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Margaret Trent

Anna Collins

Parisa Roozitalab

Health Optimizing Physical Education

Overarching objective: To acquire knowledge and skills for lifelong participation in physical activity for optimal health benefits

P-12 Major Program Units Assessment Teacher School/Community

Curriculum Learning (Scope and Sequence) Knowledge Resources
Strand Outcome
Diet and To learn Elementary: Elementary: Knowledge  Internet/computer access
Nutrition for and  Food Guide  Worksheet/activity concerning  http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwche/websites.htm#teaching
physical demonstrate Pyramid where students have to food guide  pecentral.com
activity knowledge including the choose “good” foods pyramid,  SEICUS
of diet and Physical from “bad” foods recommended  CDC (health index of each community/healthy people
GPS nutrition Activity  Shopping trip PBS daily values 2010)
Alignment that section (food kids online activity of each  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
enhances groups, portion (pick out healthy component
Physical PA size, how foods) including
Education: eating right physical
Standard 4 helps to be activity, how
Standard6 active, etc.). a proper diet
affects ability
Health Middle: Middle and High: to be and
Education:  Build on food  Nutrition Café (enter remain
Standard 1 guide pyramid in daily diet, results physically
Standard 3  Nutrition show how much fiber, active, how
Standard 5 Labels carbs, etc. eating and caloric intake
Standard 6 choosing if you are meeting the affects ability
Standard 7 healthy foods recommended to be
to go along percentage) physically
with achieving  Activity and diet log active, how
and carbs, fat, and
maintaining protein help
active lifestyles enhance
(how reading energy levels
nutrition labels to be
leads to physically
healthier food active, and
choices to how use of
enhance ability drugs and
to be alcohol can
physically prevent
active by physical
choosing and activity from
maintaining a taking place.
healthy diet)

High School:
 Build on food
on labels
 Caloric intake
as it relates to
 Calculating
carbs, fats,
proteins for
energy in
 Drugs and
alcohol and
how it inhibits
ability to be

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