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Gia Imstitute of Management


“What the Internet of Things is
really about is information
technology that can gather its
own information. Often what it
does with that information is not
tell a human being something, it
[just] does something.” — Kevin

Report on-

Internet of
Things in
1. Deepan Banerjee (2019079)

2. Devbrat Mehar (2019080)

3. Dhruv Shah Gangola (2019081)

4. Duttatreya Mishra (2019082)

5. Gorugantu Pruthvi Sainath (2019083)

Executive Summary

Today in the age of automation, life is getting easier in all aspects. At the center of this is the
Internet of Things. Internet of Things, IoT, is an application domain that integrates different
technological and social fields. The purpose of this report is to address the challenge of
explaining what IOT is all about.

The first thing you will require to implement IOT at your place is sensors. Sensors are
basically a device that picks up movement or any change in the environment. Data
produced from the sensors is then transformed by a different device into information that is
then used in decision making. The second step of implantation is to transmit the signals
collected by sensors over networks with all the different components of a typical network
Connecting the different parts of networks to the sensors can be done by different
technologies including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. The third is of the implementation process which
includes the sum of all activities of handling, processing and storing the data collected from
the sensors. The aggregation of the data is then used to do a better analysis but the
implementation is done on basis IOT application in use. The fourth step includes analysis of
the data collected then the data is processed with the help of cognitive technologies

IOT has played a major role in reshaping the industry. The diversity of applications of IOT
has found merits in several sectors, to mention a few, we have Manufacturing, Automobile,
Agriculture, Home automation and Retail sectors.

Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1 Introduction …4
2 Intelligence behind IOT …5
3 Implementation of IOT …6
1. Sensors
2. Networks
3. Standards
4. Intelligent analysis
4 Key features …7
1. Networking
2. Sensors
3. Small Devices
5 Scope …8
6 Industry impact of IOT …9
1. IOT in Agricultural application
2. IOT in Retail Industry
3. IOT in Automobile
4. IOT in Manufacturing
5. IOT in Home Automation
7 Areas of Improvements …18
8 Recommendations …19
9 Conclusion …19
10. References …21


IOT stands for Internet of things. Deploying Internet into Physical devices where in the devices can
communicate amongst themselves with/ without interference of a Human is IOT. In the words of The
Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers "The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of Interrelated
computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with
unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or
human-to-computer interaction.

If we have to put Internet Of things in simple words, we would say it is taking everything on this earth and
connecting all of them to the internet. But IOT is not that simple of a concept, it has endless possibilities
from a person with heart monitor to an automobile with built-in-sensors. This will include a set of multiple

sensors which are capable of interacting with those devices. Data is collected and processed via a
microprocessor. The output of the processed data is sent as a feedback.

IOT allows things (objects) to be controlled remotely across a preexisting set of network or infrastructure.
This way a connection is established between the everyday physical objects and computer-controlled
systems, which results in an efficient, frugal and accurate ecosystem. It improves accuracy and the reach
to the areas which are beyond our capabilities. Basically, it helps in networking, sensors and robotics. IOT
helps in recent advances in software and modern attitudes towards technology. Its new and advanced
elements bring major changes in the delivery of products, goods, and services; and the social, economic,
and political impact of those changes.

Internet of things connecting devices to human value

Intelligence behind IOT:

To collaborate several devices over an Internet has saved a great deal of Human effort and time. However,
automated intelligence has not been part of IOT’s architecture. General methods applied could not help
integrate devices in an Interactive environment. This led to the introduction of supervised methods –
“Supervised learning “where a device is made capable of reacting to the environments around it.

Implementation of IOT:
To implement IOT you would basically require




Intelligent Analysis


The first thing you will require to implement IOT at your place is sensors. Sensors are basically a device
that picks up movement or any change

in the environment. Data produced from the sensors is then transformed by a different device into
information that is then used in decision making.

There are mainly two types of sensors

1. Active Sensors

2.Passive sensors


The second step of implantation is to transmit the signals collected by sensors over networks with all the
different components of a

typical network Connecting the different parts of networks to the sensors can be done by different
technologies including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.


The third is of the implementation process which includes the sum of all activities of handling, processing
and storing the data collected from the sensors. The aggregation of the data is then used to do a better
analysis but the implementation is done on basis IOT application in use

Intelligent analysis

The 4th step includes analysis of the data collected then the data is processed with the help of cognitive
technologies available.

Key Features:
• Artificial Intelligence- IOT makes everything smart which means that even the simple thing such
as refrigerator could detect when does the vegetables and fruits or cereals or any other products in the
refrigerator runs low and thus informs the user in advance what to order and not to order from his local

• Networking- IOT helps in making networks available on a very cheaper scale while being
completely having practical approach

• Sensors- Sensors is a very key feature of IOT. They transform IOT from Passive networks to active

• Small devices- Small devices which are cheaper, smaller and powerful are very powerful and IOT
helps in making small devices full of precision, Scalability and versatility.


• Clarity- IOT helps in making clarity in improvements. Current analytics provide hypothetical
insights which does not have relevant base. But IOT provides insights which are totally based on
facts and provides real world information. And thus, it helps in management of resources

• Diversity-IOT has applications across all industries and markets. It spans user groups from those
who want to reduce energy use in their home to large organizations who want to streamline their
operations. It proves not just useful, but nearly critical in many industries as technology advances
and we move towards the advanced automation imagined in the distant future.

• Improved Customer Engagement- Current analytics suffers from flaw in accuracy but IOT helps in
making the information richer.

Internet of Things can connect various devices in the system to the internet. When devices are available
digitally, they can be controlled from anywhere. The connectivity then helps us capture more data from
more places and thus improving the efficiency, safety and IOT security. IOT is a tool that can help different
industries improve their performance through analytics and a reliable way to deliver better results.
Different Industries such as manufacturing, transportation, home automation, and agriculture and retail
sectors can reap the benefits of IOT by making more informed decisions, along with the help of
interactional and transactional data at their disposal.

Industry impact of IOT:

IOT has played a major role in reshaping the industry. The diversity of applications of IOT has found merits
in several sectors:

To mention a few, we have Manufacturing, Automobile, Agriculture, Home automation and Retail sectors.


IOT implemented in Agriculture is known as Smart Agriculture. With IOT making life easier across multiple
sectors, agriculture has attracted many IOT applications. Much technological advancement in smart
agriculture has increased the number of installed devices using IOT by 20% since the origin. The number
is expected to double by 2025.

• Consistent tracking of information such as fertility of the land will provide abundant data on the
Business state and can be implemented across other geographies.

• Capability to foresee the amount of crop production could help lower extra production.

• Tracking cattle’s life on regular basis can help address the issue before it is too late.

• Lighting and water controllers react to the climatic conditions and create proper irrigation
environments on daily basis.

• Crop management devices are implemented on fields that can capture information specific to
health of the crop alongside water levels.

• Agricultural Drones are used as water sprinklers and to analyze the lands.

There are certain aspects that have to be considered while deploying Smart Agriculture techniques.

• Data collected has to be concise and all of it that is interpreted should be validated using advanced
techniques such as data analytics. Failure in validating the data might lead to implementation

• Sensors employed on the field are prone to damages. Thus, Hardware that has been installed
should be attended to the minute detail.

Figure showing Smart farm concept, showing the many different devices that play a part in the practice of smart farming.


Digital shopping is running at a very fast pace and that’s why thousands of stores and malls are shutting
down. Retail stores are not able to face the harsh competition offered by the digital marketing. People
have preferred to buy almost everything online. The retail industry therefore has a vast problem. But IOT
is helping the retailers not to feel depressed and is striving to attract more customers.

• Revolutionized Vending Machine in malls and public places are made available so that customers
can get what they need as per the requirement.

• Interactive displays are helping customers to shop with better experience and help them to find
right counters or stalls depending upon the choices they make.

• Small and virtual Mirrors provides information about the clothes they are trying.
• Beacons and RFID tags compiled with sensors can be used to recognize facial expression, customer
behavior across shopping aisles. This can be used enhance customer satisfaction.
• IOT helps in simplifying the checkout process Both consumers and retailers can say a big goodbye
to the lengthy ques and billing counters.
There are few situations where IOT is helping retail to innovate, sustain and thrive. They are-

• Marketing is easier than ever- IOT provides the requisite tools for making both omnichannel and
multichannel marketing successful. Sensor helps users in a wide way. It also helps stores in store

• Coordinate with customers Quickly- IOT helps in communicating not just between devices or sen-
sors but also enhances communication between manufacturer and user. This helps the depart-
mental stores to coordinate with customers quickly in case products need maintenance services
or for any particular update is required.

• Customizing customer Experience- Sensors helps in tracking every behavior of customers. They
provide valuable data that helps the retailers to enhance customer experience when done ethi-
cally. IOT always eases enhancement of certain products and better customer satisfaction.

One of the biggest industries when it comes to the implementation of IOT is in the sector of transportation.
This can be further divided into three broad segments.

Commercial transportation

Private transportation

Overall vehicle management

IoT in Automobile industry by Shri Kaushal Jani, Project Head, Amiraj College

1. Commercial Transportation

Specially the trucking industry as well as the aviation have been revolutionized by this
implementation. This can be further subdivided into modules such as managing the fleet, real time
tracking, inventory management, proper utilization of assets, curbing unwanted movement.

a. Managing the fleet: An owner can keep track of his entire fleet without any individual intervention.
Hence cost of operation, fuel efficiency as well as regulate and operate with optimal efficiency.

b. Real Time Tracking: The entire fleet can easily be tracked and monitored with real time updates. This
can be achieved with the help of global positioning system. This will also indicate any mishaps or in case
the vehicle deviates from the mapped direction.

c. Inventory Management: This makes sure whatever the vehicle is carrying is in proper condition. This
saves a lot of cost with respect to the shelf life of all the consumables.

d. Proper Utilization of Assets: This makes sure of the optimum usage of the available assets. This makes
sure that no asset is either over utilized or underutilized.

e. Curbing Unwanted Movement: This is to make sure that the vehicles follow the mapped direction. This
also helps in case of a breakdown or a deviation of route. This is again achieved with the help of GPS.

2. Private Transportation

IOT in the sphere of private vehicle domain has also played a key role in making our every day, not
only a lot safer but also a lot easier.

Vehicle Ownership: Redefined

Companies such as MG(Hector) and Hyundai (Venue) have come up with the concept of connected vehicle
ownership. Now an owner is able to interact with the car. From turning on the ignition, air conditioner or
immobilizing the vehicle in case it gets stolen, the experience has come a long way. Today it is possible to
put the vehicle in autopilot in cruise mode. Safety have also increased leaps and bounds with lane change
notifications, auto breaking and maintaining constant speed without a foot in the pedals. It is also possible
to use voice commands with the help of android auto and mirror link, with no need to take the hands off
the wheel. It also gives service reminders and able to self-diagnose the car. With all these, owing a car has
become a breeze.

3. Overall Vehicle Management

This has helped the road authorities to curb the menace of traffic congestion. It is possible to get an idea
of the places of traffic congestions without being physically present and take the necessary steps.

Collision avoidance systems are gradually making their way in private vehicles. This makes sure that all the
vehicles maintain a safe distance and collisions never occur. This system is implemented by proximity
sensors which can detect distance between two objects. It also warns the driver about the speed limit of
different roads and warns him in case of over speeding.


The manufacturing industry is blooming with IOT usage. Almost all of the establishments under
manufacturing have started using IOT at one level or another. With automation continuously expanding
at rapid rate IOT is only going to increase it's footprint. Managers are using IOT in various sectors to ease
opertaions, sectors such as supply chain and production are making the most out of IOT.

Internet of Things in manufacturing – source Verizon 2016

Manufacturing has a history of being a workforce dominant sector but that is changing in this era. The idea
of manufacturing is quite clear: Managers will make investment in technology and technology will pay
them in the long run because machines don’t make mistakes, they don’t take leaves neither they have
breaks nor they have sick days thus offering a reliable solution to improve efficiency. Let’s took a look at
three ways manufacturing is using IOT.

1.Tracking of work in progress

For manufacturing units that deal in complex and big operations such as as the airline manufacturing it
gets quite hard to keep track of work in progress which can result in delays ultimately creating a loss for
the company. This is where IOT comes in handy if you use tracking technology it can help avoid misplacing
parts or losing it.

2.Tracking tools and fixtures

Now a day’s companies rely on some expensive tools for their day to day operations and misplacing these
tools can result in delay in work line, which will ultimately cause delay in timeline causing incomplete
projects. Having technology to track these tools will help the organization out of trouble.

3.Cold chain monitoring

IOT uses sensors to monitor any change in the environment these sensors can also record any change in
the temperature which is helpful for firms dealing in cold chain manufacturing.

4. Cost Reduction

Companies are bringing down their operational cost by implementing IOT in their work line by reducing
machine downtime and more efficient energy usage. Energy is a scarce resource so the cost of energy is
only going to go up. technology is each day providing new solution to cut down these costs.

5. Shorter time to market

Efficient manufacturing and supply chain management helps a lot in bringing down the product cycle time
thus giving companies more time to market their products. For instance, Harley-Davidson was able to cut
down the time it takes to produce one bike from 21 days to 6 days by implementing IOT at its New York
manufacturing plant.

6. Safety

IOT allows monitoring workers health which pushes down the risk related to health. Also, the oil and gas
industry for an instance is using IOT to monitor any leakage through pipeline. This helps the companies to
avoid any disaster.


Internet of Things smart home and automation

IOT today has found its use in many fields. One of those many fields is Home Automation.

Home automation is a field that is rapidly growing. They improve the quality of life of people. Not only
does home automation systems provide ease to elderly and disabled people but they also reduce the
human labor in the production of services and

goods. The biggest advantage of home

automation system is that it can be managed and controlled

easily from a number of devices such as smartphones, tablet,

desktop and laptop. Also, the rapid growth of wireless

technologies enable us to use smartphones to remotely

access and monitor the home appliances from anywhere in the world. Here are some of the ways by which
we can use home automation systems.




There are applications which help us connect to the network so that the authorized users can adjust the
setting of system on their personal devices. Some of the common features of home automation are

1.Appliance control

2.Thermostat control,

3.Remote control lighting

4.Live video surveillance

5.Monitoring a security camera

6.Real time text alerts

Here are two examples of types of Home Automations

• Bluetooth based home automation system

• Voice Controlled home automation system

Areas of Improvement:
1) Security

One of the greatest challenges that IoT faces is the menace of cyber-attacks and the threat to all
interconnected devices if IOT is compromised. Though it is a boon that IOT connects almost all available
devices to us but the same interconnectivity can also serve as a disadvantage if the IOT is compromised.
Security threats also include Artificial Intelligence based services as malware and viruses are now
becoming better at evading detection.

2) Privacy- The personal data of the users is highly vulnerable to risks to hackers and other malwares even
without active participation of the user.

3) Complexity- IOT includes various complex technologies working simultaneously in a particular system.
The complexity is based on development, design and maintenance. Which becomes cumbersome for

4) Flexibility- Many users find IOT to be very rigid. Since it requires various different technologies to be
integrated, but the main difficulty arise when these technologies does not collaborate with each other.

1) It is highly recommended to secure devices connected over internet with sophisticated
authentication programs.

2) Periodic updated be run over devices connected over Internet.

3) Employing a common Operating system is always beneficial because of the consistent user
experience it can provide.

4) Minimum personal data to be stored over the devices.

5) It is highly recommended to not allow the devices being accessed only by anyone other than the


Through this report, we have tried to highlight the importance and applications of IOT into various sectors
and the great amount of human effort that has been saved.

It is in the interests of the researches to extrapolate the results that have been deployed successfully into
several other sectors.

IOT has invaded in all spheres of life. It is being associated with our everyday life and has become a
significant part of our life style. From setting the room temperature in our home before we return to
complete driverless cars, our life and how we have perceived things so far, is fast changing. It has shown
us comforts that we never even imagined to be possible. This rapid evolution is helping us to negate human
errors and automation is the new common buzzword. It has opened doors to new possibilities and
challenged some long prevalent notions.

It is possible to track movement of vehicles, maintain their health, avoid traffic congestions and disasters.

It is possible to adjust the room temperature or for instance, turn off the lights and fan while being away
from home. We can even ask SIRI or ALEXA to prepare our shopping list or set a timer for us.

It is possible to keep track of inventory stocks without manual intervention or keep track of their shelf life.
It can also be determined what product spends how much time on the shelf and hence the product can
be positioned accordingly

It is possible to monitor the input and output in the manufacturing industry. It ensures that the production
and assembly line functions properly. Any issues are addressed, detected and fixed mostly without manual

It is possible to predict rain and the weather and adjust the ways of farming accordingly. It states what
crops to produce in which season. Unnecessary wastage is reduced immensely.

With IOT flexing its muscles in all spheres in our everyday life, it is setting a life changing experience for
us, for the better. It is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. With new sensors cropping up
and implementation getting better by the day, we are all set for a world changing experience.



• of Things.





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