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El Alto, Lunes 27 de Junio de 2010

I.S.E.I.T. “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo” Ingles I - Examen Final Docente: Ing. Roger Guachalla Narváez

Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Nombre(s) Firma

 A laptop computer is ___________than a desktop computer. faster smaller heavier
 To turn on the computer, __________ the "Start" button. touch press switch
 __________ any key to continue. Kick Smash Hit
 The printer has __________ of ink. finished ended run out
The Workstation
 The mouse moves on a mouse ________. mat carpet pad
 TV and computer screens are usually measured in __________. feet miles inches
 The computer is connected to the telephone line via a __________. module modem mod
The keyboard
 To go back one space, hit the ________ key. shift caps backspace
 To change the capital letters permanently, hit the ______ key. alt caps lock backspace
 To stop the computer doing something, you can press the____ key. control escape delete
The mouse
 This mouse doesn't have a ball. It's an __________ mouse. optical laser roll
 One click of a mouse button is called a ______________ click. double single simple
 To play some games, you need to use a _______ instead of a mouse. scanner tablet joystick
 The scanned image can be manipulated using __________ software. hand held original image editing
 An________ printer/scanner can print, scan and copy. laser all-in-one flat bed
 Make sure the scanner is _____________ to the computer. connected adjust click
 I think some paper is ____________ inside the printer. jammed double-sided reload
 When the ink runs out, you have to change the ____________. cartridge print-heads cover
 "Black and white" is also known as ____________ printing dual gray scale stereo
 A laser printer uses _________. light toner ink

El Alto, Lunes 27 de Junio de 2010

I.S.E.I.T. “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo” Ingles I - Examen Final Docente: Ing. Roger Guachalla Narváez

Apellido Paterno Apellido Materno Nombre(s) Firma

 A laptop computer is ___________than a desktop computer. faster smaller heavier
 To turn on the computer, __________ the "Start" button. touch press switch
 __________ any key to continue. Kick Smash Hit
 The printer has __________ of ink. finished ended run out
The Workstation
 The mouse moves on a mouse ________. mat carpet pad
 TV and computer screens are usually measured in __________. feet miles inches
 The computer is connected to the telephone line via a __________. module modem mod
The keyboard
 To go back one space, hit the ________ key. shift caps backspace
 To change the capital letters permanently, hit the ______ key. alt caps lock backspace
 To stop the computer doing something, you can press the____ key. control escape delete
The mouse
 This mouse doesn't have a ball. It's an __________ mouse. optical laser roll
 One click of a mouse button is called a ______________ click. double single simple
 To play some games, you need to use a _______ instead of a mouse. scanner tablet joystick
 The scanned image can be manipulated using __________ software. hand held original image editing
 An________ printer/scanner can print, scan and copy. laser all-in-one flat bed
 Make sure the scanner is _____________ to the computer. connected adjust click
 I think some paper is ____________ inside the printer. jammed double-sided reload
 When the ink runs out, you have to change the ____________. cartridge print-heads cover
 "Black and white" is also known as ____________ printing dual gray scale stereo
 A laser printer uses _________. light toner ink

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