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Group Name:

1. Fazilah

2. Dayang Aaliyah

3. Toey
4. Miswani


How To Make Balloon Mask


Today,my cousin invite my

friends and I to go to his house
to make a balloon mask for next
week’s birthday party.Before we
go to my cousin house,first we
need go to buy things to make
a balloon mask.The things for
balloon mask are,balloon,rubber
band,newspaper,liquid starch
and paint.

Paragraph 1:

After we buy the things,we

start to do the balloon
mask.First,we need to blow the
balloon large as a head and then
tighten the balloon with rubber
band.After we tighten the
balloon with rubber band we are
going to tear newspaper like the
little squares then we will take
the newspaper and soak in liquid

Paragraph 2:

After we soak in liquid starch at

the newspaper and we paste the
newspaper squares at the balloon
for covered.After that,we paste
the the three layers at the mask
to stronger the mask balloon and
we must to dry the mask.

Paragraph 3:

After completely dry,we have to

release the rubber band from the
shrunken balloon and don’t make
fall out,then we have to divide
paper shell in half cut to two
identical masks.

Lastly,we have to holes the

balloon mask at the eyes and
mouth.We can paint the balloon
mask with our favourite colours.


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