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6A Trial lesson 1 Animal talk (1)

Language objectives
The learner:
 can answer questions about a photo,
 can understand the meaning of specific words and phrases from the text,
 can recall information from the text.
Squeaks, dolphins, clicks, distinct.
Each dolphin has its own distinct whistle. When other dolphins hear the whistle, they know who the
dolphin is. Clearly then, dolphins have their own language. They make other sounds like squeaks and
clicks, too.

Cover page: Greeting (3 mins)

 Greet the student (show your enthusiasm and kindness.)
 You can say “Hello/how are you/what is your name/how old are you/where are you from/what
do you do in your free time/ What country would you like to visit? Why?”.
 Then introduce yourself in a simple way.

Part 1. Warm-up (2 mins)

Page 2
 Have the student look at the photo and ask the questions one by one. Elicit answers.
 Extend teacher-student exchanges. You can ask other follow-up questions that can lead to
active student participation and negotiation of meaning.

Part 2. Let’s learn (4 mins)

Page 3
 Directly click on the sound icon to play the recording. (For this step, please do NOT select
anything in the toolbar on Blackboard Editor.)
 Enunciate each sentence slowly and clearly and have the student repeat.
 Explain the highlighted words and make sure the student can understand the whole text.
 Then ask student to answer a related question: How do dolphins know each other?

Part 3. Let’s practice (14 mins in total)

Page 4 (3 mins)
 Have the student recall the key words in the text and use Text Box tool to type on Blackboard
 Click mouse to show answers one by one. Remember to praise the student for correct answers.
 Encourage the student to make sentences with these key words, if he/she needs help, you can
provide examples first.

Page 5-6 (4 mins in total)

 Open 6A Trial Lesson1. edb file on Blackboard Editor (‘Cloud Disk’ – ‘Authorized Resources’-
double click the file). Do Not forget to move the PowerPoint window to the edge, or just close
the widow for a while, leaving enough space for the student to use tools to perform tasks.
 Instruct student to use ‘Select & Move’ tool to drag the given sentences to a certain box to
answer the given question in the box.
 Click the next page button to show answers to the student and correct student’s answers.
 Have student read the target answers twice.
Page 7 (4 mins)
 Have student use ‘paint brush’ tool to draw a dolphin, offering help if needed.
 Let the student talk about his/her own dolphin he/she paints. The sentence patterns have been
given to help student depict the dolphins.
 Encourage student to come out with some sentences and praise him/her if answers are great.

Page 8 (3 mins)
 Tell student that he/she is going to play a game called ‘Shiritori’.
 First show the student how to play: dolphin – night – tiger
 You can start the game first, encouraging the student to come up with more words.

Part 4. Review (2 mins)

Page 9
 Recap what has been learnt to remind the student of the key points.
 Have student read the main passage on his/her own and remind student to pay attention to the
highlighted words.
 Ask student to answer a related question on whether he/she desires to swim with the dolphins
in the sea.

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