Applied Brand Management - Lecture Notes

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Applied Brand management – lecture – week 1 – notes.

what is a brand?
- type of personality.
- representation of the company.
- A brand is something that identifies, the company product or services.
- A brand is a name of a symbol that differentiates something from competitors.
- something you could associate something with.

History of brands and branding

-key function for branding is to differentiate.

-branding became functionally differentiated.

- Representation.

key function for branding is differentiation.

History of brands and branding:

example 1: The egg that broke the internet:
- Eugene the egg.
-world’s most famous egg.
- Received 8.2 million followers, on Instagram.
How did Eugene the egg become so famous?
Somebody/ an individual created a challenge, prior to this the record to the picture with the
most likes on Instagram belong to kylie Jenner, so somebody wanted to prove that anybody
or anything can become something or a somebody, so they thought lets upload an egg that
has no name, no gender, no status, no identity, no personality, how about we all collectively
come together and make this egg the worlds most famous egg, how about we get this egg
to get the most likes that it’ll break Kylie Jenner’s record of number of likes, people were
like yeah let’s do this, the egg received over 53million like 3x as much as Kylie Jenner, since
then the egg became famous. People could be sharing this around which will result in the
many likes or followers. Cultural movement to prove a point.

History of brands:
Example 2: BRAND: old Norse Brander= ‘ fire sword blade’
people wanted to find a way at a matter of law in human society to identify the private
ownership of peoples property so that the only way I can accuse you of stealing my goods or
stealing my cow is to show that it is my cow. Fundamental reason why it was good for
people to identify what is yours/there’s. For example that is why when your parents give
you names and provide a last name in it to show that you are their authorisation. Brandr =
to identify the livestock or property of another person. The key function of branding is to
identify and differentiate the goods or position of another person.
key function for branding is differentiation.
Example 3: Industrial Revolution (1700-1900)
The industrial revolution, now also known as the first industrial revolution, was the
transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States from1700-1900.
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s,
manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using hand tools or basic
machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery,
factories and mass production. To differentiate stock for example labelling that this
particular drink belongs to this person/brand/company. In the beginning of the
industrial revolution individuals were handmaking stock.

- Gradually goods and services were becoming more available in 1900-1940’s.
- Paying your workers enough so you will be able to buy what you like.
- Product related differentiation.
- People finding ways to make better product.

Old vegemite ad: 1900-1940.

- old vegemite, the food with vitamins, improves the appetite and makes all other foods
good. Goes on and talks about how it makes adults strong and healthy.

Back in world war 2: 1939-1945

- In this war, in our eyes, Germany in our eyes and Italy in our eyes, who is on the side of
wrong and who is on the side of right?
- How do you convince young men to be in a war?
- Advertising a demanding poster saying; I want you to come fight for me.
Nothing to do with the real reason or horror of war.

Post-world war 2 (1946-1970)

- don’t have to differentiate product needs anymore, competition is so tense, now we can
tell stories.
- For example; commercial don’t worry darling you didn’t burn the beer!, portraying that
both genders can now enjoy beer.
- A house wife at the time, norms of the time, man working , man coming to have
dinner ready to enjoy.

Dove real beauty campaign- Y2K – Present

- showing women of all sizes, colour, age and ethnicity are the same and all beautiful.

Brand definition: 2
A brand is a customer experience represented by a collection of images and ideas; often,
it refers to a symbol such as a name, logo, slogan and design scheme. Brand recognition
and other reactions are created by the accumulation of experiences with the specific
product or service, both directly relating to its use, and through the influence of
advertising design, and media commentary.”
- American Marketing Association.
Brand definition: 3
What distinguishes a brand from an unbranded commodity counterpart and gives it its
equity is the sum of total consumers’ perceptions and feelings about the product’s
attributes, about how it performs, about the brand name, and about the company
associated with producing it.”
- Al Achenbaum.

Brand definition: 4
A brand is simply a story attached to a manufactured object.
- James Twitchell.

Brand definition: 5
A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to
do hard things well.

Importance of a brand:
Importance to the consumer?
- Sign, symbol.
- Search cost.
- Decision cost.

For the firm?

- Profitability (value)
- Competition.

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