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Some foods are exceptional sources of natural chemicals that have the
capacity to interfere with the processes associated with the development of
cancer. The therapeutic properties of these foods are similar to those of
pharmaceutical drugs, except that they are non toxic and natural, thus the
term ‘Nutraceutical’. The list of food with anti-cancer properties shortlisted
here are limited to those that had been extensively studied. A lot of locally
grown fruits and vegetables contained anti-cancer properties too except they
are not being extensively studied. Hence, do include these local traditional
food and fruits in your diet.



Extensive scientific studies have been carried out to identify the agents or
chemicals that are nontoxic but at the same time can delay or halt the onset and/or
progression of cancers.
Please note that this study only shows what various vegetable extracts did in terms
of inhibition of cancer growth when applied directly to cancer cells. It does not take
into account the role of our innate and adaptive immune system that supports the
body’s ability to detoxify and heal. The list above is not exhaustive. For example,
carrots did not feature in the list but is an excellent source of antioxidants and plays
an important role in cancer treatment.



 Blocking the promotion (proliferation) and progression of tumour cells3

Curcumin, EGCG, Genistein, Resveratrol, Lycopene, Anthocyanins, Quercetin,

Ellagic acid, Limonene, Procyanidins, Omega –3 fatty acid4
Source: Green tea, apples, citrus fruits, grapes and berries and the vegetables as
listed in table abive.

 Blocking Carcinogen action thereby protecting cell’s DNA3

Sulforaphane, Indole-3-carbinol, Diallyl sulfide, Ellagic acid and Limonene

Source: Apples, citrus fruits, grapes and berries and the vegetables as listed in
table above.

 Induce ‘apoptosis’ or cell death 3

Curcumin, EGCG, Vit. D, Resveratrol, Ellagic acid, Anthrocyanins,
proanthocyanidins, Luteolin, Lentinan, Beta Glucan
Source: Tumeric, soya 1, cruciferous vegetables, garlic and onions, grapes and
mushroom 2 .

 Interfere with angiogenesis (blood vessel growth)3

Curcumin, EGCG, Vit. D, Resveratrol, Ellagic acid, Anthocyanins

Sources: Green tea, turmeric, soy, grapes and berries, Omega 34

 Boost the immune system3

Curcumin, EGCG, Resveratrol, proanthocyanidins , Lentinan, Beta Glucan,

Isoflavones, Limonene
Sources: Tumeric, Green tea, Grapes, Citrus fruits, Omega 34, mushrooms 2 and

1. On soya — please refer to section 13 for further readings on the controversies

on soya.
2. Mushrooms — Reishi, Maitake, shiitake, cordyceps and Tremella varieties
3. All the food as listed in A and B from table above are capable of carrying out
the functions as listed in I—V.
4. Sources of Omega 3 fatty acids—Chia seeds, flax seeds, fishes, walnuts, eggs

This is yet another tool that you can use as means of protecting yourself from
cancer as well as interfering with the cancer growth. The strategy here is to fight
the development of cancer through diet using the ‘anticancer’ molecules present in
certain foods as weapons. This non-toxic version of chemotherapy is harmless to
normal cells while at the same time targets and kills cancer cells. Table below
shows some of the natural anticancer chemicals found in food
These are foods that are found to have ‘anticancer’ properties. Here are a short
list of 13 superfoods that you must add to your daily diet to help you in your
prevention and treatment of cancer.

1. Allium family — include garlic, onion (yellow, green and purple), shallots,
leeks, scallions and chives.
2. Cruciferous vegetables — include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (white,
green and purple), curly cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, turnips,
bok choy, arugula, horseradish and watercress.
3. Green tea
4. Citrus fruits — include Orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine,
5. Tumeric
6. Dark chocolate (>70% cocoa)
7. Berries — include strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, mulberries and goji
8. Grapes
9. Mushrooms — Shiitake, Oyster, Reishi, Maitake
10. Ginger
11. Tomatoes
12. Omega 3 fatty acids— Fish source such as Sardine, mackerel, salmon and
anchovies, nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds and walnuts
13. Seaweeds

To overcome cancer is simply a conscious decision on your part to carefully
modifying your diet to include foods with these anticancer properties. The aim is
to create an environment that is hostile to tumors and halts the tumor growth. The
regular and continuous consumption of the ‘anti-cancer’ food allows a small
amount of the ‘anticancer’ molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream. It has
the effect of gradually reducing the number of cancer cells while at the same time
interfering with angiogenesis (formation of blood vessels to the tumor mass). It
can also prevent the further development of the miniature tumors that are
apparently lying dormant in the body( Cancer Stem Cells )
The eradication of the tumor may take more time than the chemotherapy, but using
this diet approach is non-toxic to the normal cells. Using the 'natural properties' of
food to overcome has many advantage over using the chemo drugs. Among these
 non toxic
 no side effects (unless consumed in extremely large quantities for example
excessive consumption of tomatoes and carrots can cause your skin and eyes
to become yellow). These effects are cosmetic and does not do any harm.
 by adopting the 'natural chemo' food, you are not only targetting the cancer,
you are also helping in various functions of the body such as boosting the
immune system, increase in oxygenation and etc. Chemotherapy drugs have
only one function and that is to kill the cancer cells.



Adopting a diet high in anti-cancer compounds occurring naturally in food is both

preventive and therapeutic at the same time. By recognizing the healthful benefits
of food ingredients and incorporating these everyday superfoods such as garlic,
cabbage, berries and green teas helps you to fight cancer at the very source of the
disease thereby increasing your chance of preventing and defeating cancer.
Even if there are occasions where conventional therapies are necessary,
integrating these with nutritional therapy may also help to reduce side effects as
well as improve efficacy of the treatment.

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