Polyglass VEHA - Surface Prep and Application Procedure

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Parameters for Polyglass VEHA Application

Before any work is started, the work area climate/environment conditions should be
measured. Measurements must be taken and recorded at the work site prior to and during
the work scope. These measurements must be carried out to ensure that the conditions
are within acceptable limits to allow for the Polyglass application to take place.

Measurements to be taken:
› Temperature
› Humidity
› Dewpoint

IMPORTANT: Polyglass VEHA should not be applied if:

› Temperature is Below 0⁰C
› Temperature is Above +60⁰C
› Temperature is within 3⁰C of Dewpoint temperature
› Humidity is above 85%.

Measurements must be carried out before starting the work scope and at regular intervals
throughout the work scope and or if conditions change.

› Before any work starts.

› Before Machining.
› Before surface preparation.
› Before Polyglass application.
› Before each coat / layer of Polyglass is applied.
If at any point the conditions are outside of the specified acceptable limits the job must
stop, no coating to be applied, client to be informed.

Measurement / monitoring equipment:

› Temperature – Elcometer 319T or Magnetic Thermometer
› Dewpoint – Elcometer 319T or Elcometer 116A Whirling Hygrometer
› Humidity – Elcometer 319T or Elcometer 116A Whirling Hygrometer

Refer to equipment instruction manuals

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SPX International Limited. Registered Office - Eversheds LLP, Bridgewater Place, Water Lane, Leeds, LS11 5DR, England. Registration No: 0517486
If at any point if the climate/environment conditions are outside of the specified acceptable
limits the job must stop, client must be informed and new control measures to be
introduced if possible. If new controls cannot be put in place the job cannot proceed until
the climate/environment conditions are back within the specified acceptable limits.

Closure Sealing Surface Machining

HOLD POINT: Monitor Climate Conditions, only proceed if within acceptable limits.

› Degrease Closure surfaces to be machined and surrounding area clean of any oil /
grease / hydrocarbon residue. Any areas of loose corrosion scale and deposits close
to the area to be machined to be cleaned away prior to machining.
› Take a measurement to current Sealing surface from a suitable datum point on the
Closure and record this. Check this against the Closure Neck Drawing to ensure it is
correct. This will be the measurement to finish machine the Polyglass back to.
› Fit a bung to the vessel to give adequate protection to prevent ingress of debris.

› Set up the machine and if required install Trace Heating Tape to aid Polyglass curing
times in cooler climates.
› Machine sealing surface corrosion. Where possible a groove to be machined within
the area that the Seal lip is in contact. This will be determined by the GD Service
Technician at the job site.
Note: A minimum of 1.5mm is to be removed from surface, this is required to give
desired final thickness for the refurbished sealing surface when the Polyglass is
finish machined.
The depth of the seal face undercut should not exceed 3mm without consulting GD
Engineering to confirm maximum that can be removed.
Monitor depth of cuts during the machining operation to ensure compliance with
this requirement.
› Where possible a support shoulder should be retained at the edge of the seal face
adjacent to the bore of the hub. In the event that latter is not possible due the
aggressive corrosion, consideration must be given to the operational use of the
vessel, i.e. pigging cycles etc… and procedures be put in place to prevent damage
to this surface. Suitable seal face protection is advised.

› The width of the undercut should not penetrate the inner edge of the seal face radii.

› The surface finish of the machined area if Corrocoating is not too critical, but should
be free any ragged edges or machine chattering, the ultimate aim would be a
machined finish of √3.2.

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Machined Surface Preparation

HOLD POINT: Monitor Climate Conditions, only proceed if within acceptable limits.

For Polyglass application we need to achieve Corrocoat’s recommended minimum surface

cleanliness of SA 2.5 or better and with a surface finish profile of above 50 microns.

The area to be prepared for the Polyglass application must be thoroughly cleaned and
degreased and be free of machining swarfe and contaminants.

To achieve the recommended surface finish and profile we will be using one of the
following methods: To be confirmed with client in advance of mobilisation.
› Grit Blasting using sharp abrasive grit
› Monti Bristle Blaster - MBX

Abrasive blasting is the preferred option by Corrocoat UK, however, Corrocoat UK also
advise the MBX Bristle Blaster can be used where abrasive blasting is not possible or not
preferred by the client.

If using MBX Bristle Blaster, ensure a new Bristle Belt is used on each Closure to ensure the
required surface finish is achieved on large diameter Closures more may be required.

Surface profile to be measured and recorded on reports and with evidence (TesTex tape).

Surface profile measuring equipment to be used:

› Elcometer 125-1 / 125-2 Surface profile comparators

› Elcometer 123 Surface Profile Gauge
› Elcometer TesTex Tape
› Elcometer 124 Foil Thickness Gauge (to measure TesTex tape)

Refer to equipment instruction manuals

Note: Test Piece is to be prepared at same time for Polyglass adhesion testing.

IMPORTANT: If the machined surface cannot be prepared and the Polyglass coating started
before end of working shift then the surface preparation method listed above should be
placed on hold until the next working shift to ensure the Polyglass can be applied
immediately after surface preparation is completed.
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Corrocoat Polyglass VE-HA Application
HOLD POINT: Monitor Climate Conditions, only proceed if within acceptable limits

1. On completion of the surface preparation the surface area should be cleaned of all
grit and dust. Decontaminate the surface using a suitable solvent such as
methylated spirit, acetone, xylene etc… or alternatively by using a proprietary
cleaner which is water soluble. (Acetone is provided in the Polyglass VEHA kit)
Allow solvent to evaporate or wash away proprietary cleaner with water and mop
dry with clean lint-free cloth.

2. When completely dry the first coat of Polyglass VE-HA should be applied as soon as
reasonably practical to seal the exposed surface.
Note: If there are any signs of oxidisation to the prepared surface or it has become
contaminated, the surface preparation must be carried out again as per previous
stage. If at any time the climatic conditions change and are outside of the specified
acceptable limits the job must stop, no coating be applied.

3. The Polyglass VEHA should be well stirred to ensure the Glass flake is evenly
distributed in the resin before pouring a mix for application. The mixing ratio of
Polyglass resin and catalyst (P2 / P600 Organic Peroxide) being 2% by volume. (49:1)
e.g. weigh 98grams of Polyglass to 2grams P2 or P600 Catalyst.

4. Mix a small amount for the first coat, this first coat is applied in a thin even coat.

5. The depth and orientation of the recess determines the number of subsequent
layers of Polyglass needed, until the build-up is greater than the height of the
original sealing surface.

6. The second and subsequent layers should not be applied before the previous layer
has partially cured (gelled).
If practical mix for one layer at a time, but of course situations differ and dependent
on the environment in which the work is being carried out and other mitigating
circumstances, the application process could vary. For each different mix, a clean
brush and mixing pot must always be used.

7. The preferred temperature of the closure hub should be between +200 to +250C to
aid standard curing times using P2 catalyst but not to exceed +600C

8. On completion of the Polyglass application it must be left to fully cure, the very
minimum being overnight, if applied during that day (approx. 12hrs).

IMPORTANT: Test Piece to be prepared at same time for Adhesion Test if requested
Note: It is recommended that P600 Fastcat should only be used in low temperatures and
where small local repairs to existing Polyglass surfaces is required. It is not recommended
to be used in temperatures over 250C due to short pot mix life unless for carrying out small
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areas of repair.
Finish machining of Polyglass
› Measurement before first cut to be recorded.
› Each subsequent cut to be checked to ensure final dimension for surface is not
› When nearing the required surface dimension, the tool tip should be either rotated
to give a fresh cutting edge or replaced for a new tip. Measurement of tip to sealing
surface is critical to ensure correct dimension and finish is attained and the fresh
cutting edge of the tip will ensure a good finish to the final cut/cuts.

Following machining, if any small repairs to the surface are needed these can be carried
out as per local repair procedure. Please refer to Polyglass Local Repairs Procedure

Adhesion Testing
A test piece should be prepared during the work scope in the same method and same
conditions as the above procedure to provide a true representation of the repair carried
out. This test piece will then be tested to confirm adhesion strength and measurement
recorded in the Service Report.

› A Test Piece to be supplied for each job.

› Test Piece Surface Profile and Resin application to be at same time as the main work

Due to impracticality of machining the test piece at site, it is suggested to be sanded flat to
allow the adhesion testing to be carried out, this is acceptable to Corrocoat standards.

Measuring equipment:
› Elcometer 506 Analogue Adhesion Tester

Refer to equipment instruction manuals

Leak Testing
Corrocoat advise a minimum cure time of 24hr at 20⁰C before immersion of the resin to
line product. Therefore, leak test by clients leak test procedure can be carried out no earlier
than 24hrs after final resin application was carried out, this includes any local repairs. This
is to allow the resin to cure to give best strength/adhesion.
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Sketch showing the area of Sealing surface for Polyglass application

Machined area of sealing face will depend on

depth of corrosion usual depth of machining is
1.5mm but we could machine up to 3mm max.
from this area, but must be rebuilt to keep Seal
extrusion gap to acceptable GD tolerances.
Width of machined area can be 15-25mm
depending on Closure size and seal type.
GD Technicians to determine on the job and
record in the visit report.

Sealing Surface is shown

here with Polyglass

Closure Neck cut

away view
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