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4M’s of the business


In making Moringa Empanada the Ingredients are :

1. All purpose flour

2. Butter

3. Baking powder

4. Salt

5. Carrots

6. Potato

7. Ground meat

8. Cooking oil

9. Onion

10. Garlic


The machineries we use in cooking are :

1. Gas stove

2. Frying fan

3. Spatula


The methods in doing Moringa Empanada are:

Steps in making dough

1. Mix flour ,baking powder and butter in a bowl

2. Add water and mix it continuously until it forms like a dough

3. Flatten the dough using rolling pin

4. Use a circle shapper to cut the dough

Steps in making the fillings

1. Dice the onion, garlic ,potato and carrots into small pieces

2. Put the cooking oil in the frying fan

3. Put the slice onion and garlic

4. Start to fry the ground meat

5. Put the dice potato and carrots

6. When it was cooked insert the filling to the dough

After we put the filling in the dough , deep fry the empanada and when the empanada is golden

brown it is already cooked.


The number of staff that we need for our business operation are six (6) personnel. We decided

to appoint two (2) staff in picking and buying ingredients. One (1) staff is appointed to dry

malunggay leaves. And three(3) cooking staff that are really good in cooking and very strict on

sanitation and cleanliness.

Key personnel

General manager

Assistant/ helper - overall assistant of one branch that provides help or assistance especially

when needed.

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