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RayAre you going to the fiesta this weekend?

TinaI don’t know. It depends. What is it exactly?

RayWell, it’s just, um . . . it’s a festival. It’s lots of parades and stuff like that. Everybody
gets dressed up, you know . . .
TinaYou mean in costumes?
RayYeah. There are hundreds of cute little kids in purple and silver outfits with makeup and
everything. . . .
TinaUh-huh. Uh, I’m not big on parades.
RayAnd there’s good food. You can get all kinds of tacos and things. Do you want to go?
TinaHmm. Well, maybe.
You can get all kinds of tacos and things.
We have a lot of festivals and things like that.
Everyone gets dressed up and stuff.
It's lots of parades and stuff like that.
The kids wear outfits and makeup and everything.
What are you doing for New Year's?
I'm going home. I really want to see my family and everything.

Do you ever go to parades and things in your neighborhood?

Not really. We're not big on parades. We prefer concerts and things like that.
Do you usually do anything for Halloween?

Yeah, we usually go trick-or-treating and stuff.

Are you into traditional music and stuff like that?

Yeah, we go to a lot of folk music festivals and stuff like that.

ManI love Mardi Gras. I go every year.
WomanSo when is it?
ManIt depends. It's different every year.
ManIt's Mardi Gras this month.
WomanI know - but what does it celebrate?
ManI don't know. I think it's a music festival.
ManMardi Gras is a big holiday these days.
WomanSo do they eat any special foods?
ManYou mean a special meal? Maybe.

WomanIt's Thanksgiving next week.
ManReally? How do people celebrate it?
WomanI'm not sure. I think they have a special meal.
WomanThanksgiving's a special holiday in the States.
ManSo do people put up decorations and stuff?
WomanYou mean in their homes? I don't know.
WomanI spent Thanksgiving with friends last year.
ManYou did? How are you going to celebrate this year?
WomanI'm not sure. I don't have any plans right now.
About you: How do you celebrate your favorite festival or
Step 1: How do you celebrate your favorite festival or holiday? Answer the questions
below with true information.

Step 2: Go to Forum, Unit 4, Lesson C, How do you celebrate your favorite festival or
holiday? Listen to the question and record your response.

Step 3: Listen to your classmates' responses. Go to Forum, Unit 4, Lesson C, How

do you celebrate your favorite festival or holiday? Listen to two of your classmates’
posts and leave comments.

What special festival do you celebrate in your town or country? When is it?
What do you do to celebrate?

Do you eat special foods?

Do you wear costumes or put up decorations?

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