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Pastor’s Reference Form

To Applicant: please sign this form, relinquishing your right to read this form, thereby giving your referee the
freedom to be as objective as possible. Give it to your best friend to complete and send it to Beacon School, Box
105, Aburi, E/R, Ghana
Your Name:___Desmond Nworji___position Applying For: Math or Science Position
1 The above-named applicant, willingly waive any right I have to read or obtain copies of this recommendation
knowing that this waiver is NOT required as a condition for admission.

Signature: Desmond Nworji Date: 11/08/2019

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The above applicant has applied for a position at Beacon School, an international Christian private school located
on the Akuapem Ridge. Beacon School seeks to employ staff members who are truly reliable, dedicated, and
trustworthy. Serious consideration will be given to your comments; therefore we ask that you complete this form
objectively, knowing that our decisions will not solely be based on your assessment of the applicant. Please
complete all questions.

We may contact you for further clarification. Thank you for your assistance.


1. How well do you know the applicant closely? Acquaintances _______ Casually__X____

2. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

I have known his mother since the year 2010. It was through his mother who attends service anytime she
visits my ministry for prayers that I have known the applicant and other members of his family. They live
in Cote d’Ivoire. Therefore, anytime they pay a visit to Nigeria, my ministry is their lieu to worship God. I
am his friend and pastor. He recently came to Nigeria, and my ministry is his frequent terrain to pray. I
recently ordained him as my assistant pastor. He is a good and very intelligent person. He rarely keeps
friends. He explained to me the need for me to reference his application somewhere in Ghana. That is the
reason I decided to stand for him in both spaces of friend reference and pastor reference. Thanks and
God bless you!!!

3 Please tick the appropriate boxes below and give us your comments:
Superiority Above Average Average Below Average Inferior
Initiative X
Concern for X
Social X
Ability to Follow X
Leadership X
Decision-Making X
Emotional X
Health X
Personal X

Comment:__He is a cool person and very open-minded. He has little attention on his personal
appearance. He dresses moderately. He is a very simple being. He is not into social activity. He possesses a
strong initiative for high leadership skills+. He is a person of principle and loves translucency in everything.

4 Please tick the appropriate boxes and give us your comments:

Mental Ability Quick to comprehend X Average Slow

Industry Hard worker X Average Lacks persistence
Reliability Meets obligation X Average Neglects obligation
Cooperativeness Works well with others Average Avoids group activity X
Flexibility Open to change Average X Unyielding
Christian Character Well balanced X Average Unstable
Disposition Cheerful Average X Passive
Punctuality Punctual X Average Often late
Financial Responsibility Honors obligation X Average Neglectful

Comment: he is a hardworking and very much responsible when it comes to financial aspect of life. He is
sometimes cheerful. That is, when things are working out fine, he is happy, on the contrary, when there is failure
on his expectations, he becomes unhappy. But that cannot turn him off his good mood. He lives a life almost what
is termed Christ-like. But you may not notice outwardly. He does not like people to know that he is deep-rooted
into Christ in order to avoid temptations and problems. He could be staring at you while he is praying. He has the
capacity to see visions or revelations. Like I said, He is deep into Christ with a die-hard covenant. In terms of
comprehension, he understands things fast. He is naturally a loner who likes to be him. He has no person he can
call friend and that has affected his ability to work as a team with others. In terms of punctuality, he takes his work
as a wife/.

5 What do you appreciate most about the applicant as a friend?

He is a hardworking person and believes in himself.

6 Does s/he display high moral standards? Y/N Please explain

Yes, he does. His is very straight-forward and transparent.

7 What character traits does the applicant possess that enhanced his/ her interpersonal relationships? Please

The character trait that got me close to him is his genuine interpersonal relationship with God.
8 Which of the areas of the applicant’s personality would s/he need to improve in order to work more
effectively in Beacon School?

For me, I think he needs to improve himself to get adapted to working with a team.

9 Overall, what do you consider to be the applicant’s strong points (Include special abilities)

He is very much intelligent and quick to learn. I admire his leadership skills. He is very eloquent with very nice
accent.. Also, his abilities to speak more foreign languages.

10 What do you consider to be the applicant’s greatest weakness?

He has hard time adapting to make new friends and working with a team. I pray the Lord grants him the zeal to
outburst that challenge.

11 Please comment on the applicant’s family background:

I am not too familiar with his father. Like I said before, I have known his mother since the year 2010. That was the
first time she visited my ministry.

12 Please add my remarks you believe are relevant for us to be aware of, being it their medical/ psychological
conditions, or drugs and alcohol abuse the past:

Since I have known him, I have never observed any abuse be it alcohol or drugs. He is a responsible person.

13 Would you recommend that the applicant be accepted to work with children at Beacon School?

Unreservedly, Yes_X___ Yes with some reservations____Just No_____

Please explain: I ticked ‘unreservedly yes,’ because I trust him. Besides, according to him, he had taught children in
the past and had no problems. He is simply a good person.

I have known Desmond Nworji___________for several years, and believe that s/he the processes the qualities
indicated above.

Name: Pastor James Nwachukwu____________Signature___Pastor James Nwachukwu____

Occupation___Pastor _________Phone Number__+234-90-6075-2491

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