Results and Discussion Coordinates Location Species/Landmark Target

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Coordinates Location Species/Landmark Target

Figure 1. Summary of the coordinates with its corresponding location and target species or landmark.

In Figure 1, four coordinates, as well as its location and target landmark or species, were
tabulated to compare the proximity between each site, and how the units in the coordinates
affected the results of the experiment — moreover, the analysis conducted with the potential
area located within the whole university.

These are the following coordinates: (discuss the summary of the results)

One observation for the results is that each location has the same degrees, which remain
constant in latitude and longitude. Minutes and seconds were the only units that did not stay the
same since each unit of the coordinate correspond to a certain amount of distances depending
on how much of an extent does a unit cover. Since the scope of the experiment is only within the
grounds of the University of Santo Tomas, there is not much an effect on the degree level unit.

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