6 MW. Upon system evaluation, the following were Less Ventilation More Ventilation
recommissioned to improve efficiency: Ventilation Control (Room CO2 Level vs.
Outdoor Air CO2 + Offset [adj])
1. All offline boilers had closed their valves to reduce
FIGURE 5   Demand control ventilation logic.
the operating pump energy.
2. Temperature setpoints were recommissioned to
match the load and eliminate multiple cycling. Longer (according to Standard 62.1-2007), sensors like CO2, CO,
operating periods at low fire are better than multiple humidity, temperature and pressure, airflow stations,
cycles of high fire. modulating dampers coupled with intelligent sequence
3. Tune burners to maintain efficiency equal to or programming to operate ventilation based on space
above ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Table demand needs.
6.8.1-6 (>82%), and CO2 to >8.5% in high fire or low fire. Some of the techniques incorporated are variable
volume variable temperature (VVVT) on air-handlers;
HVAC Airside Systems DCV application on CO2 based fresh air intake as
The Level 2 energy audit conducted in 2012 on the ven- shown in Figure 5, used to maintain and adjust ven-
tilation systems identified deficiencies such as constant tilation levels, and energy recovery and economizer
supply air volume, limited heat recovery, short cycling modes to take advantage of the colder months for
of chilled water valves, 14 L/s (30 cfm) per person was all systems larger than 16 kW (54,000 Btu/h [4.5
used to control the amount of ventilation air, which tons]) as per Standard 90.1-2013. Phase 1 of this proj-
is approximately three times the minimum require- ect has realized a savings of 41,102,042 kWh energy
ments indicated by ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1-2013, and many and 42,242 MTCO2e of carbon emission reduction.
other issues. Evaluation through eQUEST 3.64 building
simulation software identified an opportunity to reduce Lighting and Plug Loads
60 million kWh in energy annually by adopting demand Since these properties were built between 2007
based ventilation with enhanced sequence of operations through 2011 with a combination of thousands of
and added control loops. The project implemented from incandescent, compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs
2013 through 2014 includes variable frequency drives on spread over various spaces such as hotel rooms, the-
over 1,000 pieces of equipment that are 10 kW or above aters, casinos, retail, entertainment, and convention

48 A S H R A E J O U R N A L   a s h r a e . o r g   N O V E M B E R 2 0 18

and exhibition areas; the goal was 100% LED use for TABLE 2  Lighting conversion done.
property operations. The property has achieved 92%
of its goal and with on-going projects will eventually Conventional Energy Saving
Areas Lights Lights
achieve 100%. We established sustainability criteria
Conv/Halogen LED
for light fixtures to ease the entire process of change. Casino (40 W/28 W) (9.5 W/12 W)
Replacement of over a million light bulbs across the
Halogen LED
SCL facilities helped in reducing 21 million kWh of Hotel (35~50 W) (8 W)
energy and 21,737 MTCO2e carbon emission reductions Fluorescent Tube LED Tube
Back of House
every year. The average energy reduction achieved (49 W) (20 W)
from LED is at the minimum of 60% to the maximum Front of House Halogen Lights LED
(75~100 W) (9.5 W~20 W)
of 90% compared with conventional light bulbs.
properties meet with IAQ standards, three major strate-
Building Energy Performance (EUI) gies were used:
EEMs implemented since 2013 have contributed to 1. Use MERV 8 filters, when rated, in accordance with
significant energy reduction. According to the actual ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017, Method of Testing Gen-
energy consumption (Figure 6), about 91,600,000 kWh of eral Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by
electric energy were saved comparing 2016 consumption Particle Size, on all air handlers’ return side.
with 2013 baseline despite increased occupancy rate, 2. Identify the locations where areas need to be nega-
visitation rate and additional energy needs for tenants tive vs. areas that should be positively pressurized in
and other business operations. EUI has improved by 14% accordance to minimum exhaust, Standard 62.1-2013,
in the past four years from 317.1 kWh/m² (2013) to 273.2 Table 6.5.
kWh/m² (2016). 3. CO2 sensors were installed in public areas and pri-
vate rooms, to monitor and adjusts ventilation levels to
Indoor Air Quality less than 1,000 ppm according to Standard 62.1-2013.
SCL is bounded to comply with both Macau IAQ
standards2 and the World Health Organization (WHO) Comfort
for PM2.5 limits on all indoor areas. Table 3 shows the In accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2010,
average actual parameters and limits. To ensure the Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy,
2013: EUI
65,000,000 317.1 kWh/m2
2014: EUI
309.4 kWh/m2
2015: EUI 2016: EUI
kWh Energy Consumption

55,000,000 288 kWh/m2 273.2 kWh/m2



Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
kWh Savings: 2016 vs. 2013 Baseline
Lighting EEM (59 Projects) 21,150,400 kWh
HVAC & RCx EEM (6 Projects) 41,102,042 kWh HVAC and Building Load
Chiller EEM 18,000,000 kWh Gas Use
CHW Pump EEM 5,000,000 kWh Chiller Plant
CDW Pump EEM 2,500,000 kWh 12 Month Rolling Average
CT EEM 4,100,000 kWh
FIGURE 6   Actual site monthly energy use (kWh) and EEM savings.

50 A S H R A E J O U R N A L   a s h r a e . o r g   N O V E M B E R 2 0 18

Figure, Sands China properties’ operative tem- TABLE 3  Macau IAQ requirement and average monthly results.
peratures are within the range of 22°C (72°F) for heating
Average Max Limit of
and 24°C (75°C) for cooling setpoints, while humidity Parameter Monthly Reading Concentration
is maintained within 55 to 65% RH within the course 10 mg/m²
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0.17 mg/m²
of the year. This was made possible by implementing (8 hr Mean)
the HVAC systems optimization control strategies men- 1,000 ppm
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 567.8 ppm (24 hr Mean)
tioned under energy efficiency. Daily average “hot and
Particulate Matter 10 0.5 mg/m²
cold” calls dropped from 50 to 24 calls (or lower) after (PM10) 0.03 mg/m² (24 hr Mean)
implementation. Particulate Matter 2.5 0.075 mg/m²
0.02 mg/m²
(PM2.5) (24 hr Mean)
Operation and Maintenance Benzo(a)pyrene C20H12 <0.00006 μg/m² 0.00012 μg/m²
The properties spend approximately 70,000 man- (24 hr Mean)

hours on planned maintenance of HVAC equipment Total Volatile Organic 0.6 mg/m²
0.06 mg/m²
Compound (TVOC) (8 hr Mean)
annually, which is about $875,000 spent on labor. With
strategies such as remote monitoring, recommissioning •• Eddy current analysis on chiller tubes;
(RCx), field diagnostic tools, predictive maintenance, •• Oil analysis to study the wear and tear inside com-
and asset management software, the in-house team was pressors and engines; and
able to reduce the annual spent man-hours to 50,000 •• Refrigerant analysis.
for planned maintenance. Costly equipment repairs were avoided using these
Predictive Maintenance: Predictive measures used: strategies, e.g., by using the oil and vibration analysis,
•• Vibration analysis; only two of the 66 centrifugal compressors required an

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52 A S H R A E J O U R N A L   a s h r a e . o r g   N O V E M B E R 2 0 18

overhaul in 10 years, saving $62,000 per compressor.

Eddy current testing identified tubes needing replace-
ment, avoiding $200,000 in repairs due to damaged
Recommissioning (RCx): In mid-2014, we initi-
Heat Exchanger
ated a recommissioning exercise for all our existing Vapor Refrigerant
properties MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumb- CHWR
ing) systems. Through 18 months of field assessments,
over 4,000 issues were identified, such as sensor Contaminated
calibration out of range, stuck chilled water valves
and dampers, incorrect system graphics, equipment Heater Processed CHWS
physical integrity such as corrosion, broken handles, Refrigerant
etc. Concurrently, the identified issues are fixed and FIGURE 7   Refrigerant recycling process.
re-commissioned, which has contributed 3~5% energy
reduction overall.
Selected Process: Hotel Podium Ch3 (004441)
Refrigerant Leak Detection: SCL chillers house Values
about 368 000 kg (811,301 lb) of refrigerants with two Cool Cap kW SEI Cool Sub-Efficiencies
major types (R-134a, and R-123). To detect leaks of both Elec. Power kW
SEI Cool Refrigerant Cycle n1 Compressor n2
349.7 40 50 60 40 50 60 70 40 50 6070
negative and positive pressured refrigerant, the in- 30 70 30 30
Heat Cap kW 20 80 20 80 80
2,396.2 10 90 20
house facilities settled on using ultrasonic leak detec- SEI Cool 10 90 0 100 10 90
tion as it provides quick determination of leaks, thus 44.5 0 100 110 0 100
Rel Power %
reducing man-hours of leak testing from two hours (on 78.6 Last Time in Operation:
Stability June 6, 2016 11:06:57
a 4,000 ton [14 068 kW] unit) to 45 minutes even with
a noisy ambience plant. About 35% of refrigerant was FIGURE 8   Refrigeration analyzer tool.

saved, which amounts to $65,000 in savings.

Refrigerant Re-Processing/Recycling Tool
Innovation Sands Cotai Central chillers use R-123 refrigerants
While energy efficiency measures are in place to (HCFC). With concerns about the environment and
reduce emissions, adding innovation into the entire future sourcing, the team assembled a reprocess-
sustainability strategy helps to achieve consistency in ing/recycling machine (Figure 7) that can separate
our long-term goal. Our approach to adopt innovative the contaminated oil and water from the refriger-
technologies and techniques is through a pilot program ant. The concept was (1) to inject heat into the tank
to assess the performance and then get into mainstream with contaminated refrigerant, (2) then filter the gas
to scale up. Some of the technologies pilot tested are: phased refrigerant, and (3) use a cooling medium
•• Automatic fault detection system to perform big to condense the recycled refrigerant into a new and
data analytics on HVAC systems; clean tank. This process was able to recycle 2,400 kg
•• Refrigerant performance analyzer tool; of R-123 (cost about $210,000) and avoided purchas-
•• Refrigerant reprocessing/recycling machine; ing new stock.
•• Radiant cooling and heating system;
•• Electronically commuted motor (ECM) for fan coil Refrigeration Performance Analyzer Tool
units and air handlers; Sands Macau pilot tested all 13 of its chiller sets with
•• Micro-windmill coupled with solar photovoltaic for a performance analyzer tool that analyzes the chillers
street lighting; from within or from the refrigeration cycle (Figure 8). The
•• Fuel additive to improve shuttle bus fuel efficiency; innovation comes from the solutions, correlations, and
and root causes that the technology brings out. And, most of
•• Re-engineering of shuttle buses with battery oper- the calculated parameters were not so commonly found
ated air-conditioning. on current chillers, which were surprisingly useful,

N O V E M B E R 2 0 18   a s h r a e . o r g   A S H R A E J O U R N A L 53

such as compressor TABLE 4  EEM projects: investment, ROI and carbon abatement.
efficiency, heat rejec-
Annualized Payback Energy Carbon
tion rates and ratio, EEM Number of Investment Savings In Years Savings Abatement
Project Type Projects ($)
and cycle efficiencies. ($) (ROI) kWh MTCO2e
With the results of said Lighting Efficiency 59 7,930,878 2,908,180 2.72 21,150,400 21,737
system, all Venetian
and Sands Cotai chillers HVAC Demand
Ventilation and 6 15,315,000 5,651,530 2.88 41,102,042 42,242
have installed the tech- Recommissioning
nology and were tar- Chiller Plant 5 6,250,000 4,037,157 1.54 29,361,145 30,175
geted for commission in Optimization
September 2017. Electricity tariff at 0.1375 $/kWh; MOP to US$ conversion rate at 8 MOP/US$

Field Diagnostic Tool Environmental Impact

SCL invested on a field diagnostic Sands ECO360 sustainability 29

GHG Emissions Intensity (MTCO2e/1,000 ft2)

tool (FDT) that collects and analyzes program and its initiatives around 27
available points from the BMS to energy efficiency, and adopting
easily detect issues and find root sustainable development standards
causes. Multiple systems were stud- have made significant contributions 23
ied and analyzed before writing since 2010 as highlighted in our
custom analytics for the first 1,500 annual environmental report pub-
pieces of equipment. The results lished in 2016. Figure 9 illustrates the 19
were impressive and improvements intensity of green house gas (GHG)
were made: emissions and reductions over the
•• Issues were found before being years. The properties under this 15
2013 2014 2015 2016
reported by the end user; study have decreased the emissions
•• Man-power to solve issues was from 26.9 to 20.5 MTCO2e/1,000 ft2 FIGURE 9   Carbon emissions. Scope 1 and 2.
reduced to 50% and staff was better in 2016 vs. 2013. A net reduction of
utilized; and 94,154 MTCO2e carbon emissions •• Enhancing the automation
•• Energy reduced by early issue since 2013 have been achieved. system to further optimize chilled
identification (e.g., leaking coil water plant system efficiency;
valve). Functionality and accuracy Conclusion •• Hybrid hot water system with
of field equipment and sensors were The sustainability program’s 360 solar thermal and high efficiency
easily tracked and identified. degree approach with defined tar- heat pump to reduce natural gas
gets and action plans have achieved consumption;
Cost Effectiveness significant results and contributed •• Expansion of radiant cooling
EEM projects delivered significant to the three critical components and heating system; and
cost savings with an attractive return of sustainability—environmental, •• Potential waste-to-energy.
on investments (ROI) ranging from economic and social. Net reduction
1.5 to 2.88 years. Table 4 illustrates of 91.6 million kWh through energy References
1. Temperature reset as approaches
about 70 such EEM projects accom- efficiency measures (14% savings) mentioned in Informative Annex E2.3.10
plished from 2013 to 2016 and its and corresponding reduction in of ASHRAE Standard 100-2015, Energy
effectiveness in cost and carbon. carbon emissions, are a testament to Conservation in Existing Buildings.
2. Macau government standards http://
SCL’s 2017 Sustainability Report3 the Sands ECO360 program’s inclu-
outlines 67 million MOP investment sive approach. 3. Sands China Ltd. 2017. “Sustainability
and 33 million kWh of energy savings Several projects currently under- Report 2016.”
achieved for the year 2016, which is way to help meet the 2020 targets main/home/reports/2016-sustainability-
about 1.84 years of pay back. include: report_eng.pdf.

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