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International Technical Support Organization

Introduction to JavaServer Faces (JSF) Development

IBM eServer iSeries
the power of one ITSO Technical Forum 2005

Elena Lowery, IBM Corporation

International Technical Support Organization

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▪ Brief History of Dynamic Web Application Development
▪ JavaServer Faces Overview
▪ JavaServer Faces Development Tools
▪ Integration with iSeries applications and data
▪ Getting Started with JSF Development

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History of Dynamic Web Application Development

▪ Perl / CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
▪ Servlet API
▪ JavaServer Pages
▪ Web Development Frameworks

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Perl / CGI
▪ HTTP Request/Response model
▪ CGI bin runs in HTTP Server
▪ Drawbacks
– Performance compared to other Web technologies
– Scalability
– Difficult to maintain
– No built-in session management

Browser HTTP Server

CGI Script Database
CGI Script

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Perl / CGI Sample code

HTML is embedded
in CGI Script

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Servlet API
▪ Simplified Web application development compared to Perl/CGI
– Session Object
– Request/Response Objects
▪ Improved performance and scalability
– Once Servlet is Loaded it Remains in Memory
– Multiple Concurrent Requests Handled by Separate Threads
▪ Added functionality:
– Full Arsenal of Java APIs
• Runs in middleware (for example, WebSphere Application
Server) and that further improves manageability, performance
and scalability
• Tools (for example, WebSphere Studio) simplify development

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Servlet API
▪ Drawbacks
– Maintenance problems similar to Perl/CGI: HTML is embedded in servlet

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Servlet API
▪ Drawbacks
– JavaScript: complexity, portability between browsers and maintenance

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JavaServer Pages
▪ Better architecture
– Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern: separation of presentation and business
– Code reuse
– Easier to maintain

View Controller Model


JSP Servlet

Web Service

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JavaServer Pages
▪ JSP Phase 1
– Instead of HTML inside Java – Java Inside HTML
– JSPs compiled into servlets

▪ JSP Phase 2
– Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
– Custom Tag Libraries

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JSP and Struts

▪ Struts is Open Source implementation of the MVC design pattern
▪ Struts is implemented as a set of Java classes and JSP tag libraries
▪ Struts helps manage Web application development and maintenance and
speeds up development cycle

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Web Application Development

JSP/servlet programming model is a proven and mature Web application development
technology. Why do we need another technology for developing Web applications?

▪ Up to date, Java Web technologies have been known for:

– Portability
– Scalability
– Flexibility
– Used for building large enterprise solutions

▪ But not
– Rapid Application Development (RAD)
– Short learning curve
– Used for building SMB solutions

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JSF Overview

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JavaServer Faces – Overview

▪ JavaServer Faces (JSF) Technology is a framework for
building Web applications
▪ JSF is an evolutional step in Web application frameworks
development, it builds on Servlet API and JSPs
▪ JSF is a framework, it does not provide tools for
development – it’s up to the tool vendor to provide JSF
development environment
▪ JSF is an open standard: JSR127

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JavaServer Faces - Overview

▪ JSF Goals
–Make J2EE Web application development RAD
• Drag and drop components
• Event driven model
• Eliminate a great deal of hand coding
–Make it easy to integrate with data sources
–Make is easy for non-J2EE programmers

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JavaServer Faces - Overview

▪ From the technology perspective JSF is a framework for
building Web applications
– Extends Servlet/JSF development model
– Simplifies Web application development
▪ IBM tools provide code generator functionality for JSF

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Developing JSF Applications

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JSF Development Tools

▪ IBM JSF Development Tools
– Rational Development V6 Tools
• Rational Application Developer
• Rational Web Developer
• Rational Software Architect
– WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries V6 or

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Developing JSF Applications

▪ Designing JSF applications
– Follow Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern
• Model (business logic): JavaBeans, EJBs or Web Services
• View (user interface): JSPs with JSF components
• Controller: no programming required, JSF framework implements the controller

– Access iSeries programs, functions and data in the “Model” part of the application

View Controller Model



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Accessing iSeries Applications and Data from JSF

▪ RPG/COBOL application requirements
– ILE RPG or COBOL applications that have been written in an “API” format
• Input and output parameters
• Stateless
• No presentation logic

– Use IBM Toolbox for Java API to access iSeries applications and data

View Controller Model

Servlet Toolbox
for Java iSeries


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IBM Toolbox for Java

▪ IBM Toolbox for Java: a setup of Java APIs for accessing
iSeries applications, functions, and data
▪ Most frequently used Toolbox APIs for Java and iSeries integration
– Database access via JDBC
– Command Call: invoke any non-interactive iSeries command
– Program Call: invoke an iSeries program
– Data Queues: asynchronous (messaging) communication between Java and
iSeries programs

▪ More information:

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JSF Development
▪ Once business logic is developed, we can start developing JSFs
▪ Development steps:
1. Create a JSF
2. Add JSF components
3. Configure JSF components (properties, validation, binding)
4. Configure Web application navigation

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JSF Development: Tools

▪ Use the Palette View to add JSF
– Input boxes, output fields, buttons, combo
boxes, radio buttons, etc.

▪ Most of these components exist in HTML, so

what’s different about them?
– JSF components have properties, respond to
events, have pre-defined behavior and can be
bound to business logic

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JSF Development: Properties

▪ JSF Component properties
– Things that describe a component: id, format, value, and others
– JSF provides automatic validation based on the selected format and other properties
(for example, required)
– Also called Attributes
▪ How do JSF component Properties simplify Web application development?
– Developers don’t have to write code for formatting and validation, which in regular
application development is done in JavaScript

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JSF Development: Binding

▪ Binding
– Attach a value of a JSF component (usually an input field or an output field) with
a request
– Purpose: capture input values for processing and display output values that are
the result business logic execution
– Specified in the Value property the Properties View

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JSF Development: Binding

▪ How does Binding simplify Web application development?
– In regular Web application development we have to write code to capture input
field and display results of business logic execution
– In our experience - 10 to 20 lines of code per field in regular Web application
– In JSF, this is done through configuration

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JSF Development: Events

▪ Events are common in desktop applications programming, but not in Web
▪ Traditional Web applications implement the Request/Response model
▪ JSF applications are Web application, but in addition to the JDBC
Request/Response model, they implement the event model JDO
▪ In JSF, an event is tied to a component DOM
▪ Types of JSF component events SAX
– Action event (example: click a button or a hyperlink) JAX-RPC
– Value changed event (example: select a value in a drop down)


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JSF Development: Events

▪ How does the JSF Event model simplify Web application development?
– More intuitive development environment: some code needs to be executed
when a button is clicked. In a regular Web application this code had to be
written manually by submitting a Request
– Configured through Properties and Quick Edit views in RAD
– Example of an action that’s configured (vs. coded): Navigation from page to
– In regular application development this task is implemented by an
experienced Java/Web programmer

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JSF Development: Events

▪ How does the JSF Event model simplify Web application development?
– Allows to focus on writing business logic, not figuring out how to wire the
components together
– Select a component, and write business logic for event associated with it
– In regular Web application programming this is a manual step requiring
JavaScript and request handling

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JSF Development: Comparing to JSP/Servlet Development

▪ Simple Web application: perform a search based on values provided

by a user and display results in a table format

▪ JSP/Servlet development:
– 2-3 hours development time
– Approximately 200 lines of code
▪ JSF development
– 30 min
– No code, just drag/drop and configuration

▪ Demo: guess which application is written with JSF

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JSF Development: Development Steps

▪ Typical JSF Development Steps
1. Implement business logic in JavaBeans, EJBs or Web Services
2. Create JSF JSPs: mostly drag and drop
3. Configure field properties
4. Map JSF fields and actions to business logic

▪ Typical JSP/Servlet Web Application Development Steps

1. Implement business logic in JavaBeans, EJBs or Web Services
2. Create JSPs: mostly manual coding
3. Create Servlets
4. Write code to process JSP requests
5. Write code to validate field data

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JSF Development Demo

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JSF Development: What happens behind the scenes

▪ RAD tool generates code based on properties and configuration

parameters specified by the developer
▪ JSF application is a Web application based on Servlet/JSP model, it is
helpful to understand JSP and Servlet programming concepts, but it’s
not required
▪ The generated source code can be modified
▪ Each JSF becomes a Java class
▪ Configuration information is stored in an XML file: faces-config.xml

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Service Data Objects (SDO)

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JSF Development: Service Data Objects (SDO)

▪ Service Data Objects (SDO): data programming architecture and API that
unifies programming across data source types and simplifies data query,
update and introspection from Java applications
▪ Formerly knows as Web Data Objects (WDO)
▪ IBM Rational Application Developer and WebSphere Studio Tools provide
support for SDO

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JSF Development: Service Data Objects (SDO)

▪ SDO components in Rational Tools and WDSC:
– Relational Record component: display, create,
update single records from a JSF
– Relational Record List component: display multiple
records in a JSF
– Other ERP components (SAP, Siebel)
▪ How it works:
1. Drag and drop components from the Palette View to
2. Configure connection properties
3. Select fields to display
4. Add conditions

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JSF and iSeries Integration

▪ iSeries Data Integration
– Use SDOs
– Integration with iSeries is the same as integration with
other data sources
– Use Toolbox JDBC driver for database connection during
– Use Native JDBC driver if WebSphere Application Server
(JSF runtime environment) and database are on the same

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JSF Development: Service Data Objects (SDO)

▪ Relational Record List Sample Configuration

JSP Output

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JSF Development: Service Data Objects (SDO)

▪ How does SDO technology simplify Web application
– Create applications that display, insert and update records without
writing Java code
– In regular Web application development this is a intermediate to
advanced programming task that requires knowledge of JSPs,

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Demo: Relational Record List

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Why Use JSF for Web Application Development

▪ Why choose JSF:
– Simplified Web Application Development
– Less development time
– Increased productivity
– Shorter learning curve

▪ Things to consider when developing JSF applications

– JSF is an evolving standard
– Dependency on JSF Tools
– Less flexibility with generated code

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Deploying JSF and SDO Applications

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JSF and SDO Application Deployment

▪ JSF and SDO applications are fully supported in
WebSphere Application Server V6
▪ JSF and SDO applications are supported in WebSphere
Application Server V5.1 as a Technology Preview
▪ Applications are deployed as regular EAR files, no
additional configuration is required

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Getting Started with JSF Development

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Getting Started with JSF Development

▪ Find the right skills:
– Java programmers: beginner and intermediate
– Web application architects
– RPG programmers (if integrating with iSeries applications)

Skill Skill Level Required/Optional

Web Application Development 2 Required
Java 3 Required
JSP/Servlet API Optional
Rational or WebSphere Studio 3 Required
Modular RPG Application 4 Required
DB2 for iSeries Optional

1 – Beginner, 5 - Advanced

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Getting Started with Toolbox Development: Education

▪ Java programmers
– JSF Redbook: WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 JavaServer Faces and
Service Data Objects (SG24-6361-00)
– IBM developerWorks Web site:
– Learn how to use WDSC and Rational wizards for JSF development
– Review IBM Java Toolbox Programmer’s Guide
– Learn how to use WDSC wizards for Java Toolbox classes

▪ RPG programmers
– Learn how to write modular stateless code
– Learn how to use WDSC for RPG development

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Questions and Answers

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Trademarks and Disclaimers

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