CTE Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire

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Republic of the Philippines

Benguet State University

College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

CTE Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire

I. Personal Details:
Name__KARL S. SONGABEN__________________ Sex: ( ) Female ( ✔) Male Year graduated: __2017___________
LET Taker: ( ✔) Yes ( ) No Year: 2018 Rating: 79.20% ( ✔) Passed ( ) Failed Review Center: _N/A______________
Your degree: ( ) BLIS ( ✔) BEE ( ) BSE Specialization/ Major: _____________ Email Address: songab36@gmail.com
Please rank the first three (3) reasons for taking your degree
___3____ a. Personal choice ________ f. Parent’s or family influence
________ b. Advice from others (relatives, friends, ________ g. Ability and/or interest
teachers, counsellor, idol)
________ c. Within family’s financial capacity ________ h. result of NCAE
____2___ d. Good prospect for employment/ career ________ i. Priority area of my scholarship
____1___e. No other choice ________ j. Other reasons:_________________________

II. Your Employment Situation

Are you Is your job Is this How long after Your job Your How did you get
currently directly your graduation have you status Employer employed?
employed? related to first been employed in
your job? relation to your
degree? degree?
( ) Yes,
As what? ( ) Totally ( ) Yes ( ) Within the first 6 ( ) Temporary ( ) Private ( ) Jobs Fair
____________ related ( ) 2nd mos. ( ) Probationary School ( ) Posted Ads
( ✔) No ( ) 3rd ( )7 mos. to 1 year ( ) Contractual ( ) Other ( ) Social Media
( ) self- ( ) Partially ( ) 4th ( ) 2 yrs ( ) Substitute private firm ( ) Job Street.com
employed related ( ) 3 yrs ( ) Self- () ( ) Family Business
As what? ( ) 4 yrs employed Government ( ) Friends/
____________ ( ) Not at all ( ) 5 yrs School Relatives
Gross Income: related ( ) other ()
( ) below 5,000 Gov’t office Recommendation
( ) 5,001-10000 ( ) Self- from teacher
( )10000-15000 employed
( )1,001-20000
( )20001-25000
( )25001-30000
( )30001-35000
( )35001 above

Employer & Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Please rank the first three (3) challenges you encountered while looking for a job.
1 Few job opening related to my job 3
2 No experience ( being a fresh graduate) 1
3 Experience is inadequate/ experience does not meet my job requirement
4 Cannot meet required documents (pls. specify) 2
5 Passing the interview
6 Poor social skills (being shy or anxious, cannot communicate well)
7 Passing personality/ psychological tests
8 Others:

Benguet State University - College of Teacher Education Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire Page 1
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet
III. Your Pre-service Training at the College of Teacher Education
1. To what extent has your pre-service training been adequate in the following skills/ competencies? (Please
1- not adequate 2- minimally adequate 3- very adequate 4- extremely adequate

Communication Skills 1 2 3 4
Express myself in a clear and logical manner ✔
A. Communicates in various forms and styles ✔
Uses grammatically correct language and vocabulary ✔
Listens with objectivity so as to understand others ✔
Human Relations
Uses appropriate social behaviour in a given situation ✔
Responds to the need of others ✔
Effectively uses conflict resolution skills ✔
B. Fosters professional relationships amongst members in a work place ✔
Cooperates and supports team endeavour. ✔
Leadership Skills
Influences others to attain group goal ✔
Motivates others for collaborative efforts ✔
C. Organizes and coordinate activities for common goal ✔
Maintains self-control in the midst of stressful encounters with group members ✔
Takes responsibility and risks in my actions and decisions. ✔
Problem-solving Skills
Identifies the underlying issues in a problem ✔
D. Examines alternative strategies or solutions to make informed decisions ✔
Develops clear plan to solve a problem ✔
Evaluates action/s taken for making future decision ✔
Research Skills
Identifies research problems in my field of specialization ✔
Formulates testable hypotheses ✔
E. Applies the appropriate statistical tool in processing data ✔
Analyses and interpret research results ✔
Draws conclusions and generalizations from research findings ✔
Uses technology to acquire needed information ✔
Information Technology Skills
Applies basic knowledge on computer operations ✔
F. Uses software productively like creating, saving, retrieving documents ✔
Accesses and manages electronic communications ✔
Manages the internet like surfing, using browser, downloading, using hyperlink ✔
Accesses and evaluates information sources ✔
Content and Pedagogy
Utilizes varied techniques and strategies suited to different kinds of learners ✔
Provides appropriate intervention activities ✔
Encourages learners to use higher order thinking skills ✔
G. Integrates language, literacy, skills and values in teaching ✔
Utilizes technology resources in planning, designing and delivery of the lesson ✔
Uses appropriate assessment methods and tools congruent to learning ✔
Provides opportunity for learners to demonstrate their learning ✔
Manifests expertise/mastery on the subject area taught. ✔

Benguet State University - College of Teacher Education Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire Page 2
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

2. To what extent ha your pre-service training been relevant to your current job? (Please encircle the number)
1-Not relevant 2- Minimally relevant 3- Very relevant 4-Extremely relevant

3. To what extent have the following competencies acquired from the CTE been applicable in your current job?
1-Very low applicability 2- Low 3- High 4-Very high level of applicability

Particulars 1 2 3 4
Knowledge and information gained.
Skills – overall ability to apply the knowledge gained.
Attitudes or disposition to do my task.
Planning, Organizing, Coordinating, and Decision-making through involvement in College-
based and university-based organizations and activities.
Over-all competency.

4. To what extent is your level of satisfaction with services and facilities provide by CTE and BSU?
1-Very low satisfaction 2- Low 3- High 4-Very high satisfaction


Library ✔
Student Services ✔
Sports and Recreation ✔
Health/ Medical ✔
Food/ Cafeteria ✔
Housing/ Accommodation/ Dorm ✔
Laboratories ✔
ICT/ Educational Technology Laboratory ✔
Classrooms and Learning areas ✔
Function Hall ✔
Learning equipment/ facilities ✔
Support to Co-curricular ✔
Support to extra-curricular activities ✔
Administrative support(enrolment process, registrar, accounting) ✔
General condition of classrooms, building and grounds ✔

IV. Improving Curriculum and Services

What recommendations can you suggest for the CTE to implement/ incorporate for curriculum improvement?

Besides the above suggestions, what other areas/ concerns should CTE or BSU need to improve n general?

Thank you for your cooperation.

Benguet State University - College of Teacher Education Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire Page 3
Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University
College of Teacher Education
La Trinidad, 2601, Benguet

Benguet State University - College of Teacher Education Graduate Tracer Study Questionnaire Page 4

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