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Surg Radiol Anat

DOI 10.1007/s00276-016-1629-6


The relationship between tinnitus and vascular anomalies

on temporal bone CT scan: a retrospective case control study
Betul Kizildag1 • Nagihan Bilal1 • Nursel Yurttutan1 • Mehmet Akif Sarica1 •

Gulay Gungor1 • Murat Baykara1

Received: 2 July 2015 / Accepted: 18 January 2016

Ó Springer-Verlag France 2016

Abstract jugular bulb, dehiscent carotid canal, left-sided MEV

Introduction Tinnitus is a common symptom in which enlargement, and petrous bone pneumatization, seemed to
etiology is unclear in a group of patients. Some of anatomic have an association with tinnitus. Further studies compar-
or vascular variations diagnosed on temporal bone com- ing all these entities between pulsatile and nonpulsatile
puted tomography (CT) has been known to cause tinnitus groups and healthy controls should be undertaken.
particulary pulsatile form. Therefore significance of these
anatomic variations has not been validated in patients with Keywords Bulging sigmoid sinus  Mastoid emissary
nonpulsatile tinnitus. The aim of this study is to ascertain vein  Temporal bone computed tomography  Tinnitus
several anatomic variations previously attributed to pul-
satile tinnitus in nonpulsatile tinnitus patients. And sec-
ondly to assess the relationship between the amount of Introduction
sigmoid sinus bulging and mastoid emissary vein (MEV),
enlargement of those was not evaluated before in tinnitus The definition of tinnitus is the perception of various
patients. spontaneous sounds generated inside the head, including
Methods Retrospectively, temporal bone CT scans of 70 hissing, ringing or sizzling. It is not a rare symptom; it
patients with an existing complaint of tinnitus with unex- affects approximately 10 % of the adult population in
plained etiology were enrolled. As a control group, 70 England, interfering with the normal quality of life in
patients were selected from paranasal sinus CT scans 0.5 % [1]. Although it is an auditory sensation, it can be
without any otological or clinical findings. associated with various components, especially otological
Results The type of tinnitus was subjective and nonpul- diseases, some psychiatric disorders (e.g., anxiety,
satile in the overall group. The diameters of enlarged MEV depression), drugs (analgesics, antibiotics, antineoplastics),
on the left side were significantly higher in the tinnitus or addictions (cigarettes, alcohol) [2, 3]. Tinnitus patients
group. Carotid canal dehiscence and high riding jugular are usually referred to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
bulb were significantly higher in the tinnitus patients. Department [4].
Petrous bone pneumatization was significantly lower in the The sensation of tinnitus is experienced heteroge-
tinnitus patients than in the control group. neously. Therefore, further discrimination of tinnitus as
Conclusions In patients who complained of subjective pulsatile (synchronous with the heart beat) or nonpulsatile;
nonpulsatile tinnitus with unknown etiology, some tem- subjective or objective; unilateral or bilateral should be
poral bone vascular variations, including high riding helpful for further investigation or for the management of
patients. For example, an unilateral nonpulsatile tinnitus
complaint should be explored for retrocochlear lesion.
& Betul Kizildag Besides this, pulsatile tinnitus suggests vascular anomaly
or variant commonly identified by imaging techniques [4,
School of Medicine, Sutcuimam University, 5]. Understanding the mechanisms of tinnitus still remains
Kahramanmaras, Turkey a dilemma both in scientific and clinical areas. As a

Surg Radiol Anat

hypothesis, maybe some anatomical variations change or from the ENT Department, in a secondary care unit, for
reinforce the increasing tendency of tinnitus or the per- temporal bone CT between September 2014 and May 2015.
ception of tinnitus. Among them, patients with a tinnitus complaint were
Imaging aims to find out a potentially treatable etiology extracted for further analysis of their CT scans by three
in tinnitus patients. In pulsatile tinnitus patients, which experienced radiologists (BK, NY, GG). Patients with prior
constitute 1 % of all tinnitus group, some vascular or ear surgery, acoustic schwannoma, meningioma, a history
anatomic variations also have been detected in temporal of or findings of otitis media, hearing loss, and other pos-
bone computed tomography (CT), including jugular bulb sible causes of tinnitus (otosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes
anomalies (jugular vein asymmetry, a high jugular bulb, a mellitus, anxiety, depression, ototoxic medications, etc.)
dehiscent jugular bulb [1], an aberrant internal carotid were excluded. A total of 70 patients met the inclusion
artery (ICA), dehiscent carotid canal [1], sigmoid sinus criteria and the type and localization of tinnitus were noted
(SS) dehiscence/diverticulum [5–7] or petrous bone for each. As a control group, an additional 70 patients were
pneumatization (PBP) [8]. selected from consecutive paranasal sinus CT scans cov-
In daily head and neck radiology practice, we come ering the temporal bone without any otological, clinical, or
across varying grades of bulging of the SS. Laterally swing radiological findings. Ethical approval of the study was
of SS has a closer contact with posterior mastoid cells obtained from the ethics committee of our institution.
while medial swing of SS leads proximity to the semicir-
cular canal and endolymphatic sac [9]. CT examination protocol
The skull of the posterior fossa hosts many valveless
veins passing through calvarial apertures for the drainage Temporal bone CT studies without a contrast agent were
of the posterior fossa sinuses. Mastoid emissary vein obtained using a 64 detector-row scanner (LightSpeed
(MEV) is one of them, which connects SS to the posterior VCT, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA) with a
auricular or occipital vein via the mastoid foramen. The standard temporal bone CT protocol, a setting tube voltage
diameter and number of MEV vary from patient to patient of 130 kVp, a tube current of 100–350 mA, a slice thick-
[10]. MEV enlargement was presented as a cause of pul- ness 0.625 mm, a reconstruction increment 1 mm, a scan
satile tinnitus in two distinct cases in the literature [11–13]. field of view (FOV) of 25 cm and a matrix of 512 9 512
As far as we know, the occurrence and significance of with high-resolution bone algorithm. Coronal reformatted
MEV and the bulging SS through the posterior mastoid images were created from isometric axial volume data.
have not been detected. Paranasal sinus CT studies were obtained from the same
The main goal of this study was to reveal any associa- scanner without a contrast agent.
tion between the grade of SS bulging and MEV enlarge-
ment in patients with tinnitus. The secondary goal was to Image evaluation and analysis
ascertain the incidence and significance of vascular
abnormalities in these patients. Images were retrospectively evaluated by a consensus of
We retrospectively analyzed the temporal bone CT of three experienced professionals. Images were reviewed for
patients presenting with tinnitus to determine the grade of finding those where tinnitus was previously attributed: SS
the bulging SS into the posterior mastoid by measuring the dehiscence/diverticulum, high jugular bulb, dehiscent
diameter of the SS curve. We also compared the diameter jugular bulb, aberrant ICA, carotid canal dehiscence, and
of MEV between patients with or without tinnitus. We also PBP.
detected CT findings on temporal bone of those whowere A high riding jugular bulb was defined as the position of
previously associated with tinnitus, such as the asymmetric the upper jugular vein (jugular bulb) being higher than the
jugular vein, SS dehiscence/diverticulum, the high jugular floor of the internal acoustic canal level [9]. A dehiscent
bulb, the dehiscent jugular bulb, the aberrant ICA, carotid jugular bulb was defined as the absence of dense bony
canal dehiscence and PBP. We then compared the inci- septa between the tympanic cavity and the jugular bulb [9].
dence of all these entities with a control group. ICA dehiscence was defined as a lack of cortical cov-
ering of the internal carotid artery in the horizontal portion
of the petrous carotid canal segment near to the petrous
Materials and methods bone [14]. The asymmetric jugular vein and transverse
sinus were defined as being a unilaterally larger internal
Patient population jugular vein in continuity with a transverse sinus [15]. PBP
was determined as the air density within the anterior part of
In this study, we retrospectively browsed medical reports the petrous bone accepting the anterior wall of the ICA as
of patients who were referred to the Radiology Department an imaginary oblique border line [8]. SS dehiscence was

Surg Radiol Anat

defined as the absence of bone surrounding the SS [16]. SS

diverticulum was defined as being an asymmetric protru-
sion within the wall [16]. The aberrant SS was defined as
the course of the SS being more anterior or lateral than
normal [9]. In this study, this is quantified by drawing the
outer margin of the SS in temporal bone at the level of the
cochlea, which creates a C-shaped arc.
MEV was defined as the calvarial venous structure
running from the SS to the posterior auricular or occipital
vein via the mastoid foramen [17]. The largest diameter of
MEV was measured. Dimensions larger than 1.5 mm were
recorded as a sign of enlargement. On each image, mea-
surements from MEV and SS curve on temporal bone were
achieved. The measurements of the curve of the SS bulging
is shown in Fig. 1 and the MEV is shown in Fig. 2.

Statistical analysis
Fig. 2 Mastoid emissary vein enlargement on right side in a 40-year-
We performed all statistical analyses using SPSS statistics old male with left sided tinnitus
22 (IBM, Armonk/NY, USA). In our cohort, the Mann–
Whitney U test and Pearson correlation analysis were
performed. p values below 0.05 were considered mean age of 42.1. Gender distribution in the tinnitus group
significant. was 36 (51.4 %) male and 34 (48.6 %) female; in control
group the distribution was 45 (64.3 %) male and 25
(35.7 %) female. The ‘‘side’’ of tinnitus was left in 40 %,
Results right in 32.9 %, and bilateral in 27.1 % of patients. The
type of tinnitus was subjective and nonpulsatile overall.
This study consisted of 70 tinnitus and 70 control The frequencies of the appearance of the asymmetric
patients—a total of 140 patients overall. The age distri- jugular vein, the high riding jugular bulb, jugular vein
bution of all the patients ranged from 10 to 73 years with a dehiscence, PBP, MEV enlargement are demonstrated in
Table 1.
The mean MEV widths in the whole group were
2.32 ± 0.79 mm on the right side and 2.23 ± 0.76 mm on
the left; in the control group 2.28 ± 0.76 mm on the right
side and 1.96 ± 0.58 mm on the left; in the tinnitus group
2.34 ± 0.82 mm on the right side and 2.36 ± 0.81 mm on
the left. MEV diameters and SS curve mean diameters are
shown in Table 2. In both the tinnitus patient group and the
control group, there was no evidence of SS
The gender balance was the same in each group;
however, the average age in the control group was
younger than that of the tinnitus group. No significant
difference was noted between the two groups in terms of
jugular vein asymmetry, the diameters of SS curve on
each side, and the diameters of MEV on the right side
(Table 2). The diameters of MEV on the left side were
significantly higher in the tinnitus patient group than in
the control group.
Carotid canal dehiscence was significantly higher in the
tinnitus group (p = 0.043). High riding jugular bulbs were
Fig. 1 Displaying measurement of sigmoid sinus bulging; dashed
line indicates borders of the curve on the bone. Thick yellow line is detected more frequently in patient group (p = 0.005).
depth of curve on mastoid bone (color figure online) PBP was not significantly strong, but it was lower in the

Surg Radiol Anat

Table 1 The frequencies of the

No. of patient % No. of control %
appearance of the asymmetric
jugular vein, the high riding CT 70 100 70 100
jugular bulb, jugular vein and
carotid canal dehiscence, Asymmetric jugular vein 44 62.85 46 65.71
petrous bone pneumatization High jugular bulb 14 20 3 4.3
and MEV enlargement is seen Dehiscent jugular bulb 1 1.4 – –
Dehiscent ICA channel 4 5.7 – –
Petrous bone pneumatization 10 14.3 20 28.6
MEV enlargement 54 77.14 25 35.7
MEV mastoid emissary vein

Table 2 Mean MEV and SS

Tinnitus Control
curve diameters are being
shown Right Left Right Left

MEV (mm) 2.36 ± 0.82 2.34 ± 0.81 2.28 ± 0.76 1.96 ± 0.58
SS curve (mm) 6.32 5.02 5.88 4.99
MEV mastoid emissary vein, SS sigmoid sinus

tinnitus patient group than in the control group tinnitus compromise some neural theories, including
(p = 0.049). spontaneous firing of neurons due to temporal synchrony
Tinnitus was present on the left side more frequently in [2]. Different types of tinnitus may be explained by dif-
older patients according to the correlation analyses ferent mechanisms in the ear or the brain [2]. We have the
[rho(r) 0.299; p = 0.012]. There were four female tinnitus hypothesis that in some tinnitus patients, blood flow within
patients with carotid canal dehiscence; two were on the left the vessels around the temporal bone, including mastoid or
side and two were bilateral. The left asymmetric jugular temporal parts, may increase the perception of tinnitus
vein was correlated with left-sided tinnitus (r 0.254; even in nonpulsatile forms. In this study, we evaluated
p = 0.034). The side of tinnitus and the asymmetric tinnitus patients to assess if there was any association with
jugular vein were correlated (r 0.254; p = 0.034). vascular abnormalities of the temporal bone in CT, which
have been mentioned before as a cause of pulsatile tinnitus.
To the best of our knowledge, any study was held inter-
Discussion esting in all these vascular abnormalities previously related
pulsatile tinnitus, including asymmetric jugular vein, high
This study has demonstrated that in the nonpulsatile tin- riding jugular bulbus, dehiscent jugular bulbus, aberrant
nitus patient group with unexplained etiology, some vas- ICA, carotid canal dehiscence, SS diverticulum/
cular variations of the temporal bone, previously dehiscence.
mentioned as causes of pulsatile tinnitus, had a higher An asymmetric jugular vein is a vascular variation,
incidence than in the control group. In addition, MEV which commonly exists on the right side, apart from
enlargement, which has been previously associated with pathologic conditions such as dural arteriovenous fistulas
pulsatile tinnitus in the literature [10–13] was compared to and is accepted as being asymptomatic [1]. In our study,
the control group in our study. Left-sided MEV enlarge- although the frequency of dilation of the asymmetric
ment was significantly higher in the tinnitus patient group jugular vein did not differ between the tinnitus patient
(p = 0.029). We also evaluated PBP, which has been group (right side 26.4 %) and the control group (right side
suggested previously as an underlying cause of pulsatile 23.6 %), the existence of left asymmetric jugular vein
tinnitus. Our results demonstrated a significant lower fre- dilatation was well correlated in patients with left-sided
quency of PBP, which is contrary to previous results [8]. tinnitus (p \ 0.05). In older patients, asymmetric jugular
The quantification of SS bulging into the mastoid bone by vein dilation was seen more frequently on the left side.
measuring the SS curve (Fig. 1) revealed an insignificant Jugular bulb anomalies have been stated among the causes
change between the groups in the current study. of pulsatile tinnitus [1]. The incidence of a high riding
Tinnitus is a very complex symptom and has a hetero- jugular bulb in the normal population was reported as
geneous etiology. Pathophysiological mechanisms of 6–28 % and the incidence of a dehiscent jugular bulb

Surg Radiol Anat

Fig. 3 High riding jugular bulb (arrow) is visible at mid portion level
of internal acoustic canal in a 44-year-old men with right sided

Fig. 4 Carotid canal dehiscence (arrow) is seen on horizontal

(Fig. 3) was reported as 4–5 % in literature [18–20]. In our segment of internal carotid artery on petrous bone in a 39-year-old
study, high jugular bulbus frequency was 4.3 % in the women with right sided complain. Otoscopic examination of her was
control group and 20 % in the tinnitus group in which a
significant difference occurred (p \ 0.05). In the current
study, the dehiscent jugular bulb was present in 1.4 % of carotid channel may act as a barrier for conducting vibra-
tinnitus patients without significant difference among tions of blood flow from the ICA to the perilymph and the
patients and controls. endolymph. More studies should be held regarding the
Aberrant ICA, another well-known cause of pulsatile association between PBP and tinnitus.
tinnitus displaying agenesis of unilateral ICA, did not exist The aberrant SS presents a more lateral course of vein
in our cohorts. But four of our patients had a normal course into mastoid air cells, or anteriorly into inner air structures
of ICA with a dehiscent canal [14] in which two were due to close contact with the posterior semicircular channel
bilateral and two were located on the left side (Fig. 4). In and the endolymphatic sac [9]. In this study, we quantified
literature, the rate of dehiscent carotid canal was 1 % [21]. the aberrant course of SS by drawing an outer margin of SS
In our study, carotid canal dehiscence was found to be in the temporal bone, at the level of the cochlea, which
significantly higher in the tinnitus patient group (5.8 %) creates a C-shaped arch; then we measured the depth of this
than in the control group (0 %) (p \ 0.05). Carotid canal arch as shown in Fig. 2. We did this in order to standardize
dehiscence was found more frequently in female and older the measurements, which did not differ between the tin-
patients according to our study. None of the dehiscent nitus patient group and the control group. Further studies
carotid canal patients had a positive Doppler ultrasound, comparing pulsatile and nonpulsatile tinnitus with controls
otological examination findings or pulsatile tinnitus. should be planned using the method of quantification by
PBP was evaluated as a cause of pulsatile tinnitus by measuring the depth of SS arch in the temporal bone.
Sözen et al. suggesting that pneumatization around ICA SS dehiscence/diverticulum was shown to exist in 20 %
within petrous bone acts as an amplifier of sound from of pulsatile tinnitus patients in which surgical or inter-
blood flow [8]. The incidence of PBP in the normal pop- ventional procedures could be an alternative in the man-
ulation ranges from 21 to 35 % in various studies [8, 22, agement of their condition [16, 24, 25]. Our study group
23]. The incidence of PBP in our control group was similar did not consist of any SS dehiscence/diverticulum and
to that shown in previous studies [8, 22, 23]. In contrast to there were no pulsatile tinnitus patients in our study.
the study by Sözen et al. [8], we found lower PBP fre- The enlargement of MEV as a cause of tinnitus was
quency values in the tinnitus patient group (14.3 %) attributed to pulsatile tinnitus in a few previous case reports
compared to the control group (22.6 %) (p \ 0.05). From [11, 12]. The vicinity of MEV posteriorly to the mastoid air
this result we think that air cells surrounding the petrous cells suggest that this will lead to tinnitus in these patients.

Surg Radiol Anat

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role between intracranial and extracranial vasculature. As organizations.
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