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On The Hindu View of Life

The birth anniversaries of great men are celebrated and designated with some
names, the names are given in accordance with the work the man does
throughout his life and he needs to be one who may inspire thousands. These
anniversaries are celebrated with or without grandeur to have a discussion on
the ideas that the men have propagated. The discussion on their ideas leads to
the sowing of the thoughts indirectly into an individual. Thus the celebration of
birth anniversaries in a literary manner is relevant in today’s days. The
celebration of these days cannot be celebrated by spending a weekend at a
seaside resort on leave.

The celebration of Teacher’s Day marks an important milestone in the growth

of Indian culture. The freedom struggle of India saw the growth of Indian
Philosophy. Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, who was a philosopher of an international
reputation, made it a point of celebrating his birthday as Teacher’s day as he
was a patron of education and himself a stalwart teacher to open this day for the
people of all communities and religions.

The main focus of my editorial is to write about The Hindu View of Life. This
book though consisting of series of four philosophical lectures delivered at two
universities namely Oxford and Chicago is an important book to be kept in the
Radhakrishnan bibliography in every library. The four lectures were delivered
under the banner of the Haskell lectures. The book consists of four lectures
which are given below:-

 Religious Experience – its nature & content

 Conflict of Religions - The Hindu attitude
 The Hindu Dharma – I
 The Hindu Dharma – II

Under the subject matter of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion is an important

paradigm of the science. Religion, most probably Comparative Religion was his
main area of research. Religion is a social institution in its own character. Many
scholars, intellects and thinkers have tried their best to define it. The most
suitable of all definitions comes from a German polymath who said – Religion
is the heart to the heartless. True to his study, religion serves as a sword of
armor for those who are weak in the times of danger. This definition can be
universally accepted.

The Hindu View of Life starts with the first topic i.e. the Religious experience
with explaining its nature and content. As the author says, the religious
experience apart from all other psychological experiences is an essential part of
individual life. It has many contents in it. The Religious experience can also
lead an individual to downfall or can also prosper his character. Radhakrishnan
advocates that the experience of one’s own religion must inspire many and self,
it must be a process in which where one connects to himself. The process of this
experience must also be an experimental one. Experimentalism, though no
studied by anyone in a theoretical manner, it has its own theoretical base and
should be carefully studied.

How is the religious experience of an individual an experimental one? You may

ask a philosopher; to this penetrating there is a simple answer available for it.
The religious experience can be experimental by crossing the borders of the
teachings of respective religion. To adopt this quality one’s religious
experiences must be ablaze, open and harmonic. If a man with closed and
narrow outlook tries to be like thus, it may be tough to achieve it. The doors of
the religious consciousness must be open to the religions that reside together in
one geographical landscape, for ex – Buddhism; Jainism & Hinduism reside
along with its followers in a common territory. Thus, the residing of followers
leads to an exchange of thoughts and discourses can lead to an intellectual
change. Radhakrishnan wants the religious followers to possess the two
important qualities given below –

Nyayasudha – Suggestive of many interpretations

Vishwatomukha – many sided with an established worldly outlook

The second chapter of the book deals with another relevant concept of modern
history i.e. The Conflict of Religions. Although the etymological meaning of the
word religion may mean to bond or bind, but the conflicts are gathered around
the world. The reality of this situation tells that there are differences in every
community. This lecture was presented at a time when colonies were on the
verge to attain their autonomy, the saw dust of the WWII had settled, at the
outset of this international demolition and a decade of craving for peace. No
statesman of that time, including the author himself would have ever imagined
the debacle that began after the death of General Zia-ul-Haq in the air crash in
1980. The fundamentalism and its testimony began to expand. The world saw
again the violence emerging. In this course of the violent persona, it is irrational
and illogical to blame one nation and one community for spreading it. The
Indian attitude towards this scene must be a reformatory one. The advocating of
democratic and secular methods for not ruining but, to change the brainwashed
individuals and bring them back to the prospering life, the process may take
many decades but, a conclusion may occur forever, otherwise the price of facing
horrors again may multiply infinitely.

05 September 2015

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