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Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) - is a deadly disease caused by a

virus. There are five strains, and four of them can make people
sick. After entering the body, it kills cells, making some of them
explode. It wrecks the immune system, causes heavy bleeding
inside the body, and damages almost every organ.
Hantavirus - Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is an
infectious disease characterized by flu-like symptoms that can
progress rapidly to potentially life-threatening breathing
problems. Several types of hantaviruses can cause hantavirus
pulmonary syndrome. They are carried by several types of
rodents, particularly the deer mouse. You become infected
primarily by breathing air infected with hantaviruses that are
shed in rodent urine and droppings.
Measles - Measles, or rubeola, is a viral infection of the
respiratory system. Measles is a very contagious disease that can
spread through contact with infected mucus and saliva. An
infected person can release the infection into the air when they
cough or sneeze.The measles virus can live on surfaces for
several hours. As the infected particles enter the air and settle on
surfaces, anyone within close proximity can become infected.

5 Herbals:
 Artemisia dubia
 Cinnamomum camphora
 Elephantopus scaber
 Prosopis juliflora
 Scoparia dulcis
MRSA - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics.
Staph and MRSA can cause a variety of problems ranging
from are skin infections and sepsis to pneumonia to
bloodstream infections.

5 Herbals:
 Turmeric
 Garlic
 Apple cider vinegar
 Manuka honey
 Oil of oregano
Pertussis - Pertussis, also known as "whooping cough," is a
highly contagious, acute respiratory illness characterized by fits of
coughing and caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis.
Whooping cough, a communicable, potentially deadly illness
characterized by fits of coughing followed by a noisy, "whooping"
indrawn breath. It is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis.

5 Herbals:
 Astragalus
 Echinacea
 Linden flowers
 Whoop-Ease Tea
 Cinnamon
Rabies - A potentially fatal viral infection that attacks the central
nervous system. Rabies is carried by wild animals (particularly
bats and raccoons) and finds its way to humans by many routes.
Most cases of rabies can be traced to animal bites, but cases
have been documented in which the virus was inhaled in bat
caves, contracted in lab accidents, or received from transplanted
donor tissue.

5 Herbals:

 Garlic
 Aloe Vera
 Cumin seeds
 Echinacea
 Chinese herbs
Shigellosis - Epidemic and opportunistic (causes disease when
the immune system is suppressed) dysentery that is due to
infection with shigella bacteria. Shigellosis causes intestinal pain
and diarrhea, with mucus and blood in the stool. It is especially
common in tropical countries but frequently occurs elsewhere. It is
a particular hazard for people with AIDS or other
immunodeficiency states. Treatment is with antibiotics against the
shigella bacteria.

5 Herbals:
 Cat Tail Plant
 Alchornea
 Ginger
 Barberry
 Echinacea
West Nile Virus - The mosquito-borne virus that causes
West Nile fever. One of the flaviviruses, a family of viruses also
responsible for dengue, yellow fever, and tick-borne
encephalitis virus. Like the other flaviviruses, the West Nile
virus is a positive-strand RNA virus containing three structural
proteins and a host-derived lipid bilayer.

5 Herbals:
 Lantana
 Yarrow
 Citronella Grass
 American Beautyberry
 Elderberry flower
Tuberculosis - A highly contagious infection caused by the
bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Abbreviated TB.
Tubercles (tiny lumps) are a characteristic finding in TB.
Diagnosis may be made by skin test, which if positive should will
be followed by a chest X-ray to determine the status (active or
dormant) of the infection.

5 Herbals:
 Ginger
 Mahogany
 Mexican tea
 Palm trees
 Nightshades
Zika - a Flavivirus related to dengue fever, West
Nile, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis viruses
(Flaviviridae). The Zika virus is transmitted to humans
by Aedesmosquito bites and leads to an illness that lasts a
few days to a week. Typical signs and symptoms of Zika
virus infection include fever, rash, joint pain,
and conjunctivitis (redness of the eyes).

5 Herbals:
 Garlic
 Papaya juice
 Vitamin C
 Turmeric
 Holy Basil or Tulsi

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