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Dingras National High School / Lt.

Edgar Foz Memorial National High School

Poblacion Campus

Dingras, Ilocos Norte

A detailed lesson plan in TLE – Technical Drafting,

Grade-8 Dragonfruit

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

1. recognize orthographic drawing as one of the assembly drawing used in technical

2. identify the different views on orthographic drawing;
3. draw orthographic drawing following the proper procedures based on a given object; and
4. value the importance of orthographic drawing..

Values Integration

Not everyone is gifted in visualizing a 3D form of an object into in its 2D form of a drawing. This
topic will enhance learner to visualize everything that captures into their beautiful gifted eyes into an
orthographic drawing. Like in real life sometimes we cannot imagine anything without the proper
illustration of a something.

Performance Standard

The learner shall be able to read and interpret technical drawings and work plans accurately.

II. Subject Matter: Assembly drawing used in technical plans: Orthographic Drawing

Time allotment: 1 Hour

References: K-12 Mechanical Drafting for grade 7/8 learning module pages 85-94, Manaois, German M.
Drafting Volume 1 book ( 2008) pp 52-55.

Instructional Materials: Model, mock up, television set, visual aide, drafting tools and materials.

Process Skills Involved: Manipulation of drafting tools and materials, visualizing an object, measuring/
III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparation

Teachers Activity Learners Activity

Good afternoon my dear students, how are you? Good afternoon too sir , we are fine sir.

Very good if that is the case.

Monitor of checking the attendance, who is/are

absent? (The monitor of checking the attendance will report

who is absent)

Thank you. Can you please check your chairs

If it is aligned with the person in front of you

and beside you. Yes sir

I guess everyone feels comfortable. Yes Sir.

B. Motivation

Hello! Hi Sir

Hi Hello Sir

Very good you are listening attentively

I have here a model and what

I want you to do is to tell what view

Is it clear? (Leaners will tell anything they want to share about

the given views)

What view is this? Front view

Rear/ Back View

Left side view

Right side view

Bottom view

Top view

Very good!, Thank you.

C. Presentation/Review

Basing on the activity we had, any guess to

our topic for today? It is all about front, rear, left side, right side, bottom
and top view sir.

Very good, what particular topic we can

derive based on those given views? Orthographic drawing sir

Very good, any idea to what is orthographic? It is a representation of an object as it observes

perpendicular to our eyes sir.

Very good! Now that is our topic for today.

D. Lesson Proper

Orthographic drawing, anyone who wants

to read? Sir

Orthographic is a drawing of an object in two or

more views by projecting the outline of the object to
the planes of projection perpendicular to each other.

Thank you. Orthographic came from to Greek

words and what are these two words? Orthographic came from two

Greek words which is ortho means to write

and graphos means to draw.

Very good
There are six principal views of an object

which are? The top, front, right side, left side, top, bottom and
rear view sir.

Yes there are six principal views but there are

only three primary views namely The front, right side view and top view sir.

Anyone who wants to read what is all

about front view? Horizontally aligned with side view.

Front view is the height and width of the object sr.

What about in top view? It is directly above the front view.

Top view needs the dimension of width and depth


Thank you, and how about side view, anyone? The depth of the top view is the same as the depth of
the side view.

Very good, now there are three planes of

projection. Anyone who wants to read? 1. Frontal plane use to project lines on the front

2. Horizontal plane use to project lines on the top


3. Profile plane use to project lines on the side view

Thank you. Now we are going to discuss the

procedures in drawing orthographic views. Yes sir

Please read the no 1.

1. Analyze the object its height, width and depth.

This is how to do Step 1. Read step 2.

2. Draw the cross axis

Step 2 is done. Now who wants to read step 3?

3. Measure 13 mm away from the center and

project it, this will serve as your reference lines.

This is how to do step 3. Step 4 please read?

4. Transfer the measurement along the projected

reference lines (height, width and depth) and
draw 45˚ at the center.
Now we are done with step 4. Can you follow? Yea sir

Any volunteer to read step 5?

5. Block the measurements and project lines on the

top view to the 45˚ line and where line intercept
project it vertically.

And step 5 is done. Now we are near on the

last. Step 6 please read.

6. Heavy in the lines that represents the object and

erase unnecessary lines.

Step 6 is done how about the last step anyone?

7. Put dimension and label the drawing.

That’s how to draw orthographic drawing.

So did you all understand? Yes Sir

E. Application

I’m done with the object and who wants to do

and try to solve the object and follow the

procedures I’ve made? Sir

Learner will try their best answering the given


The teacher will ask again another learner

to do the remaining steps after the learner

done with the first one.

Is it drawing correct, yes or no? Yes sir

(If the drawn orthographic steps

the teacher will pick again another learner to

solve the object until all understand the


F. Generalization

(Everybody participated well, congratulations

Anyone who wants to share a conclusion on our topic

today? Sir

Orthographic drawing is a representation of an

object into two or more views. It helps to visualize
an object into different views. I learned the proper
location of the different sides, I learned the different
steps in orthographic drawing.

Very good you understood our lesson.

IV. Assessment/Evaluation

A. Paper and pencil test

(The teacher will conduct a quiz regarding

orthographic drawing which is 5 item test. Learner will answer the given question with the
utmost honesty and their own ability.

B. Performance Activity

(The teacher will distribute a bond paper

that contains an object drawing on the right part

and administer a performance activity about

orthographic drawing. (The learner will try to draw the given object
drawing into its orthographic views beside the object
drawing. Learners must apply the procedures being

Rubrics in Scoring the knowledge and skill of the learner in Orthographic Drawing

Points Criteria
10 A. The learner answered 5 from the questions correctly.
B. The learner able to draw and solve the object correctly with a
Very Good neat output
A. The learner answered 4 from the given question correctly.
8 B. The learner able to draw the view but 1-2 of the lines are not being
Good drawn.
A. The learner obtained a score of 3 points correctly.
6 B. The learner able to draw but 3-4 of the lines are not being drawn or
Fair missing.
A. The learner obtained a score of lower than 2.
4 B The learner able to pass s the drawing but 5 amd beyond lines are not
Needs Improvement being drawn.

V. Assignment

1. Bring your drafting tools and materials tomorrow.

2.Review well the steps and concepts and we will draw another orthographic drawing tomorrow.

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