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EVALUATE 10 9 8 7-6 5
PRESENTATION Student Student Student Student There was no
presented presented presented presented presentation.
their full themselves themselves themselves Start directly
name in a with their full with their full without with the
formal name quickly name and mentioning development
manner and and unveiled started the their full of the
announced the subject of development of name and exposition
the subject his academic their referred to
and the work, but did exposition, the subject in
objective, not mention without a general
according to the purpose mentioning the manner
his academic topic and
work objectives
DICTION The student The student The student did The student The student, in
correctly did not not correctly has trouble general, has
pronounced correctly pronounce all pronouncing problems to
all the words, pronounce all the words, a few words articulate
so that it was the words although in correctly words, so it is
easy to however, it general he was making it difficult to
understand was easy to understood difficult to understand
understand understand what he says
him some
VOLUME The student The pupil The student The student The student
spoke loud spoke loud spoke loud strove to had trouble
enough to be enough to enough to hear speak, though speaking with
heard clearly. hear him it clearly, not proper volume,
Clear voice, clearly, although at sufficiently to as he seemed
good though he times the be heard to whisper or
vocalization, struggled a volume was too clearly by all shout
and proper little. Clear low
intonation voice, good
LEXICAL The student The pupil The student The pupil Too many
correctly uses correctly misuses some misused some errors in
the language, used the words and words and speaking so
without language, phrases of the phrases of the that it was
jargon although he language, language, difficult to
included without jargon with jargons understand
some jargons but it was so that it was their ideas or
understood not very were searched
though it did formal or
not seem very something
formal rather
INTEREST Attracts Attracts Interesting at Difficult to get Uninteresting,
audience audience first but is or keep the monotonous,
attention and attention something interest of the with audience
maintains although at monotonous audience interested in
interest some point other matters
throughout there was
the exposition distraction
from the
VISUAL AIDS The Adequate Suitable visual Unsuitable No visual
exposition is visual support support visual support support
accompanied interesting
by audiovisual and in its just
media in measure
attractive and
of high quality
GROUP The group The group The group The group The group
COLLABORATION clearly worked worked only worked failed to work
worked together the together some together a together at all.
together, with majority of of the time, and little, and only
each team the time, and most of the a few team
member most of the team members members
making an team made made
important members important important
contribution made contributions to contributions
to the important the eventual to the
eventual goal. contributions goal. eventual goal.
to the
Final evaluation
Name and
signature of the

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