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Set 1: Solve any Two of the following.

1. Check if given 2 strings contains same characters and same length but in different order. Print
‘true’ if criteria satisfied else print ‘false’
(Difficult Level: Easy)

Input: army, mary
Output: true

Input: army, navy

Output: false

2. You can create measuring weight of any size. Given size ‘n’ kg, you should able to measure
anything from 1 to n (only integer) kilograms using given weights. Find minimum number of
weights required for given ‘n’ kg.

(Difficult Level: Medium)

3. Two distinct elements will be given in the input and an array. You need to find the minimum
distance between the 2 elements. Minimum Distance is defined as if P != Q then |(A[P] – A[Q])|
(Difficult Level: Medium)

Example: [1,7,2,11,3,4,7,9,11,14,7,21,2,6,2,8,4,11,4]
If the given elements are 7 and 11, the minimum distance will be 2.
Set 2: : Solve any Two of the following.

1. Implement java solution to find single missing number from 1 to n from array size of (n-1). Note
that numbers can be given in any order and only one number will be missing. Solution should be
(Difficult Level: Easy)

2. Generate string by using all given characters without having repetitive character in sequence
(Any 1 output required if multiple outputs are possible). (Duplicate characters are allowed;
however, it cannot be adjacent to each other). If string generation isn’t possible, then print
(Difficult Level: Medium)


1) a,a,b,c : a,b,c,a

2) a,a,a,b : INVALID INPUT

3. Print all permutation of given string.

(Difficult Level: Medium)


Input: “GOD”

Output: "GOD", "OGD", "DOG", "GDO", "ODG", and "DGO"

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