Lesson Plan in English 7: I. Learning Objectives

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Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. define each of the four major types of text;

b. sort examples of text into each category, and
c. show interest on writing different types of text.

II. Subject Matter

Content: Four Types of Text

References: Teacher’s Guide pages, Learner’s Material pages
Materials: Visual aid, concept map

III. Procedure

A. Classroom Management
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance

B. Review
Ask the class about the previous lesson.
What have they learned from the previous lesson?
Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson.

IV. Learning Activities

A. Activity

A. The teacher will ask the students a topic they are interested to. A student will write
the topic on the board and the class will do a concept map on the given topic.
B. The teacher will ask the students to form a paragraph using the ideas they have
written on the board.
B. Analysis
What do you think is the purpose of the paragraph that you have written?
Does the paragraph give information or explain something?
Does it convincing, persuading or encouraging, or enlightening us about something?

C. Abstraction
Different texts serve different purposes:
1. Informative – used to explain, to instruct and to inform
2. Argumentative – used to give reason and to draw conclusion
3. Persuasive – used to encourage and to convince
4. Analytical – used to tell the truth based on facts or experiences

The teacher will give examples of the different types of text.

V. Application

1. Bullying comes in many different forms, from cyber bulling to physical bullying. It’s all wrong
and it has to stop. Bullying has a real negative effect on the victim’s life. Those who are constantly
bullied can be pushed to the breaking point, where they could end up hurting themselves or
others. (Informative)
2. Why do students bully their class mates? I believe students bully other because they are insecure
and lack confidence. They use bullying tactics to impress other students. Bullies thrive on attention
they get from their fellow classmates. Their hurtful actions make them feel powerful and popular.
Bullies pick on students who they think are weak in physical stature, unpopular with their peers,
easily intimated, or discriminated against. (Argumentative)

3. As students, we can take action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas to make
this happen. I and a group of students would dedicate one week at the beginning of the school year
to hold an anti-bullying campaign called “Bully Beatdown.” The “Bully Beatdown” campaign
would raise awareness to the issues of bullying. For the campaign kick-off, I would hold a rally for
students to share their personal stories and experience with bullying. I would invite a counselor or
a psychologist specializing in anti-social behavior to speak at the rally about the effects of bullying.
The person could train students on anti-bullying tactics. (Persuasive)

4. During the “Bully Beatdown” campaign, I would have students perform skits befriending a
victim of bullying. To promote my campaign, I would pass out information flyers and pamphlets,
buttons, and signs to post throughout the school in bathrooms, gyms, lunchrooms, and hallways.

5. Bullying occurs on a regular basis in many schools. It’s usually started by the same person or a
ring leader who gets a few other students to join in on the bullying. Unfortunately, the majority of
students are spectators who act like the “peanut gallery” laughing out loud or snickering behind the
victim’s back. The “peanut gallery” may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the
sidelines giving their attention to the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a
bully, I have been part of the “peanut gallery” that makes bullying an even worse situation. The
“peanut gallery” are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. (Analytical)

VI. Evaluation
On a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, choose among the four types of text and write your own
paragraph. Your paragraph should be in a minimum of 5 sentences. Write whether your work is
an informative, analytical, argumentative or persuasive text.

VII. Assignment
On your notebook, give examples on each type of text. Label each text as informative, analytical,
argumentative or persuasive. Examples of each type of text should be in a minimum of 3

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BSEd/Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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