Yufi Adriani-CITSM 2019

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The Use of Technological Devices: A Descriptive

Study of Students in University

Yufi Adriani Cahaya Asyifa
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Psychology
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
yufi.adriani@uinjkt.ac.id asyifa.cahaya@gmail.com

Abstract—In the globalization era of 21st century, the most their study if they do not use it wisely and in accordance with
prominent technology development is the technology of the actual function. The tendency of the Internet misuse can
communication and information. The development and be seen from the students who will never detach themselves
modernity of the technology of communication and information from gadgets including smartphone and/or tablet/iPad. It is a
creates various changes in technology, starting from computer
common thing to find students who always hold tablet or
which then changed into gadget form of laptop or notebook,
house phone, mobile phone, laptop and iPad. The development smartphone, even during the learning process. In recent era,
of device connected to Internet becomes more needed in daily technology indeed becomes more sophisticated, all
life, both in socialization and education activity since it information and things related to upgrade, even about the
significantly affects people’s life. Advanced and various world, can be accessed only through smartphone or tablet and
technology media can be accessed through Internet by everyone therefore, thus it is very risky to be misused. The misuse of
and anywhere. Advanced technology and information causes gadgets will spoil the students to do their task. It also tends to
faster distribution of information. Information can be accepted limit their creativity.
from one place to another place in almost the same time at The use of the Internet as free media facility in
different places. The information technology tools that can be
expressing oneself in, which the responsibility and supervision
used are computer, smartphone, mobile phone and other
gadgets that have Internet connection. For people, especially are managed by themselves, certainly becomes a concern if
students who belong to the teenagers group, Internet social the modern information technology is not used wisely.
media is a primary need, which makes the users will always Internet has many positive convenience benefits, which cannot
access social media without any absent day. be imagined by the old people. However, the negative impacts
are horrible because if it is not used wisely and is not
Keywords—technological devices, Internet use, college controlled well, it will become a factor, which can affect
students, Islamic University someone’s behavior.
I. INTRODUCTION According to several experts, the most felt impacts due
to the development and advancement of the technology is in
As we know, many students or teenagers around 20 the social aspect, which shows the social behavior of an
years old use Internet in their learning process both at school interdependence situation, which is a must to guarantee the
and at home. Therefore, it can be assumed that there is an human existence. Such reality, indeed, cause many changes in
effect caused by the use of Internet in the learning process. the students who use Internet, especially in their social
Internet has an effect that can disrupt the development of behavior since there are social beings. The first thing needs to
children, health, behavior changes, etc. However, Internet also be paid attention to the fact that human is intrinsically a social
can ease communication, making the learning process being. Since they were born, they need socialization with
becomes more interactive, etc. Internet is very useful, other people to fulfill their biological need, food, drink and
however it also gives several obstacles in its use in term of the etc. If such behavior of the students who use the internet is left
learning process for teacher and student. controlled for a long time, it will not overcome the possibility
A. Positive and Negative Impacts of the Use of Internet that it will form a new social behavior for the students which
is ignorance behavior towards their school social environment,
In the recent technology era, Internet is a primary need for
both the interaction between the students, teachers and
children in the age of primary school, middle school,
surrounding environment.
university, businessman, and other people who really need
Internet through the use of gadgets including smartphone, B. The Use of Information in Smartphone
computer, laptop, etc. In addition, it is easy for someone to Smartphone is defined as the ability of Wireless Mobile
own gadget because gadget has various price, ranging from Device (WMD) which has similar function with computer by
prices, which, can be afforded by the middle to lower class offering features such as personal digital assistant (PDA),
society, thus it is common for many students to access internet access, email, and Global Positioning System (GPS)
Internet. Nowadays, most of the students have depended their [1]. Smartphone is mobile phone which has similar ability and
life on the use of internet due to several reasons, such as to function as computer. There is no agreement yet in the
assist them in doing their task, looking for information, industry of what makes the phone becomes smart. For some
looking for reading sources, following the advancement, etc. people, smartphone is a working phone which uses all
However, they do not realize that the dependence on the software operation system providing standard and basic
Internet, which, they consider as their study assistance or as connection for the application developer. For the others,
their way to follow the advancement can become obstacle for smartphone is only a phone providing sophisticated feature
The 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2019)
KICT, IIUM – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 30-31, 2019)
Jakarta Convention Center – Jakarta, Indonesia (November 4-6, 2019)

such as e-mail, internet and e-book or the existence of keypad • How many hours in a day do college students
(both as the existing one or connected from the outside). In spend to use technological devices?
other words, smartphone is a small computer which has
• How many years of experience do college
phone’s capability[2].
students have been using technological devices?
In terms of its features, most of smartphones fully support
complete personal setting. The other function is the provision • What do college students use technological
of QWERTY (i.e the first six keys on the top of the letter row devices for (e.g online social networks, study,
of the keyboard) keypad, touchscreen, navigation software etc) ?
and hardware, ability in reading business document, music • Which contents do they prefer to access on
player, photo surfing and watching video clip, internet surfing, Internet (i.e their preferred contents to access on
or only safe access to open company e-mail such as what is each media platforms) ?
offered by BlackBerry. The most frequently found feature in
smartphone is its ability in saving contact lists as many as • How do they feel toward using technological
possible which is different from the usual mobile phone which devices in general (e.g “I enjoy using
has maximum limitation in saving contact list[2]. technological devices)
According to the research by Google (2015) and TNS • How do they feel toward using technological
Australia, as much as 50% of smartphone users in Indonesia devices only for trivial fun (e.g “I don’t think it is
consider this device as their primary telecommunication a good idea to use gadgets just for the trivial fun)
device, including for accessing internet. This penetration
number ranks first in Asia. The three most installed III. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY
applications in smartphone are instant messenger (such as Findings of the study are presented in relation to each
whatsapp or Line), social media, and search engine. The most research questionts.
popular websites used in Indonesia are online shopping,
entertainment and travel website. This data is similar to the A. Question 1: What technological devices are
survey conducted in India. Financial application is only frequently used by college students?
popular in Taiwan and Korea, while restaurant application is Results show that smartphone (n=49), laptop (n=48), and
only popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Meanwhile in television (n=30) were the top three technological devices
Singapore, the popular site is only travel site [3]. Survey most frequently used by college students (Fig.1) This
stated that in education, internet is mostly used in three imply that all participants stated that their most used
aspects, which are 55.30% to read article, 49.67% to watch technological device was smartphone, then followed by
tutorial video and 21.3% to share education article or laptop, as the second most used technological device by
college students, which only has one participant who
stated other devices.
A. Participants and Procedure
For data collection, we conducted a survey with
convenience samples of college students who was studying
Psychology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This study
included a total of 49 college students (5 males, 44 females).
The majority of participants were within the age 20-21 years old
(85,7%) while a small proportion of them was 18-19 years old
(4,1%) and 22-23 years old (10,2%). Most of them attended
global high school (73,5%) while 2 participants attended
vocational high school, and 11 participants attended Madrasah
Aliyah (MA), SMA Islam Terpadu or Pesantren which were the
equivalent of high school but with additional Islamic
Fig. 1 Technological devices frequently used by college student
B. Measures
B. Question 2: Which college courses do college
The survey questionnaire contained eight questions students consider being supported the most by
specifically designed to investigate the following research
technological devices?
Results show that 30 out of 49 participants agreed that
• What technological devices are frequently used Psikologi Sufistik is the most supported course by
by college students? technological devices (22,2%). Followed by Psikologi
• Which college courses do college students Perkembangan Anak & Remaja (9,6%) being the second
consider being supported the most by most supported college course by technological devices.
technological devices? The third college course, which participants considered
being supported by technological devices is
The 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2019)
KICT, IIUM – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 30-31, 2019)
Jakarta Convention Center – Jakarta, Indonesia (November 4-6, 2019)

Psikodiagnostik: Nonproyektif (11%). Table 1 show all F. Question 6: Which contents do they prefer to access
the college courses mentioned by participants. on Internet?
C. Question 3: How many hours in a day do college For this question, we asked participants to mention
students spend to use technological devices? each media platforms they frequently use and then follow
by saying what contents do they prefer to access on those
49 answers were collected and result show that 38,8%
media platforms. Results show the top 3 most frequent
(n=19) participants spend 7-8 hours in a day to use their
used media platforms are Whatsapp (n=39), Youtube
technological devices. Only small portion of participants
(n=30), Instagram (n-29).
spend 3-4 hours in a day to use their technological
1) Preferred contents on Whatsapp:
devices as is shown in Table 2.
Results show that 39 participants who mentioned
TABLE 2 HOURS SPEND USING TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES Whatsapp as their frequently used media platforms
answered that they prefer to use Whatsapp for family and
(Hours/day) Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent peer-to-peer chats (i.e communicate with their family
member or classmates.
3-4 Hours 7 14,3 14,3 2) Preferred contents on Youtube:
Meanwhile on Youtube, participants are shown to
5-6 Hours 13 26,5 40,8
have more variety on which contents do they prefer to
7-8 Hours 19 38,8 79,6 access. It seems that out of 30 participants who
mentioned Youtube as their most frequent used media
9-10 Hours 10 20,4 100,0 platforms gave more than one type of contents they
prefer to watch, since the total answers are more than the
Total 49 100,0
number of participants (n=59). 15 participants are shown
to prefer watching tutorial videos on Youtube, such as
cooking or makeup tutorials. All answers given by
D. Questions 4: How many years of experience do
participants can be seen in Fig. 3.
college students have been using technological
devices? 3) Preferred contents on Instagram:
On Instagram, 14 participants prefer to see their
Regarding of the years of experience college students friends’ life updates. While 7 participants prefer to see
have on using technological devices, majority of any lifestyle inspiration (e.g places to eat, hangout, etc).
participants answered 9-10 years long (n=28, 57,1%). 6 participants prefer to use Instagram as a life
26,5% participants (n=13) stated that they have been documentation and sharing platform.
using technological devices for 11-12 years long while
14,3% participants mentioned that they have been using G. Question 7: How do they feel toward using
the technological devices for 5-8 years long. Only 1 technological devices in general?
participant mentioned that he/she has been using the On this question, participants can choose between 4
technological devices for more than 12 years long. possible answers, such as strongly disagree, disagree,
E. Question 5: What do college students use agree, or strongly agree. Results show that 63,3% (n=31)
technological devices for? participants feel strongly agree that using technological
devices bring them enjoyment.
Result show (Fig.2) chat or messenger is what most
participants use their technological devices for (n=46). 36 H. Question 8: How do they feel toward using
participants use their technological devices for online technological devices only for trivial fun?
social network while only 2 participants mention that Same as the previous question, participants can choose
they use their technological devices for studying. between 4 possible answers, such as strongly disagree,
disagree, agree, or strongly agree. Result show that 55,1%
TABLE 1 COURSES SUPPORTED BY TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICE participants strongly agree that it is not a good idea to
College Courses Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Peminatan Psikologi Perkembangan: Anak & Remaja 13 9,6 13,1

Peminatan PIO: Psikologi Konsumen 5 3,7 18,2

Mikrokonseling 10 7,4 28,3
Psikologi Sufistik 30 22,2 58,6
Psikodiagnostik: Intelegensi, Minat, & Bakat 11 8,1 69,7

Psikodiagnostik: Non-proyektif 9 6,7 78,8

Psikometri lanjutan 3 2,2 81,8
Peminatan Psikologi Sosial: Psikologi Lintas Budaya 6 4,4 87,9
Kode Etik 7 5,2 94,9
Peminatan Psikologi Klinis: Modifikasi Perilaku 3 2,2 98,0

Peminatan Psikologi Pendidikan: BK di Sekolah 1 ,7 99,0

Psikologi Abnormal 1 ,7 100,0
The 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2019)
KICT, IIUM – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 30-31, 2019)
Jakarta Convention Center – Jakarta, Indonesia (November 4-6, 2019)

only use technological devices just for trivial fun or

nonlearning purposes.

Fig. 3 Media platforms college students frequently use.

social networks, or video and entertainment apps that is

not relevant with learning materials [7].
Fig. 2 Technological Devices Uses among College Students Our study show that while college students spend 7-8
hours using technological devices they mostly use them
IV. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION to communicate with their friend and access online social
As stated previously, majority of college students use networks media platforms, such as Whatsapp, and
their technological devices (mostly smartphone) to watching videos on Youtube rather than actually using
communicate with their families or classmates. This them for studying. This result implies that college
result supports previous study [5] that also proved that students still not maximizing their technological devices
most of college students use their smartphone to as learning aids.
communicate with their friends. However, we realized that this study is not the
Study show that this ability to communicate with representation of college students in a whole, as the
friends easily given by smartphone could give the subjects in this study were so small. So, we hope that
advantage to be able to communicate with fellow there will be further studies that could give the more
classmates and even professor, which allowed them to be representative results on the use of technological devices
fully productive. Smartphones give students the among college students. For college students, we advise
opportunity to learn even when they are not inside them to be wiser in using their technological devices, and
classroom while still having instruction from professor incorporate them more in learning activities, and also to
and fellow classmates [6]. spend more time having a face-to-face interaction with
Study found that technological devices is very their friend and families, rather than via Whataspp, so
convenient and make learning more fun. Many tasks can they could bring them more positive impact rather than
be done by smartphones, such as taking photos of lecture negative ones.
materials, and even listening to lecture. It also
environmentally friendly, as students don’t have to REFERENCES
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The 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2019)
KICT, IIUM – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (October 30-31, 2019)
Jakarta Convention Center – Jakarta, Indonesia (November 4-6, 2019)

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