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Q.1. In a party there are total 1560 people out of which 60% are males,15% are females and rest are
children. If 50 children more join into the party, then what is the percent of children in the party?
1560 60% 15% 50

6 53
(A) 45% (B) 45 % (C) 27 % (D) 32%
11 161
Q.2. In a class there are 60 students. Out of which 15% are girls. The monthly fee of each girl is Rs
250 and fee of each boy is 34% more than the fee of each girl. W hat is total monthly fee of all
the boys and girls together?
60 15% 250

(A) Rs. 19335 (B) Rs. 9567 (C) Rs. 19745 (D) Rs. 19736
Q.3. Arbind spends 75% of his income and saves the rest. His income is increased by 20% and he
increased his expenditure by 10%. Then the increase in savings in percentage is -
75% 20%
(A) 55% (B) 52%
(C) 50% (D) 48%
Q.4. 40% students in a school are more than 12 years of age while 90% of the students are below or
equal to 15 years.30% of the total students speak English.30% of the students above the age of
15 years speak English. Students below or equal to the age of 15 years who speak English is
what % of the total students speaking English?
40% 12 90% 15
30% 15 30%

(A) 70% (B) 80% (C) 90% (D) 60%

Q.5. In making of sugar constant part is evaporated and some part get loss while processing. W hen
15% of sugarcane is lost while processing it to make sugar a sugar mill can produce 30 lakh
tonnes of sugar, while if 10% is lost then it can produce 40 lakh tonne.Find the quantity of sugar
cane processed.

15% 30 10%

(A) 200 Lakh/ (B) 212 Lakh/ (C) 180 Lakh/ (D) CND
Q.6. In a test, minimum passing percentage for girls and boys is 30% and 45% respectively. A boy
scored 280 marks and failed by 80 marks. How many more marks did a girl require to pass in the
test if she scored 108 marks ?
30% 45%
280 80 108

(A) 132 (B) 140 (C) 160 (D) 112
Q.7. In an examination one candidate obtained 30% marks and failed by 50 marks and another got
320 marks and failed by 30 marks. Find the maximum marks.
30% 50
320 30
(A) 3000 (B) 1000 (C) 900 (D) 1100
Q.8. In an examination 52% student failed in Hindi and 42% failed in English. If 17% failed in both
subjects then how much percent student passed in both subject?
52% 42% 17%

(A) 38% (B) 33% (C) 23% (D) 18%

Q.9. In an examination A got 10% marks less than B, who got 25% marks more than C, who got 20%
marks less then D. If A got 360 marks out of 500, then percentage of marks obtained by D was?
A, B 10% C 25% D 20%
A 500 360 D
(A) 70 (B) 75 (C) 80 (D) 85
Q.10. In an election; 40% of the voters voted for candidate A whereas 60% of the remaining voted for
candidate B. The remaining voters did not vote. If the difference between those who voted for
candidate A and those who did not vote was 4800. How many individuals casted thier vote in
that election?
40% A 60%

(A) 20, 800 (B) 22, 800 (C) 16, 800 (D) 36, 800
Q.11. In an election only two candidates contested. 30% of the registered voters did not cast their
votes and 180 votes were declared invalid. The winner got 684 votes more than his opponent
and the number of valid votes received by the winner is 42% of the number of registered voters.
How many registered voters cast their votes?
30% 180

(A) 2520 (B) 2250 (C) 2570 (D) 5250

Q.12. In election of Amethi 4/5th of the voters promise to vote for Rahul Gandhi and rest voters
promise to Varun Gandhi. Out of the voters who promise to vote Rahul Gandhi 10% voters did
not vote. Whereas 20% of the voters who promise to vote Varun Gandhi did not vote. If Rahul
Gandhi get total 216 votes then find the total numbers of voters who vote?
(A) 200 (B) 300 (C) 264 (D) 100
Q.13. In an examination every candidate took Maths or English or both. If 65% took Maths and 60%
English, how many took Maths and English both?
(A) 5% (B) 25% (C) 62.5% (D) 125%
Q.14. A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enable a person to buy 10.5 kg. more for Rs. 100. What
is the reduced price per kg?
21 100 10.5

(A) Rs. 2 (B) Rs. 2.25 (C) Rs. 2.30 (D) Rs. 2.50
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