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Designing Form-Active Portable Shelters

Parametric Frameworks for Small-Scale Equilibrium Structures

MSc Architecture Thesis by Sarah J. Roberts

January 2014, Delft University of Technology

Contact Information
Name: Sarah Jean Roberts
Address: Oostplein 1, 2628 EE Delft
Telephone No. +31 (0) 618083641

University Information
TU Delft Student No. 4259769
Faculty: TU Delft Faculty of Architecture
Department: Architectural Engineering
Studio: MSc 3/4 Graduate Studio 11
Advisors: Moritz Fleischmann, Tjalling Homans, Martijn Stellingwerff
Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 2

In a time of rapid population This research aims to test Key Words

growth and climate change, tempo- computational parametric tools in
rary structures offer certain advan- aiding certain aspects of the de- Temporary Architecture, Portable
tages over longer-lived architecture. sign process for lightweight por- Shelter, Equilibrium Structure,
Portable shelters, for instance, pres- table shelters. More specifically, it Form-Active System, Form-Find-
ent a type of temporary architecture evaluates the capacities of a certain ing, Spring-Based Particle System,
that is lightweight, easily assembled, spring-based particle system Kanga- Parametric Design, Kangaroo for
and quickly relocated. Such a shelter roo for Grasshopper (a plug-in for Rhi- Grasshopper, Materiality, Cutting
whose shape is defined by its own noceros) in the design of small-scale Pattern.
figure of equilibrium under applied form-active structures. A simplified
loads can be classified as a form-active two-pole tent provides a case study
structure [1]. for the research.

Due to this trait, form-ac- The form-finding process

tive structures are notably difficult is the primary focus; the fabrication
to design and model; often their ge- process is the secondary focus, in-
ometry must be form-found. Before cluding possible methods for select-
computers, this required a laborious ing materials and generating cutting
trial-and-error process with physical patterns. Most methods can be im-
modeling [2]. Nonetheless, form-ac- plemented with basic knowledge of
tive structures are prevalent in ver- math, physics, or coding. Strengths
nacular and high-tech architecture and weaknesses of Kangaroo are
due to their ability to conserve ma- identified, and inherent differences
terial by exploiting their own inher- between idealized models and phys-
ent bending and tensile properties. ical reality are noted. Alternative de-
sign methods are suggested where
applicable. Finally, possibilities for
further research are presented.

3 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 4

1 Background........................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Introduction + Relevance........................................................................................................................6
1.1.1 Temporary Architecture...........................................................................................................6
1.1.2 Portable Shelters........................................................................................................................7
1.1.3 Form-Active Systems................................................................................................................7
1.2 Problem Statement..................................................................................................................................8
1.3 Research Questions..................................................................................................................................9
1.4 Research Objectives.................................................................................................................................9
2 Research Methods and Results........................................................................................ 10
2.1 Research Framework.............................................................................................................................10
2.1.1 Overview...................................................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Case Study: Tent......................................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Research Scope + Limitations...............................................................................................10
2.2 Methods: Form-Finding........................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Form-Finding Methods..........................................................................................................12
2.3 Methods: Fabrication............................................................................................................................20
2.3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................20
2.3.2 Possible Methods: Material Selection...................................................................................20
2.3.3 Possible Methods: Cutting Patterns......................................................................................24
3 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Main Conclusions.................................................................................................................................26
3.1.1 Parametric Tools......................................................................................................................26
3.1.2 Form-Finding...........................................................................................................................26
3.1.3 Materiality, Cutting Patterns, and Nesting...........................................................................27
3.2 Reflection..............................................................................................................................................27
3.3 Further Research...................................................................................................................................29
4 List of Figures.................................................................................................................. 32
5 List of References............................................................................................................ 34
6 Acknowledgements.......................................................................................................... 37

5 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014


Temporary Architecture

1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3.

1 Background This is because long-lived Today temporary architec-

buildings see immense transforma- ture constitutes a relatively inexpen-
tion of their social, political, and sive, environmentally benign alter-
1.1 Introduction economic contexts. The environ- native to more lasting forms of new
mental toll, high expense for con- construction. Impermanent struc-
1.1.1 Temporary Architecture struction and maintenance, and tures also provide opportunities to
general dysfunction of long-lasting examine social behaviors, test new
Successful architecture should architecture all increase global de- materials and technologies, and in-
accommodate humanity in all its mand for more transient designs. form our future built environment
evolutionary transformations. In a As more permanent architecture is (Fig. 1.1.2).
time of rapid population growth increasingly demolished and aban-
and climate change, the value of doned, perhaps a turn to more tem-
longer-lived architecture becomes porary architecture is in order [4].
questionable [3]. Humans have at-
tempted to use architecture as a Due to its ability to flexibly
tool to attain immortality since an- handle environmental and social
tiquity. Monuments freeze legacies changes, temporary architecture pe-
in travertine and bronze, aiming to riodically reemerges as a trend. Pro-
commemorate public figures and visional architecture has been con-
legendary warriors (Fig. 1.1.1). Al- structed since antiquity as makeshift
though monuments are engineered shelter from climatic and predatory
to counteract their inevitable disin- threats.
tegration, architectural permanence
is an impossible undertaking.

Figure 1.1.1. (2010) Altare della Patria. Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II.
Figure 1.1.2. Asal, Berk. (2010) Spacebuster. A mobile inflatable public space designed for New York City.
Figure 1.1.3. Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Examples of Traditional Portable Shelters: North American Tipi, Bedouin Nomadic Tent, Asian Yurt.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 6

Portable Shelters
Form-Active Systems

1.1.4. 1.1.5. 1.1.6.

1.1.2 Portable Shelters They are also used to flex- Bending-Active Systems
ibly handle modern-day threats,
Portable shelters are one including climatic fluctuations and A class of form-active sys-
type of temporary architecture built extreme environments (Fig. 1.1.5). tem whose geometry is based on
since the start of humankind. They The common tent is a ubiquitous the elastic deformation of initially
are typically lightweight and deploy- type of portable shelter; it provides planar elements can be classified as
able with a relatively short lifespan. a key case study for this research. a bending-active system [7]. Bending-ac-
They are also easily assembled, dis- tive structures rely on pre-stressed
assembled, and transported. Com- singly or doubly curved units for
mon vernacular portable shelters 1.1.3 Form-Active Systems stability and strength. (Pre-stress in-
include tents, tipis, and yurts (Fig. volves the intentional introduction
1.1.3). Many portable shelters qual- of stress into a structure to improve
These vernacular shelters ify as form-active systems, or systems its performance [8]). Bending-active
resurface in contemporary architec- in which the envelope has nota- structures (including tents) have the
tural practice, especially when envi- ble structural capacities. As stated power to integrate their geometry,
ronmental, social, and economical by Moritz Fleischmann and Julian structural system, and envelope in a
circumstances demand alternatives Lienhard, form-active structures single functioning entity (Fig. 1.1.7).
for human survival (Fig. 1.1.4) [5]. enable a high level of integration
in long-spanning and lightweight
Portable shelters also de- structures [1]. Many portable shel-
part from their vernacular roots, ap- ters made of stretched cloth, cords,
pearing in high-tech modern forms. and poles – such as tents – fall un-
Contemporary deployable models der the form-active class. Such shel-
are often flat packable and conserve ters are the focus of this research
material through prefabrication [6]. (Fig. 1.1.6).
These makeshift structures are of-
ten used for recreational purposes.

Figure 1.1.4. (2007) Yurt with the Gurvansaikhan Mountains, Mongolia.

Figure 1.1.5. (2014) DRASH™ S Series Shelter. Portable military tent.
Figure 1.1.6. Stuttgart ICD/ITKE. (2010) Textile Hybrid M1. Hybrid tension-active/bending-active (form-active) system.

7 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014


Problem Statement

1.1.7. 1.1.8. 1.2.1.

Tension-Active Systems 1.2 Problem Statement Rudimentary approximations for

the design of tension-active struc-
Another class of form-active As previously stated, the de- tures were first modeled in the
system whose tensile forces define sign process for form-active struc- 1970’s with soap films (Fig. 1.2.1). A
its shape is known as a tension-active tures is complex. The codependent minimal surface, defined as a surface
system. Structures in this class typi- interaction of geometry and force with the smallest possible area, is
cally include a surface membrane is a unique characteristic of mem- always formed by a soap-film with-
exclusively carrying tensile forc- brane structures; it demands close in a set of defined boundaries. A
es [8]. The lightweight membrane collaboration between architect and uniformly pre-stressed membrane
is pre-stressed to eliminate com- engineer. This is unlike traditional structure naturally follows the shape
pressive forces with supporting el- design processes, wherein the archi- of a minimal surface [11].
ements, such as masts or beams. tect largely conceptualizes the shape Before computers, design-
Thus a stable state of equilibrium of a building before the engineer ers constructed physical models to
can be attained, despite outer loads calculates how the structure can be determine the shape of equilibri-
(i.e. dead load, wind, or snow). built [9]. um structures. One such example
is Gaudi’s tension-only freely hang-
Tents often employ a tensile
In the case of form-active ing catenary cables (Fig. 1.2.2). But
system, wherein ropes and rods pro-
structures, an optimal form us- the continuous construction and
vide pre-tension in the membrane.
ing minimal materials can be de- adjustment of physical models is
Membranes are usually fabricated
termined through form-finding an arduous and time-consuming
from textiles, polymers, or foils,
methods. Through these methods, process. The advancement of tech-
and they often derive their strength
a structure’s form is defined by its nology now allows for digital sim-
from a doubly curved geometry
own shape of equilibrium under ap- ulation and adjustment in real-time.
(Fig. 1.1.8).
plied loads [10]. The resultant ratio- Form-active systems are already de-
nal form, therefore, is not a product signed using computational tools at
of arbitrary aesthetic subjectivities. larger scales, but the application of
parametric methods in the design
of smaller-scale structures (namely
tents) until recently has been nota-
Pavilion 2010.
Figure 1.1.7 Halbe, Roland. (2010) ICD/ITKE Research
bly underdeveloped.
Figure 1.1.8 Mojtahedi, Arad. Munich Olympic Stadium, View from Olympic Tower.
Figure 1.2.1. SL Rasch GmbH. Soap Film Model as a Minimal Surface within a Defined Boundary Geometry.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 8

Research Questions
and Objectives


1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Research Objectives

Primary research questions: The goal of this research was More generally, this article aims
to explore some possible techniques to promote the creation of more
1. How can computational para- for the design of small-scale equi- structurally efficient, aesthetically
metric tools be used in the design librium structures. This comprised beautiful, and financially economic
process for small-scale form-active the implementation and evaluation shelters. The computational meth-
structures? of certain digital tools (namely Kan- ods explored would ideally be paired
2. More specifically, what are the garoo for Grasshopper). Further, it in- with traditional analog techniques to
strengths and weaknesses of Kan- volved the identification of key fac- create customized shelter typologies
garoo for Grasshopper, a plug-in for tors that should be considered in the for a wide range of scenarios. This
Rhinoceros, in the form-finding design process, including the phases might include solutions serving the
process? of form-finding, selecting materials, requirements of different programs,
and generating cutting patterns. The scales, and environmental contexts.
output of this research would ideal- Ultimately, these methods can sup-
Secondary research questions:
ly be useful for designers and indus- port built solutions to flexibly han-
try partners alike, to help guide the dle modern-day threats, including
1. Once form-found, what are some
design and manufacture process of climate fluctuations, environmental
possible methods for the fabrication
portable structures such as tents. extremes, and social upheaval.
of small-scale form-active struc-
2. More specifically, how might Kan-
garoo and Rhinoceros aid in the pro-
cesses of selecting materials and
generating cutting patterns? Which
alternative methods are recom-

Figure 1.2.2. Tomlow, J. (1989) Antoni Gaudis Hangemodell und seine Rekonstruktion.

9 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Research Framework
Case Study: Tent
Research Scope and Limitations


2 Research Methods 2.1.2 Case Study: Tent 2.1.3 Research Scope

and Limitations
and Results The case study selected for
this research is a 2m x 2m tent con- The form-finding phase of
2.1 Research Framework sisting of a single tensioned mem- the design process was the primary
brane supported by two perpen- focus of this research. This phase,
2.1.1 Overview dicular bending poles. Based on a explained previously in section 1.2
Sierra Designs model (Fig. 2.1.1), Problem Statement, comprised the
In order to identify the it is a simplified version of a clas- generation of various equilibrium
strengths and weaknesses of Kan- sic two-pole tent. This typology geometries. Two additional phases
garoo for the design of membrane was chosen for its classic dynamic of the design process were the sec-
shelters (and recommend alterna- of bending and tension forces pres- ondary foci of this research: select-
tives), a framework should first be ent in many portable shelters. Its ing materials and generating cut-
established. The content of this geometry forms the primitive basis ting patterns. The selecting materials
Research Methods + Results section of many popular tent models. For process comprised various attempts
is organized as follows. First, base this study, the tent was modeled in to integrate specific material prop-
conditions for the research are es- abstract terms for basic simulation erties into the design. The generating
tablished (including the focus case with the given functions of Kanga- cutting patterns process involved doc-
study and the target design phases). roo. umenting possible methods for de-
Second, digital form-finding meth- termining 2D cutting patterns from
ods are explained and evaluated in flat membrane material.
parallel with analog methods. Third,
a few methods for selecting materi-
als and generating cutting patterns
are briefly explained for possible fur-
ther research and implementation.

Figure 2.1.1. Roberts, Sarah. (2011) Sierra Designs Tent. Mom and Aunt Sarah camping at Beehive Lake, Idaho, USA.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 10

Methods: Form-Finding


2.2 Methods: Form-Finding Methodology Framework Kangaroo: A Spring-Based

Particle System
2.2.1 Introduction There exist many possible
methods for form-finding. These This research evaluates Kan- Important Factors in
techniques range from traditional garoo, an add-on for the parametric
physical prototyping to computa- design tool Grasshopper. Grasshop-
tional simulations. The methods per works in parallel with the 3D
The following form-finding
attempted here require no exten- modeling software Rhinoceros.
methods were attempted to gener-
sive knowledge of math, physics, Kangaroo allows geometries to be
ate various equilibrium geometries.
or coding. Instead, this approach modeled and optimized in real time,
Form-finding the basic shape of an
focuses on the interactive advantag- simulating basic principles of physi-
equilibrium structure ultimately de-
es of parametric modeling. It aims cal behavior in the digital form-find-
fines many of its functional quali-
to assist the designer in efficiently ing process [12]. The live simulation
ties (Fig 2.2.1). For example, it des-
generating numerous iterations in a can be started and stopped at any
ignates the structure’s dimensions,
short time. The designer can there- specific moment for assessment and
area, and volume, in addition to
by achieve distinct spatial qualities adjustment.
establishing the necessary construc-
for their design with minimal effort
tion, assembly, and deployment
techniques. Further, the form-find-
ing process also largely influences
the experiential qualities of the
final design. This includes how the
space is perceived aesthetically, oc-
cupied, circulated, entered, and exit-

Figure 2.2.1. Simpson, Adam. (2013) Tents.

11 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Form-Finding
Step 1: Construct Base Geometries


Kangaroo is just one of Kangaroo can simulate var- 2.2.2 Form-Finding Methods
several possible approaches using a ious forces (i.e. gravity and spring
spring-based particle system for simula- forces) affecting the particles in the
tion. (Processing, for example, can system. Forces can originate from Step 1: Construct
achieve identical results.) A particle many different sources designated Base Geometries
system can be thought of as a net- by the designer, such as geomet-
work of independent objects, usu- ric constraints or material elasticity In this step, the basic start-
ally depicted as simple dots [13]. In [12]. All forces are represented with ing members of the case study were
Kangaroo, particles can be connect- idealized force vectors, allowing for modeled prior to the simulation
ed with damped springs to approx- live interaction and negotiation be- of forces. This included modeling
imate real physical performance of tween them. Spring force vectors, bending-active members, ten-
non-rigid structures. More detailed for example, are based on Hooke’s sion-active members, and anchor
information about spring-based law of linear elasticity [15, 16]. For points to be included in the spring-
particle systems can be found in this research, a Velocity Verlay solv- based simulation. This initial phase
the publications of Axel Kilian and er was used. (The solver denotes the started to define the basic function-
John Ochsendorf [14]. integration method used by Kanga- al features and formal appearance
roo to calculate new positions of of the structure. The choices made
particles [12]). during this phase also inform possi-
ble manufacture techniques.

Figure 2.2.2. Left: Geometry of Rods: Before and After Bending Force. Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Rest Length.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 12

2.2.3. Base Geometries – Here, the arcs that resem- Base geometries can be
Digital Model ble the tent poles were subdivided modeled in Rhinoceros or in Grass-
into smaller line segments. Each hopper. As a parametric design tool,
1. Bending-Active Rods segment acted as one spring (Fig. Grasshopper offers the possibility
2.2.2). It should be noted that in to quickly alter the definition. Of
reality the rod’s mass would have course, Rhinoceros also has its own
Two bending-active rods
been distributed throughout its advantages for modeling, especial-
composed the support struc-
length, instead of at the endpoints ly for those not yet proficient in
ture for the tensile membrane. In
of each line segment [12]. While Grasshopper.
Kangaroo, a spring is represent-
this configuration was not accu-
ed as a line segment connecting
rate in terms of continuum me-
two points (particles). Therefore,
chanics, it still provided a formi-
in order to approximate the be-
dable estimation of real behavior.
havior of a flexible member, the

overall shape must be broken into
smaller line segments and mod-
eled as a series of separate springs.

Figure 2.2.3. Left: Planar Mesh Before Tension Force. Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Rest Length.

13 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Form-Finding
Step 1: Construct Base Geometries


2. Tension-Active Membrane 3. Anchor Points

Refine and QuadDivide functions can

A single planar mesh rep- Next, the boundary condi-
assist in quadrangular, triangular,
resented a simplified textile mem- tions for the structure were deter-
and other subdivision strategies to
brane for the tent. In order to be- mined. Anchor points were used to
achieve different results. Topology
have like a sheet material, the mesh fix the structure; within Kangaroo
is essential in defining tensioned
was modeled as a grid of many these points do not move when
membranes. Rearranging springs
springs. The Weaverbird add-on (Gi- forces are applied. But once these
not only changes the overall geome-
ulio Piacentino) was used to set each points are baked into Rhinoceros
try, it also rearranges forces. Optimal
mesh edge as an individual curve. geometry, they can be moved even
mesh resolution is a fine balance be- while the simulation is running. This
tween curvature and geometry [15, allows for real-time adjustment.
Next, an appropriate meth- 16]. Further, the chosen subdivision
od for mesh subdivision was deter- strategy later informs seam patterns
mined. Here, a simple quadrangular for the manufacture process [8].
subdivision was used (Fig. 2.2.3). In
addition to Weaverbird, Grasshop-
per’s MeshEdit tool and Kangaroo’s

Figure 2.2.4. Left: Anchor Points, Pre-Simulation. Right: Anchor Points, Post-Simulation

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 14

2.2.5 Base Geometries – 1.Bending-Active Rods

Physical Model
In reality, anchor points are The two bending rods were
A physical model of the
often used for lightweight tent mem- constructed from 1mm diameter
case study tent (scale 1:10) was fab-
branes to resist upward wind loads. tempered high-carbon steel. While
ricated to measure the accuracy of
These points are usually located at typical tent poles consist of mul-
the digital simulation (Fig. 2.2.5).
high points, low points, and along tiple smaller segments connected
This included the accuracy of the
the perimeter of the structure. They together, the two single rods used
behavior of the bending-active rods
also largely determine the mem- in this scale model approximat-
and the tension-active membrane.
brane’s equilibrium shape. (Fig. 2.2.4) ed the same bending geometry.
In this step, the basic starting com-
ponents of the physical model were
constructed, prior to the application
of forces. Dimensions were export-
ed directly from the digital model.

Figure 2.2.5. Analog (Physical) Model of the Tent Case Study (Scale 1:10)

15 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Form-Finding
Step 2: Implement Forces


2. Tension-Active Membrane 3. Anchor Points Step 2: Implement Forces

This section describes the

The fabric for the scale In the physical model, an-
application of a few essential force
model membrane was made of chor points were positioned at the
types on the case study tent. This in-
polyamide nylon. Many elastic fab- four corners of the membrane and
cludes the implementation of bend-
rics share the same general prop- the end points of the bending rods.
ing, spring, and unary forces. In
erties of this highly elastic materi- Spring connections between rods
the digital simulation of such forces
al; Kangaroo should therefore be and membrane were modeled as
with Kangaroo, an equilibrium state
capable of making an elementa- static members in the physical study
is eventually reached through appli-
ry approximation of its behavior. using .25mm diameter steel wire.
cation of damping to the particle
The positions of all anchor points
system. (Damping eventually ceases
were exported directly from the dig-
the movement of the system.) The
ital model.
physical model provided a compari-
son study.

Figure 2.2.6 Nettelbladt, Mårten. (2011) Comparing 5 Curves.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 16

2.2.7 Implement Forces – Bending Force As explored by Mårten

Digital Model: Nettelbladt, the geometries formed
Bending force was applied when bending different materials
Kangaroo uses Newton’s to the two tent rods. The rods expe- within their elastic limits (before
second law to approximate parti- rienced elastic deformation. There- plastic deformation occurs) share
cle movement. The law states: The fore, when the bending force was related qualities [17]. (Fig. 2.2.6)
change of momentum of a body is pro- eliminated, the rods returned to shows Nettelbladt’s comparison of
portional to the impulse impressed on their original state. In Grasshop- five versions of a bending curve,
the body, and happens along the straight per, the rods were represented as including (1) an elastic curve, (2)
line on which that impulse is impressed. segmented polylines. In Kangaroo, a clothoid curve, (3) a traced saw
This law is also known as F = ma. bending resistance works in sets of blade, (4) a curve made with Kan-
Forces are simulated in Kangaroo three points [12]. Elastic bending is garoo, and (5) a curve made of Sine
by calculating the total force vector simulated for each set of three con- curves. The last curve (5) was drawn
F for each particle as a sum of all secutive points along the polyline. by Maarten Kuijvenhoven (a 2009
forces acting upon it [12]. When the (For example: node 1, 2, and 3; node TU Delft MSc Civil Engineering
net forces acting upon each particle 2, 3, and 4; node 3, 4, and 5; etc.) graduate) as a combination of two
sum to zero, the system stops in a (Fig. 2.2.2). sine waves with different amplitudes.
position of equilibrium.

Figure 2.2.7. Spring Force: Rod-Membrane Connections. Left: Base Geometry Pre-Simulation: Flat Membrane and Rods.
Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Stiffness.

17 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Form-Finding
Step 2: Implement Forces

While simulating the bend- Spring Force: Mesh Relaxation Spring Force: Rod-Membrane
ing force in Kangaroo, variations in Connections
certain parameters were tested in re- Here, springs were used to
al-time. (Fig. 2.2.2) shows variations model the textile membrane of the Springs were also used to
in the spring rest length parameter, tent. The starting mesh of intercon- model the connections between
which triggered changes in tent nected springs and particles was “re- the textile membrane and the two
height: (A) Rest Length = 400mm, laxed” to form-find its initial shape, rods (Fig. 2.2.7). The end points of
(B) Rest Length = 500mm, (C) Rest given the assigned anchor points. each line segment subdivided from
Length = 580mm. Further infor- While the simulation ran, particles each rod were connected to corre-
mation about the bending force in moved relative to each other. Thus sponding points on the mesh. These
Kangaroo can be found in the work the sum of forces acting upon each springs were crucial; they acted on
of S.M.L. Adriaenssens and M.R. particle was in constant flux [13]. both rods and membrane. They
Barnes [18]. maintained tension in the mem-
Tensile membranes carry
brane by providing the required lev-
loads only through tension force.
el of pre-stress. Spring Force Pre-stress in the membrane elimi-
nates compressive forces. This type The stiffness parameter for
Introduction: Spring Force of system can be extremely light- each spring is one of many which
weight and achieve a significant de- can be adjusted to the preferences
gree of transparency, if desired [8]. of the designer. (Fig. 2.2.7) shows
As previously explained, Pre-stress also gives the structure variations in spring stiffness that
Kangaroo uses springs to simulate stability given external loads such as changed membrane stability and
the behavior of non-rigid struc- wind and snow. tent height: (A) Stiffness = 10, (B)
tures. This is possible because all Stiffness = 500, (C) Stiffness =
In Kangaroo, springs can be
materials, even relatively stiff ones, 1000. If the connection points are
ascribed certain rudimentary param-
can stretch and compress in re- not satisfactory, their positions can
eters, including rest length and stiffness.
action to the forces exerted upon be tweaked until membrane behav-
These parameters were changed in
them [12]. In Kangaroo, springs be- ior is in-line with the designer’s in-
real-time to allow for optimiza-
have in tension or compression ac- tentions.
tion. (Fig. 2.2.3) shows variations
cording to Hooke’s law F = kx. This in spring rest length, which induced
law states that the force F needed changes in tent surface area, elas-
to extend or compress a spring by ticity, and transparency: (A) Rest
a distance x is proportional to that Length = 0mm, (B) Rest Length =
distance. Various basic spring forc- 40mm, (C) Rest Length = 80mm. In
es applied to the tent in the digi- variation (A), the area of the mesh
tal simulation are explained below. was minimized, much like the be-
havior of a soap film.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 18

Spring Force: Edge Cables Unary Force Implement Forces –
Physical Model
In order to simulate the ef-
In certain cases, it might be
fects of gravity in Kangaroo and The physical model of the
advantageous to integrate more ro-
assign specific weights to particles tent (scale 1:10) was built to test the
bust edge cables along the periph-
in the system, a unary force can be accuracy of the digital simulation
ery of a tent membrane. Such cables
incorporated. Unary forces can also (Fig. 2.2.5). In comparison to the
are used in reality to give tents extra
be used to represent forces not reli- physical model, Kangaroo’s approx-
stability and maintain the bending
ant on the distances between parti- imation of bending force was for-
forces acting upon the elastic rods.
cles (wind, for example). This force midably accurate. Both digital and
In order to accomplish this, the
stiffness of the springs along the acts under the premises of New- analog bending curves shared very
ton’s third law, which states: To every closely related geometry (Fig. 2.2.9).
mesh edges was increased. As pre-
action there is always an equal and oppo-
viously explained, each spring acts Kangaroo’s simulation of
site reaction.
depending on its ascribed proper- the tensioned membrane with var-
Whereas spring forces in
ties. (Fig. 2.2.8) shows variations in ious spring forces was also rea-
Kangaroo are simulated with inter-
spring stiffness that induced chang- sonable, but could have diverged
actions between pairs of particles,
es in membrane stability and dis- significantly for different types of
unary forces only apply to single
tance off the ground: (A) Stiffness materials. The polyamide nylon
particles [12]. So instead of sub-
= 0, (B) Stiffness = 5000, (C) Stiff- used in the physical model is a high-
tracting a force from one particle
ness = 10000. ly elastic material; it would be inter-
and adding it to another, unary forc- esting to see how Kangaroo would
These edge cables, in com- es are represented by linking parti- have performed in modeling more
bination with the relaxed mesh and cles to another infinitely distant and rigid materials, like those used for
rod-membrane connections, sim- massive particle [12, 13]. many tents. Possible methods for
ulated an entire network of spring
addressing specific materiality are
forces. This network provided a
discussed in further detail in the
simplified visualization of force dis-
Methods: Fabrication section below.
tribution, including different classes
and magnitudes of neighboring in-
teractions that influenced global ge-
ometry and structural behavior [15,

19 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Fabrication
Possible Methods: Material Selection


2.3 Methods: Fabrication 2.3.2 Possible Methods:

Material Selection Introduction
2.3.1 Introduction

material selection process involves Selecting specific materials

The processes of form-find-
the selection, simulation, and appli- for form-active shelters and sim-
ing and fabricating form-active
cation of different materials. The ulating their behavior can be chal-
structures are inherently linked.
pattern generation process involves lenging. This is because each mate-
While the form-finding phase large-
defining the proper 2D cutting pat- rial has its own set of characteristics
ly determines the base geometry
terns for the chosen material. This that influence its shape under given
of a design, the fabrication phase
section provides a brief overview forces. A material’s internal struc-
departs from the abstract realm of
of some possible fabrication meth- ture provides key limitations that
springs and particles, leading into
ods for implementation. Kangaroo guide the design process. Often,
preparation for manufacture. This
and Rhinoceros were used where selecting materials for small-scale
section is divided into two key pro-
possible; alternative techniques are tents is done through trial-and-error
cesses for fabrication: selecting materi-
recommended where necessary. with physical models (i.e. cutting,
als and generating cutting patterns. The
fitting, re-cutting, re-fitting, etc.)

Figure 2.2.8. Spring Force: Edge Cables. Left: Base Geometry Pre-Simulation: Flat Membrane and Rods. Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Stiffness.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 20

2.2.9 Possible Methods: carbon fiber, glass-reinforced plastic

The following introduces Grasshopper and Rhinoceros (GRP), steel, and aluminum alloy.
some possible computational strat-
egies to approach the material selec- Materials: Bending-Active Rods Materials: Tension-Active
tion process more efficiently. Some Membrane
key factors for consideration when As concluded in the case
selecting materials include the de- study, Kangaroo’s simulation of Kangaroo’s simulation of
sign’s function (i.e. overnight shel- elastic bending was sufficiently ac- the generic behavior of high-elastic-
ter, sun/rain canopy), geometry (i.e. curate. This is because a truly elas- ity materials was also sufficient, to
dimensions, curvature, subdivision/ tic bend shares related geometry, a certain extent. When classified, a
seam pattern), and environmental regardless of material [17]. While sampling of highly elastic materials
conditions (i.e. temperature, precip- bending behavior stays constant, reveals many products with similar
itation, wind, ground quality). These the forces required to bend a com- material compositions [20]. But in
factors play an important role in ponent into a certain shape (and order to model the precise behav-
determining optimal material prop- the stresses in the component it- ioral differences between specific
erties (i.e. weight, durability, and re- self) differ depending on the ma- materials, it’s not as simple as direct-
sistance to stretching and compres- terial used. Some common mate- ly inputting numbers into the spring
sion) (Fig. 2.3.1) [19]. rials used for tent poles include stiffness or rest length parameters.

Figure 2.2.9. Left: Digital Tent Model. Right: Analog Tent Model (Scale 1:10).

21 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Fabrication
Possible Methods: Material Selection

2.3.1. 2.3.2.

Kangaroo does not current- Proposal: Simulating Real

ly simulate the actual physical prop- Material Behavior in Kangaroo modulus from the slope of its
erties of materials; it is not possible The following rough pro- stress/strain curve. Alternatively,
to feed explicit material values into posal describes a possible meth- values from such physical experi-
Kangaroo, only numerical values. od for simulating specific material ments can be numerically interpolat-
The stiffness input in Kangaroo does properties in Kangaroo, using its ed to determine a material’s Young’s
not directly link to a physical mate- given components, components of modulus for specific stresses.
rial property; rather it uses Newton’s other add-ons (i.e. Karamba), or by
second law F = ma for approxima- It might be possible to use
coding new custom components.
tion. The difference between exter- local values of Young’s modulus to
The latter involves more in-depth
nal loads L and internal resistance I calculate a numerical difference in
knowledge of programming, math,
defines a resultant force F for each behavior between various materials.
and physics.
particle. Thibault Clar, an engineering stu-
Common materials used dent at TU Delft, proposed the cre-
However, certain basic steps for tent fabric include polyester ation of a certain algorithm to work
can first be taken using the given coated with PVC and nylon coated in parallel with Kangaroo. This
features of Kangaroo to more ac- with acrylic, polyurethane (PU) or proposal comprised modifying the
curately model the generic behavior silicone. Many materials used for particle system code by linking the
of fabric. For instance, shear springs tensile membranes fall under the varying stiffness of a certain mate-
– diagonals that can prevent each non-linear class. Such materials have a rial (due to its non-linearity) to the
mesh face from deforming – can non-linear stress v. strain graph (Fig. behavior of the particle spring sys-
be added. Different stiffness values 2.3.2). The Young’s modulus (or the tem. Mesh subdivision (seam pat-
can also be applied for the normal elastic modulus) of materials can terns) and spring properties could
springs and the shear springs to sim- be defined as a local ratio of stress therefore be assigned based on the
ulate various fabric properties [19]. over strain. Physical experiments stress/strain ratios derived from the
performed with a material can de- material tests.
termine values of a local Young’s

Figure 2.3.1. SL-Rasch, Sefar Architecture, Buro Happold. (2010) Courtyard of the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina, Saudi Arabia.
250 deployable sun umbrellas (each 306m2) composed of steel structures with PTFE membranes.
Figure 2.3.2. (2014) Load-Elongating Curves for Select Fibers. Stress/Strain Curves: Comparison of tensile properties of man-made and natural fibers.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 22

2.3.3. 2.3.4.

This proposal can be at- But such software can also GSA Fabric, developed by
tempted using Grasshopper’s ex- be used for the design of small- Oasys, provides analysis of non-lin-
isting math and list functions. The scale shelters such as tents. While ear fabrics in dynamic relaxation.
Python code PyFEM could also different physical systems and ma- Maya is comparable to Kangaroo as
be implemented, as it can handle terials are at play, the same approach it uses a spring-based particle system
non-linear material behavior. As still holds valid at different scales. for simulation. But it also provides
stated by Clemens Preisinger, de- the option to select from a handful
Multimedia Engineering
veloper of the Karamba plug-in, cur- of common membrane materials.
Pte. Ltd. produces WinFabric, soft-
rently Karamba cannot handle ma- ware that integrates the properties
terial non-linearity. of commonly used fabrics obtained
from biaxial testing (Fig. 2.3.2). Possible Methods: WinFabric also facilitates the tasks
Alternative Software of form-finding, nonlinear finite el-
ement load analysis, patterning, con-
It may be more efficient nection detailing, fabrication, and
(and effective) to address material- assembly. German-based company
ity not within Kangaroo, but using Sofistik AG produces software that
alternative software. Large-scale allows users to define stress-strain
form-active structures are already curves for materials and spring ele-
largely designed with specialized ments (Fig. 2.3.3).
software incorporating specific
material properties. Of course, dif-
ferent scales require different to-
pologies, materials, and structural

Figure 2.3.3. Multimedia Engineering Pte. Ltd. (2014) WinFabric Software. Setting Fabric Properties.
Figure 2.3.4. Sofistik. (2014) Sofistik Software: Measuring Maximum Principal Tension Stress.

23 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Research Methods

Methods: Fabrication
Possible Methods: Cutting Patterns

2.3.5. 2.3.6.

2.3.3 Possible Methods: in turn affects cutting patterns in the for cutting. It also allows the design-
Cutting Patterns manufacture process. Traditionally, er to assign priorities to objects and
cutting patterns for different mate- identification tags (Fig. 2.3.4). Introduction rials were determined by manually
disassembling physical prototypes.
The process of generating The following overview provides The Shrinking Method
cutting patterns for tensile mem- some possible digital techniques to One approach to generating
branes requires translation of the approach the patterning process. cutting patterns in Rhinoceros is to
form-found 3D geometry into 2D
deliberately shrink the fabric mem-
shapes. These shapes can then be
brane by intentionally cutting its
nested, meaning their position and Possible Methods: parts too small [21]. First, the mem-
orientation in relation to each oth- Grasshopper and Rhinoceros brane seam layout is defined by its
er can be optimized to minimize
mesh subdivision pattern. Optimal
fabric waste. The final shapes can Generating cutting patterns subdivision can be attained by eval-
then be cut from the appropriate can be challenging because tensile uating stress in the membrane for
flat material by the manufacturer structures assume their equilibrium adequate distribution. As a general
and fabricated together. This pro- shape under a certain degree of pre- rule, seams should trace the zones
cess can be difficult because the stress. While a rigid panel can be un- of greatest stress. And regardless
necessary pre-stress in the mem- rolled in Rhinoceros, a doubly curved of scale, designs of the same shape,
brane must be accounted for. membrane is a different animal. material, and pre-stress typically re-
Rhinoceros and Grasshop- quire the same number of panels.
In the design of form-active
structures, different materials (i.e. a per indeed offer some features and Once the final form-found
very stretchy nylon versus a more plug-ins that facilitate patterning for geometry is baked out of Kanga-
rigid polyester) affect structural membrane structures. For example, roo into Rhinoceros geometry, the
behavior. This behavior affects the the plug-in Rhino Nest (Rafael del anti-clastic shape can be converted
structure’s equilibrium shape, which Molino) optimizes the position and to flat panels derived from the mesh
orientation of parts on a flat surface

Figure 2.3.5. Del Molino, Rafael. (2014) RhinoNest Patterns.

Figure 2.3.6. Kapoor, Anish. (2002) Marsyas.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 24

2.3.7. 2.3.8.

faces. These panels can be down- Possible Method 3: tern with dimensions 1-2% less than
sized according to their material Alternative Software those of the final surface. K3-Tent
type. Thus the necessary pre-stress can also define appropriate mar-
is present when the membrane For cutting patterns, MPan- gins for cutting and implement al-
pieces are welded together along el-R can be used as a plug-in for Rhi- gorithms for nesting. These cutting
its seams, ensuring stability and noceros to facilitate basic form-find- lines become prospective seams for
strength in the assembled structure. ing, seam allowance, and nesting. the final design.
This method was used by Anish Ka- Alternatively, the final form-found ExactFlat can convert a 3D
poor and Arup for the construction geometry can be exported out of model into a 2D pattern, including
of Marsyas, an immense elliptical Kangaroo and Rhinoceros and into necessary compensation for mate-
membrane structure installed in the different software to address issues rial stretching. It can also nest pat-
Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern in of patterning and nesting. Compad terns on a cutting template to opti-
2002 (Fig. 2.3.5). by Tentnology and Sofistik AG’s mize yield. Further, ExactFlat allows
software (introduced in Possible
Since non-linear materi- the designer to make adjustments to
Methods: Material Selection) can output
al behavior depends on the quality material type and dimensions while
cutting patterns (Fig. 2.3.6).
of applied stresses, compensation simultaneously providing cost in-
values are often determined from German company Technet formation. Lectra and Gerber can
experience (and physical material GmbH produces EasyNT, soft- also aid in patterning and nesting
tests) instead of calculation. Values ware that aids in the comprehensive processes (Fig. 2.3.7).
around 1% warp (the direction of membrane structure design process,
the fabric’s long threads, generally including form-finding, non-linear
stronger) and weft (the direction of load analysis, cutting pattern gener-
the cross-threads, generally weaker) ation, and nesting. K3-Tent by GeoS
are typical for common membrane can subdivide doubly curved surfac-
fabrics. es and approximate their flat state
by mapping them onto a plane. As
a rule, the mapping results in a pat-

Figure 2.3.7. Sofistik. (2014) Sofistik Software: Contour of 2D Cutting Patterns.

Figure 2.3.8. Lectra. (2011) Lectra Screenshot: Cutting Patterns.

25 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014


Main Conclusions
Parametric Tools


3 Conclusions per and Kangaroo is visually intui- on Java and Processing) can all achieve
tive, allowing direct manipulation of nearly identical results. RhinoMem-
the design without a high level of brane, a plug-in for Rhinoceros, uses
3.1 Main Conclusions specialized knowledge or technical FEM-based algorithms and can
skill. estimate specific pre-stress levels.
3.1.1 Parametric Tools The ixForten software can support
3.1.2 Form-Finding a wide range of processes beyond
In retrospect, parametric form-finding, including engineering
computational tools proved to be Kangaroo proved to be an and production phases (i.e. struc-
useful for aiding certain aspects of effective tool for approximating re- tural non-linear analysis and pattern
the design process for small-scale al-life physics in the form-finding layouts).
equilibrium structures, particularly process. But Kangaroo is just one of
for form-finding. The primary ad- many spring-based particle systems
vantage of parametric modeling lies which can facilitate form-finding.
in its ability to test several iterations Like its comparable tools, Kanga-
in a short time period, demanding roo has its own strengths and weak-
minimal effort from the designer. nesses. Processing, RhinoVault, and
Further, the interface of Grasshop Karsten Schmidt’s Toxiclibs (based

Figure 3.2.1. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 1. Scale: 4 m2, Capacity: 4 people, System: bending-active + tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 26

Materiality, Cutting Patterns, Nesting


3.1.3 Materiality, Cutting 3.2 Reflection

Patterns, and Nesting
Hopefully the methods ex-
While its strengths in For the tasks of generating plored in this research can help
form-finding are formidable, Kan- cutting patterns and nesting, there inspire the creation of more struc-
garoo’s inability to link efficiently certainly exist strong possibilities turally efficient (and aesthetically
to real material properties suggests within Grasshopper and Rhinocer- beautiful) form-active structures.
alternative methods. Kangaroo acts os. And where these tools fall short, The ultimate goal of this research
primarily as an abstraction; mate- there exist numerous other digital was to create a design technique
rial-specific behavior is not in the methods to efficiently approach applicable for many different sce-
nature of the tool. Yet, while Kan- these tasks. (These methods were narios. This included different re-
garoo does not currently simulate discussed in detail in the Methods: quirements such as function, scale,
specific materials, its generic ap- Fabrication section.) or environment.
proximation for highly elastic mate-

rials comes close enough to reality
to help guide the manufacture and
construction of form-active struc-
tures like tents.

Figure 3.2.2. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 2. Scale: 3 m2, Capacity: 1 person, System: bending-active + tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.

27 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014




While the case study se- Please note that the digital
lected for this research was a sim- methods deemed effective in this re-
ple small-scale tent, many other search are still most effective when
form-active typologies can be cre- paired with physical tests. Simula-
ated with similar techniques. For tions are abstractions that provide
example, canopies, hammocks, and a basic understanding of real-world
kites all support different functions physics. An idealized computation-
but share some related geometric al model, no matter how precise,
and physical systems. Kangaroo is cannot account for all the complex
flexible enough to roughly model conditions that exist in reality.
these typologies and output custom-
ized models for specific situations.
(Fig. 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5,
3.2.6) show some example typolo-
gies all form-found in Kangaroo.

Figure 3.2.3. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 3. Scale: 40 m2, Capacity: 5 people, System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 28

Further Research


3.3 Further Research

This research may also
Possibilities for further re- prove relevant for larger social and
search could involve further testing scientific questions beyond tem-
and evaluation of the alternative porary architecture. Cultivation
methods introduced in the Meth- of similar computational methods
ods: Fabrication section. Additionally, could even provide solutions for
these methods could be compared non-architectural functions. Some
to physical models to evaluate how examples might include military,
they measure up to reality. Further, space, or ad venture sports appli-
techniques could be explored to cations such as sailing, parachuting,
simulate the impact of site-specif- or kite surfing. Additionally, further
ic environmental conditions. This research into materials could yield
could include temperature, wind, new information for the fabrication
rain, and snow loads. Environmen- of higher-caliber textiles, foils, and
tal feedback from actual contexts polymers.
could thereby be integrated into the
design model.

Figure 3.2.4. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Canopy Typology. Scale: 200 m2, Capacity: 50-100 people, System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.

29 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014


Further Research



Figure 3.2.5. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Installation Typology. Scale: 200 m2, Capacity: N/A, System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.
Figure 3.2.6. Ibid.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 30

31 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Figure 1.1.1. (2010) Altare della Patria.

<>....................................... 6
Figure 1.1.2. Asal, Berk. (2010) Spacebuster. <>.......................................... 6
Figure 1.1.3. Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Examples of Traditional
Portable Shelters: North American Tipi, Bedouin Nomadic Tent, Asian Yurt............................... 6
Figure 1.1.4. (2007) Yurt with the Gurvansaikhan Mountains, Mongolia.
<>................................................................. 7
Figure 1.1.5. (2014) DRASH™ S Series Shelter.
<>.......................................................... 7
Figure 1.1.6. Stuttgart ICD/ITKE. (2010) Textile Hybrid M1.
Figure 1.1.7 Halbe, Roland. (2010) ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010
Figure 1.1.8 Mojtahedi, Arad. Munich Olympic Stadium, View from Olympic Tower.
<>............. 8
Figure 1.2.1. SL Rasch GmbH. Soap Film Model as a Minimal Surface within a
Defined Boundary Geometry. <>.......................... 8
Figure 1.2.2. Tomlow, J. Das Modell – Antoni Gaudis Hangemodell und seine
Rekonstruktion – Neue Erkenntnisse zum Entwurffur die Kirche der Colonia Giiell.
Mitteilungen des Instituts fur leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), Bd 34, Stuttgart 1989...... 9
Figure 2.1.1. Roberts, Sarah. (2011) Sierra Designs Tent. Beehive Lake, Idaho, USA..............10
Figure 2.2.1. Simpson, Adam. (2013) Tents. <>...........11
Figure 2.2.2. Left: Geometry of Rods: Before and After Bending Force.
Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Rest Length...........................................................12
Figure 2.2.3. Left: Planar Mesh Before Tension Force.
Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Rest Length...........................................................13
Figure 2.2.4. Left: Anchor Points, Pre-Simulation.
Right: Anchor Points, Post-Simulation.................................................................................14
Figure 2.2.5. Analog (Physical) Model of the Tent Case Study (Scale 1:10)..........................15
Figure 2.2.6 Nettelbladt, Mårten. (2011) Comparing 5 Curves.

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 32

Figure 2.2.7. Spring Force: Rod-Membrane Connections.
Left: Base Geometry Pre-Simulation: Flat Membrane and Rods.
Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Stiffness.................................................................17
Figure 2.2.8. Spring Force: Edge Cables.
Left: Base Geometry Pre-Simulation: Flat Membrane and Rods.
Right: Variations in Parameter: Spring Stiffness.................................................................20
Figure 2.2.9. Left: Digital Tent Model. Right: Analog Tent Model (Scale 1:10)....................21
Figure 2.3.1. SL-Rasch, Sefar Architecture, Buro Happold. (2010)
Courtyard of the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina, Saudi Arabia. .............................................22
Figure 2.3.2. (2014) Load-Elongating Curves for Select Fibers.
Figure 2.3.3. Multimedia Engineering Pte. Ltd. (2014) WinFabric Software.............................23
Figure 2.3.4. Sofistik. (2014) Sofistik Software: Measuring Maximum Principal Tension Stress.....23
Figure 2.3.5. Del Molino, Rafael. (2014) RhinoNest Patterns.
Figure 2.3.6. Kapoor, Anish. (2002) Marsyas.
Figure 2.3.7. Sofistik. (2014) Sofistik Software: Contour of 2D Cutting Patterns..........................25
Figure 2.3.8. Lectra. (2011) Lectra Screenshot: Cutting Patterns.
Figure 3.2.1. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 1. Scale: 4 m2,
Capacity: 4. System: bending-active + tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.........26
Figure 3.2.2. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 2. Scale: 3 m2,
Capacity: 1. System: bending-active + tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo.........27
Figure 3.2.3. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Tent Typology 3. Scale: 40 m2,
Capacity: 5. System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo........................................28
Figure 3.2.4. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Canopy Typology. Scale: 200 m2,
Capacity: 50-100. System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo..............................29
Figure 3.2.5. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Installation Typology. Scale: 200 m2,
Capacity: N/A, System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo..................................30
Figure 3.2.6. Roberts, Sarah. (2014) Installation Typology. Scale: 200 m2,
Capacity: N/A, System: tension-active. Form-found in Kangaroo..................................30

33 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014


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35 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

Designing Form-Active Shelters | MSc. Arch. Thesis 36

This article was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of
Science Degree in Architecture at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. I
would like to thank all the advisors, contributors, technical experts, inspirations, and friends
who have supported me during this project. Further information can be requested from the
author by email:

Andreas Brun
Andrew Barrett
Bruce Roberts
Daniel Piker
Debbie Roberts
Elisa van Dooren
Gabi Schillig
Henry Shires
Jia-Rey Chang
Jim Keysor
Joe Heywood
Judith Reitz
Leon Spikker
Lieneke van Hoek
Lucas Bolte
Marcel Bilow
Mårten Nettelbladt
Martijn Stellingwerff
Matthew Tanti
Michael Probyn
Molly Roberts
Moritz Fleischmann
Paul Soethout
Peter Eigenraam
Rasmus Holst
Rogier Houtman
Romain Thijsen
Thibault Clar
Thijs Asselbergs
Thomas Billet
Tjalling Homans
Virginia Clasen
Yuxiao He

37 S.J. Roberts | TU Delft 2014

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