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Test I _________
410 Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City
Tel. No. (074) 442-2538 Test II _________

Test III ________

Fourth Quarter Examination
Total Score _____
Character Education 2 – B

Name: ________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________

I. Multiple Choices (18 points)

Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. What does the Philippine National Flag symbolizes?

a. Sovereignty b. Peace c. Purity d. Freedom
2. How are you going to show your respect and loyalty to the national flag?
a. Put additional marks or drawings on the flag.
b. Use the flag as drapery or table cloth.
c. Stand in attention and put the right hand palm opened on the chest.
d. Use the flag as trademark for commercial or agricultural labels and design.
3. What do you feel if you see the national flag being flown high up in the air?
a. Ashamed b. Proud c. Pathetic d. Nothing
4. Why is it important to be loyal to our country?
a. Because it is where you were born. c. Because it is the right thing to do.
b. Because you are a Filipino. d. All of the above
5. Who was the former president who put the Philippines under the control of the Martial Law?
a. Former President Fidel V. Ramos
b. Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
c. Former President Benigno S. Aquino III
d. Former President Ferdinand E. Marco
6. Who became the president when the dictatorship was ended?
a. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo c. Fidel V. Ramos
b. Corazon C. Aquino d. Joseph Estrada
7. When did the dictatorship ended or the EDSA People Power Revolution happened?
a. February 1985 c. February 1987
b. February 1986 d. February 1988
8. Who was the Libyan leader who ruled for more than forty years?
a. Muammar el-Qaddafi b. Osama Bin Ladin c. Barrack Obama d. None
9. Who was the boy who lost his lunchbox because someone have stolen it?
a. Gelo b. Luis c. Mirko d. Marco
10. Who was the guidance counselor who solved the problem about the missing lunchbox?
a. Ms. Ana b. Ms. Kathy c. Ms. Rose d. Ms. Ally
11. What is the value learned from the selection “The Lunchbox”?
a. Justice b. Honesty c. Dishonesty d. a and b
12. Who was the boy who stole the lunchbox?
a. Gelo b. Luis c. Mirko d. Marco
13. When a nation faced with difficulties and tragedies, where do people turn to?
a. Angels b. God c. Mama Mary d. Satan
14. The song says “He will make a way.” What does the song tells us?
a. God will make a road for the people. c. God will perform a magic to the world.
b. God will help the people solve their problems. d. God will go down from heaven.
15. What does God gives us when we are facing a lot problems or trials?
a. Faith b. Hope c. Strength d. All of them
16. Who was the Indian great hero from the North American Indian tribe?
a. Minnehaha b. Hiawatha c. Luis d. Gelo
17. What was the first gift of knowledge given to him by the Great Spirit?
a. He was given the knowledge to grow corn.
b. He was given the knowledge on how to make a canoe out of birch tree.
c. He was given the knowledge to write on the bark of the tree.
d. He was given the knowledge to choose his wife for peace.
18. What was the second gift of knowledge given to him by the Great Spirit?
a. He was given the knowledge to grow corn.
b. He was given the knowledge on how to make a canoe out of birch tree.
c. He was given the knowledge to write on the bark of the tree.
d. He was given the knowledge to choose his wife for peace.

II. Alternate Response Test. (21 points)

A. Put a check (√ ) to each situation that shows good values and (X) for each that does not.

19. Confess sins and ask for forgiveness from the Lord through the priest. ______
20. Play loud and fast music from the radio during the season of Lent. ______
21. When the national flag is being flown high, stop and give respect. ______
22. Cross on the pedestrian lane when the traffic light is green. ______
23. Eat plenty of food during the Holy Week. ______
24. Fall in line in the canteen when buying snack or lunch. ______
25. Join the procession sponsored by the local parish. ______
26. Pick flowers in the public places even you read the sign board. ______
27. Talk to classmates during the flag ceremony. ______

B. Draw a on the line if it shows the values of freedom, patriotism, originality, readiness,
improvement or adaptability and draw a if does not.

28. I use “po” and “opo” when talking to elders. ________

29. I like reading Philippine folktales. ________

30. I copy the drawing of my classmate for our project. ________

31. Woman in Saudi are not allowed to vote during elections. ________

32. I wear imported clothes. ________

33. My friend is not allowed to play every after class. ________

34. I prefer watching foreign movies. ________

35. I buy imitation products because it is cheap. ________

36. I do not like my black hair and brown skin. ________

37. You left your umbrella even you know it will rain. _______

38. Keep on practicing how to play basketball. ________

39. Wearing jacket during rainy season. _______

III. Identification Test. (21 points)
A. Encircle the value being shown or defined in the following sentences on the right column.

40. The rubber was caught because of the CCTV camera. Justice Unity
41. The Filipino community will vote for the underground river. Justice Unity
42. Giving good suggestion to our group work activity. Leadership Justice
43. Do your share in the work as a member. Justice Unity
44. The value of leading or guiding group of people. Leadership Justice
45. The value of being just by hearing both sides first. Leadership Justice
46. This is considering oneself as among the many. Justice Unity
47. This is taking responsibilities for the safety of the group. Leadership Justice
48. This is making the right judgment based on facts. Justice Unity
49. The value of being prepared physically and mentally. Readiness Adaptability
50. The value of making yourself or the situation to fit to Adaptability Improvement
the condition.
51. The value of wanting to enhance the quality or condition Improvement Readiness
of a present situation.
52. The value of stirring up an action that will lead to a Motivation Dependability
desired goal.
53. The value of being dependable and reliable. Motivation Dependability
54. The value of always seeing the positive side. Dependability Optimism

B. Tell whether the following attitude is positive or negative.

55. Not going to school because you don’t have snack and allowance. _____________________
56. Making project and assignment by yourself. ______________________
57. Helping your friend whose house got burned. _____________________
58. Eating your snack during class hours. ____________________
59. Doing the household chores even not being told to do so. ____________________
60. Thinking you can pass the final examinations because you studied hard. _________________

God bless and Congratulations 

Prepared by:

Noemi G. Lucero
Grade 2-Gentleness Adviser

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