GC3 Candidate Report Template1952016261156

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UNIT GC3 – THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00345182 _

Location PIONEER GROUP CONSTRUCTION SITE Date of review 25 / 7 / 2016

1. Introduction

This report follows an inspection of the construction progress of Pioneer

Construction Group site, Kollam, Kerala carried on 25th July 2016 at 10 am. The
main purpose of this inspection was to identify the work place hazards, welfare
issues and safety standards. The building under construction is a multi-storeyed
building for residential purpose. The area of the construction site is around 30 cent
surrounded by a compound wall. Following activities were carried out at the site
during inspection: Work at height on scaffold, electrical works, painting and welding
works, masons shifting concrete blocks and marble fixing, operating jack hammer
and excavation trench works. On an approximately 120 workers were present in the
construction site at the time of inspection. Inspected area includes ground floor, first
floor, second floor, third floor and the area around the construction progress building.
Welding, painting, carpentry and masonry worksites were also included in the

2. Executive Summary

Health and safety related hazards have been identified that requires immediate
management actions. Some factors are needed to be improved and maintained
including safety culture. Adequate measures are required to avoid fire accidents,
electrical hazards, noise and dust hazards and traffic hazards. Special attention is
given to the risk of fire spread from fuel storage area due to any ignition source and
blocked fire exit routes. Manual handling risks are also considered. Detailed work
hazards and consequences are listed in observation. The ILO construction
convention for each violation is given clearly in the main finding. The cost
implementation required is also stated in the main finding. The most important issues
that need the manage attention is listed clearly in the recommendation table. The
management is requested to go through the main findings and recommendations to
bring adequate control measures as soon as possible. If these factors are rectified
then the management can experience great changes as financial growth and
reputation is also maintained.

3. Main findings of the inspection

3.1 Work At Height on Scaffold
Work at height was carried out on two types of scaffolds, one tied to the
building and another one was a mobile scaffold. During the inspection it was found
that both the scaffolds were overloaded with workers, tools and mechanical
equipments. Damaged ladders with missing rungs were also noticed. The scaffold
erected to the building was seen with missing toe boards and planks that may result
in fall of both workers and equipment causing severe health injuries and property
damage. In some cases fall may also result in death. It is the responsibility of the
management to provide a safe working platform. From the above findings it is
noticed that the management is directly violating the ILO construction convention
C167 article 14 and 15. Continuing such practices may lead to great loss to the
management such as high insurance cost, fines, cost of damaged machinery and
materials, compensation to the workforce, loss of competent persons, low production
and high rate of staff turnover. Maintenance of the scaffold can be done with an
amount of 1,50,000 Rs and must be inspected by competent person before work is
carried on it.

3.2 Manual handling issues faced by masons and marble fixers.

Manual handling injuries is a major issue found among the workers. It was
noticed that masons were carrying bricks manually without any mechanical aids.
Prolonged exposure to such activities may result in work related upper limb disorders
(WRULD'S) and musculoskeletal disorders. This may affect the management in
many ways like increased number of absenteeism, sick pay, medical cost, low
production rate and loss of competent workers. The management is directly
breaching the ILO construction convention C167 article 15 by not providing proper
hydraulic trolley's and mechanical hoist to the workers. Manual handling injuries can
also be minimised by giving proper training to workers about good manual handling
techniques and safety regulations. Properly functioning hydraulic trolley's and
mechanical hoist should be installed by the management which would cost around
1,20,000 Rs and inspection of this equipments must be done periodically.

3.3 Limited number of fire extinguishers, blocked fire routes and absence of
fire assembly points
The construction site was not having a reasonable number of fire
extinguishers which may arise problems during fire accidents leading to fatal burns
and severe health injuries to workers and property damage. The emergency fire
routes were also blocked with dump trucks causing hindrance in evacuation process
which will also increase the severity of injury. Moreover the fire assembly point was
also absent. The management is found violating the ILO construction convention
C167 article 29. The management should take immediate actions to solve these
problems by appointing a assembly point and clearing blocked routes. Installation of
adequate fire extinguishers must be done which would cost around 1,00,000 Rs. Fire
extinguishers must be placed at the places where hot works are been carried out.
Regular inspection must be done to check the amount of gas available in the fire

3.4 Scattered electrical cables at the worksite

During inspection electrical cables were found scattered near the transformer
area and the electric boards. This may result in trip and fall of the electricians and
the pedestrians passing through. There is also a chance of electrocution from the
scattered live wires. This may result in accidents such as cuts, abrasions, severe
shock and burns.ILO construction convention C167 article 26 is seen to be violated
by the management, following which the management has to face huge fine
penalties along with enforcement remedial actions. Proper insulation and rerouting of
electrical cables can be done by an affordable cost of 20,000 Rs. A proper workplace
must be provided by the management to ensure health and safety of their workers.

3.5 Lack of welfare facilities

Poorly maintained water coolers with contaminated filters were found during
the inspection, also the toilets were seen with leaking taps and poor sanitation. This
may cause waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery and poor hygiene among
worker. It was also noted that there was no separate toilets for men and women
leading to stress among the workers and visitors. It was noticed that the
management is directly breaching the ILO construction convention C167 article 32.
Appropriate cost of providing better toilets and maintaining the water coolers is about
30,000. By providing better workplace facilities like drinking water, toilets, appropriate
rest areas and dining rooms the management can prove the commitment towards
the workforce, maintain a healthy and productive workforce for a longer period,
reduce staff turnover, improves production thereby improving the reputation of the

4. Conclusions

The health and safety issues of the construction site have been noted and the
management has to take urgent actions. The most important issues that the
management has to look upon are work on height using proper scaffold, providing
aids for manual handling activities, increase the number of fire extinguishers and
their proper maintenance, securing scattered electric cables and improving welfare
Work at height on scaffold is a serious concern where there is a great risk to the
workers. The scaffold should be maintained and inspected periodically by a
competent person to avoid its collapse. It should be erected on a proper level ground
with proper toe boards and planks. The ladders must be well designed and clamped
to the scaffold. It is noticed that the management is directly violating the ILO
construction convention C167 article 14 and 15 by not providing a proper platform for
working at height. Investment of cost 1,50,000 Rs by the management can solve all
the issues and a safer scaffold can be installed at the workplace. Manual handling
issues among the workers is another factor which directly affects the workforce and
the management. Reduce the production rate and causing more absenteeism.
Manual handling of heavy items like bricks and marbles leads to musculoskeletal

disorders. Bricks were carried away from ground floor to first floor manually. Lifts and
hoists were not provided within the construction site. The management is directly
breaching the ILO construction convention C167 article 15 by not providing proper
hydraulic trolley's and mechanical hoist to the workers. Proper training must be given
to the worker about good manual handling techniques. Installation of proper
hydraulic trolley's and mechanical hoist may cost around 1,20,000Rs. This may
improve the production rate and the stress among the workforce is also reduced.
Providing adequate number of fire extinguishers at the work site with proper horns is
a necessary step that the management has to take. Inspection of the fire
extinguishers periodically by a competent person is a must to suppress the fire
accidents. By not providing proper fire extinguishers the management is found
violating the ILO construction convention C167 article 29. Proper fire exit routes
should also be maintained for easy escape of workers and visitors during
emergency. A proper fire assembly points must be appointed. All this steps may
reduce the impact of fire and the loss of workers and properties can be minimised.
Installation of fire extinguishers may cost around 1,00,000 Rs. Arrangement of all
scattered electric cables at the work site is another issue the management has to
concern about. These scattered electric cables also contain live wires which could
cause severe injuries through shock, burns and electrocution. ILO construction
convention C167 article 26 is seen to be violated by the management. Proving
proper insulation and rerouting of electric cables can be completed with an
reasonable amount of 20,000 Rs. Welfare facilities should be upgraded in the
construction site to maintain a proper hygiene among the workers. Proper drinking
water and separate toilets for men and women must be provided. By not providing
such facilities the management is directly breaching the ILO construction convention
C167 article 32. Around 30,000 Rs would be the amount the management has to
invest on upgrading the welfare facilities. The three key reasons that the
management should ensure for a good health and safety practice within the worksite
are moral, legal and financial reason. Moral reason includes the factors affecting the
injured workers. After the accidents the workers suffer from serious injuries and loss
of job, loss of social status. The self confidence of co-workers is also lost. The
workers may feel less secure and their commitment is also reduced towards the
management. Legal reasons include the fine and compensation that management
has to pay. Management reputation is also lost. Financial reasons can be classified
into direct and indirect costs. Some of the direct costs are sick pay, medical expense,
cost of damaged machinery and equipment, fine at court. And some of the indirect
costs are loss of time of other employees, business interruption, loss of reputation
and industrial image. The management has to take necessary steps to impose the
changes to achieve a strong financial growth and to maintain its reputation. Also
there will be a good relationship between the management and the workers.

5. Recommendations

Recommendation Likely resource Priority Target date

Provide adequate Rs 1,50,000 is estimated
scaffolds and its for maintenance of a High 10/08 /2016
periodic inspections. standard scaffold.
Provide mechanical Expected cost of Rs
hoist and hydraulic 1,20,000 for trolley’s and High 05/08/2016
trolleys. mechanical hoist.
Barricading around Approximated amount of
the excavation Rs 2,000 for warning High 29/07/2016
trench. boards and barricades.
Appoint banks men Rs 10,000 will be spent Medium 27/07/2016
for controlling monthly on salary.
Provide adequate fire Rs 1,00,000 spent on
extinguishers. purchasing adequate High 25/08/2016
number of fire
Providing adequate Time spent for
storage area for fuels arrangement of the area for High 15/08/2016
with a dilute storage and Rs 3000 spent
ventilation for dilute ventilation
Appoint competent Rs 10,000 spent on his Medium 28/07/2016
fire wardens salary monthly
Provide training and Appointing appropriate
supervision to the person for supervision who Medium 26/08/2016
workers is expertise in the work
Provide adequate Cost is not a factor for
personal protective providing the appropriate Medium 25/08/2016
equipment in personal protective
required number equipment
Improving welfare Cost of 30,000 Rs must be Medium 15/08/2016
facilities spent to upgrade welfare


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