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Why is populism threatening the democratic and free

order in Hungary?
Populism is pushing to do not make people believe or have different
opinion of political topics, censuring and controlling the Media for
their party interests (populist party ) and make people believe
everything that they want is not freedom, that is manipulate the
people and threating the political order of the country and make it a
dictatorship. Also, it is against to the capitalism and international
investments and breaking agreements with the EU because those are
“dangerous for the country” so closing the doors and not giving help
for refugees and people who is escaping from the war.

2. Why is being so Popular in Hungary?

The post-communism left in Hungary a lot of problems to resolve, a
crisis and without a clue what to do, so Movement for a Better Hungary
Nationalist Populism Party (found in 2013 with now Viktor Orbán
ahead) attracted the people (most of young people who was looking
for radical ideas for solving the problems), understanding and
accepting the situation of the country and giving new solutions for the
crisis and bringing back the hided nationalism that Hungary needed to
resurged again.

Plus Info that can be helpful

Nationalist populist parties are growing in strength across

Europe. In Hungary, Jobbik (Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom,
Movement for a Better Hungary), is the most successful far-right
political party following the Cold War. Founded in 2003, it is now
the third largest political party in Hungary. Its ideology is strongly
nationalistic, combining opposition to capitalism and liberalism,
with anti-Semitic and anti-Roma rhetoric. The Jobbik party has
been particularly effective at mobilizing young Hungarians and
using online communication and messages to amplify its
message, recruit new members and organize.

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