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Paleohistopathology of Bone: A New Approach to the

Study of Ancient Diseases
Michael Schultz

Zentrum Anatomie der Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany D-37075

KEY WORDS paleopathology; microscopy; etiology; epidemiology; inflammatory diseases;

porotic hyperostosis

ABSTRACT Light microscopy, particularly the use of logical bone changes, particularly the determination of
polarized light, has such a high value for the differential vestiges of diseases in macerated bones by microscopy, are
diagnosis of dry bones that it can no longer be neglected. presented. Emphasis is placed on the differential diag-
Alterations caused intra vitam by disease or other living noses of proliferative reactions (e.g., periosteal processes
conditions can clearly be differentiated by this technique of long bones and the skull). In this context, the impor-
from changes due to postmortem reactions (e.g., pseudo- tance of meningeal reactions on the endocranial lamina of
pathology). As a reliable diagnosis is the basis not only of the skull for morbidity and mortality in ancient popula-
the study of case reports but also of the etiology and tions is demonstrated. Furthermore, porotic hyperostosis
epidemiology of diseases in ancient populations, paleo- of the skull vault and the orbital roof, i.e., the cribra cranii
pathologists would be well-advised to employ histological externa and cribra orbitalia, is discussed. Selected exam-
analysis for their research, to avoid false diagnoses. The ples of the etiology and epidemiology of ancient diseases
necessary basis for such research is the knowledge of the are presented (e.g., anemia, scurvy, rickets, and menin-
general histology, histogenesis, and growth as well as geal diseases), and ideas on living conditions and their
pathophysiology of bone. Some new techniques which fa- implications for the origin and the spread of disease are
cilitate the practical use of microscopic analysis, such as given to establish a better understanding of deficiency and
the preparation of thin-ground sections from undecalcified infectious diseases in the past. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 44:
bone samples and nonrehydrated mummified soft tissues, 106 –147, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
are described. Selected examples of mechanisms of patho-


Actinomycetes, very small fungus-like bacteria Cribra orbitalia (⫽ cribra orbitalia), descriptive
with mycelia term characterizing a porotic orbital roof; not an
Autolysis, breakdown of tissues by the action of independent disease, but a morphological symptom
enzymes starting directly after death of various diseases
Basic lamellae, circumferential lamellae, i.e., ex- Decomposition, disintegration of a corpse
ternal (periosteal) internal (endosteal) and basic la- Diagenesis, disintegration of a skeleton
mellae of the shaft of a long bone Diploë, substantia spongiosa of the flat skull bones
Casuistics, case studies (e.g., skull vault)
Cavitas medullaris, medullary cavity, e.g., of long Epidemiology, study of the frequencies and the
bones spread of diseases
Chondral ossification, bone originating primarily Epidural hematoma, hematoma between the inter-
as cartilage which is secondarily replaced by bone nal lamina of the skull vault and the dura mater
(perichondral and endochondral ossification); see in- Etiology, study of the causes of diseases
tramembranous ossification Faserfilz-osteon, an osteon, in which the lamellae
Cephalhematoma, swelling filled with blood be- are very irregularly built up like in felt, found; e.g.,
neath the pericranium, frequently caused during frequently in slowly growing solid-bone tumors
birth Fossil, fossilized, e.g., in a fossil bone, organic sub-
Compacta, see substantia compacta stances replaced by minerals
Corticalis, cortical bone, thin lamellae of external Grenzstreifen (⫽ grenzlinie), line or band-like
bone structure structure indicating the place of the original exter-
Cribra cranii externa, descriptive term character- nal surface of the shaft of a long bone separating the
izing a thickened and porotic external skull vault; external newly built bone formation (e.g., polsters)
not an independent disease, but a morphological from the deeper (sometimes still compact) bone sub-
symptom of various diseases; see porotic hyperosto- stance; characteristic features at the microscopic
sis level seen in treponemal (and leprous?) periostitis


DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10024
Haversian system, osteon, i.e., system of regular tendons) caused by an inflammatory or metabolic
circular lamellae around a blood vessel canal process
(⫽ Haversian canal) Osteitis (⫽ ostitis), inflammatory process of the
Hemangioma, benign tumor made up of new- compact bone substance of a long bone
formed blood vessels Osteoblast, cell of the bony tissue which secretes
Hematogenous, e.g., in infections, distributed or osteoid
spread by way of the bloodstream Osteoblastic, adj., buildup of new bone; see osteo-
Hemorrhage, discharge of blood, as from a rupture blast and productive (proliferative)
of a blood vessel Osteoclast, large cell of the bony tissue which
Hemorrhagic, adj., see hemorrhage stems from monocytes (hyaline leukocyte) and
Hilfsobject, a compensator used in polarization mi- resorbs bone (causing Howship’s lacunae)
croscopy Osteoclastic, adj., resorption of bone; see osteoclast
Howship’s lacunae, in microscopy, bay-like struc- and osteolytic
ture caused by osteoclasts Osteocyte, bone cell
Inflammatory, pathology stage (inflammation), Osteoid, nonmineralized, preosseous substance,
caused by microorganisms or toxins (e.g., infection) secreted by osteoblasts
Intracartilaginous ossification, endochondral ossi- Osteolytic, see osteoclastic
fication Osteomyelitis, inflammatory process in 1) the
Intramembranous ossification, bone originates medullary cavity (fat or yellow marrow) of a long
primarily as bone inside the connective tissue; see bone, or 2) in the cancellous bone substance (red
chondral ossification marrow) of flat, short, and long bones; process af-
Intra vitam, during life fects, as a rule, the complete bone
Lacuna, space of osteocyte Osteon, see Haversian system
Lamina externa, external lamina of the skull Perimortem, around the time of death
bones (e.g., skull vault) Periostitis, inflammatory process of the perios-
Lamina interna, internal lamina of the skull bones teum caused, e.g., by infection
(e.g., skull vault) Periostosis, noninflammatory process of the peri-
“Leichenschatten” (germ), shadow-like remains of osteum caused, e.g., by hemorrhage or tumor
a prehistoric corpse Plastination, fixation and embedding process de-
Macerate, to free a bone of soft tissue and cells, by veloped by von Hagens [(1979) Anat Rec 194:247–
various agents; the result is dry bone 255], using the epoxy resin Biodur威
Meningioma, tumor developing from the lepto- Polster, pillow-like structure of newly built bone
meningeal cells which line the arachnoid villi formations at the external surface of the shaft of a
Meningitis, inflammatory process of the meninges long bone; characteristic features at the microscopic
caused by bacteria or viruses. Bacterial meningitis level seen in treponemal and leprous periostitis
can cause characteristic features, such as hemor- Porotic hyperostosis, descriptive term characteriz-
rhage and increased brain pressure. Thus, due to ing a thickened and porotic external skull vault,
the dominance of the morphological features, the sometimes called cribra cranii externa; not an inde-
observer can differentiate in dry skull bones be- pendent disease, but rather a morphological symp-
tween inflammatory-hemorrhagic and hemorrhagic- tom of various diseases
inflammatory meningitis. In a specific inflammatory Postmortem, after death
meningeal disease, e.g., tuberculous meningitis Proliferative, productive; see osteoblastic
(Leptomeningitis tuberculosa), additional features, Recidivation, repeated or relapsed occurrence of a
such as small roundish impressions, are present pathological process
Meningo-encephalitis, inflammatory process of the Subfossil, still not fossilized, e.g., archaeological
meninges and brain (medieval) bone
Microfilariae, very small (ca. 15 ␮m length) Substantia compacta, thick, i.e., compact sub-
threadlike parasitic nematode worm of the family stance of the shaft of a long bone
Filariidae Substantia spongiosa, cancellous or spongy sub-
Myositis ossificans, mineralization of muscles (and stance, exists in all bones


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 108

Brief summary of the history of microscopic research in paleopathology ...................................................... 108
Why do we need microscopic research in paleopathology? .............................................................................. 109
What diseases can be diagnosed in archaeological bones by microscopy? ...................................................... 110
What might be the effect of microscopic studies in bioarchaeology and sociobiology
of ancient populations? .................................................................................................................................... 110
Available Techniques .............................................................................................................................................. 110
What materials are investigated by microscopy in paleopathology? ............................................................... 110
Magnifying glass and stereoscopic low-power microscope ............................................................................... 110
Preparation and embedding of specimens for light microscopy ....................................................................... 110
Microscopy using plane light .............................................................................................................................. 112
Microscopy using polarized light ........................................................................................................................ 112
Microradiography ................................................................................................................................................ 114
Scanning-electron microscopy ............................................................................................................................. 114
Other techniques ................................................................................................................................................. 114
Microscopic Structure of Bone ............................................................................................................................... 114
General histology of bone .................................................................................................................................... 114
Histogenesis and growth of bone ........................................................................................................................ 116
Influence of Autolysis, Decomposition, and Diagenesis on Diagnostics ............................................................. 116
Soil and water ...................................................................................................................................................... 118
Plant roots ............................................................................................................................................................ 120
Fungi, algae, and bacteria .................................................................................................................................. 120
Arthropods ............................................................................................................................................................ 120
Crystals ................................................................................................................................................................ 120
Selected Examples of Mechanisms of Pathological Bone Changes: The Determination of the
Vestiges of Diseases in Macerated Bones by Microscopy ............................................................................. 120
General comments ............................................................................................................................................... 120
Proliferative reactions ......................................................................................................................................... 123
Periosteal reaction on long bones ................................................................................................................... 124
Meningeal reactions on the endocranial lamina of the skull ....................................................................... 128
Porotic hyperostosis of the skull vault and the orbital roof: the problem of cribra cranii externa and
cribra orbitalia .............................................................................................................................................. 131
Pseudopathology ...................................................................................................................................................... 137
Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................................. 140
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................................... 142
Literature Cited ...................................................................................................................................................... 142

INTRODUCTION second half of the 20th century, using mainly the

technique of ground sections, Ascenzi (1969),
Brief summary of the history of microscopic
research in paleopathology Baud and Morgenthaler (1956), Hackett (1976),
Ortner (1976), Stout (1976), and Stout and Simons
Light microscopy of macerated (dry) bones was (1979) carried out important research into the pa-
practiced for the first time as a part of routine leohistology of dry bones. Particularly in North
medical examination at the end of the 19th cen- America, during recent decades, paleohistopatho-
tury. At about the same time, the first publica- logical research using light microscopy has been
tions dealing with the microscopic structure of carried out primarily in connection with the his-
fossil bones (e.g., Schaffer, 1889) also appeared. tological morphometrics of compact bone and mea-
Since the 1920s, microscopy has been used in pa- surements of bone formation rates (e.g., Frost and
leopathology. At the very beginning of the devel- Wu, 1967; Martin and Armelagos, 1979, 1985;
opment of paleohistology, a term which was intro- Pfeiffer and King, 1981; Richman et al., 1979;
duced into the Anglo-Saxon literature by Moodie Stout and Lueck, 1995; Weinstein et al., 1981).
(1923), the samples were decalcified, embedded in
In contrast to the microscopic investigation of
paraffin wax, and cut by a microtome, or polished
macerated bones, the investigation of mummified
surfaces of undecalcified bone were examined us-
tissues was more popular at the beginning of pa-
ing normal (plane) and polarized light. Short re-
views describing the beginnings of paleohistology leohistopathology (e.g., Ruffer, 1911; Williams,
and paleohistopathology were given by Garland 1927; Wilson, 1927). Later, after World War II,
(1993), Martin (1991), de Ricqlès (1993), and Stout scientists like Sandison (1957), who represented
(1976). Moodie (1923) published very informative one of the leading authorities, carried out paleo-
photomicrographs demonstrating specific struc- pathological research in ancient mummified tis-
tures in fossil and prehistoric animal and human sues at the microscopic level. Although histology
bones, and Weber (1927) examined prehistoric hu- on mummified soft tissues was carried out rela-
man long bones to diagnose treponemal diseases. tively frequently (e.g., Brothwell et al., 1969;
Because archaeological bones are very brittle and, Cockburn and Cockburn, 1998; Sandison, 1970;
as a rule, cannot be decalcified to be sectioned Zimmerman, 2001; Zimmerman and Kelley, 1982),
by microtomes without destroying the sample, the histopathology of archaeological bones has
ground sections and new techniques of embedding rarely been a subject of interest (e.g., Kramar et
became the methods of choice. Thus, in the early al., 1983; Largier and Baud, 1980).
Why do we need microscopic research TABLE 1. Frequencies of diseases observed
in paleopathology? by using different techniques
Disease Disease
Reliable diagnosis is the basis for reconstructing frequencies after frequencies
the etiology and epidemiology of diseases in ancient macroscopic after additional
populations. However, it is well-known that diag- examination microscopic
noses of diseases in ancient bones are not easily Diseases alone examination
established. As a rule, paleopathologists can only Anemia 7.0% 4.7%
examine the vestiges of ancient diseases in dry Rickets 0.0% 3.9%
Osteomyelitis 8.5% 4.7%
bones, and no soft tissues or cells, which play an Irritation of meninges 6.8% 9.5%
important role in pathological investigations on re-
cent materials, can be studied to establish a reliable
diagnosis or for comparative purposes. Therefore, no describe very clearly the different stages of bony
cytological and only a limited histological examina- destruction in the skeleton of people suffering from
tion of soft tissues can be carried out (see below). yaws and venereal syphilis. The basis for the eluci-
Many paleopathologists investigate archaeological dation of the stages lay in Cecil Hackett’s long years
bone remains by macroscopy alone or sometimes of experience with the histopathology of dry bones.
additionally by using radiological techniques such The impact of microscopic research on the field of
as conventional X-ray images and CT-scans, and the epidemiology of diseases in ancient populations can
rate of false diagnoses is still high. Microscopic in- be illustrated by an example (Schultz, 1993b). In the
vestigation of thin-ground sections produces more Early Bronze Age population from İkiztepe, north-
reliable results than the use of multislice CT ern Anatolia, 144 infant and child burials were
(MSCT), which is an advanced form of helical com- available for the paleopathological investigation. Of
puted tomography (Rühli et al., 2000, 2001). Be- these, 129 individuals with preserved skulls were
cause diagnostic criteria can be relatively limited in suitable for the study of anemia, rickets, or osteo-
paleopathology, special methods and techniques, myelitis, and 117 individuals with preserved skulls
particularly at the microscopic level, need to be es- were suitable for the study of meningeal irritations
tablished to render such diagnoses more reliable. (Schultz, 1990). The materials were examined twice.
Light microscopy (especially with polarized light), The first investigation was carried out at the site of
microradiography, and scanning-electron micros- the excavation, using only macroscopic techniques
copy have such high value for differential diagnosis (Table 1). After microscopic investigation later car-
of dry bones that they can no longer be neglected. As ried out at the Department of Anatomy of the Uni-
there are now several reliable techniques (Schultz, versity of Göttingen, according to the new diagnoses,
1988; Schultz and Drommer, 1983), paleopatholo- the frequencies of the four diseases were quite dif-
gists are advised to employ these useful tools for ferent (Table 1). The differences in the frequencies of
their research to avoid false diagnoses. Many bone these diseases were really striking (cf. Schultz,
changes which cannot be observed by macroscopic 1993b). Three cases macroscopically diagnosed as
analysis are revealed by microscopic techniques osteomyelitis were microscopically diagnosed as ir-
(Schultz, 1988). Thus, many alterations caused intra ritations of meninges. Three other cases were mac-
vitam by disease can clearly be differentiated from roscopically diagnosed as anemia, but diagnosed by
changes due to postmortem reactions (Schultz, 1986, microscopy as osteomyelitis (cf. Fig. 16A,B). Five
1994a, 1997b). The nature of bone tumors and tu- cases macroscopically diagnosed as osteomyelitis
morous lesions can be detected microscopically, as were microscopically diagnosed as rickets. Other
well as the different structures occurring through similar examples will be given later.
specific and nonspecific bone inflammations (Hack- Microscopic analysis in paleopathology not only
ett, 1976; Schultz, 1986, 1999a; Schultz and Roberts, allows more reliable diagnoses of ancient diseases,
2001; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b). Also, but also enables improved age determinations (e.g.,
changes caused by metabolic diseases, processes of Kerley, 1965; Kerley and Ubelaker, 1978; Schultz,
aging, and decrease or increase in physical activity 1986; Stout, 1992; Wolf, 1999). Additionally, a mi-
are identifiable with the aid of microscopic methods croscopic investigation can detect changes at the
(Schultz, 1986, 2001a), and initial stages of bone micro-level, such as inactivity atrophy, which cannot
diseases which are not visible by gross examination be observed by macroscopy alone (Schultz, 1986,
can be clarified by microscopic techniques. Some 1997b). Also, the effects of heat and fire occurring
diseases cause typical lesions in the bone matrix around the time of death (perimortem), or after
that cannot be differentiated from lesions from a death (postmortem), lead to typical changes in the
different disease (Schultz, 1993b). The importance of microstructure of bones (Grimm and Strauch, 1959;
microscopic investigation of macerated bone speci- Piepenbrink and Herrmann, 1988; Schultz, 1986,
mens for our knowledge of differential diagnoses 1997b; Teschler-Nicola and Schultz, 1984). In the
and the development of diseases is demonstrated by case of small bone fragments, questions might arise
the classic article on treponematoses by Hackett as to whether these fragments are human or animal
(1976). In this article, figures are published which bones. The answer can often be easily clarified
through the histological analysis of a bone sample different phases and the intensity of diagenesis as
(Harsányi, 1978, 1993). Furthermore, the result of well as changes caused by the excavator, can be
microscopic examination of archaeological bone easily checked.
samples frequently gives important information Below, I discuss the available techniques for mi-
about the state of preservation and the kind of post- croscopic examination of archaeological bone, briefly
mortem destruction (e.g., Hackett, 1981; Schultz, review some fundamentals of bone histology, exam-
1986, 1997b; Stout and Teitelbaum, 1976), which is ine the effects of postmortem change on bone micro-
highly necessary for someone intending to date ar- structure, and present some examples of how these
chaeological bones by the radiocarbon technique, or techniques can be applied in paleopathological re-
to do molecular work on ancient bones such as an- search. Finally, some pseudopathologies are pre-
cient DNA and collagenous and noncollagenous bone sented and discussed.
proteins, or to examine trace elements and stable
isotopes (Schultz, 1986, 1997b). AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES
What materials are investigated by
What diseases can be diagnosed in microscopy in paleopathology?
archaeological bones by microscopy?
The majority of samples examined in paleohis-
This is a more interesting and important question topathology are, without doubt, subfossil skeletal
than it would seem at first sight. In paleopathology, remains of human beings and other animals and,
all diseases which produce changes in the bony sys- only occasionally, fossil remains. To what extent
tem can be studied by microscopic techniques. Most microscopic analysis, particularly histology, can con-
of these diseases can be reliably diagnosed by mac- tribute to establishing a reliable diagnosis depends
roscopic analysis in combination with radiology, en- on the state of preservation (Schultz, 1997b). Some-
doscopy, and some of the special techniques used in times, preservation is so poor that it is impossible to
biochemistry or molecular biology. However, certain present a convincing result of an age determination
of these diseases are only diagnosable by micros- or a disease diagnosis using macroscopic methods
copy. These include, in particular, diseases which alone, and we have no choice but to attempt a mi-
affect the microstructure of the compact bone sub- croscopic investigation. In a very extreme situation,
stance of the long bones (e.g., hematogenous osteo- the skeletal remains can be so very poorly preserved
myelitis, treponemal diseases, leprosy) and the cor- that only a corpse shadow, a “leichenschatten,” is
tical and cancellous bone substance of the skull (e.g., preserved. Even in this case, microscopic analysis of
anemia, scurvy, rickets, meningitis, nonspecific and the earth containing very small bone fragments can
specific osteomyelitis). Furthermore, many tumor sometimes give a satisfactory result (Schultz,
and tumor-like skeletal diseases belong to this 1997b).
Magnifying glass and stereoscopic
What might be the effect of microscopic low-power microscope
studies in bioarchaeology and sociobiology In addition to macroscopic examination of archae-
of ancient populations? ological skeletal remains, all bone surfaces sus-
Microscopic methods and techniques can lead to pected of having been changed by pathological pro-
better and more reliable paleopathological diag- cesses while the person was alive should be
noses. With the aid of these more reliable diagnoses, examined with a magnifying glass. In this way, very
the results of investigations dealing with 1) individ- unobtrusive vestiges can be recognized. Stereoscopic
ual case studies (casuistics), 2) the causes (etiology) low-power microscopes allow further studies of fea-
and distribution and frequency of diseases (epidemi- tures that cannot be interpreted by a magnifying
ology), and 3) the evolution and history of diseases glass only. The advantage of these observations is
enable paleopathologists to expand their knowledge that they are not invasive, i.e., the bone will not be
in the interdisciplinary fields of bioarchaeology and destroyed by these examinations. The disadvantage
sociobiology of ancient populations. In these new is that there is no information about the internal
fields, paleopathology will play a dominant role in structure and the composition of newly formed bone,
the future by elucidating the living conditions, in- such as a secondary layer on the original bone sur-
cluding the causes of diseases and the ways of life, of face.
prehistoric and historic populations (e.g., Larsen,
Preparation and embedding of specimens
1997; Ortner and Putschar, 1981; Roberts and
for light microscopy
Manchester, 1995; Schultz, 1982; Spitery, 1983;
Wood, 1979; Živanović, 1982). Light microscopy can be employed in two ways.
Furthermore, the results of microscopic studies Polished surfaces of bone samples can be observed
can provide important controls for molecular biolog- using reflected light, or ground sections can be ex-
ical investigations (e.g., DNA, proteins of the extra- amined by transmission light. For the latter method,
cellular bone matrix) of recent and ancient dry which is much more efficient, the bone sample has to
bones. Thus, various kinds of contamination, such as be sectioned or ground down to become translucent.

Fig. 1. Sampling and preparation of thin-ground sections.

When archaeological or sometimes even forensic bone sample is decalcified, it is easier to cut. How-
bones are to be examined, the method of choice is the ever, if a poorly preserved bone sample is decalcified,
grinding process (e.g., Hackett, 1976; Stout, 1992; nothing will remain worth analyzing, and special
see Fig. 1). The author has modified these tech- techniques must be used for the sampling and pro-
niques (Schultz, 1988; Schultz and Drommer, 1983), duction of histological specimens (Donath, 1983;
using a special embedding procedure (see below, and Kaissling, 1973; Schultz, 1988, 1997a; Schultz and
Fig. 1). After this, thin-ground sections with a thick- Drommer, 1983). In most cases, the technique of
ness ranging between 15–100 ␮m are produced. The choice is the preparation of undecalcified thin-
nature of pathological structures can then be rela- ground sections after embedding, which is highly
tively easily detected (Blondiaux et al., 1994; Hack- suitable even for very poorly preserved bone sam-
ett, 1976; Michaelis, 1930; Moodie, 1923; Schultz, ples. To prepare thin-ground sections for light mi-
1986, 1987b, 1993a,b; Weber, 1927). For a reliable croscopy, a special technique was established based
diagnosis, it is important to prepare two thin-ground on the method of plastination developed by von Ha-
sections from different levels from each bone sam- gens (1979), but modified for histological purposes
ple, because microscopic structures can also change by M. Schultz and M. Brandt (cf. Schultz, 1988). For
in their three-dimensional architecture. Although embedding (see Fig. 1), we use a special Epoxy resin.
light microscopy is a relatively old technique, this Before being embedded, the samples are dehydrated
kind of analysis is still one of the most efficient, using ascending concentration steps of alcohol solu-
whereas regular scanning-electron microscopy (see tions (e.g., solutions of 40%, 50%, 60%, 75%, 80%,
below) is only able to check the faces of a bone or the 85%, 90%, and 95% of alcohol for usually 1 day
cut or sawn planes of bone sections. each). The next day, the sample is put into methyl
Excavated skeletal remains are usually lacking in chloride as an intermediate solution for the ex-
strength and elasticity, due to decomposition of the change of substances. The sample is then ready to be
organic matrix, and are therefore fragile and ex- embedded. Our experience, which has been gathered
tremely brittle, no longer having the quality of fresh over decades, has shown that the most suitable em-
bone. Archaeological undecalcified bone, embedded bedding substance for macerated bone samples is
or not, should not be cut by microtome, because the the Epoxy resin Biodur威, which was developed by
procedure may cause serious artifacts (e.g., micro- von Hagens (1979). Biodur威 is easy to handle during
fractures, decay) leading to false diagnoses. If the the embedding procedure, which takes place under a
relative vacuum (motor vacuum pump). This resin is Several techniques are available for preparation
highly suitable for organic materials which might of histological sections from mummified soft tissues
still contain minimal vestiges of moisture. Using for microscopic research (e.g., Sandison, 1955; Zim-
Biodur威, the process takes at least 3 weeks because merman, 2001). All these techniques are based on
the embedding process runs very slowly; however, the rehydration of mummified samples before cut-
the results are excellent. Thus, from the sawing of a ting with a microtome. During the process of rehy-
sample from a bone until the moment when the dration, the original connection between the differ-
thin-ground section is viewed by microscope, 4 or ent tissues, particularly the connective tissue, is
even 6 weeks might pass. The embedded samples sometimes considerably disturbed or even destroyed
are mounted on a glass slide, cut with a special by a relative swelling of the tissues. Small parasites
circular saw (Dr. Steeg and Reuter, Frankfurt am affecting the individual during his lifetime can be
Main) and ground down to a thickness of 100 ␮m washed out by the rehydration process (Schultz and
(microradiographs), 70 ␮m and 50 ␮m (unstained Gessler-Löhr, 1992). Therefore, a new technique for
thin-ground sections examined in plane or polarized preparing histological specimens of mummified tis-
light), or 15 ␮m (stained thin-ground sections exam- sues was introduced, using thin-ground sections. A
ined for cells, collagen bundles, and special soft- very efficient procedure for preparing thin-ground
tissue structures in plane light) with the same saw, sections of prehistoric and historic skeletal remains
using a special circular disk. Finally, the polished recovered in archaeological excavations or kept
ground section is labeled and protected by a thin in bone collections has already been described
cover glass. Such thin-ground sections prepared by (Schultz, 1988; Schultz and Drommer, 1983). How-
this procedure, from brittle or even rotted bone, can ever, up to now, this technique has never been used
be examined satisfactorily. Thus, no artifacts pro- for mummified specimens. The idea is that soft-
duced by the embedding (such as from the use of tissue samples are embedded without rehydration,
methyl metacrylate) or the grinding process disturb using a modified plastination process (Schultz,
the microscopic examination of even large speci- 1997b; Schultz and Gessler-Löhr, 1992). This em-
mens. bedding technique was used to prepare thin-ground
A final point should be taken into consideration sections from soft tissues of an organ bundle from an
while assessing possible techniques. A microtome old Egyptian mummy of a boy who died at age 5–7
section of an undecalcified bone sample is, as a rule, years. The thin-ground sections demonstrate that
limited to small sizes, e.g., 5 ⫻ 5 or 10 ⫻ 10 mm. many very small parasites, which were identified as
With a Leica sawing-microtome (Innenlochsäge), the Microfilariae, were still in place in the soft tissue
sample size can be larger (ca. 25 ⫻ 25 mm). How- (Fig. 2A). Thus, the boy suffered from microfilariasis
ever, for thin-ground sections prepared after the (Schultz and Gessler-Löhr, 1992). No Microfilariae
plastination process from an undecalcified bone were found in rehydrated samples. Also in other
sample, the sizes of sections for routine examina- cases, this technique worked sufficiently well, e.g.,
tions can be 28 ⫻ 48 or 46 ⫻ 76 mm or, in special for studying the debris of arthropods in canals in
cases, even larger (e.g., 120 ⫻ 120 mm). Thus, using mummified tissues (Schultz, 1993b).
the latter technique, a cross section of a femur can
be examined in its entirety in the same section, even Microscopy using polarized light
if the bone is thickened by osteomyelitis to double or
triple its size. As mentioned below, the ways of di- The use of polarized-light microscopy is very help-
agnosing macerated bone samples are different from ful in examining ground sections produced from dry
the schedules used in recent pathology. Further- bone samples. The identification of collagen fibers
more, large samples of bones, such as complete cross and the special pattern of mineralized structures in
sections, are inevitably necessary. Large sections normal (Fig. 2B) and pathologically changed bones,
from undecalcified bone samples can only be pre- as well as in calcified and ossified soft tissues, e.g.,
pared after the embedding of the sample because parts of blood vessels, tendons, muscles, and menin-
archaeological bone is, as a rule, very brittle and ges, can be clearly demonstrated by polarized-light
sometimes even disintegrated, and will fall to pieces examination. Thus, structural changes caused by
when cut without embedding. pathological processes can be classified. Also, the
presentation of various crystals (e.g., cholesterol,
uric acid), which are, for instance, found in gall-
Microscopy using plane light
stones and renal calculus, can be detected and clas-
Using transmission microscopy, in plane and po- sified (cf. Schultz, 1982). Undecalcified archaeologi-
larized light, unstained and stained thin-ground sec- cal bone samples cut by microtome (i.e., not ground
tions of hard tissues (e.g., from bone samples), as sections) can, of course, also be studied in polarized
well as unstained and stained sections of soft tissues light. However, the result is not very satisfactory
(e.g., from muscles, liver, or lungs) prepared by mi- and frequently leads to false diagnoses because of
crotome, can be investigated. In particular, stained the artifacts produced by the cutting procedure (e.g.,
sections made from soft tissues are very clearly ob- microfractures). The examination of decalcified bone
servable in plane light. samples in polarized light is, as a rule, also very

Fig. 2. Demonstration of use of various microscopic techniques in paleopathology. A: Microfilariae (arrows). Mummified tissue
from respiratory system. Egyptian mummy of a 5–7-year-old boy, Ptolemaic-Roman times. Undecalcified, nonrehydrated, stained
thin-ground section (20 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in plane light. Magnification, ⫻640. B: Cross section through compact
bone substance of left femur of a mature individual from Achsheim (southern Germany), burial 3, early Middle Ages, Alamannic.
Haversian systems (osteons). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light. Magnifi-
cation, ⫻100. C: Cross section through compact bone substance of a femur. Künzing (southern Germany), Late Roman period, burial
32. Haversian systems (osteons) and lines of arrested appositional growth (arrows). Microradiograph of undecalcified thin-ground
section (100 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in plane light. Magnification, ⫻6. D: Howship’s lacunae. Osteoclastic tumor. Sayala
(Egyptian Nubia), Coptic period, individual I3. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 10 ␮m.

unsatisfactory, because the decalcification proce- are better observable. Thus, it is possible to obtain
dure affects the collagen structure. an impression of the three-dimensional structures of
Additionally, polarization microscopy is a useful bone. Using such a hilfsobject as compensator, the
tool in paleontology and paleoanthropology to study microscopic view of an unstained 50-␮m thin-ground
the microstructure of fossil bone (e.g., Schultz, section becomes, in the polarized light, a very color-
1999c), as well as in forensic anthropology to esti- ful picture by the physical phenomenon of interfer-
mate the time a skeleton has remained in the soil. ence. These interference colors originate between
This latter can be achieved using quantitative meth- the crossed polarizing filters (Nikols). Thus, the col-
ods (Berg, 1982, 1997). Another relatively quick ors are not those of a solar spectrum, but are
method, in which a portion of undecalcified bone grouped in a character sequence called Newton’s
tissue is filed off, was developed by Berg (1982). The series. The colors are formed in orders that, in bire-
bone dust is stirred and then quantitatively exam- fringent materials, must be interpreted according to
ined in polarized light for its amount of anisotropic material thickness and birefringence (Delly, 1998).
particles. This method, however, provides only a The background is always a light purple-red. The
very rough estimation of burial time. course of collagen fibers, e.g., in the Haversian sys-
The use of a hilfsobject red first-order (quartz) as tems, is colored in yellow (in thicker sections, or-
compensator (Schultz, 1988) gives more information ange) or in blue (in thicker sections, green). Haver-
about the structural features of macerated bone and sian systems appear as “negative crosses” which are
ossified soft tissues because various structures, e.g., represented by so-called Maltese crosses. This
orientation of collagen fibers in poorly preserved means that fibers that run exactly parallel to the
bone structure and agents and products of diagen- axis of the microscope are inactive in polarized light.
esis, such as crystals and floral and faunal remains, Therefore, they show the same purple-red color as
the background, whereas fibres which run only the case in viewing sections of bones with the scan-
slightly oblique have a dim-violet color. Fibers which ning-electron microscope, the microstructure of ar-
run in polarized light parallel to the direction of the chaeological bone such as the lamellar formation of a
additive position are blue, which those at right an- bone trabecula is not really visible because it is, as a
gles are yellow (Weber, 1927). An additional point is rule, very brittle and will crumble away at the cut or
the examination of thin-ground sections prepared sawn face. However, if the back-scattered electron-
from burnt or heated bones in polarized light using mode (BSE-mode in SEM) of a scanning-electron
a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator microscope is available for investigations, internal
(see above). The effects of heat and fire lead to typ- structures of the bone tissue, e.g., the quality of the
ical changes in the microstructure of the bony tis- lamellae of a bone trabecula or the degree of miner-
sues (Grimm and Strauch, 1959; Piepenbrink and alization of the inorganic bone substance, can be
Herrmann, 1988; Schultz, 1986) which are also ex- studied in a similar way as in transmission light
pressed in the bone collagen (Schultz, 1986, 1997b; microscopy.
Teschler-Nicola and Schultz, 1984). Furthermore, Using the high-magnification capability of an
the intensity of staining gives an accurate idea of the SEM, even very fine details representing intra vitam
thickness of the thin-ground section (e.g., in a changes such as Howship’s lacunae (Fig. 2D), and
thicker section, i.e., approximately 75–95 ␮m, struc- postmortem alterations such as plant roots (Fig. 6B)
tures are presented in orange and green; in a thin- and fungi (Fig. 6C,D,F), are visible. These features
ner section, i.e., approximately 50 –70 ␮m, in yellow can sometimes be important in differential diag-
and blue), which is an important aid during prepa- noses. For the diagnosis of perimortem cut marks
ration of the specimen. and injuries, this technique also produces very good
results (Wakely, 1993).
Other techniques
Microradiography can easily detect the stage of
ossification and the degree of calcification of bones There are also some other techniques, such as
and other tissues (e.g., Jowsey, 1963, 1977). This fluorescence microscopy (e.g., for the detection of the
technique has been used in paleopathology for many vestiges of postmortem or intra vitam fungi), phase-
decades to diagnose diseases (e.g., Schultz, 1986, contrast microscopy, and interferential-contrast
1988) and postmortem structural changes at the microscopy (e.g., examination of soil-living microor-
microlevel (e.g., Baud and Morgenthaler, 1956) in ganisms), which are sometimes useful in paleopa-
subfossil and fossil bones. Microradiography pro- thology. However, these techniques are, as a rule,
duces reliable results which can also be used in not routine and only rarely needed.
paleopathology. As an example, very fine lines found Occasionally, close-up endoscopy can also contrib-
in the compact substance of long bones (Fig. 2C) give ute significantly to the microscopic research of dry
the paleopathologist information similar to the bones. Magnifications up to approximately 50⫻ are
transverse linear enamel hypoplasias in the teeth possible. With this technique, the internal surfaces
and Harris lines in the metaphysis of long bones of the endocranial face of the base and vault of a
(Herrmann et al., 1990; Schultz, 1986). Indeed, skull, the paranasal sinuses, and the middle ear
these lines represent cement lines, probably due to region, as well as the medullary cavity of long bones,
arrested appositional growth. These lines should not can be viewed noninvasively by low-power micros-
be mistaken for the cement lines found in secondary copy. This kind of examination is very helpful in
osteons. The lines presented in Figure 2C are situ- establishing reliable differential diagnoses of in-
ated in the compact bone substance represented by flammatory and hemorrhagic diseases of the skull.
secondary Haversian bone oriented parallel to the
external circumferential lamellae of the shaft of the MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF BONE
long bone. Also, newly built bone formations such as The following discussion is only intended to pro-
subperiosteal layers caused by an inflammatory pro- vide a basis for understanding the microstructure of
cess, callus formation after bone fracture, and bone bone as it is applied to bone histopathology (cf.
tumors can be identified and classified using this Schultz, 1997a). For in-depth discussion of this sub-
technique. ject, the reader is referred, for example, to Bloom
and Fawcett (1994), Cormack (1987), Hancox (1972),
Scanning-electron microscopy Junqueira et al. (1998), Martin and Burr (1989),
Scanning-electron microscopy (SEM) is a helpful Pritchard (1972), Schaffer (1930), and Weidenreich
tool in paleopathology. However, it should be used in (1930). All the necessary technical terms referred to
combination with other microscopic methods, be- below are listed and defined in the glossary.
cause only surfaces of tissues can be inspected. Us- General histology of bone
ing transmission light microscopy, the observer is
looking through the bony tissue; using regular scan- The thin external surface of bones is called corti-
ning-electron microscopy, the observer sees only the cal bone (corticalis). When it is thick, it is called
bone surface. Furthermore, and this is particularly compact bone substance (substantia compacta). At
joint surfaces, the bone is very smooth, is covered by
articular cartilage, and shows no blood-vessel ca-
nals. This bone is called subchondral bone. The in-
terior of bone consists of a spongy, porous substance
called cancellous or trabecular bone (substantia
spongiosa) containing the red bone marrow. In the
bones of the skull vault, the spongy structure is the
diploë (diploë), and the cortical structures are the
external lamina (lamina externa) and the internal
lamina (lamina interna). Long bones have a rela-
tively large, tubular medullary cavity (cavitas med-
ullaris) containing the yellow bone marrow, which
mainly consists of fat cells in older children and
Characteristic cells called osteoblasts and osteo-
cytes are embedded in the bone matrix. During bone Fig. 3. Woven bone. Bone sample from Early Modern times.
Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the
growth, osteoblasts are mainly concentrated be- microscope in polarized light. Magnification, ⫻100.
neath the periosteum and other bone surfaces such
as the trabeculae of the spongy bone or the endosteal
lamina of the long bones. They have very thin cyto- lamellae are separated from each other very dis-
plasmic extensions with which they communicate. tinctly, and are characterized by the presence of
Osteoblasts secrete an amorphous preosseous sub- osteocytes and collagen fibers. Within each lamella,
stance called osteoid, which is rich in densely packed the collagen fibers have a typical orientation. The
collagen fibers. Osteoblasts are responsible for the course and angle of ascent of collagen fibers alter-
synthesis of the organic substances of the bone. Os- nate from lamella to lamella, which is important for
teoid becomes mineralized due to the deposition of their biomechanical function. The microstructure of
calcium phosphate crystals. lamellar bone, particularly the course and orienta-
In principle, an osteocyte is an osteoblast that has tion of collagen fibers which are birefringent, can be
become embedded within the bone matrix. Osteo- easily observed in polarized light (Fig. 2B). When
cytes lie in oval, flat holes called lacunae and also the course of collagen fibers looks bright in polarized
have very fine, filopodium-like cytoplasmic pro- light, they are oriented transversely to the light
cesses which run through canaliculi. These canalic- beam, i.e., the light beam meets the fibers vertically
uli spread radially from the lacunae of the bone (anisotropic). When the collagen fibers look dark,
cells. they are oriented approximately in the direction of
Osteoclasts are mobile, multinucleated giant cells the light beam, i.e., the light beam meets the fibers
which vary greatly in size and in their number of orthograde or obliquely (Fig. 2B). The orientations of
nuclei, and play an active and major role in bone the lamellae vary, but in the compact tissue of long
resorption. They are also responsible for resorption bone diaphyses, the disposition of the lamellae is
processes in the ground substance. As a rule, they very regular (Fig. 2B).
are found in sharply defined erosion bays, which are Viewing a cross section of a long bone by low-
called Howship’s lacunae (Figs. 2D, 20A). power microscope, the basic or circumferential la-
In routine histological examinations, only two mellae enclose a long bone shaft on the external
types of human bone can strictly be differentiated (periosteal) and on the internal (endosteal) surfaces.
(cf. Bloom and Fawcett, 1994; Hancox, 1972; Jun- The number of external lamellae exceeds that of
queira et al., 1998): woven bone and lamellar bone. internal lamellae. As a rule, the internal basic la-
Lamellar bone can be further organized into several mellae do not represent a closed boundary, because
recognizable forms, e.g., circumferential or Haver- small bone trabeculae of the cancellous bone of the
sian, as described below. metaphysis originate from these lamellae. Between
When bone originates, it will, as a rule, develop the external and the internal basic lamellae, the
primarily as woven bone (e.g., fetal bone, callus, compact bone substance is situated. The number of
newly built bone structures in osteosarcoma). The external and internal basic lamellae decreases with
woven nature of this type of bone is due to the fact age. During appositional growth in the long bones of
that the collagen fibers in the ground substance, adults, the external circumferential lamellae are re-
which form partly fine and partly coarse bundles, do placed by secondary Haversian bone, while the in-
not show regular orientation. Thus, there is no la- ternal circumferential lamellae are resorbed (see be-
mellar structure (Fig. 3). The osteocytes also seem to low).
be more randomly scattered throughout the ground The most common type of special lamellae is found
substance of woven bone. in Haversian systems, which are also called osteons.
Lamellar bone may be compact or cancellous. Typ- An osteon is a system of circular lamellae and is the
ical features of lamellar bone tissue are lamellae predominant structural unit of adult compact bone
(layers) and regular lacunae with canaliculi. The substance (Fig. 2B). The Haversian canal, which
contains blood vessels, is situated in the center of an small cavities (⫽ resorption holes or resorptive bays)
osteon. The osteon includes a large number of lacu- filled with blood vessels and embryonic bone marrow
nae, each containing an osteocyte. The canaliculi are formed. The destruction then stops, the activity
associated with every bone cell lacuna form a char- of the osteoblasts starts, and a new generation of
acteristic network. Particularly in compact bone tis- osteons (⫽ secondary osteons) originates from the
sue, the irregular angular spaces between the os- concentric growth of lamellae around the blood ves-
teons are filled with lamellae, called interstitial sels. In the same way, the third and fourth genera-
lamellae, which are remnants of unremodeled pri- tions of osteons grow. Remains of destroyed osteons
mary lamellar bone or the remains of osteons that survive as interstitial lamellae. In a very similar
have perished or have been partly destroyed during way, the ossification process occurs in cancellous
the internal growth and reconstruction of the bone. bone and at the endosteal face of long bones during
The external and internal surfaces of bones are reparation processes. However, regular osteons are,
covered by connective tissue called periosteum and as a rule, not built up at these places.
endosteum, respectively. Surfaces of bone not cov- Occasionally, in some parts of the skeleton, can-
ered by these structures are resorbed by osteoclasts. cellous bone is transformed physiologically into com-
The periosteum consists of a stratum fibrosum as pact bone. In this case, the cavities of the cancellous
external layer, and a stratum osteogenicum as in- bone, which are usually filled with bone marrow,
ternal layer. become narrower and narrower, as the osteoblasts
Histogenesis and growth of bone covering the bone surface put down layer after layer
over the primary trabeculae. If this process contin-
There are two different kinds of osteogenesis: in- ues, the primary marrow cavity containing the blood
tramembranous and chondral ossification. During vessels of this area becomes so narrow that thin
intramembranous ossification, bone originates di- bone lamellae are concentrically built up around the
rectly in connective tissue (e.g., bones of the skull blood vessels and a primitive Haversian system
vault). During chondral ossification, the bone origi- emerges.
nates indirectly from a primary cartilage model Sometimes, vestiges of arrested growth are visible
which secondarily ossifies (most bones of the skele- in microradiographs obtained from cross sections of
ton). There are two kinds of chondral ossification: the shafts of long bones (see above; Herrmann et al.,
either the bone originates at the periphery of the 1990; Schultz, 1986). These vestiges are expressed
cartilage model (e.g., at the diaphyses of long bones in microradiographs in the form of very fine, radio-
representing the periosteal band or collar), which is dense lines representing cement lines that origi-
called perichondral ossification, or it originates by nated after an arrest of appositional bone growth
intracartilaginous ossification (e.g., center of epiph- (Fig. 2C). A very similar phenomenon is seen in the
yses), which is called endochondral ossification. growth of the bones of the skull vault. In these cases,
Chondrally ossified bones principally grow in characteristic changes in the form of step-like bor-
length at growth or epiphyseal plates oriented derlines can be observed at the endocranial face of
roughly transversely between the diaphysis and the the affected bones (Fig. 4A). In the microscopic view
epiphyses. The increase in diameter of bones is (Fig. 4B), the arrested growth can affect not only the
achieved by appositional growth. Bones originating internal lamina, but also the external part of the
intramembranously also grow by apposition. diploë. As a rule, these vestiges of arrested skull
At fetal and early infant ages, the microscopic growth can be interpreted as a particular stress
structure of bone is only dependent on its origin, indicator. To a certain degree, these step-like bor-
meaning that primarily woven bone is found. The derlines are comparable with Harris lines, trans-
characteristic compact bone substance represented verse linear enamel hypoplasias, and the above-
by Haversian systems develops later and depends on mentioned cement lines in the compact bone
the functional biomechanical stress experienced substance of the shafts of long bones. As a rule, the
during a lifetime (cf. Currey, 1984). The primary step-like borderlines are apparently remodeled rel-
woven bone develops into primitive osteonal bone, atively shortly after their origin. However, if a child
which is built up during various generations of os- dies within a few days or weeks of their origin, they
teons. In principle, the same process, which starts in can be satisfactorily studied. Probably these step-
very early infancy, occurs throughout life and can be like borderlines frequently have something to do
studied microscopically in cross sections of the shaft with the immediate cause of death.
of a long bone. The initial step involves bone resorp-
tion. This process, which is associated with the pres-
ence of osteoclasts, affects not only parts of the
newly built primitive Haversian systems, which are A corpse disintegrates in various ways. Autolysis
mainly found in the compact bone substance and in is the breakdown of tissues by the action of enzymes
areas that are established by periosteal bone appo- contained in the tissues affected immediately after
sition during the growth in diameter of long bones, death. As a rule, the autolytic process does not
but sometimes also in endosteal bone, where the change the microstructure of mineralized or calcified
internal basic lamellae are situated. In this way, components of bone. However, autolysis may destroy

Fig. 4. Evidence of arrested growth of skull bones demonstrated in an approximately 4-month-old infant from İkiztepe (northern
Turkey), burial 220, Early Bronze Age. A: Step-like borderlines (arrow) at endocranial face of a fragment of parietal bone. B: Same as
A, but microscopic view. Arrested growth has affected not only the internal lamina, but also the external part of the diploë. a, external
lamina; b, diploë; c, d, levels of internal lamina between the step-like structure. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed
through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25.

cells and soft tissues. This is important to keep in bone, which is macroscopically thought to be the
mind for someone working on special problems at product of an inflammatory periosteal reaction, can
the molecular biological level. Further disintegra- be diagnosed microscopically in a thin-ground sec-
tion of soft tissues occurs through decomposition. tion as a postmortem layer due to the aggregation of
During this process, the soft tissues are separated or crystals (brushit) having originated during diagen-
resolved into constituent parts or elements, partic- esis. Net-like impressions on the internal lamina of
ularly by bacteria, fungi, and arthropods. This pro- the skull vault, which seem macroscopically suspi-
cess usually takes months or even years. Mineral- cious of the vestiges of a hemorrhagic meningeal
ized or calcified tissues are, as a rule, not affected. reaction, may be shown by light or scanning-electron
The term “diagenesis” characterizes the disintegra- microscopic analysis to be the result of postmortem
tion of mineralized or calcified tissues. growth of plant roots. Snake-like, irregular grooves
Archaeological bone is known to be affected under on the external skull vault that have a coarse bottom
the earth by various factors (e.g., roots of plants, can be caused by an inflammatory process of the
fungi, algae, bacteria, arthropods and their larvae, scalp and the adjoining bone (e.g., nonspecific osteo-
worms, protozoa, and mechanical agents such as myelitis, treponemal diseases). However, in such a
water and crystals). This process, diagenesis, is case, microscopic examination must be carried out to
characterized by the destruction of bones by physical exclude postmortem changes due to soil and water
and chemical agents produced by the factors de- erosion.
scribed above. Diagenesis occurs in the soil after the Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that these
process of decomposition. Unfortunately, even to- postmortem factors can affect the results of immu-
day, relatively little is known about the physiology nohistochemical and molecular biological investiga-
of the fauna and flora of cadavers, represented by tions (e.g., DNA, bone proteins) as well as the exam-
the various organisms living over many centuries on ination of trace elements and stable isotopes
and in a corpse causing decomposition and diagen- (Schultz, 1986, 1997b; Schwartz and Schultz, 1994).
esis (cf. Bass, 1997; Hall, 1997; Haskell et al., 1997; Therefore, microscopic investigation is indispens-
Rodriguez, 1997; Stout, 1987). All these postmortem able before examination of archaeological remains
factors produce damage that can falsely be diag- by chemical and physical techniques can be carried
nosed by paleopathologists as lesions caused intra out (Hanson and Buikstra, 1987; Schultz, 1986).
vitam by diseases (pseudopathology; see below). As a Sometimes bones are preserved in the ground by
rule, many of the changes cannot be differentiated protective surroundings. Thus, the process of di-
by macroscopic or radiological analysis, but are eas- agenesis works very slowly and incompletely or is
ily diagnosed by microscopic techniques (cf. Schultz, even suspended. This has, for instance, happened
1986). For instance, compact bone can be destroyed when a bone has become a fossil. In such a case, the
by characteristic tunnel-like canals caused by the bone could have been preserved over many thou-
postmortem growth of fungi or algae (Hackett, sands of years in a cave or in a rock shelter. How-
1981). Due to intensive growth of fungi, these tun- ever, subfossils such as prehistoric bones have a
nels can flow together and produce relatively large good chance of not being affected by diagenesis if
destruction holes that can be macroscopically mis- elements such as copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and
taken for intra vitam osteoporosis or vestiges of a even iron (Fe) are present in the soil. Microscopic
metastasizing tumor. A seemingly thickened newly investigation in combination with element analysis
built bone formation on the external surface of a makes a demonstration of the causes and processes
of preservation feasible. It is well-known that Cu-
ions preserve organic materials very well, even at
the microlevel, because of their bactericidal efficacy
(Schultz, 1997b). If archaeological bones are found
in close contact with bronze jewelry or bronze weap-
ons, the neighboring bone surfaces will be stained
greenish over hundreds or thousands of years. In
most cases, the histological analysis of these green-
ish-stained bone samples reveals very well-pre-
served bone substance which is sometimes almost in
the same state as fresh bone. The Göttingen re-
search group consisting of S. Berg, W. Bonte, H.
Kijewski, and M. Schultz studied bone samples col-
lected from different prehistoric and early historic
sites in Europe, the Near East, and North America
by morphological and physical techniques. The re-
sults are striking. Manganese (Mn) is able to pre-
serve bone almost as well as copper (Cu), and even
iron (Fe) is able to protect bone structures to a cer-
tain degree (Fig. 20B). It is interesting that the
degree of morphological preservation of the bone
substance actually correlates with the concentration
of soil minerals that have invaded the bone. The
following is a good example. An Alamannic skeleton
from the early Middle Ages (5th–7th century AD)
from Mertingen (Southern Germany) was relatively
well-preserved. A bone sample taken from the femur
shaft revealed not only very good preservation mi-
croscopically, but also a remarkable concentration of
the elements manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe), partic- Fig. 5. Results of element analysis (atomic absorption spec-
ularly in the external narrow zone of the cross sec- troscopic technique). Concentrations of manganese (Mn), iron
tion (Fig. 5, zone 1), checked by atomic absorption (Fe), and copper (Cu) measured in three different morphological
spectroscopic technique. The concentration of these zones of the cross section through the femur of a mature Alaman-
two elements, especially iron, was exceedingly high nic warrior from Mertingen (southern Germany), burial 13, Early
Middle Ages.
in this narrow external zone (Fig. 5, zone 1) and not
so high in the middle zone (Fig. 5, zone 2). The very
high concentration of iron (1,110 mg/100 g) can be structures of bone in a relatively characteristic man-
explained by the fact that at the funeral, an iron ner, as in the following example. During the Late
sword was placed by the funeral across the upper leg Bronze Age of Western Anatolia, burials were laid
of this Germanic warrior. During the disintegration down at a small cemetery into the sand of the shore
process of the sword, iron-oxide coated the bone
shaft, protecting the bony tissue from further di-
agenesis. Additionally, the increased concentration Fig. 6. Various factors of diagenesis. A: Fragment of skull
of manganese caused by ground water that flooded vault. Beşik Tepe (Western Anatolia), Late Bronze Age, burial 1.
Vestiges of erosion caused by soil and water. a, bone substance; b,
the burial ground many times, and washed manga- sand crystals. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed
nese from the soil into the bone, had a strong pro- through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red
tective effect. These processes lasted many decades. first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. B: Re-
Therefore, the external zone of the bone (Fig. 5, zone mains of plant roots. Tetelpan (Mexico), Preclassic period. Scan-
1, represented morphologically by Fig. 20C) was ning-electron microscopic image. Sporangium and spores. Bar, 40
␮m. C: Fungus in historic bone sample: sporangium and spores in
slightly affected by diagenesis before the protective spongy bone substance of tibia, Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria,
effect of iron and manganese stopped the disintegra- Early Modern times. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 4
tion of the bone substance (Fig. 20C). The concen- ␮m. D: Fungus (probably Aspergillus flavus) in Haversian canal
tration of iron and manganese exceeds the normally of compact bone substance of left tibia (E-4), Klosterneuburg,
Lower Austria, Early Modern times. Undecalcified thin-ground
observed level of these elements in archaeological section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in plane light.
bones by approximately 5–10 times. Magnification, ⫻160. E: Algae growing on bone surface. Micro-
photograph taken by Dr. B. Süssmann-Bertozzi. F: Haversian
Soil and water canal with vestiges of growth of actinomycetes (a) and fungal
Vestiges of destruction in archaeological bones are hyphae (b), Tetelpan (Mexico), Preclassic period. Scanning-elec-
tron microscopic image. Bar, 2 ␮m. G: Remains of a mite in
often caused by the mechanical influence of the soil prehistoric bone sample. Scanning-electron microscopic image.
in which the corpse has been buried. Water and sand Bar, 20 ␮m. H: Remains of exuvia of a mite in prehistoric bone
are able to change bone surfaces or even the internal sample. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 10 ␮m.

Fig. 6.
of Beşik Bay, which was one of the ancient harbors ularly in the case of remains of insects, it is difficult
of Troy. Some of these skeletons showed character- to decide whether these specimens parasitized the
istic vestiges of erosion (Fig. 6A), which were caused body during its lifetime, or whether they appeared
by weathering due to sand crystals in the mud that immediately after death in the cadaver, or the used
were moved by the power of seawater (Wittwer- the macerated bones during their time under the
Backofen et al., 2000). ground as a habitation (Schultz, 1986, 1997b). For
Furthermore, the microscopic examination of differential diagnoses, it is necessary to identify the
skeletal remains can prove where a burial was pri- remains of insects and their larvae, worms, proto-
marily placed. As a rule, in the spaces of cancellous zoa, spores of fungi, and bacteria. Sometimes para-
bone, small particles of the soil in which the burial sites affecting the living resemble specimens that
was primarily laid can be detected by the microscope live in the cadaver or belong to the fauna and flora of
(Fig. 20D). Using polarized light, principally, the the ground. Only reliable diagnoses (see below) es-
microscopic analysis is able to reconstruct the qual- tablished by microscopic research make the study of
ity and the composition of soil (e.g., sand, loess, infectious diseases of past populations feasible.
humus). Thus, there is probable evidence of a sec- Thus, exact knowledge of these faunal and floral
ondary burial if the soil particles from the interior of specimens is still a requirement.
the bone are different from the soil particles from
the burial pit. Crystals
Under certain conditions of diagenesis, new crys-
Plant roots
tals can develop within the bone originating from
Plant roots are one of the most common causes of natural bone apatite, e.g., brushit, which is acidic
postmortem bone destruction (Fig. 6B). Large roots calcium phosphate (Herrmann and Newesely, 1982).
create distinctive traces on bone surfaces which are, These newly crystallized structures can aggregate
as a rule, not difficult to diagnose (Schultz, 1997b). and almost completely break up interior structures
However, very small, hair-like roots are able to pro- of a bone (Fig. 20F), in the same way that frozen
duce fine defects, which can be mistaken for the water can burst a full, stoppered bottle (Schultz,
vestiges of diseases, e.g., a sulcus representing a 1986, 1997b).
blood vessel impression on the internal lamina of the
skull vault, or an intra vitam cut mark (Schultz, SELECTED EXAMPLES OF MECHANISMS OF
1986, 1997b). It is important to know that these fine PATHOLOGICAL BONE CHANGES: THE
roots can also grow into the paranasal sinuses and DETERMINATION OF VESTIGES OF DISEASES
the medullary cavities and produce pseudopathol- IN MACERATED BONES BY MICROSCOPY
ogy. General comments
Fungi, algae, and bacteria It is well-known that caries, fractures, genetically
caused malformations of bones, osteoarthritis, myo-
A large group of organisms that destroy archaeo- sitis ossificans, and various inflammatory bone pro-
logical skeletal remains include fungi, algae and cesses, such as nonspecific osteomyelitis and perios-
bacteria (Schultz, 1986, 1994a, 1997b). Fungi (Fig. titis, as well as many osteoblastic and osteoclastic
6C,D,F) and algae (Fig. 6E), in particular, create bone tumors, can frequently be diagnosed macro-
small holes, cavities, and channel-like structures scopically in ancient bones. Additionally, some defi-
(Fig. 20E). The latter are called bohrkanäle (Wedl, ciency diseases, such as scurvy, rickets, and anemia,
1864) or tunnels (Hackett, 1981). Such traces are often produce characteristic changes in bone tissue
found in the majority of archaeological bones and that can be observed without a microscope. How-
can be observed in plane light. Using fluorescence ever, in many cases, reliable diagnoses are difficult
microscopy or phase-contrast microscopy and scan- to establish (see above). Therefore, it is fortunate
ning-electron microscopy, not only the specimens that many of these diseases cause specific changes
but also the vestiges and the products of the organ- not only at the macroscopic, but also at the micro-
isms’ growth can be studied (e.g., Basset et al., 1980; scopic level. The results of microscopy can provide
Keith and Armelagos, 1982, 1988, 1991; Piepen- reliable differential diagnoses and, in many cases,
brink, 1984; Schultz, 1986, 1997b). Sometimes the exact diagnoses.
growth traces of Actinomycetes, very small bacteria The diseases which can be diagnosed by micros-
that grow like mycelia, can be observed (Fig. 6F). copy are, as a rule, put into different classes accord-
Arthropods ing to their specific features. There are numerous
books and articles dealing with pathological bone
Remains of arthropods are frequently seen in changes in recent pathology that could help in diag-
bones or mummified tissues recovered in archaeo- nosing ancient bones (e.g., Adler, 1998; Jaffe, 1972;
logical excavations, when microscopic techniques Resnick and Niwayama, 1981; Revell, 1986; Scha-
are used (Fig. 6G,H). In many cases, the origin of jowicz, 1981). However, we have to be aware that in
these small intruders is uncertain, because of the the paleohistopathology of dry bones, the diagnostic
poor preservation of the findings. Therefore, partic- criteria can be quite different from those used in
recent pathology, where soft tissues and cells are TABLE 2. Classification of disease types following traditional
available as important diagnostic markers. There- pathology criteria, with relevant references (diagnoses using
light microscopy and thin-ground sections prepared from
fore, the classification of diseases investigated by archaeological specimens)
paleohistopathologists does not necessarily conform
in all ways to that used by recent pathologists. In Skeletal dysplasias: abnormal development or inborn
biochemical disorders
paleohistopathology, we must first classify morpho- Osteogenesis imperfecta
logical features before establishing a final diagnosis. Osteopetrosis
For instance, a porotic skull vault can be due to Pfaundler-Hurler’s disease (Schultz et al., 1984)
Osteopoikilosis (Götz, 1988; Wapler, 1998)
various diseases (see below) such as anemia, scurvy, Infantile cortical hyperostosis
rickets, osteomyelitis, periostitis, inflammatory pro- Metabolic bone diseases
cesses of the scalp, or even postmortem changes. General view (Martin and Armelagos, 1985)
Therefore, the term “porotic hyperostosis,” which Osteomalacia and rickets (Schultz, 1990; Teegen and
Schultz, 1999; Teichmann, 2000)
describes only a morphological feature, is not char- Scurvy (Carli-Thiele, 1996; Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1990;
acteristic of a single but of several diseases. In the Teichmann, 2000)
end, the final diagnosis must be made using the Fluorosis
Osteoporosis and bone atrophy
results of a microscopic analysis. Metabolic or due to endocrine disorders (Martin and
It is striking that in the paleopathological litera- Armelagos, 1985; Schultz, 1986, 1997b)
ture (e.g., Tyson, 1997), contributions dealing with Infectious diseases of bone
microscopic research on archaeological skeletal re- Osteomyelitis, osteitis, or periostitis, as follow
Hematogenous osteomyelitis (Hackett, 1976; Schultz, 1986,
mains are relatively rare. Even in comprehensive 1987a; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b)
books, such as Aufderheide and Rodrı́guez-Martı́n Osteomyelitis after trauma (Teschler-Nicola and Schultz,
(1998), Brothwell and Sandison (1967), Dastugue 1985)
and Gervais (1992), Jarcho (1966), Ortner and Treponemal infections (Hackett, 1976; Schultz, 1986, 1994b;
Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b)
Aufderheide (1991), Ortner and Putschar (1981), Leprosy (Blondiaux et al., 1994; Schultz and Roberts, 2001)
Steinbock (1976), and Živanović (1982), light micro- Tuberculosis
scopic research on ancient bone is not at all or not Fungi and actinomycosis
Meningitis: nonspecific (Carli-Thiele, 1996; Kreutz, 1997;
very well represented. Therefore, in this contribu- Schultz, 1987b, 1989, 1990, 1993a,b, 1999a; Schultz and
tion, the emphasis is laid on the microscopic diagno- Kunter, 1999; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987a;
sis of diseases that can only be diagnosed reliably by Teichmann, 2000; Teschler et al., 1986) and specific, i.e.,
light microscopy, using thin-ground sections pre- Leptomeningitis tuberculosa (Jankauskas and Schultz,
pared from dry bone tissue. Table 2 gives an outline 1999; Schultz, 1994; Templin, 1993; Templin and Schultz,
and classification of various disease types diagnos- Pleurisy: nonspecific (Schultz, 1987a, 1989) and specific
able by light and scanning-electron microscopy ac- Myositis ossificans (Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987d)
cording to traditional pathology criteria. Circulatory disorders
Ideopathic (primary) necrosis
As mentioned above, the main problem in the Osteochondrosis dissecans (Konstantinou, 2000)
microscopic investigation of archaeological skeletal Perthes disease
remains is that soft tissues and cells, which play an Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy or Bamberger-Marie disease
important role in pathological investigations on re- (Schultz, 1987a; Teschler-Nicola and Schultz, 1984)
Hematological disorders
cent materials, cannot be studied to establish a re- Anemias (Carli-Thiele, 1996; Faerman et al., 2000a; Götz,
liable diagnosis. Therefore, no cytological investiga- 1988; Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1984, 1986, 1990, 1993b,
tion can be carried out, and a true histological 1999b; Schultz et al., 2001; Teichmann, 2000; Wapler,
examination of archaeological skeletal remains in 1998; Wapler and Schultz, 1997)
Multiple myeloma
the primary sense of the term “histology” (i.e., the Lymphoma (Schultz, 1986)
study of tissues) is not really possible in all aspects. Histiocytosis-X
However, the mineralized components and some or- Bone tumors and tumor-like conditions
ganic features, such as bone collagen, can be studied Chondrosarcoma (Schultz, 1986)
by histology. The most important role in diagnosing Osteoma (Schultz, 1986)
pathological changes in ancient skeletons at the mi- Osteoid osteoma (Schultz, 1986)
crolevel is played by the nature of the architecture of Fibro-osseous tumors (Schultz, 1978, 1986)
the cortical, compact, and spongy bone structures, Primary carcinoma (Schultz, 1991)
and in particular the newly built bone formations Metastatic skeletal lesions (Grupe, 1988; Schultz, 1986,
(Schultz, 1986, 1993a,b). There is a current opinion 1993c)
Miscellaneous conditions
that bone tissue always acts in the same way when Paget’s disease of bone
affected by inflammatory diseases. It is correct to Hyperostosis frontalis interna (Schultz and Kunter, 1999)
say that at the macroscopic level, different diseases Healing in bone
can sometimes produce similar or almost the same Healing of fractures, i.e., callus (Schultz and Teschler-
Nicola, 1984, 1987c; Szilvássy et al., 1984)
morphological changes in bone. This means that an
inflammatory process affecting the periosteum (e.g.,
hematogenous osteomyelitis or treponemal dis- scopic analysis demonstrates that there is almost
eases) produces changes that cannot be differenti- always a pattern of features represented by the ar-
ated by macroscopic investigation. However, micro- chitectural elements of the cortical, compact, and
spongy bone substances associated with a particular tween the bony products of an inflammatory process
disease. As a rule, such a pattern is not found in its (inflammation, e.g., caused by an infection) and a
exact constellation in any other disease. The classi- hemorrhagic process (hemorrhage, e.g., caused by
fication and the interpretation of these morphologi- the rupture of a blood vessel) (Carli-Thiele, 1996;
cal features, particularly found in the newly built Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1987b, 1993a,b; Schultz and
bone formations of a florid, but frequently also of a Teschler-Nicola, 1987a; Templin, 1993). However,
slowly developing chronic process, make diagnoses the two kinds of processes frequently occur together,
more reliable. Thus, the pattern of changes is an and this makes diagnoses difficult. Thus, basic med-
efficient key to a diagnosis. These problems of dif- ical knowledge is required if histopathological work
ferential diagnosis emphasize the need to consider is to be successful.
the total distribution pattern of abnormal lesions in In many diseases, the same mechanisms of bone
the skeleton, rather than each one in isolation. Fur- behavior can be observed. Thus, when we go through
thermore, there are special indications or better, Table 2, which presents a classification of the most
specific morphological features at the microlevel, important groups of diseases affecting the skeleton,
such as faserfilz-osteons (described by Knese et al., we frequently find in various diseases the same
1954) in nonpathologically changed adult long basic reactions of bone behavior represented by a
bones, although this kind of osteon is also found characteristic morphological pattern of bone archi-
frequently in slowly growing primary osteoblastic tecture. This morphological pattern persistently in-
bone tumors; Schultz, 1978, 1986), polsters, and fluences the gross morphology of a bone, and this is
grenzstreifen (in treponemal diseases; see Glossary), what the paleopathologist first observes in a patho-
which are, as a rule, not relevant in recent pathol- logically affected bone. Therefore, especially for pa-
ogy, or which have been neglected but which enable leopathologists who are, as a rule, not practicing
the paleopathologist to make relatively reliable di- bone pathologists but anthropologists, a special, al-
agnoses. Also, the number and distribution of How- ternate categorization is recommended, shown in
ship’s lacunae give a relevant impression of the na- Table 3, that is based on characteristic morphologi-
ture of an osteoclastic or osteolytic process (cf. Fig. cal patterns. This categorization follows the macro-
20A). Bone pathologists from the end of the 19th and scopic investigation and allows a step-by-step diag-
the first half of the 20th century often diagnosed nosis, using the characteristic morphological features
macerated bone in a way similar to paleopatholo- observed in the microscope, leading to a final diag-
gists of today (e.g., Beitzke, 1934; Gruber, 1938; nosis. This categorization does not follow the tradi-
Konschegg, 1934; Lauche, 1939). Sometimes an ex- tional pathology criteria leading to the classification
act diagnosis is not possible, but in almost all cases presented in Table 2; however, in combination with
the group of diseases characterized by the various the results of the macroscopic and radiological in-
bone reactions (e.g., proliferative, osteolytic), or at vestigation, the diagnosis is highly reliable.
least the nature of the disease, can be determined (e.g., As an example of one of the most important basic
inflammatory, hemorrhagic). Thus, the paleohis- reactions, proliferative changes are described and
topathologist should try to become very familiar not discussed (see Table 3). Proliferative changes as a
only with the microarchitecture, but also with the characteristic trait of bone behavior are observed in
pathophysiology of bone. some metabolic diseases, in infectious bone diseases,
During microscopic examination, we primarily see sometimes in circulatory disorders, in bone tumors
proliferative (productive or osteoblastic) and osteo- and tumor-like conditions, and in miscellaneous
lytic (osteoclastic) processes that reflect bone behav- other conditions, as well as in healing of bone after
ior (cf. Little, 1973). Specific features at the mic- fracture (cf. Table 2). Proliferative changes are
rolevel enable the observer to group the changes found in all parts of the skeleton and not only in long
(e.g., inflammatory or hemorrhagic; see below) into a bones and the skull. Another basic reaction of bone
pattern that characterizes the process (e.g., perios- behavior is represented by osteoclastic changes
titis or periostosis; see below) by its specific charac- which are observed in various groups of diseases
teristics. (e.g., inflammatory and tumorous diseases). Fur-
If characteristic vestiges of periosteal bone reac- thermore, the porotic changes in the skull vault and
tions are macroscopically and microscopically very orbital roof that are frequently associated with a
similar or even identical, there is a high probabil- marked thickening of the affected bone structure
ity that the changes were caused by similar or the and represent a morphological syndrome will be ex-
same affecting noxa. A final diagnosis should only plained (see Table 4). To clarify how microscopic
be made using the sum of the results of all diag- diagnosis usually works in paleopathology, exam-
nostics such as macroscopic, radiological, endo- ples from some of those categories presented in
scopic, and light and scanning-electron micro- Tables 3 and 4 are given below. Finally, some
scopic techniques. groups of morphological patterns (cf. Tables 3 and
Up to now, very little has been achieved in com- 4) as well as cases of various diseases (cf. Table 2)
parative histopathological research on ancient skel- are demonstrated, describing the most important
etal remains. As a rule, it should not be too difficult morphological features of macerated tissue at the
to differentiate microscopically in ancient bones be- microlevel. Finally, there is technical information
TABLE 3. Proliferative reactions: a classification of characteristic morphological patterns, with relevant references (diagnoses using
light microscopy and thin-ground sections prepared from archaeological specimens)
Proliferative reactions (characterized by addition of new bone to external and endocranial surfaces)
A) External periosteal reactions (e.g., long bones, skull vault)
Hemorrhagic, i.e., in subperiosteal hematoma, e.g., caused by trauma (e.g., Schultz, 1987a); in scurvy (e.g., Schultz, 1986,
1988b; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b,d). In contrast to inflammatory processes, changes due to hemorrhagic processes
are only found external to the original bone surface. The original bone substance is not affected by the pathological process.
Changes are expressed by
a) Small hemorrhage or peripheral region of large hemorrhage: thin layer in form of a slip-like cover of newly built bone,
b) Center of large hemorrhage: relatively short, bulky bone trabeculae showing extensive bridging. Rarely, in recidivation,
several layers can be developed.
Inflammatory, i.e., in nonspecific and specific periostitis, e.g., caused by unspecific osteitis or hematogenous osteomyelitis,
treponemal osteitis, or osteomyelitis (e.g., Schultz, 1986, 1988b; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b,d). In contrast to
hemorrhagic processes, inflammatory processes always affect the bone surface and outer layer, and frequently also the deeper
structures of the original bone substance.
Changes are expressed by
a) Small area or extremely peripheral region of large area affected: thin layer in form of a slip-like cover of newly built bone,
b) Middle-sized or large area affected: relatively long and thin bone trabeculae which are mainly oriented slightly irregular in
parallel order. There is only slight bridging. Relatively frequently, several layers can be developed (recidivation). In this
case, there is extensive bridging, in particular just at the level of an episode.
Tumorous, i.e., as periostosis, e.g., caused by primary or secondary bone tumors (e.g., Schultz, 1986, 1993c). Tumorous
processes may affect the bone surface, and also in advanced stages the deeper structures of the original bone substance.
Changes are expressed by structures very similar to the inflammatory changes described before. However, as a rule, the
trabeculae show a more regular development.
Circulatory, i.e., as periostosis, e.g., caused by hypertrophic osteoarthropathy or Bamberger-Marie disease (e.g., Schultz,
1987a; Teschler-Nicola and Schultz, 1984). There are relatively thick secondary layers at original bone surfaces. Sometimes,
short and bulky trabeculae are developed, which are similar to changes observed in hemorrhagic processes. Vestiges of
recidivation in the form of stratified formations are frequently seen.
B) Endocranial meningeal reactions (skull vault and base)
Hemorrhagic, i.e., in epidural hematoma, e.g., caused by trauma; scurvy; or “pachymeningeosis haemorrhagica interna” (e.g.,
Carli-Thiele, 1996; Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1987a,b, 1990, 1993a). In contrast to inflammatory processes, changes due to
hemorrhagic processes are only found external to the original bone surface. The original bone substance of the internal
laminae can be affected by pressure atrophy due to the pathological process.
Changes are expressed by
a) Beginning stage of organization (remodeling): small, patch-like areas of narrow, branching blood-vessel impressions;
b) Slightly advanced stage of organization (remodeling): porotic plates which can become relatively thick (large hematoma),
covering the blood-vessel impressions mentioned before; or
c) More advanced stage of organization (remodeling): groups of tongue-like smooth plates which are separated by an
extensively net-like aggregation of small blood-vessel impressions.
These lesions are mainly situated in the digital impressions but can also spread over larger areas of the skull vault.
Inflammatory, i.e., in nonspecific (bacterial) and specific (tuberculous) meningitis, meningo-encephalitis, and pachymeningitis.
In contrast to hemorrhagic processes, inflammatory processes always affect the bone surface, and frequently also the deeper
structures of the original bone substance (particularly in tuberculous meningitis).
a) Relatively fresh, i.e., florid process:
1) In nonspecific (bacterial) and specific (tuberculous) meningitis, changes are expressed by smooth and flat plate-like
newly built bone formations, which are, as a rule, oriented tangentially to the endocranial surface. There are isolated
plates which can also be confluent as one layer. Several layers are possible (recidivation). These lesions are frequently
found in digital impressions but also spread over larger areas in an advanced stage (e.g., Carli-Thiele, 1996; Kreutz,
1997; Schultz, 1990, 1993a,b).
2) In specific (tuberculous) meningitis, changes are expressed as described before. However, additionally, particularly at
the skull base and the basal regions of the vault, there are small impressions, which can be isolated or grouped together
(e.g., Jankauskas and Schultz, 1999; Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1999a; Templin, 1993; Templin and Schultz, 1994).
b) Nonspecific and specific lesions: in more advanced organization stages, the contours become indistinct, and the plate-like
character will be lost by the remodeling process. In specific lesions only: the small impressions become organized, i.e., they
start to be filled by newly built bone formations (remodeling) (e.g., Schultz, 1999a; Templin, 1993).
Tumorous, e.g., in meningioma. Tumorous processes may affect the bone surface, and also in advanced stages the deeper
structures of the original bone substance.
Changes are expressed by irregular bulging of relatively dense newly built bone formations, with no typical trabecular growth.

dealing with the Figures demonstrating light mi- of the shaft of long bones, and the meningeal, i.e.,
croscopic results. The magnification indicated for the endocranial surface of the skull. Of course,
photomicrographs of thin-ground sections is calcu- there are also various other regions of the skeleton
lated for 35-mm film. where proliferative processes of the periosteum
can be observed, such as at the internal surfaces of
Proliferative reactions
ribs (Fig. 7A), where pleurisy and empyema of the
Proliferative (productive) reactions in bony tis- costal pleura affect the periosteum. The suspicion
sue can be best observed on the external and in- that these changes are in general a symptom of
ternal surfaces of bones. Thus, in this paper, se- tuberculosis (TB) of the lungs and even character-
lected examples of these reactions are presented istic of TB cannot be universally accepted, al-
in two different topographic areas of the human though such changes can accompany a tubercu-
skeleton: the periosteal, i.e., the external surface lous process (Pfeiffer, 1991; Wakely, 1991).
Periosteal reactions on long bones (see table 3).
TABLE 4. Phenomenon of porotic hyperstosis: what
pathological processes can contribute to a morphological On the surfaces of ancient long bones, newly built
syndrome (diagnoses using light microscopy and thin-ground bone formations, so-called bone appositions, can be
sections prepared from archaeological specimens) frequently observed by microscopic analysis. A wide
Porotic hyperostosis (characterized by a thickened bone range of diseases can be responsible for such
structure and a porotic surface) changes, e.g., hematogenous osteomyelitis, trepone-
A) Skull vault mal diseases, leprosy, tuberculosis, and even non-
Inflammatory processes:
a) Inflammatory processes of the scalp specific periosteal reactions such as inflammatory
b) Periostitis of the external skull vault processes of the deep veins, primary and secondary
c) Nonspecific and sometimes also specific osteitis and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (Bamberger-Marie
osteomyelitis of the skull vault. The characteristic disease; cf. Fig. 7F), soft-tissue and bone tumors
changes of porotic hyperostosis can occur after healing.
As a rule, the thickening of the skull vault and the (e.g., Fig. 7E), scurvy, external trauma, and overly-
porosity are not very well-pronounced. ing soft-tissue infections (e.g., Carli-Thiele, 1996;
Hemorrhagic processes: Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1986, 1987a,b, 1990, 1993a,b,
a) Subperiosteal hematoma caused by trauma (e.g., birth),
relatively frequently seen in infants and children. In
2001a; Templin, 1993; Zink, 1999). Particularly in
infants, the changes can be relatively well-developed. subadults, periosteal reactions on long bones caused
b) Subperiosteal hematoma caused by scurvy (see below), by scurvy (cf. Fig. 7B) and inflammatory processes
frequently seen in infants and children. The changes (Fig. 7C,D) are relatively frequently seen, whereas
can be very well-pronounced and reach sometimes an
enormous size. Macroscopically, changes are very
chronic heart-lung diseases (e.g., deformed heart)
similar to those found in cavernous hemangioma and are rare (Fig. 7F).
anemia. In principle, there are morphologically only four
Tumors and tumorous processes: groups of proliferative processes which can be ob-
a) Cavernous hemangioma. This is a rare tumor.
Macroscopically, the changes are very similar to the served on the periosteal surfaces of long bones in
changes found in hemorrhagic (hematoma) and anemic ground sections made from a macerated sample (cf.
processes. Table 3). As a rule, these processes are accompanied
b) Meningioma. Not a very rare tumor. However, newly by newly built bone formations. Thus, the product of
built bone formations at the external skull surfaces
representing porotic hyperostosis are very rare. hemorrhagic (i.e., subperiosteal hematoma) and in-
Macroscopically, the changes are very similar to the flammatory processes (i.e., periostitis), as well as of
changes found in hemorrhagic (hematoma) and anemic a tumorous process, can be differentiated. The diag-
processes. nosis of a periosteal bone formation due to circula-
Dietary disorders:
a) Various kinds of anemia (see below), such as tory problems (e.g., Bamberger-Marie disease) is dif-
nutritionally caused iron-deficiency anemia. The well- ficult. The changes are relatively similar to what is
known changes range from slight to extremely severe. observed in hemorrhagic processes. However, the
Macroscopically, the changes are very similar to the
changes found in hemorrhagic processes (hematoma)
new bone formations are relatively dense (cf. Fig. 7F).
and cavernous hemangioma. An organized, remodeled subperiosteal hema-
b) Scurvy (see above), frequently seen in infants and toma, which can originate in scurvy, is characterized
children. The changes due to hemorrhagic processes can by a newly built spongy bone formation that is
be very well-pronounced and sometimes reach an
enormous size. Macroscopically, the changes are very
found, e.g., on the external surface of the bone shaft.
similar to those found in anemia and cavernous Thus, the external basic lamellae are still intact and
hemangioma. there are no evident changes in the compact bone
c) Rickets, relatively rarely seen (depending on substance (Fig. 7B). The short bony trabeculae of
geographical region and nutritional situation). As a rule,
the changes are very discrete, what means that a very
this subperiosteal formation are relatively coarse
fine porosity can be well-pronounced. However, the and bulky, building, as a rule, short-bridged struc-
thickening is only slightly developed. tures (Fig. 7B). Subperiosteal hematoma is rela-
Genetic causes: tively frequently found after trauma in subadults
E.g., some kinds of anemia (see above), such as sickle-cell
anemia and thalassemia. The changes ranges from slight suffering from scurvy.
to extremely severe. Macroscopically, the changes are very It is well-known that scurvy, particularly in
similar to those found in hemorrhagic processes subadults, is accompanied by widespread subperios-
(hematoma) and cavernous hemangioma. teal bleeding, which frequently can occur after slight
Other causes:
E.g., other kinds of anemia that are not due to nutritional trauma or even without trauma. The vestiges of
stress, i.e., caused by parasites (e.g., worms, plasmodia). such a hematoma can also be diagnosed in archaeo-
B) Orbital roof logical skeletal remains because of the characteristic
Porotic hyperostosis of the orbital roof is called cribra
orbitalia. In general, all kinds of diseases listed in A can be
newly built bone formations. In dry bones, the main
responsible for this morphological phenomenon. features caused by chronic scurvy are subperiosteal
Additionally, some inflammatory diseases that are of no new bone formations representing mineralized hem-
importance for the development of porotic hyperostosis of orrhagic processes. Such alterations are frequently
the skull vault but can result in cribra orbitalia are listed
here: inflammation of the frontal, maxillary, and ethmoidal
found on the shaft of long bones, on the ectocranial
sinuses, inflammation of the lacrimal gland, and meningeal and also sometimes on the endocranial surface of the
reactions. skull vault, and in the jaw area. In subadults, all
these pathological changes are usually much better

Fig. 7. Vestiges of nonspecific periosteal reactions in postcranial skeleton. A: Cross section through rib of a 35– 49-year-old male
from Boğazkale (central Turkey), burial 61B/85, Early Byzantine period. Vestiges of pleurisy: a, original cortex of rib; b, fissural gap
between external bone surface and newly built bone formation (c), noxa-affected periosteum from pleura. Undecalcified thin-ground
section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator.
Magnification, ⫻25. B: Cross section through left fibula of 25–39-year-old, probable female from Pergamon (western Turkey), Late
Byzantine period. Vestiges of organized subperiosteal hematoma, which became built up to woven bone: a, original compact bone of
shaft; b, newly built bone formation. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using
a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. C: Cross section through tibia of 2– 4 -year-old child from
Bettingen (Switzerland), individual 2/K-2, Late Middle Ages. Vestiges of acute periostitis: a, original compact bone of shaft; b, newly
built bone formation. Up to time of death, no pathological changes occurred in compact bone substance. Undecalcified thin-ground
section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator.
Magnification, ⫻25. D: Cross section through right fibula of 35– 49-year-old male from Boğazkale (central Turkey), burial 37/83, Early
Byzantine period. Vestiges of chronic, relapsing periostitis (at least three wave-like processes) due to osteomyelitis: a, original compact
bone of the shaft; 1–3, vestiges of relapsing periostitis. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in
polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. E: Cross section through left clavicle of
adult female from Sayala (Egyptian Nubia), burial K-68/2, Coptic period. Metastasizing carcinoma. Relapsing tumor periostosis: a,
original compact bone of shaft; 1, 2, vestiges of relapsing periostosis. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the
microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻100. F: Cross section through
left tibia of a young baby from Bettingen (Switzerland), burial 35/43. Periostosis caused by Bamberger-Marie disease: a, original
compact bone of shaft; b, fissural gap between external bone surface and newly built bone formation (c). Undecalcified thin-ground
section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator.
Magnification, ⫻25.
expressed because in this age group, bone metabo- nonspecific bone diseases, particularly in long bones.
lism is more active. Using polarized light in light microscopy, the inter-
Periostitis in all its appearances creates charac- nal bone structure, especially the arrangement of
teristic changes that can be grouped into different collagenous fibers, is detected, and structures typi-
morphological pictures. As a rule, in a florid inflam- cally built up by different disease processes become
matory process of the periosteum, the bone trabec- visible. Thus, the results of microscopic investiga-
ulae evidently have a different shape from those in a tion provide, in combination with the results of the
hemorrhagic process as described above. The rela- macroscopic, radiological, and scanning-electron mi-
tively thin, often parallel trabeculae are radially croscopic research, a reliable diagnosis. As men-
oriented to the bone surface (Fig. 7C). The basic tioned above, there are special telltale signs at the
lamellae, if still in place because of their age depen- microlevel such as 1) polsters and 2) grenzstreifen,
dence, and the neighboring compact bone substance which are obviously characteristic in treponemal
are, as a rule, affected by the inflammatory process. diseases. These are now considered in more detail.
Only at the beginning of an inflammatory process, Polsters are characteristic features at the micro-
and if it is caused by an external noxa, could the scopic level (Fig. 8A,B) that are frequently found in
basic lamellae and the compact bone substance chronic treponemal diseases of the long bones
partly be more or less free of pathological changes (Michaelis, 1930; Schultz, 1994b; Schultz and Te-
(Fig. 7C). In chronic periostitis, the periosteal reac- schler-Nicola, 1987b; Weber, 1927). They consist of
tion is only one of the patho-morphological symp- parallel lamellae arranged at the periosteal level in
toms. In this stage of disease, there is not only the form of pillow-like newly built bone formations
periostitis, but also osteitis (i.e., the inflammatory demarcated by periosteal blood vessels developed
process has affected the compact bone substance) during the course of the inflammatory process (hy-
and osteomyelitis (i.e., the inflammatory process has pervascularization). As the growth of this patholog-
affected the medullary cavity). In hematogenous os- ical superficial bone formation, as a rule, progresses
teomyelitis, the process starts from the medullary relatively slowly, the polsters show a regular and
cavity and in the end reaches, as a rule, the perios- relatively homogeneous structure. In contrast, in
teum. When a bone is affected by an inflammatory hematogenous osteomyelitis, the periosteal newly
process, its character will be altered macroscopically built bone formation is irregular and shows various
and radiologically, e.g., becoming sclerotic, but it structures that are the result of relatively rapid
will also start remodeling, and thus typical morpho- growth associated with a relatively high remodeling
logical features can be observed at the microlevel. rate. Particularly well-developed polsters are a good
Organized (remodeled) structures produced during a indicator of treponemal diseases (Schultz, 1994b).
nonspecific inflammatory process by the periosteum However, in lepromatous periostitis, polster-like
have a characteristic morphology. As a rule, the structures that are rudimentarily developed and rel-
periosteal products of nonspecific inflammatory pro- atively flat (Fig. 8E,F) can also be observed (Blondi-
cesses in ancient bones such as hematogenous osteo- aux et al., 1993, 1994; Schultz and Roberts, 2001).
myelitis, or of specific inflammatory processes such As a rule, a grenzstreifen or grenzlinie (Fig. 8C,D)
as treponemal diseases, bone tuberculosis, and lep- can be observed in chronic treponemal diseases
rosy, look different upon microscopic examination (Schultz, 1994b; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b).
(e.g., Schultz, 1994b, 2001a; Schultz and Roberts, This is never found in hematogenous osteomyelitis
2001; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987b). Thus, of the long bones (Schultz, 1994b; Schultz and
microscopic differential diagnoses in inflammatory Teschler-Nicola, 1987b; Weber, 1927). At first sight,
diseases in archaeological remains can indeed be the grenzstreifen and older unremodeled bone ma-
successful. terial embedded by a nonspecific inflammatory pro-
Mainly in chronic osteomyelitis, the periosteal re- cess are the same. However, the grenzstreifen is, as
action can recur. In ground sections, various perios- a rule, a very fine line or a narrow, band-like struc-
teal formations observed at the same place on the ture that represents the original external surface of
bone surface represent the wave-like progress of the the bone shaft (remains of external circumferential
inflammatory process (Fig. 7D), which can charac- lamellae) and newly built lamellae that originate
terize a recidivation. Such changes will be found in during the first infection of the periosteum due to
archaeological specimens relatively frequently in the pathological process, e.g., Periostitis syphilitica
hematogenous osteomyelitis, but sometimes also in (Weber, 1927). Thus, the grenzstreifen is conclu-
treponemal and lepromatous periostitis (e.g., Be- sively caused by the relatively slow transmigration
itzke, 1934; Hackett, 1976; Schultz, 1986, 2001a; of a specific inflammatory process in the primary
Schultz and Roberts, 2001; Schultz and Teschler- periosteal region. Externally from the grenzstreifen,
Nicola, 1987b). the newly built bone formation is present as a solid
Regarding treponemal diseases, Hackett (1976) mass. However, in nonspecific inflammatory bone
described the different stages of typical syphilitic disease, e.g., hematogenous osteomyelitis, the pro-
bone changes in the skull and long bones very ex- cess is very aggressive and grows rapidly. Therefore,
actly. Unfortunately, bone lesions caused by syphilis the destruction is extensive. While bone is rapidly
are frequently very similar to alterations caused by eaten away, new bone formation also builds up rap-

Fig. 8. Vestiges of periosteal reactions in shafts of long bones caused by venereal syphilis and leprosy. A: Cross section through
right tibia of adult individual (E-6) from Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), Early Modern times. Vestiges of venereal syphilis in form
of small polsters: a, primary (older) newly built formation of pathologically changed bone; b, polster; c, secondary external surface of
bone shaft. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light. Magnification, ⫻25. B: Cross
section through right tibia of adult individual (E-6) from Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), Early Modern times. Vestiges of venereal
syphilis in the form of pronounced polsters: a, primary (older) newly built formation of pathologically changed bone; b, polster; c,
secondary external surface of bone shaft. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light
using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. C: Cross section through left tibia of adult individual
(E-4) from Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), Early Modern times. Vestiges of venereal syphilis representing Periostitis syphilitica: a,
area of original compact bone substance predominantly consisting of Haversian systems; b, newly bone formation built up by
periosteum; c, narrow grenzstreifen. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light. Magni-
fication, ⫻25. D: Cross section through left tibia of adult individual (E-4) from Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), Early Modern times.
Vestiges of venereal syphilis representing Periostitis syphilitica: a, area of original compact bone substance predominantly consisting of
Haversian systems; b, newly bone formation built up by periosteum; c, well-developed grenzstreifen. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50
␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light. Magnification, ⫻25. E: Cross section through right tibia of adult individual from
Chichester (England), burial 202, Middle Ages. Vestiges of leprosy: a, area of original compact bone substance predominantly consisting of
Haversian systems; b, polster-like newly bone formation built up by periosteum. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through
the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. F: Cross section through
right tibia of adult individual from Chichester (England), burial 148, Middle Ages. Vestiges of leprosy: a, area of original compact bone
substance predominantly consisting of Haversian systems; b, newly bone formation built up by periosteum; c, grenzstreifen-like
structure represented by flat blood-vessel canals. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in
polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25.
idly. Therefore, large pieces of the old bone shaft can thy. However, as a rule, the new periosteal bone is
still be in place but embedded in the newly built more moderately developed.
bone formation. This structure is not a grenzstrei-
fen. Thus, a grenzstreifen can be a useful indicator Meningeal reactions on the endocranial lam-
to diagnose chronic treponematoses by microscopy. ina of the skull (see table 3). On the endocranial
In chronic leprosy, no characteristic grenzstreifen lamina of the skulls of subadults, vestiges of menin-
(Fig. 8F) can be observed (Schultz and Roberts, geal reactions are frequently observable (Carli-
2001). In contrast to the findings in leprosy, in trepo- Thiele, 1996; Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1987b, 1990,
nemal diseases including endemic syphilis, there are 1993a,b, 2001a; Schultz and Teschler-Nicola, 1987a;
not only alterations in the subperiosteal bone, but Templin, 1993). Various kinds of meningeal dis-
also osteoclastic changes in the endosteal bone and eases, such as epidural hematoma, meningitis, and
the bony trabeculae of the medullary cavity, as well meningo-encephalitis, produce characteristic ves-
as in the compact bone substance of the shafts of the tiges on the endocranial lamina of the skull bones.
long bones affected (Kuhnen et al., 1999; Schultz, Indeed, in every case in which newly built bone
1994b; Schultz and Roberts, 2001; Schultz and formations are visible, the pathological process rep-
resents a pachymeningitis. In subadults, particu-
Teschler-Nicola, 1987b). This means that the osteo-
larly in babies and infants, the dura mater has the
lytic changes in the shafts of long bones correspond
properties of the periosteum and is able to react in a
to the findings described by Hackett (1976). There-
similar way. Thus, the products of meningeal reac-
fore, the microscopist will not only see resorption
tions (cf. Fig. 10) can be differentiated by micro-
holes and corroded structures, such as incomplete
scopic investigation into hemorrhagic, inflamma-
trabeculae, but also vestiges of an extensive remod-
tory, and mixed forms of meningeal disease
eling process. The latter is, as a rule, not found to
(hemorrhagic-inflammatory or inflammatory-hem-
this extent in hematogenous osteomyelitis.
orrhagic). As a rule, the internal lamina of the skull
The last group of periosteal newly built bone for- bones is relatively rarely affected. However, in hem-
mations is observed in tumorous diseases and in the orrhagic processes and areas of the skull vault
healing of bones after fracturing, processes involv- affected by a relatively large focus of meningeal
ing the deep veins as well as primary and secondary inflammation, the characteristic impressions of
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (cf. Fig. 7F). Since in atypical blood vessels can occur. Frequently, symp-
these processes the resulting structures are not pro- toms of increased brain pressure induced by cerebro-
duced by an inflammatory process, the term perios- spinal fluid are observed. Furthermore, other men-
titis is, strictly speaking, incorrect. Such a process ingeal diseases can also be, as a rule, reliably
should instead be called periostosis, because in diagnosed, such as tuberculous meningitis (Lepto-
Latin terminology, the suffix “osis” characterizes a meningitis tuberculosa), subdural empyema, and
noninflammatory process, and the suffix “itis” an hemorrhagic and inflammatory processes of the si-
inflammatory process. nuses of the dura mater (Schultz, 1987b, 1993a,
In general, a spindle-shaped enlargement of the 1999a).
bone shaft is characteristic of various periosteal re- The origin of an epidural hematoma is frequently
actions, such as periostosis in bone tumors (cf. Fig. connected with trauma (cf. Campillo, 1977). In ba-
7E), but also as periostitis in treponemal diseases bies, infants, and young children, scurvy is also a
(e.g., Periostitis syphilitica). However, at the begin- cause of a hemorrhagic process of the meninges. As
ning of a tumorous periosteal reaction, the lesions a characteristic example, the case of a 5–7-year-old
usually resemble flat layers. The compact bone sub- child from the early Byzantine cemetery of Boğaz-
stance is not affected at this stage. At an advanced kale, Central Anatolia, is presented (Figs. 9, 20G). A
stage, the external area of the newly built bone small, plate-like newly built formation of porotic
formation is frequently structured in spicula and the character is situated at the bottom of the sulcus of
compact bone substance can be severely affected by the sagittal sinus, at the opening of a small diploic
sclerotic or osteoclastic changes. As a rule, tumor vein (cf. Schultz, 1987a). The microscopic analysis
periostosis looks different (cf. Fig. 7E and cover- reveals woven bone (Schultz, 1987b). Thus, the child
photograph) from the product of an inflammatory died probably only a few weeks after this process,
process (periostitis, cf. Fig. 7C,D). which could have been caused by trauma.
The newly built bone induced by the periosteum The majority of cases dealing with meningeal re-
during the healing process following a fracture is actions are represented by a disease group of inter-
called callus. This kind of periosteal bone appears in mingled hemorrhagic and inflammatory compo-
various shapes, because muscles inserting (area of nents. Vestiges of this kind of meningeal disease are
Sharpey’s fibers) close to the fracture line and the usually characterized by fine, very short sinuous
affected periosteum influence its development. Sim- blood vessel impressions and very small, flat,
ilar conditions of initiation and morphology are stalked plates (Figs. 10, 20H). By examining thin-
found in the new periosteal bone formations ob- ground sections that demonstrate the latter changes
served in processes of the deep veins as well as in responsible for an inflammatory process, polarized
primary and secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropa- light enables the paleohistopathologist to diagnose
are situated at the endocranial face of the base,
sometimes also at the lateral wall of the skull, espe-
cially in the middle and the posterior cranial fossa,
and occasionally also in the cerebral fossa of the
occipital bone (Schultz, 1999a; Templin, 1993; Tem-
plin and Schultz, 1994; Teschler-Nicola et al., 1994,
1996). These lesions are caused by pressure atrophy
of the tuberculars. They represent specific features
and are characteristic of this kind of tuberculous
disease. It is not correct to diagnose tuberculous
meningitis if only vestiges mainly characteristic of
nonspecific meningeal reactions (e.g., inflammatory-
hemorrhagic meningitis) are present.
Infant mortality in prehistoric and early historic
populations often reached 40 – 60% or even more.
Fig. 9. Endocranial face of frontal bone of 5–7-year-old child
from Boğazkale (central Turkey), burial 37/83, Early Byzantine Until recently, it was only possible to speculate on
period. In the impression of the sagittal sulcus, there are porotic the causes of this exceedingly high mortality rate.
plates (arrows) representing vestiges of a hemorrhage. One of the Now, the results of a large project in paleopathologi-
plates (a) covers the opening of a blood-vessel canal (diploic vena). cal research, using extensive microscopic investiga-
tions, demonstrated that inflammatory and hemor-
rhagic reactions of the meninges are among the most
important factors leading to death in infancy
(Schultz, 1993a). The role of meningeal disease in
the mortality of infants and children in prehistoric
and historic populations is frequently underesti-
The frequency of meningeal reactions in prehis-
toric and historic infant populations is striking (cf.
Schultz, 2001b). In the Early Bronze Age, frequen-
cies vary between 9 –22%. Thus, in northern Anato-
lia (Fig. 12), at İkiztepe, 11 of 117 children (9.4%)
show vestiges of meningeal reactions (Schultz, 1990,
1993a). In Central Europe, frequencies are similar
(Fig. 12). In Franzhausen-I, 22 of 99 children
Fig. 10. Endocranial face of right parietal bone of 3–5-year-
(22.2%) suffered from meningeal diseases. And in
old child from Franzhausen (Lower Austria), burial 338, Early Gemeinlebarn-F, 2 of 20 children (10.0%), in Hain-
Bronze Age. In digital impressions, there are small, flat, stalked burg, 6 of 35 children (17.1%) (Schultz, 1988/1989,
plates representing vestiges of an inflammatory process (menin- 1990, 1993a; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1999), in
Jelšovce, in the Nitra Culture, 5 of 43 children
(11.6%), and in the Aunjetitz Culture, 6 of 29 chil-
primitive or coarse-woven bone (Fig. 20H). Addition- dren (20.7%) show vestiges of meningeal diseases
ally, scanning-electron microscopic investigation re- (Schultz, 2001b; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz,
veals the stage of organization, i.e., of remodeling, 1999). However, in the Middle Ages in Central Eu-
which allows an estimate of healing at time of death rope and Anatolia (Fig. 12), the frequencies were
(Fig. 11A,B). However, the advancement of healing significantly higher. In Barbing, 11 of 22 children
can also be estimated by light microscopy, using (50.0%), and in Harting, 10 of 22 children (45.5%)
polarized light (Fig. 21A). suffered from meningeal diseases (Schultz, 1993a).
Vestiges of tuberculous meningitis are character- In Straubing, 107 of 176 children (60.8%) (Kreutz,
ized not only by the changes described above, but 1997), in Bettingen, 21 of 30 children (70%) (Temp-
also by relatively small, granular impressions whose lin, 1993), in Boğazkale, 16 of 64 children (25.0%)
diameter varies between 0.5–1.0 mm (Fig. 11C–F). (Schultz, 1993a), and in Pergamon-B, 19 of 31 chil-
Microscopically, the lesions are very characteristic dren (61.3%) demonstrate vestiges of meningeal re-
and a reliable indicator of Leptomeningitis tubercu- actions (Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1995).
losa, because in polarized light, the intra vitam ori- Although the sample size is not very large, there is
gin of these impressions can be easily differentiated a trend to be seen in the evolution of meningeal
(Fig. 21B,C). It is striking that these lesions could diseases. In Central Europe and Anatolia, this group
apparently be organized (remodeling) after a while of diseases increased dramatically from the Bronze
(Fig. 21C) if the child survived long enough. The Age to the Middle Ages, apparently caused by con-
localization of these impressions, which are gener- tinuous population growth and the change in eco-
ally grouped in clusters, is very characteristic. They nomic and political situations.

Fig. 11. Evidence of hemorrhagic and tuberculous diseases of meninges. A: Remains of hemorrhagic-inflammatory meningeal
reaction in a 5–9-year-old child. Relatively advanced organization stage. Alytus (Lithuania), Late Middle Ages—Early Modern times,
burial 593. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 200 ␮m. B: Remains of hemorrhagic-inflammatory meningeal reaction in
5–9-year-old child. Advanced organization stage. Alytus (Lithuania), Late Middle Ages—Early Modern times, burial 593. Scanning-
electron microscopic image. Bar, 200 ␮m. C: Group of granular impressions in endocranial lamina of skull of 9 –15-year-old child
caused by leptomeningitis tuberculosa. Alytus (Lithuania), Late Middle Ages—Early Modern times, burial 302. Scanning-electron
microscopic image. Bar, 200 ␮m. D: Group of granular impressions in endocranial lamina of skull of 22-year-old male caused by
leptomeningitis tuberculosa (individual 59). Weisbach-Collection, Vienna (Austria), end of 19th century (1877). In this case, tubercu-
losis was clinically diagnosed. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 1 mm. E: Granular impression in endocranial lamina of skull
of 22-year-old male caused by leptomeningitis tuberculosa (individual 59). Weisbach-Collection, Vienna (Austria), end of 19th century
(1877). In this case, tuberculosis was clinically diagnosed. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 200 ␮m. F: Granular impression
in endocranial lamina of skull of 22-year-old male caused by leptomeningitis tuberculosa (individual 59) Weisbach-Collection, Vienna
(Austria), end of 19th century (1877). In this case, tuberculosis was clinically diagnosed: a, granular impression caused by tubercular
(specific feature), with intra vitam origin proved by course of collagen fibers; b, product of inflammatory process of meninges
(nonspecific feature). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject
red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25.

Fig. 12. Frequencies of meningeal reactions in prehistoric and historic subadult populations. Early Bronze Age: Franz, Franz-
hausen (Lower Austria); Gem, Gemeinlebarn-F (Lower Austria); Hainb, Hainburg (Lower Austria); Jel-N, Jelšovce-N (Slovakia); Jel-A,
Jelšovce-A (Slovakia); Ikiz, İkiztepe (Turkey). Middle Ages: Barb, Barbing (Lower Bavaria); Hart, Harting (Lower Bavaria); Strau,
Straubing (Lower Bavaria), Kreutz, 1997; Bett, Bettingen (Switzerland); Bog, Boğazkale (Turkey); Perg, Pergamon (Turkey); Indiv.,
complete sample size (diseased and nondiseased individuals).

Porotic hyperostosis of the skull vault and the processes on the external lamina, such as ectocra-
orbital roof: the problem of cribra cranii nial hematoma (Schultz and Merbs, 1995; Schultz et
externa and cribra orbitalia al., 1998; Teegen and Schultz, 1999; Wadsworth,
1992), can also involve the external skull surface
Porotic hyperostosis of the skull vault (cribra cra-
when the vestiges of such a hemorrhage are remod-
nii externa) and the orbital roof (cribra orbitalia) is
eled and show a porotic nature. In these cases,
relatively frequently seen in prehistoric infant
skulls all around the world. As a rule, these changes which are more frequently observed in subadults,
are much more frequently seen in subadults than in the skull vault is in general thicker than in healed
adults. Regarding differential diagnoses and the eti- inflammatory processes. In babies, the most com-
ology of diseases, we now know that porotic changes mon cause of ectocranial hematoma is trauma (e.g.,
on the external surface of the skull vault can be cephalhematoma, caused by birth). Subadults suf-
associated with porotic changes on the orbital sur- fering from scurvy generally show a higher fre-
face of the eye socket. In the North American liter- quency of hemorrhagic processes. Additionally, other
ature, many scientists agree with the idea that po- diseases, such as tumors (e.g., hemangioma, menin-
rotic hyperostosis of the skull vault and the orbital gioma) or even rickets (e.g., Carli-Thiele, 1996;
roof can be caused by anemia, especially by iron- Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1987b, 1993a; Schultz et al.,
deficiency anemia (e.g., El-Najjar et al., 1976; Tay- 1998, 2001; Teegen and Schultz, 1999), can be re-
lor, 1985; Ubelaker, 1992). However, recent investi- sponsible for the morphological appearance of po-
gations in the field of paleohistopathology yielded rotic hyperostosis. Thus, the epidemiology of ancient
the result (Schultz, 1993a) that these morphological diseases with respect to the frequency of anemia,
features can also be due to various other diseases scurvy, rickets, inflammatory processes of the skull,
(see Table 4). Thus, inflammatory processes of the and tumorous lesions must be reconsidered. In this
skull bones, e.g., periostitis, osteitis, and osteomy- context, it should be remembered that the etiology of
elitis (Kreutz, 1997; Schultz, 1986, 1987b, 1990, these processes and their dependence on each other
1993a; Schultz et al., 2001), as well as inflammatory are very important for a reliable reconstruction of
processes of the scalp (Schultz, 1993a), can produce the state of health and disease and the physical
after healing a porotic external surface of the skull condition of people from ancient times (Schultz,
vault, which is usually thickened. Causes of these 1982, 1996, 1999b).
diseases could be local primary inflammatory pro- It is important to keep in mind that porotic hyper-
cesses, frequently after head trauma, or secondarily, ostosis of the skull vault and cribra orbitalia are not
a spread of inflammatory processes of the nasal cav- characteristic of a specific disease, but rather they
ity, the paranasal sinuses, or the orbit. In these represent a morphological feature. Therefore, a very
cases, the primary focus can be detected by endo- careful investigation of these alterations is of the
scopic investigation without difficulty. Hemorrhagic utmost importance in order to obtain reliable diag-
noses. Macroscopic and radiological investigation
alone are not sufficient, because the structures of
hyperostotic and porotic newly built bone formations
due to different diseases are really very similar in
their macroscopic morphology. Furthermore, it
should not be forgotten that sometimes a molecular
biological investigation is able to provide a special
diagnosis in the scope of anemic diseases (Faerman
et al., 2000a,b).
The phenomenon of porotic hyperostosis in
chronic anemia is characterized by two morphologi-
cal features that are usually seen at the same time
and reflect the development of the following changes:
1) thinning of the external lamina, which creates
porosity because the cancellous bone (diploë) be-
comes visible, and 2) enlargement of the cancellous
bone by radial growth of the bone trabeculae, which
reduces the external lamina by something like pres-
sure atrophy. During the early stages of this process,
only the external lamina becomes porotic (Fig. 16A),
and the growth of the diploë cannot be observed by
macroscopic analysis. To demonstrate the elucida-
tion of different stages in the development of porotic
hyperostosis caused by anemia (Schultz, 1982, 1986,
1993b), some line-drawings and selected micropho-
tographs are presented (Fig. 13). Characteristically,
such lesions are found in the skulls of subadults.
One of the five skulls described represents a recent
case; the other four skulls represent archaeological
A drawing of the normal anatomy of the skull
vault in cross section of an approximately 5-year-old Fig. 13. Line drawings true to original undecalcified ground
child from the Late Neolithic cemetery of Alburg- sections (sagittal or frontal sections), demonstrating development
Straubing/Lerchenheid (southern Germany, first of porotic hyperostosis in chronic anemia (stages 0 –3). Magnifi-
half of the 3rd millennium BC, culture of the cation, approximately ⫻1.75. A: Stage 0, skull vault of 5-year-old
child from Alburg-Straubing (southern Germany), Neolithic Age.
Schnurkeramik) is shown in Figure 13A (stage 0). No pathological changes. B: Stage 1, right parietal bone of a 121
Both the external and the internal lamina of the – 2-year-old infant from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), burial 190,
vault bone are in place, and the diploë has developed Early Bronze Age. Slightly porotic changes caused by onset of
as is normal in a child of this age. This case is of reduction of external lamina in right part of sample. Although the
special interest because this child suffered from ane- skull vault is relatively thick, there is no real thickening of vault
bones but a relatively slight enlargement of modules of red bone
mia (cf. Fig. 13D). However, the sample demon- marrow. C: Stage 2, skull vault of 2–3-year-old child from İkiz-
strated in Figure 13A was taken from the part of the tepe (northern Turkey), burial 246, Early Bronze Age. Slight to
skull vault where no vestiges of porotic hyperostosis moderate porosity in left part of sample (cf. Fig. 16A). Skull vault
could be observed. is only slightly thicker in affected regions. Diploic trabeculae
To illustrate the onset of anemia, the right pari- start to orient themselves in radial direction (left part of sample,
1 cf. Fig. 21E). D: Stage 3, skull vault of 5-year-old child from
etal bone of a 12 –2-year-old infant from the Early Alburg-Straubing (southern Germany), Neolithic Age (cf. Fig.
Bronze Age settlement of İkiztepe (northern Turkey, 13A). Advanced changes represented by coarsely porotic surface
first half of the 3rd millennium BC) is presented in due to complete disintegration of skull vault, which shows pro-
Figure 13B (stage 1). Macroscopically, the external nounced thickening in affected areas. Diploic trabeculae are sig-
nificantly oriented in a radial direction, causing so-called “hair-
surface of the skull vault demonstrates a slightly on-end” phenomenon. E: Transitional stage between stages 2–3,
porotic change (Fig. 16A). These changes are fre- parietal bone of recent child (age group Infant II) from collection
quently situated in the area close to the lambdoid of Department of Pathology, University of Göttingen. Surfaces
suture of the parietal bones or, less frequently, in are coarsely porotic and show some irregular, short clefts. Skull
the corresponding area of the occipital squama or vault is significantly thickened and shows vestiges of remodeling
process (middle and right part of sample). Hair-on-end phenom-
even in the region of the parietal eminence. It is enon is still visible. F: Well-developed stage 3, skull of 9 –12-year-
important to realize that the macroscopic morphol- old child from Santa Maria de Yamasee, Spanish Florida, Mission
ogy of these alterations is very similar in various Period, has an extremely thickened and coarsely porotic vault.
diseases, such as anemia, scurvy, rickets, inflamma- Changes are characterized by parallel, extremely long, and grac-
ile bone trabeculae, situated at right angles to original surface of
tory diseases (e.g., inflammatory processes of the external lamina of skull vault (extremely pronounced hair-on-end
scalp, periostitis, osteitis, or osteomyelitis of the phenomenon). No vestiges of bone remodeling.
skull vault), and rarely hemangioma. Microscopi-
cally, the thin-ground section (Fig. 13B) shows that take on a parallel orientation, which is responsible
the external lamina is starting to be resorbed and for their radial arrangement, producing the typical
shows very few slightly enlarged secondary cavities, “hair-on-end” phenomenon (cf. Steinbock, 1976).
which are situated at the level of the original exter- These three stages of porotic hyperostosis in ane-
nal lamina and become confluent with the primary mia have been demonstrated in children (age group
modules of the red bone marrow (⫽ diploic spaces), Infans Ia, i.e., newborn–2-year-old) and a young
which are, as a rule, also slightly enlarged in this child (age group Infans Ib, i.e., 2– 6-year-old). How-
area. The skull vault is not thickened. ever, in older children (age group Infans II, i.e.,
The next case, of a slightly more advanced stage, 6 –14-year-old), the morphological structure of the
is seen in Figure 13C (stage 2). This child also lived skull vault in hypertrophic areas looks slightly dif-
at İkiztepe (northern Turkey, first half of the 3rd ferent due to age-dependent bone growth. Addition-
millennium BC) and died at the age of 2–3 years. ally, the characteristic changes due to anemia that
Macroscopically, the porosity is more pronounced. represent hypertrophy, i.e., the growth of modules of
Thus, in contrast to the stage described above, there red bone marrow in the direction of the external
is a slight to moderate porosity. As a rule, the lesions bone surface, can be secondarily remodeled. This is
spread over the same areas described above (stage illustrated by the example of a recent child (age
1). Frequently, however, the skull vault is only group Infans II) from the collection of the Depart-
slightly thicker in the affected regions. Again, the ment of Pathology of the University of Göttingen
macroscopic morphology of these alterations is very (Fig. 13E). Macroscopically, the skull vault is signif-
similar in various diseases, such as anemia, scurvy, icantly thickened in the areas of skull eminences.
rickets, inflammatory diseases (e.g., inflammatory The surfaces are coarsely porotic and there are some
processes of the scalp, periostitis, osteitis, or osteo- irregular, short clefts in the center of the hypertro-
myelitis of the skull vault), and rarely hemangioma. phic regions. The microscopic illustration shows the
Microscopically (Figs. 13C, 21E), the external lam- complete loss of the external lamina and relatively
ina of the skull vault is disintegrated over a rela- gracile bone trabeculae that form a characteristic
tively large area. The orientation and size of the pattern which is not so well-developed as in stage 3
secondary cavities are regular. Between these cavi- (Fig. 13E; please note that this is a child of age group
ties, there are secondarily built, relatively short and
Infans II; therefore, the skull vault is thicker than in
bulky bone trabeculae that grow out of the primary
the cases presented in Fig. 13C,D). Thus, the char-
diploë, forming a characteristic pattern. In the af-
acteristic features of stages 2 and 3 are observable.
fected areas of the skull vault, the bone mainly
Therefore, this case represents a transition stage
grows in the external half of the diploë, causing the
(stage 2–3). However, in the periphery of the porotic
slight thickening of the skull bone.
The next example involves a different section areas, vestiges of a remodeling process can be ob-
through the skull vault of the same 5-year-old child served (Fig. 13E), which represent a secondary
from Alburg-Straubing/Lerchenheid described above change in the bone structure of the vault and which
(cf. stage 0). Here, the characteristic changes of can be interpreted as the result of a kind of partly
stage 3 can be observed. The changes are expressed local healing. Nevertheless, characteristic features
by a pronounced thickening and a coarsely porotic of the hair-on-end phenomenon are still observable.
surface of the affected skull region, both of which are The last case in this series again involves an ar-
found in the areas of the parietal and frontal emi- chaeological specimen. The extremely thickened and
nences, the lambdoid areas of the parietals, and the coarsely porotic skull vault of a 9 –12-year-old child
upper part of the occipital squama. In the porotic from Santa Maria de Yamasee, Spanish Florida
structure, there can also be a few irregular, short (Mission Period), indicates a more or less regularly
clefts in the center of the hypertrophic regions, porotic surface which touches the left and extends
which sometimes give the structure a star-like ap- slightly over the right temporal line (Schultz et al.,
pearance. In general, the macroscopic alterations 2001). Microscopic investigation of a sample taken
characteristic of such an advanced stage of porotic from the skull vault demonstrates that the newly
hyperostosis caused by anemia are very similar to built bone formation is characterized by parallel,
changes due to scurvy or occasionally hemangioma. relatively long, and gracile bone trabeculae situated
However, the alterations observed in advanced at right angles to the original surface of the external
stages of rickets and inflammatory diseases (e.g., lamina of the skull vault (Fig. 13F). These trabecu-
inflammatory processes of the scalp, periostitis, os- lae are extremely enlarged in the vertical plane and
teitis, or osteomyelitis of the skull vault) are, as a are responsible for the hair-on-end phenomenon.
rule, different in their morphology. Thus, a reliable The region of the original diploë shows a more or less
diagnosis should not be very difficult. Microscopi- normal morphology. Thus, this case represents
cally (Fig. 13D), the external lamina is completely stage 3 (please note that this is a child of age group
disintegrated and the skull vault is significantly Infants II; therefore, the skull vault is thicker than
thickened in the affected areas (compare with non- in the cases presented in Fig. 13D). There are no
affected areas in Fig. 13A). The trabeculae in the vestiges of bone remodeling such as in the case pre-
external half of the diploë are relatively thick and viously described (Fig. 13E). This case thus repre-
mia are very similar. Here, the criteria described
above (structures dealing with the morphology of
the external lamina and diploë) help to establish the
correct diagnosis. As chronic vitamin C-deficiency is
the most frequent cause of subperiosteal hematoma
in subadults, the reliable diagnosis is scurvy (for
additional criteria, see Schultz, 1988/1989, 1990;
Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1995; Schultz et al.,
As mentioned above, chronic rickets is also able to
produce porotic hyperostosis. A typical case is briefly
demonstrated. The skull of a newborn–3-month-old
infant macroscopically presents a porotic vault,
which is only slightly enlarged (Figs. 14B, 15C). The
results of microscopic investigation suggest rickets
and clearly exclude anemia, scurvy, and an inflam-
matory process (Fig. 15D).
Fig. 14. Line drawings true to original undecalcified ground
sections (sagittal or frontal sections), demonstrating development
Additionally, a case of osteomyelitis of the skull
of porotic hyperostosis in scurvy, rickets, and osteomyelitis. A and vault is presented for comparative purposes. The
C, magnification approximately ⫻3.5. B, magnification approxi- skull of a young infant from the pre-Columbian Sun-
mately ⫻5. A: Frontal bone of child from pre-Columbian Sun- down Site (Arizona) shows enormous bone apposi-
down Site, burial 3 (also see Fig. 15A,B). Large, ossified subperi- tion on its external surfaces (Figs. 14C, 15E). Micro-
osteal hematoma on external skull surface due to scurvy. Newly
built bone formations, seen as horizontal layers, are situated on scopically, all features support the diagnosis, of
external lamina, which is still in place. Diploë is not affected (cf. osteomyelitis of the skull vault (Figs. 15F, 21D).
Fig. 15B). B: Fragment of parietal bone of newborn–3-month-old Finally, the difficulty in diagnosing porotic changes
infant from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), burial 53, Early Bronze of the external surfaces of the skull vault is demon-
Age (Fig. 15C,D). Completely changed skull bone due to rickets:
external lamina is built up of squamous plates, spongy substance
strated. Figure 16 shows porotic changes which are
is completely irregular, and internal lamina is splintered (cf. Fig. due to intra vitam processes (differential diagnosis,
15D). C: Vault fragment of 6 –12-month-old infant from pre-Co- postmortem destruction). Macroscopically, no reli-
lumbian Sundown Site, burial 12, (cf. Figs. 15E,F, 21D). Skull able diagnosis is possible. However, microscopically
vault was severely destroyed by nonspecific osteomyelitis. Peri- the correct diagnosis is easy to obtain. The 2–3-year-
ostitis on ectocranial and endocranial surfaces caused new bone
formations represented by gracile, more or less irregularly ori- old child from burial 246 of the İkiztepe cemetery
ented bone trabeculae that branch frequently. Most of the diploic (Fig. 16A; cf. Fig. 13C) suffered from anemia (Fig.
trabeculae were eaten away by inflammatory process (cf. Figs. 21E), while the 6 –12-month-old infant from burial
15F, 21D). 78 of the same cemetery (Fig. 16B) suffered from
osteomyelitis of the skull vault (Fig. 21F). The case
is also very interesting because this inflammatory
sents one of the very rare cases of extremely pro- process of the skull vault was accompanied by a
nounced florid chronic anemia. hemorrhagic-inflammatory process of the meninges
For comparative purposes, a characteristic case of (Fig. 21F).
an ectocranial subperiosteal hematoma due to All that has been described above for porotic
chronic scurvy is demonstrated. The skull vault of a changes of the skull vault can also be observed in a
child from the pre-Columbian Sundown Site, Ari- very similar way in the orbital roof. As a rule, only
zona, USA, macroscopically shows the phenomenon histological examination produces reliable results
of pronounced porotic hyperostosis (Figs. 14A, 15A). (Schultz, 1987b, 1993a,b; Schultz et al., 2001;
Therefore, anemia is a reasonable tentative diagno- Wapler, 1998; Wapler and Schultz, 1997). This may
sis. However, microscopic examination reveals fea- sometimes be difficult to accept for the paleopatholo-
tures (Fig. 15B) that clearly demonstrate that the gist working macroscopically, but the macroscopic
changes are due to a hemorrhage that was first study of the external morphology of porotic orbital
organized from a hematoma to fibrous connective roofs will only rarely lead to a reliable diagnosis.
tissue and then built up to woven bone. For differ- Thus, if microscopic analysis is not carried out, pa-
ential diagnoses, it is very important to be aware leopathologists should restrict their assessment to
that a subperiosteal hematoma is situated on the stress indicators if studying porotic hyperostosis of
original bone surface without affecting the external the skull vault and the orbital roof, and not try to
lamina (see proliferative reactions, above) and that diagnose specific diseases, such as iron-deficiency
the diploë has a normal structure (Fig. 15B). Fur- anemia (Schultz, 1993b; Schultz et al., 2001).
thermore, as a rule, a typical hair-on-end phenome- Here, as characteristic examples, two cases of po-
non, as pronounced as in long-existent chronic ane- rotic hyperostosis of the orbital roof are described.
mia, is not seen in a subperiosteal hematoma of the The porotic and thickened orbital roof of a 9 –12-
skull bones. However, in relatively slightly devel- year-old child from Santa Maria de Yamasee (Flor-
oped cases, porotic hyperostosis in scurvy and ane- ida), shows, in a thin-ground section, the classic

Fig. 15. Porotic hyperostosis caused by different diseases. A: External view of right frontal bone of child from pre-Columbian
Sundown Site who suffered from external subperiosteal hematoma caused by scurvy, burial 3 (Fig. 14A). B: Sagittal section through
fragment of right frontal bone of child described in A: a, external lamina; b, newly built formation (“bone apposition”) on external
lamina; c, diploë. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red
first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. C: External view of fragment of parietal bone of newborn–3-month-old infant
from İkiztepe (northern Turkey) who suffered from rickets, burial 53, Early Bronze Age (Fig. 14B). D: Sagittal section through
fragment of right frontal bone of infant described in C. Completely changed microstructure. External and internal lamellae are
splintered, and modules of red bone marrow are irregularly shaped: a, external lamina; b, diploë; c, internal lamina. Undecalcified
thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in plane light. Magnification, ⫻25. E: External view of left frontal bone
of 6 –12-month-old infant from pre-Columbian Sundown Site, burial 12, who suffered from osteomyelitis of skull vault (cf. Fig. 14C).
F: Sagittal section through fragment of left frontal bone of infant described in E. Very severe inflammatory reactions: a, external
lamina; b, diploë, partly eaten away by osteoclastic reactions; c, internal lamina; d, new bone formation (“bone apposition”) on external
lamina; e, new bone formation (“bone apposition”) on internal lamina. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the
microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25 (cf. Fig. 21D).

Fig. 16. Differential diagnosis in porotic skull bones. A: Fragment of parietal bone of 2–3-year-old child from İkiztepe (northern
Turkey), burial 246, Early Bronze Age. Porotic surface due to anemia. B: Fragment of frontal bone of 6 –12-month-old infant from
İkiztepe (northern Turkey), burial 78, Early Bronze Age. Surface is porotic due to inflammatory process (osteomyelitis).

Fig. 17. Frequencies of anemia in Bronze Age subadult populations diagnosed in skull vault. Franzh-I, Franzhausen-I (Lower
Austria); Gemeinl-F, Gemeinlebarn-F (Lower Austria); Hainburg, Hainburg (Lower Austria); Jelsovce-N, Jelšovce-N (Slovakia);
Jelsovce-A, Jelšovce-A (Slovakia); Ikiztepe, İkiztepe (Turkey).

features of hypertrophy of the red bone marrow. The reasons why subadults suffered from anemia. The
modules of red bone marrow are longitudinally en- most frequent etiologies are parasitic disease (e.g.,
larged, the bone trabeculae are oriented parallel Reinhard, 1992; Larsen and Sering, 2000), chronic
(i.e., the hair-on-end phenomenon), and the orbital iron deficiency, such as caused by iron-poor diets
lamina has, intra vitam, been completely reduced (e.g., El-Najjar et al., 1976), thalassemia (e.g., As-
(Fig. 21G). The other case represents a 4 – 6-year-old cenzi et al., 1991), or chronic malnutrition, such as
child who lived in the early Middle Ages at Hailfin- chronic deficiency of the amino acid tryptophan
gen (southern Germany). In this case, the orbital (Schultz, 1982). More detailed information is given
roof is only slightly thickened, but has a porotic by Garn (1992).
surface. These features were produced by a hemor- In prehistoric subadults, different frequencies of
rhage, but may also have been due to a hemorrhagic- anemia have been documented. For instance, from
inflammatory process in the orbit that created new the Neolithic Age, in the population from Wan-
bone formation (Fig. 21H), similar to the process dersleben (central Germany), belonging to the cul-
already described above for the proliferative reac- ture of the Bandkeramik (corded ware) who were the
tions on the surfaces of long bones. earliest agriculturists in Central Europe, anemia
Some practical applications are now presented, was observed in 13 of 30 children (43.3%; Fig. 17),
demonstrating the advantage of reliable diagnoses diagnosed by examining the skull vaults and orbital
based on microscopic techniques. There are various roofs (Carli-Thiele, 1996).

Fig. 18. Frequencies of scurvy in prehistoric and early historic subadult populations diagnosed in the skeleton. Franzh-I,
Franzhausen-I (Lower Austria); Hainburg, Hainburg (Lower Austria); Jelsovce-N⫹A, Jelšovce-N and Jelšovce-A (Slovakia); Ikiztepe,
İkiztepe (Turkey); Straubing (Kreutz, 1997), Straubing (Lower Bavaria).

In the Early Bronze Age of Central Europe, the strongly dependent on their environment. In Neo-
frequencies of anemia were relatively different (Fig. lithic times, subsistence was mainly based on agri-
17). Thus, in the valley of the River Traisen (Lower culture. Cereals such as corn or wheat provide no
Austria), from the sites of Franzhausen-I and Ge- vitamin C, and fruits and vegetables were available
meinlebarn-F, as well as from Hainburg, no convinc- only at certain times of the year. During winters, an
ing case of anemia could be diagnosed, taking skull adequate supply of fresh food was probably difficult.
vaults and orbital roofs into account (Schultz, 1993a, Thus, a seasonal deficiency of vitamin C must be
2001b; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1999). How- considered. In Neolithic populations from Central
ever, at Early Bronze Age Jelšovce (Slovakia), which Europe (Fig. 18), vestiges of chronic scurvy were
is only approximately 200 km northeast of the observed, with a maximum of 14 of 35 children
Traisental, anemia was present. At this site, two (40.0%) (Carli-Thiele, 1996; Carli-Thiele and Schultz,
different cultural traditions could be proved by the 1999). In adults, the frequency was lower. In
archaeological findings. In the Nitra Culture, only 8 subadult populations of the Early Bronze Age from
of 47 children (17%), and in the Aunjetitz Culture, Central Europe and northern Anatolia (Fig. 18), fre-
12 of 31 children (38.7%) suffered from anemia quencies were found to range between 0.0 –21.4%. In
(Schultz et al., 1998; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, Franzhausen-I, 7 of 110 children (6.4%), in Hain-
1999). From the Early Bronze Age settlement of burg, none of 38 children (0.0%), in Jelšovce, of the
İkiztepe (northern Turkey), 6 of 129 children (4.7%) Nitra and Aunjetitz Culture, 15 of 89 children
suffered from anemia diagnosed in the skull vault (16.9%), and in İkiztepe, 17 of 123 (13.8%) suffered
(Schultz, 1990, 1993a, 2001b; Schultz and Schmidt- from chronic scurvy (Schultz, 1990, 2001b,c; Schultz
Schultz, 1999). The cause for the cases of anemia in et al., 1998; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1999).
the population from İkiztepe was probably malaria, Obviously, in the Middle Ages (Fig. 18), the nutri-
which was endemic in this geographical area since tional situation became worse, as an example from
at least the Early Bronze Age (Schultz, 1990, 1993a, Straubing (southern Germany) demonstrates. In
2001b,c; Schultz and Schmidt-Schultz, 1999; cf. An- this Germanic population, 57 of 159 subadults
gel, 1966, 1978). (35.8%) show vestiges of chronic scurvy (Kreutz,
Chronic vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) is an impor- 1997).
tant factor contributing to morbidity and mortality
in prehistoric populations (e.g., Aufderheide and Ro-
drı́guez-Martı́n, 1998; Holck, 1984; Maat, 1982; Ort- Now that we have discussed examples of specific
ner and Putschar, 1981; Steinbock, 1976). There is a morphological features characteristic of particular
close connection between scurvy and other diseases, diseases and some basic bone reactions with which
such as posthemorrhagic anemia. Scurvy is also able we can elucidate the mechanisms of bone behavior
to create immunodeficiency, and infectious diseases during pathological processes, an understanding of
are often seen in association with scurvy. With re- pseudopathological changes may be much easier. We
gard to nutrition, prehistoric populations were have briefly discussed pseudopathology in terms of

Fig. 19. Pseudopathology. A: Internal view of left part of mandibula of 8 –10-year-old child from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), Early
Bronze Age, burial 199. Mandibular surface is covered by porotic bone apposition (arrows) which appears to be the product of an
inflammatory process. B: Same specimen as in A. Cross section through body of mandible (a) and “bone apposition” (b, c). Microscopic
view demonstrates that small bone trabeculae (b) did not develop in this area but consists of other very small fragments of skull,
probably from the visceral cranium, and were sintered postmortem at internal face of mandibula (c: postmortem crystals), simulating
periostitis. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in plane light. Magnification, ⫻25. C: Endocra-
nial surface of skull fragment of adult female from Lentia (Upper Austria), Roman period. Coarse porotic surface seems to be due to
postmortem soil erosion (diagenesis). D: Same specimen as in C. Small holes were not caused by diagenesis but by a metastasizing
carcinoma (osteoclasia) simulating pseudopathology. Scanning-electron microscopic image. Bar, 500 ␮m.

Fig. 20. Diagnosing ancient bones by light microscopy. A: Section through fragment of skull vault. Metastasizing carcinoma. Sayala
(Egyptian Nubia), Coptic period, individual K-68/2, adult female. Masses of Howship’s lacunae (arrows). Undecalcified thin-ground
section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator.
Magnification, ⫻25. B: Cross section through compact bone substance of femur. Manching (southern Germany), Iron Age, Celtic, adult
individual 1959/73. Haversian systems (osteons). Bone relatively well-preserved, secondarily, by protection due to manganese ions
causing yellowish staining. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a
hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻100. C: Cross section through femur of Alamannic warrior from
Mertingen (southern Germany), Early Middle Ages. Remarkably good preservation (a), particularly caused by iron ions. External
narrow zone (b) was first slightly affected by diagenesis. Later, during the disintegration process of an iron sword, the bone shaft was
coated with iron-oxide which permanently preserved the bone. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the
microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻100. D: Cross section through
compact bone substance of long bone fragment of Kelsterbach mammoth (central Germany). Cancellous bone of metaphysis excellently
preserved. In modules of red bone marrow, there are small crystals from sand of the bank of the River Main. Undecalcified thin-ground
section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator.
Magnification, ⫻25. E: Cross section through compact bone substance of long bone fragment from Tetelpan (Mexico), Preclassic period.
Vestiges of growth of fungus (bohrkanäle). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light
using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻160. F: Cross section through fragment of skull vault from
adult individual from Maysar (Oman), Bronze-Iron Age. Blood vessel canal in diploë burst by postmortem crystal growth (arrows),
probably brushit. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red
first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻200. G: Transverse section through frontal bone of 5–7-year-old child from
Boğazkale (central Turkey), Early Byzantine period, burial 1/83. Ossified vestige of small epidural hematoma, consisting of woven bone
(arrows) at bottom of sagittal sinus at opening of a diploic vena (Fig. 9), internal lamina (a). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m),
viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. H:
Sagittal section through frontal bone of 2–3-year-old child from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), Early Bronze Age, burial 145. Internal
lamina and diploë (a) are intact. Endocranial, ribbon-like skull bone consists of woven bone (b). Small ossified plates (woven bone) are
product of an inflammatory meningeal reaction (c). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in
polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25.

Fig. 20.
decomposition and diagenesis (see above). Since we microscopic study can be recognized as vestiges of
have now described the mechanisms of intra vitam intra vitam processes, such as vestiges of metasta-
proliferative reactions, we can easily differentiate sizing carcinoma (Fig. 19D). In such a case, the
between these lesions and postmortem changes that eroded structures suggestive of postmortem changes
simulate pathological alterations. The term “pseu- can be diagnosed as the result of osteoclastic resorp-
dopathology” was introduced to paleopathology by tion by scanning-electron microscopic analysis and
Wells (1967). In general, it is not easy to differenti- light-microscopic examination of thin-ground sections.
ate macroscopically between the vestiges of diseases These typical features of intra vitam resorption are
and postmortem changes in archaeological bones, characterized by masses of Howship’s lacunae on bone
especially when the skeletal remains are only poorly surfaces, the irregular shape of bone trabeculae, and
preserved (Schultz, 1986, 1997b). Additionally, the the margins and edges of resorption holes, where os-
histopathological analysis of poorly preserved bones teoclasts have eaten away the bony substance.
can create serious problems in disease diagnosis.
The causes were mentioned above, particularly dur-
ing the process of diagenesis where the resulting In the interdisciplinary field of paleopathology,
structures simulate intra vitam changes. The char- not only macroscopic, radiological, and endoscopic
acteristic case of an 8 –10-year-old child buried at methods are required, but microscopy is also needed.
the Early Bronze Age cemetery from İkiztepe, north- In this paper, the effect and usefulness of micro-
ern Turkey, is presented. The lingual face of the left scopic study of skeletal remains in paleopathology
part of the mandible of this child displays a newly and its implication for the causes (etiology), but es-
built bone formation that appears to be a periosteal pecially for the frequencies and the spread of se-
reaction due to an inflammatory process (Fig. 19A). lected diseases (epidemiology) during the Neolithic
However, microscopic analysis in polarized light Age, the Bronze Age, and the Middle Ages in Central
(Fig. 19B) reveals a postmortem apposition which Europe and Anatolia, are underlined by specific ex-
consists of broken bone trabeculae, probably from amples, such as anemia, scurvy, and meningeal re-
the visceral cranium, which had been agglomerated actions. Selected examples of mechanisms of patho-
by the buildup of secondary crystals (cf. Fig. 20F) at logical bone changes have been presented, dealing
the lingual surface of the mandible. mainly with proliferative reactions in the periosteal
Occasionally, traces are observed which, at first area of long bones, the meningeal reactions of the
sight, macroscopically appear to be caused by post- endocranial surface of the skull, and porotic hyper-
mortem erosion (Fig. 19C), and which only after ostosis of the skull vault and corresponding changes

Fig. 21. Diagnosing ancient bones by light microscopy. A: Sagittal section through occipital bone of 12–18-year-old individual from
Stillfried (Lower Austria), Late Bronze Age. Diploë (a) and internal lamina (b) are intact. New bone formation (c) on endocranial
lamina as a result of hemorrhagic-inflammatory meningeal reaction. Structures are well-organized, i.e., healing stage (partly woven,
partly already lamellar bone). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a
hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. B: Sagittal section through skull vault of 22-year-old male
(individual 59). Weisbach-Collection, Vienna (Austria), end of 19th century (1877). In this case, tuberculosis was clinically diagnosed
(cf. Fig. 11D–F). Small granular impression caused by pressure atrophy of a tubercule (a). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m),
viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. C:
Sagittal section through frontal bone of a 6 –10-year-old child from Bettingen (Switzerland), individual 20/76-1, Late Middle Ages.
Leptomeningitis tuberculosa. Small granular impression caused by pressure atrophy of a tubercule. Wall of intra vitam-originated
impression (a). Impression is in stage of remodeling (healing process not finished because child died), which took place in two different
episodes: first episode (b) followed by second (c). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized
light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. D: Sagittal section through skull vault of
6 –12-month-old infant from pre-Columbian Sundown Site, burial 12 (cf. Figs. 14C, 15E,F). Severe nonspecific osteomyelitis of skull
vault accompanied by periostitis. On external lamina (a) there are new bone formations (d). On internal lamina (c), there are extremely
well-developed bone formations (e). Diploë is almost completely lysed (b). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through
the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. E: Sagittal section
through skull vault of a 2–3-year-old child from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), burial 246, Early Bronze Age (Figs. 13C, 16A). Anemia,
stage 2. Internal lamina (a) and diploë (b) are not affected. External lamina is completely disintegrated. External trabeculae of diploë
(c) lie at right angles to internal lamella (onset of hair-on-end phenomenon). Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed
through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. F: Sagittal
section through fragment of parietal bone of 6 –12-month-old infant from İkiztepe (northern Turkey), burial 78, Early Bronze Age (cf.
Fig. 16B). Nonspecific osteomyelitis of skull vault: a, external lamina, partly destroyed (porotic); b, diploë, in disintegration due to
osteoclasia; c, internal lamina, partly reduced; d, newly built bone formation due to hemorrhagic-inflammatory process of meninges
caused by osteomyelitis. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a
hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. G: Sagittal section through right orbital roof of 9 –12-year-old
child from Santa Maria de Yamasee (Florida), Early Spanish period, burial 106. Porotic hyperostosis of orbital roof caused by chronic
anemia (cribra orbitalia II/III). Parallel bone trabeculae presenting hair-on-end phenomenon (arrows). In modules of red bone marrow,
small sand crystals. Undecalcified thin-ground section (50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject
red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification, ⫻25. H: Sagittal section through right orbital roof of 4 – 6-year-old child from
Hailfingen (southern Germany), Early Middle Ages, Alamannic, burial 2190. Porotic orbital roof caused by hemorrhagic or hemor-
rhagic-inflammatory process. On original lamellae of orbital roof (a), diploic trabeculae (c) which are covered by a secondary layer (b)
are found. Only macroscopically does the morphology simulate porotic hyperostosis due to anemia. Undecalcified thin-ground section
(50 ␮m), viewed through the microscope in polarized light using a hilfsobject red first order (quartz) as compensator. Magnification,

Fig. 21.
on the orbital roof (cribra orbitalia). It was shown ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that the histological examination of archaeological The author thanks Michael Brandt and Ingrid
skeletal remains provides improved reliability in the Hettwer-Steeger (Department of Anatomy, Univer-
establishment of diagnoses. The patterning of archi- sity of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany) for prepar-
tectural changes in the cortical, compact, and ing the ground sections, Ingrid Hettwer-Steeger for
spongy bone substances, particularly in newly built preparing the samples for scanning-electron micros-
bone formations, is an efficient key in attempting to copy, Dr. Peter Schwartz (Department of Anatomy,
diagnosis. Therefore, special categorizations were University of Göttingen) for taking some of the
developed to make the process of diagnosis easier. SEM-photos (Fig. 6B,F,G,H), Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald
Thus, we have morphological features at the mic- Kijewski (Department of Forensic Medicine, Univer-
rolevel, such as faserfilz-osteons (in slowly growing sity of Göttingen), and Prof. Dr. Steffen Berg
primary osteoblastic bone tumors), grenzstreifen, (München) for analyzing the concentration of ele-
and polsters (in chronic treponemal diseases and ments in compact bone samples by atomic absorp-
apparently also in chronic leprosy in only a slight tion spectroscopic technique, Dr. Barbara Süss-
modification), which are important indicators of par- mann-Bertozzi (Göttingen) for a microphotograph
ticular diseases or groups of diseases. Furthermore, (Fig. 6E), Egbert von Bischoffshausen (Department
there is evidence of basic bone reactions that char- of Anatomy, University of Göttingen) for line draw-
acterize bone behavior also at the microlevel, such ings, Sascha Dessi (Department of Anatomy, Uni-
as proliferative (productive, osteoblastic) and osteo- versity of Göttingen) for computer work, and Cyrilla
lytic (osteoclastic) reactions. Finally, we can observe Maelicke (Department of Histology, University of
morphological symptoms (e.g., thinning or thicken- Göttingen) for reading the English-language text.
ing of the external lamellae of the skull vault, en- Furthermore, the author thanks for bone samples
largement of the diploë), which can be grouped into Dr. Jozef Bátora (Nitra, Slovakia), Prof. Dr. Önder
morphological syndromes, such as porotic hyperos- Bilgi (Istanbul, Turkey), Dr. Alfred Czarnetzki (Tü-
tosis or cribra orbitalia. These syndromes do not bingen, Germany), Dr. Marcella Frangipane (Rome,
represent or characterize one particular disease, but Italy), Dr. Beatrix Gessler-Löhr (Heidelberg, Ger-
can be caused by various diseases. many), Prof. Dr. Bernd Herrmann (Göttingen, Ger-
The basis of any microscopic analysis of ancient many), Prof. Dr. Rimantas Jankauskas (Vilnius,
bones is a good working knowledge of the microscopic Lithuania), Dr. Bruno Kaufmann (Aesch, Switzer-
structure of bone, including the histogenesis and land), Prof. Dr. Manfred Korfmann (Tübingen, Ger-
growth of bone, as well as the influences of decompo- many), Dr. Herbert Kritscher (Vienna, Austria),
sition and diagenesis, which help to avoid false diag- Prof. Dr. Manfred Kunter (Giessen, Germany), Prof.
noses due to pseudopathology. The method of choice is Dr. Ekkehard Kunze (Göttingen, Germany), Dr.
the study of dry bone samples by thin-ground sections. Günter Lange (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Prof.
To investigate thin-ground sections using plane or po- Dr. Clark S. Larsen (Columbus, MO), Prof. Dr. Jo-
larized transmission light, a special technique is re- sefina Mansilla Lory (Mexico City, Mexico), Prof. Dr.
quired for embedding the usually brittle and some- Charles F. Merbs (Tempe, AZ), Dr. Peter Neve
times poorly preserved bone samples. Additionally, the (Malente, Germany), Prof. Dr. Dr. Reiner R.R.
production of thin-ground sections must be efficient. Protsch (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Prof. Dr.
For these purposes, special techniques have been de- Carmen M. Pijoan Aguade (Mexico City, Mexico),
veloped (Schultz, 1988; Schultz and Drommer, 1983). Dr. Wolfgang Radt (Istanbul, Turkey), Dr. Bruce
However, not only suitable techniques, but also expe- Ragsdale (San Luis Obispo, CA), Dr. Charlotte Rob-
rience and a collection for comparative purposes, are erts (Durham, England), Dr. Peter Schröter
necessary to establish reliable diagnoses. False diag- (München, Germany), Prof. Dr. J. Szilvássy, Prof.
noses can be avoided that could easily be caused by Dr. Maria Teschler-Nicola (Vienna, Austria), Dr.
postmortem changes such as those due to diagenesis. Rose Tyson (San Diego, CA), and Prof. Dr. Phillip L.
Additionally, microradiography and scanning-electron Walker (Santa Barbara, CA). Additionally, the au-
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