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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem


I am Mohamed Najeem and I reside in Valanchery which is a town in the Malappuram district.
After completing my Level 4 & 5 program, currently I am perusing my postgraduate diploma in
business management course in the B School International of the Edexcel BTEC Level 7 Extended
Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership. As of my understanding in this dynamic
business world, it is so basic to have some of the key personal business leadership skills and to
become a successful leader or manager. So here I am going to discuss my personal development
plan that’s how I will develop my personal skills which will help me to be a good manager or
strategic leader in the future.

Professional development is concerns improving yourself at work beyond meeting your specific
performance goals is too often left to the rote box-checking of annual performance reviews. To
successfully move to the next level, we need to ask ourselves: How can I ensure I’m more valuable
at the end of the year than I was at the beginning? Here is the need of personal development
planning. The personal development planning will help to answer the above-mentioned question.
Some of the plan or objectives or investments will take time to show results. But following through
on them is likely to become your personal competitive advantage, because so many people focus
only on quick wins and abandon the rest. So, need to stick-on until get result. Professional
development takes three main forms which are, learning, connecting, and creating. Depending on
the phase of your career and your other goals for the year, you may want to prioritize one more
than the others. (Clark, 2016).

Personal development is a way to better understand yourself, your unique personality and
potentials, your strengths and weakness, your aspirations and your talents. And it’s not just a way
of solving problems in your life, it’s a way of growing, it is your way to a better life to become an
improved version of yourself. A personal development plan is a process that consists of defining
what is important to you, what you want to achieve, what strengths you already have that help to
achieve your goals, and what you need to improve and develop with time. Personal development
is a continuous lifelong process of nurturing, shaping and improving skills and knowledge to
ensure maximum effectiveness and ongoing employability. (Mindofwinnercom, 2016).

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem

Personal development planning is the process of establishing aims and objectives (or goals) what
you want to achieve or where you want to go, in the short, medium or long-term in your career,
assessing current realities, identifying needs for skills, knowledge or competence, and selecting
appropriate development activities to meet those perceived needs. (Managersorguk, 2018). In this
assignment I am going to discuss my personal development plan and how I will develop my
personal skill with future plans.

1.1 Use appropriate methods to evaluate personal skills required to achieve strategic goals.
Personality is the typical pattern of thinking and feeling and behaviors that make a person unique.
This plays a role model for other employees working together. Personality is the combination of
characteristics or qualities that from an individual’s distinctive character. personality is made up
of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. In
addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent
throughout life. (Verywellmindcom, 2018).

SMART Personality goal.

SMART personal goal is process that setting brings structure and tractability into your goals and
objectives. Instead of vague resolutions, SMART goal setting creates verifiable trajectories
towards a certain objective, with clear milestones and an estimation of the goal's attainability.
Every goal or objective, from intermediary step to overarching objective, can be made S.M.A.R.T.
and as such, brought closer to reality. (Yourcoachbe, 2018).

Accordance to the requirement of Task 1, I have identified and analyzed the SMART objectives
of personal and also along with for the purpose of achieve these objectives, the required skills are
also analyzed and explained on this task. In focusing towards the acronym of SMART, my personal
and organizational objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding
within time. That means the objectives whether it is personal or organization should be specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding within time.

In relation to the acronym of SMART, my personal objectives are:

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem

 Complete my PGDBM
 Join in a small business firm’s marketing or sales team soon after completing my
PGDBM to get real time exposure.
 To complete my MBA, top up program after getting the real time business exposure
for at least 3 years from Chester, UK.
 To work for a reputed automobile parts manufacturing firm like Brembo or Ohlins for
another 5 more years after the completing the top up program.
 To establish my own high-performance automotive parts manufacturing company and
develop it globally.

Personal Skill.
Personal skills are, in short, the various attributes and competencies that allow one to play well
with others. Personal skills certainly aren’t the ability to invent things, or communication skills or
technical skills. Successful people come in all shapes and sizes. Personal skill all successful people
possess is the ability to learn from their mistakes It is not really an ability, it is a willingness.
Knowing our own personal skills is very important to develop both our personal and professional
lives. Sometimes skills can be the abilities we are born with, our natural talents, or things we
develop through our experiences and deliberate practice, however it will play an important role to
an organization success. (Liz Ryan, 2016).

Personal Skills required to achieve Strategic Goals.

Every individual obtains the ability of doing something all that require to be some by is to analyze
what we have and how we can use it in positive manner. Basic knowledge and information this is
needed by the manager in making decisions and taking action. This is the foundation level.
According to the work of Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell, as cited by (Mullins, and Christy 2016).
from their experience of the nature of management work and research project, they identify 11
attributes which were possessed by successful managers, which are grouped into three different
levels but many of the qualities are interconnected and possession of one contributes to possession
of another. The specific skills and qualities may affect our behavior and performance. The skill or
quality of continuing sensitivity to events allows managers to acquire basic knowledge and
information. (Mullins, and Christy 2016).

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem

Communication Skills.
Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills, communication is
simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocally, written,
and digital medias. Developing communication skill can help all aspects of personal life. The way
we speak with others and with ourselves eventually decides the nature of our lives. Along these
lines, administrator must ready to speak well with representatives to convey vision and strategic
plans. Various occupations require solid relational abilities and socially individuals with enhanced
relational abilities as a rule appreciate better relational associations with loved ones. Supervisor
should proficient to deal with struggle tenderly and listen to their subordinates in the cases of
relational abilities later on I have to confront those zones then Effective relational abilities are
principal to achievement in numerous parts of life. So I began to hone my relational abilities.
(Skillsyouneedcom, 2018).

Decision making skill.

Decision making is a key skill in the workplace, and is particularly important if you want to be an
effective leader. Whether you're deciding which person to hire, which supplier to use, or which
strategy to pursue, the ability to make a good decision with available information is vital. A chief
need it to settle on the correct choice in the opportune time. Basic leadership is one the key point
for the pioneers and director to take the business to finish everything. For a supervisor, this ability
is important one. As far as I am concern, I am great at it. This skill may help me to achieve my
future objectives. Be as it may, to improve as a director I have to work harder. In order to be
success as effective manager I have to be good at some personal skills such as time management,
stress management and communication skill. (Mindtoolscom, 2018).

Problem Solving.
Problem solving requires two distinct types of mental skill, analytical and creative. Critical
thinking ability and cognitive skills are the important expertise each supervisor needs. I can deal
with any issues with my capacity at critical thinking regardless of how hard it is and gets immense
pleasure after completing with it with a psychological fulfillment. Analytical or logical thinking
includes skills such as ordering, comparing, contrasting, evaluating and selecting. It provides a
logical framework for problem solving and helps to select the best alternative from those available
by narrowing down the range of possibilities (a convergent process). Analytical thinking often

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predominates in solving closed problems, where the many possible causes have to be identified
and analyzed to find the real cause. Creative thinking is a divergent process, using the imagination
to create a large range of ideas for solutions. It requires us to look beyond the obvious, creating
ideas which may, at first, seem unrealistic or have no logical connection with the problem. There
is a large element of creative thinking in solving open problems. The creative thinking skills can
be divided into several key elements, which are fluency - producing many ideas, flexibility -
producing a broad range of ideas originality - producing uncommon ideas, and elaboration -
developing ideas.

1.2 Apply techniques to assess the professional skills required to support the strategic
direction of the organization.

Here for strategic manager development in personal skills should give more important to achieve
strategic goals within an organization; there are a number of professional’s skills that require
prominent strategic manager in order to achieve strategic goals of them. These are some skills are
there which are following.

Leadership skill
Leadership skills is general analytical ability, logical thinking, proficiency in concept formation
and conceptualization of complex and ambiguous relationships. Creativity in idea generation and
problem solving, ability to analyze events and perceives trends, anticipate changes and recognize
opportunities and potential problems. The ability to influencing the conduct of the subordinates
gives the vital chief a bearing for accomplishing the hierarchical objectives (Yukl, and Uppal,
2017). If an individual is having the leadership skills he or she will come forward in professional
life. Managers must need these skills to lead the team and organization. And leadership skills are
guarantee to success, but as leaders he should need to have personal skill to communication skill
and time management because it’s essential for leadership skills.

Presentation skills.

Presentation skills are the skills you need in delivering effective and engaging presentations to a
variety of audiences. These skills cover a variety of areas such as the structure of

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your presentation, the design of your slides, the tone of your voice and the body language you
convey. These skills are required to ensure that the subordinates understand the strategies and
plans. It is important to present the plans to the employees in clear and inspiring way as they are
the ones who will carry the task. This will help them to carry out their job in effective manner and
to achieve the set organizational goals as well.

Negotiation and conflict management.

demands to develop the ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and resolve issues with
a sense of fairness for all. Serving on committees, planning program of studies with my advisor,
or negotiating deadlines with my colleagues all involved using some level of negotiation skills;
several of these experiences might have also included conflicts of interest and a power differential
between me and other individuals.

Technical competence.
Technical skills refer knowledge about methods, process, procedures and techniques conducting a
specialized activity, and the ability to use tools and equipment relevant to the activity. (Yukl, and
Uppal, 2017). It includes applying techniques and knowledge. It helps in providing a strategic
direction to employees regarding the ways in which they can implement different techniques in
their job It also helps him in providing appropriate guidance and training to the subordinates and
establishes an environment of continuous learning in the firm.

Multitasking skill.
If anyone enters in professional field that individual has to go through a lot of work task at the
same time in his or her professional life. And Multi-tasking skill is very important for professional
it gives them wisdom and vision to complete different task in limited time with great efficiency.

Interpersonal Skills.

It refers to knowledge about human behavior and interpersonal process ability to understand the
feelings, attitudes, and motive of others from what they say and do (empathy, social sensitivity),
ability to communicate clearly and effectively (speech fluency, persuasiveness), and ability to
establish effective and cooperative relationships (tact, diplomacy, listening skill, knowledge about
social behavior). (Yukl, and Uppal, 2017).

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem

2.1 Carry out a skills audit to evaluate the strategic skills needed to meet current and future
leadership requirements.

When we don’t analyze about yourself, it would find very difficult to grow as all are humans and
it’s not mandatory that all would be perfect in every aspect of one’s skills and abilities. All might
have different dreams and unique thoughts but they might be lacking some key points like lack of
communication skills, not able to establish relationships with people in order to grow the business

When you start to set a career, you need to identify your strength and weakness so that you can
capitalize on your strengths and do necessary corrections to overcome the weakness and create
opportunities. Carrying out a personal skills audit is an important step when you are planning a
career change. If you are serious about changing careers, then you need to build up a detailed
understanding of your strengths and talents. If you are clear on this, then you can assess career
ideas with your skills and strengths in mind.

For identifying and understanding the strength and weakness, for that I draw my skill with the help
of, and I have made an analysis and evaluation by considering some of my personal
skill which carries in based on my real time experience.

Skills Point out of 100

Leadership Skill 71

Team Management 73

Creativity 59

Time Management 45

Communication 50

Problem Solving 55

Decision Making 57

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Below the Table shows the strength and weakness result of personal internal audit

Strengths Weaknesses

Empathy Less time management

Good networks & ability to build relationships Laziness


Passionate about global automobile industry Hunting leisure time and poor reading habit.

Socially interactive Knows only English and Malayalam and lack

of fluency in English.

Ability to learn and understand the technical Lacking presentation skills


Opportunities. Threats

Higher global education platform. Market entry and Brand

Learn real time business by working in a firm Automobile Industry is facing downfall in
soon after PGDBM India and fossil fuels are depleting

Start own business after realizing and getting Government Regulations

exposed to the corporate world and culture.

The above mentioned are the SWOT which I have analyzed about myself after using the tools from
the website and I know that I am an empathetic person and I look to see others feelings when
dealing with people. And I love to have conversations with people and I am not saying that I can
jump in to start a conversation with an unknown person quickly but when I found someone to have
a business taste as mine, I really somehow make them friends and I think which can help me when
developing an own business. My keen interest is automobiles and I never get bored of searching
for new information and updates which is happening in the industry. I would like to choose a career
related to that industry itself. In my weakness part, the most disgusting and immediate action
required for the lack of time management and laziness. I have planned to hit the gym regularly in
the morning by waking up early in order to rectify my laziness to work. I only know two languages

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and that is English and Malayalam. I have a poor reading habit which limits my knowledge update
to a greater extend. And I can’t present something in front of a crowd.

While seeing the opportunities, I have chosen the right path and I can avail the higher education
with people around the globe from UK. As I have attended a global business source after my
higher secondary education, I believe that it would be pretty much easy for me to get a job and
perform there as I have already learned the basics to run a business in the functional level, business
level and in the corporate level. The threats include the market entry and branding as there are a
lot of players in the market with the same kind of business. Which means it is difficult to enter to
the market as people or our target customers would accept only the trusted brands which is good
reputation in past. And the government is very strict nowadays and they do not allow to modify or
fit performance custom parts to the vehicles in Kerala state. But globally it is not the case.

2.2 Apply appropriate techniques to identify preferred learning style.

Learning is a very important process for achieving the business aims and objectives and it also
play a vital role in personal development and it is also very essential to improving the
organizational performance. If someone has the knowledge that what style and techniques is best
suitable for that person it can bring better outcome to his work and it can reduce the repetition of
mistake as an individual and professional.

Kolb's learning style.

Kolb's learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles which are based on a four-stage learning
cycle. Kolb says that ideally this process represents a learning cycle or spiral where the learner
'touches all the bases', i.e., a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting. There is brief
description of Kolb's four learning styles.

Diverging (feeling and watching - CE/RO) - These people are able to look at things from
different perspectives. They are sensitive. They prefer to watch rather than do tending to gather
information and use imagination to solve problems. They are best at viewing concrete situations
several different viewpoints.

Assimilating (watching and thinking - AC/RO) - The Assimilating learning preference is for a
concise, logical approach. Ideas and concepts are more important than people. These people

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require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. They excel at understanding wide-
ranging information and organizing it a clear logical format.

Converging (doing and thinking - AC/AE) - People with a Converging learning style can solve
problems and will use their learning to find solutions to practical issues. They prefer technical
tasks, and are less concerned with people and interpersonal aspects. People with a Converging
learning style are best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories. They can solve problems and
make decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems.

Accommodating (doing and feeling - CE/AE) - The Accommodating learning style is 'hands on',
and relies on intuition rather than logic. These people use other people's analysis, and prefer to
take a practical, experiential approach. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences, and
to carrying out plans. They commonly act on 'gut' instinct rather than logical analysis.

Honey and Mumford's learning style.

Honey and Mumford's learning style is directly derived from Kolb's learning style. While basically
the same as Kolb's model, there are a couple of differences. First, they substitute the terms
“reflector” for diverges (reflective observation), “theorist” for assimilators (abstract
conceptualization), “pragmatist” for converges (concrete experience), and “activist” for
accommodators (active experimentation). In addition, the new labels have slightly different

Reflector - Prefers to learn from activities that allow them to watch, think, and review (time to
think things over) what has happened. Likes to use journals and brainstorming. Lectures are helpful
if they provide expert explanations and analysis.

Theorist - Prefer to think problems through in a step-by-step manner like lectures, analogies,
systems, case studies, models, and readings. Talking with experts is normally not helpful.

Pragmatist - Prefers to apply new learning to actual practice to see if they work likes laboratories,
field work, and observations.

Activist - Prefers the challenges of new experiences, involvement with others, assimilation and
role-playing. Likes everything new. Shows good problem solving skill with small group

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Every person has different mind-set and according to the mind they prefer different learning style
from which they believe they can learn better. As an individual I have identified style which are
more suitable for me learn. Base on my experiences I have learned that Honey and Mumford's
Reflector learning style is best suitable for me and it makes my learning more effective and
efficient. The Reflector Prefers to learn from activities that allow them to watch, think, and review
(time to think things over) what has happened. Likes to use journals and brainstorming. Lectures
are helpful if they provide expert explanations and analysis. When I considering and doing task I
mostly prefer to use journals and brainstorming like personal experiences in order to complete or
finish my task.

3.1 Construct a personal development plan that meets leadership development requirements
identified in the skills audit. 3.2 Use suitable methods to assess the outcomes of a personal
development plan against personal work objectives.

Personal and Professional Skills.

Personal Development Plan can be defined as a process that helps an individual to think about
his/her own learning, performance and/or achievements and to plan for his/her personal,
educational and career development. The purpose of the PDP is to get us to determine where it is
we want to go, and how we intend to get there.

Quick Plan to Overcome Weakness.

Here I need to overcome immediately some of my weakness to achieve or complete my PGDBM

course. So, here I need to develop a plan to overcome those above mentioned my weaknesses.
Initially, I need to develop a plan to improve the time management. I have the problem of taking
everything to the last extend and then asking for extra time. This has a link with my laziness as I
tend to think that I could do it later but end up in trouble as I get work overload. I have planned to
wake up early in the morning so that I can work out in the gym which will allow me to get fit and
motivated, also it can be helpful to get rid of laziness. Going for trips whenever possible is one of
the weakness I found because I never care about my pending works and try to enjoy my time
worthlessly. I have planned to stop all those type of activities for a while and also decided to not
go for leisure trips with pending works are on.

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Secondly, I need to improve my presentation skill to overcome the problem while explaining
anything to a big crowed. I have decided to get up front whenever I get opportunity to present
anything in the classrooms. That can also help me to improve the English fluency skill and improve
my communication skill a lot

Current Plan

Objectives Methods Time Scale Monitoring and


Complete my Edexcel Level 7 Within end of August Monitor by tutors and

PGDBM 2019 external examiner

Apply for job in a Create a CV and September 2019 to Attending interviews

growing firm in UAE upload it in the November 2019. and getting placed in
websites. and get engaged in
work life for 3 years

To do top-up MBA in Apply for join MBA January 2022 to Jan Gain MBA certificate
UK in UK 2023

As per my current plan, initially, I need to complete my Level 7 PGDBM program from the B-
School International, Kottakkal, within the period of end of the August 2019. Then secondly, after
the completion of my PGDBM I need to go to UAE in order to search for job. Then finally, after
working for 3 years I want to top up to MBA from University of Chester from the period of January
2022 and Jan 2023.

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Career Plan.

Objectives Methods Time Scale Monitoring and Review

To join in for work in Get a visit visa to UAE Starts from 30 Attending interviews
UAE and search for job. September to November and getting the responses
2019 from the companies

Completing the MBA Apply for join MBA in January 2022 to January Gain MBA certificate
program in UK UK 2023

To get work experience Apply for job with MBA January 2023- January Learn the all aspects of
in MNC in Europe qualification. 2028 business knowledge of
an MNC

Start a performance Find the right people for 2030 to 2035 Signature in my life
automotive parts the job and get myself
manufacturing and knowledge about it by
tuning station. working in high reputed
firms like Brembo.

There are many ways to improve personal skills in a man which are Smile: one can manage people
very easily simply by smiling. So it is very urgent to maintain smile in all the ways of our
professional life; Always be appreciative: Always try to be generous with praise and kind words
also when people help you it is essential to thank them; Always be attentive: It is very important
to be attentive when someone talks to us; Practice active listening: One can improve his qualities
by regular basis practice on listening; Bring people together: It is very urgent to Treat everyone
equally and same manner also have to listen carefully and value what others say; Resolve possible
conflicts: If there any conflict arises it is very important to resolve the conflict between the parties
so that no further conflicts arise; Communicate clearly: Always clear and effective communication
is required to avoid misunderstandings among coworkers, colleagues, as well as associates;

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Humor: Always try not to be afraid to be funny or cunning; See from other side: Always try to
consider from the other side which will help to perform our duties properly; Don't complain: It is
very essential not to complain against other.

Contingency plan

After completing my PGDBM, my current plan is to go to UAE by getting a visit visa which is not
that much risky and hunt for a job there. Where I would be able to apply the things which I have
learned from my program at the B School International. If in case I cannot find a job there, I would
come back to India and look for the job here itself in Bangalore or Chennai etc. My ultimate aim
is to build a business which is closely related to the world’s automobile market and to engage in
rebuilding the cars and support the car enthusiasts out there in by having a bunch of technically
sound staffs to serve the purpose and to set up a brand which manufactures performance
automotive parts for both bikes and cars. So, I will have to face many troubles and I knew that
everything will take it’s time. Anyway, after saving money by working after PGDBM, I have the
plan to complete my MBA from Chester and then to get a job in an MNC which is related to the
auto industry and then understand all the methods and its functions to its core and start to build my
ultimate dream.

3.3 Evaluate the impact of own learning against the achievement of strategic goals.

Learning plays very important role for individual, personal and professional development. As
some skills are discussed in personal development plan which are playing very vital role for me to
achieve my personal goals and my organizational objective. As I have made a personal
development plan to improve my skills in my personal life and professional life for my future
organizational achievement.

I was having a feeling that I got everything to succeed but this assignment lead to expose my
weaknesses and threats. From this I am realizing that no one in this world would be perfect in all
aspects and everyone are learning throughout his or her life from experiences at least. If we do not
conduct a review and continue our journey by believing that we are self sufficient in nature, it
might lead us to a failure at some point of time. There is room for improvement for all the skills
and expertise which we have acquired and it is our duty to find the necessary updates and learn the
things. When we can understand our own weaknesses and asses it, we would be able to find the

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accurate solutions too. Self-learning should be continued till death as it can only make us sharp
and updated in this dynamic world.


From my self-prepared PDP, I have got a strong gut feeling that if I could sort out some issues and
address it with required measures, I can achieve my goal and may be beyond that as we cannot say
what would happen or when an opportunity will arrive. As of now I believe that I am on the right
track and the self-belief and confidence are a key component in order to be succeeded in the

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem

Personal Details

Mohammed Najeem

Nalakath House

Valanchery PO Bavappadi


Kerala, India

PIN: 676552

Contact Number: (Mob) +91 9809512338


Education Qualification:

1. SSLC (CBSE): Delhi International Schol, Vengad

2. Plus Two (State) Science: THSS Vattamkulam, Edappal.
3. Under Graduation: UK BBA Level 4 and Level 5 (Edexcel Pearson UK Certification) from
The B School International, Sir Hind, Chenakkal, Kottakkal, Kerala 676510.
4. PGDBM in Strategic Management and Leadership (Edexcel Pearson UK Certification):
The B School International, Sir Hind, Chenakkal, Kottakkal, Kerala 676510.

Language Skills:

Malayalam, English

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem


I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. I am ready to submit all the relevant certificates to certify the above information is
true. If you give an opportunity, I assure you that I will sincerely meet your expectations.

Reference Corner

Book Reference

Mullins, L. J., Christy, G. (2016) Management and Organizational Behaviour. 10th Edn. Noida: Pearson India
Education Service Pvt. Ltd.

Yukl, G., and Uppal, N. (2017) Leadership in Organization. 8th Edn. Noida: Pearson India Education Service Pvt.

Journal Reference

Clark, D. (2016) Plan Your Professional Development for the Year. Harvard Business Review. January 7th.

Ryan, L (2016) The One Skill All Successful People Posses. Forbes Journals. September 24th.

Web Reference (2019). CareerOneStop. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). Personality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4

Jun. 2019] (2019) SMART Goals [online]. Available at:
tools/smart-goal-setting.php. [Accessed 3rd June 2019]., (2019) How to Create a Personal Development Plan [online]. Available at: [Accessed 4th June 2019].

Mcleod, S. (2019). Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle | Simply Psychology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]., (2019) Personal Development Planning [online]. Available at: [Accessed 3rd June 2019].

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Professional Development for Strategic Managers | Mohammed Najeem (2019) Decision Making [online]. Available at: [Accessed 7th June 2019]. (2019). How Creative Are You?:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Are Your Communication Skills?: – Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading
Effectively. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Are Your Management Skills?:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Is Your Decision Making?:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Is Your Problem Solving?:. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). How Good Is Your Time Management?: Discover Time Management Tools That Can Help
You Excel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019) Communication Skills [online]. Available at: [Accessed 6th June 2019].

ToolsHero. (2019). SMART Goals. What are SMART goals? Definition & examples | ToolsHero. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 4 Jun. 2019]. (2019). Honey and Mumford — University of Leicester. [online] Available at: [Accessed
4 Jun. 2019].

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Leadership Skills:

Team Management:

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Problem Solving:

Decision Making:

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Time Management:

Communication Skills:

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Creativity Tools:

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