Worksheet 2.1 Angles in A Unit Circle

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Senior High School Department
Panganiban Drive, Naga City

Name: 1. ____________________________________________________________________ Section _________________ Score __________

Angles in a Unit Circle

General Directions: Read the instructions carefully. Do what is required of you. Use another sheet of paper whenever necessary.
Show your complete solutions. As much as possible, avoid erasures that would make your solutions untidy and would have you lose a
point. Remember, this is part of your summative assessment. If at first, you cannot get the answer, don’t give up. Consult any reference
book or your notes. If you need to ask or teach your classmate about the process, you may do so. However, do not give nor copy the
answer. You’ll not learn by just copying. Avoid procrastination.

Studying the general idea of angles is necessary in understanding the functions related to the circle. In
this unit, we will revisit the concept of an angle in standard position whose vertex is at the intersection of the x
and y-axes.

An angle is said to be in standard position if its initial side coincides with the positive x-axis. The
other side of the angle, the terminal side, rotates around the four quadrants clockwise or counterclockwise.

Since the rotation may either be clockwise or counterclockwise, the arrow drawn from the initial to the
terminal side is used to indicate its direction. If the angle has a clockwise rotation, the measure of the angle is
negative and positive if the rotation is counterclockwise.

Angles are measured either in degrees or radians. Radian is the measure of a central angle of a circle
that is subtended by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of the circle. The unit of measure for radians is
radian or rad. Sometimes, the unit of measure is eliminated and an angle without the unit of measure is
understood to be in radian form.
180° 𝜋
1 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝜋 or 1° = 180 𝑟𝑎𝑑
Angles in standard position are said to be coterminal if they have the same terminal side but of different
measures. If an angle other than an integral multiple of 90° or 2 is in standard position, then the positive acute
angle between the x-axis and the terminal side of the given angle is called the reference angle.

A. Convert the following degree measure to radian measure. Show your solution.
1. 180° 2. -135°

3. 75° 4. -200°

5. 10° 6. -300°

7. 450° 8. -243°

9. 540° 10. -410°

B. Convert the following radians to degree measure. Show your complete solution.
𝜋 5𝜋
2. −

3𝜋 29𝜋
3. 4. −
4 6

𝜋 41𝜋
6. −

11𝜋 5𝜋
7. 8. −
6 12

5𝜋 16𝜋
9. 10. −
18 9

C. Sketch the following angles in standard position and give the smallest positive and largest negative coterminal
1. 135° 2. -300°

3. 525° 4. -510°

𝜋 6. -970°

11𝜋 5𝜋
7. 8. −
6 12

5𝜋 16𝜋
9. 10. −
18 9
D. In each of the following, determine the quadrant in which the angle lies and determine the reference angle.
1. 45° 5𝜋
2. −

3𝜋 4. −870°

𝜋 6. −410°

7. 330° 5𝜋
8. −

5𝜋 10. −320°

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