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Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688

Microstructural study of weld fusion zone of TIG welded

IN 738LC nickel-based superalloy
O.A. Ojo, N.L. Richards, M.C. Chaturvedi *

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Manitoba, Room 356, Engineering Building, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 5V6

Received 22 April 2004; received in revised form 12 June 2004; accepted 15 June 2004
Available online 8 July 2004


The weld fusion zone microstructure of a commercial aerospace superalloy IN 738 was examined. Elemental segregation induced
interdendritic microconstituents were identified to include terminal solidification product M3B2 and Ni7Zr2 in association with c – c 0
eutectic constituent, which require proper consideration during the development of optimum post weld heat treatment.
 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nickel alloys; Welding; Solidification; Microstructure

1. Introduction heat treatment (PWHT) is usually applied as a remedy

to most superalloy weldments to modify the as-weld
The weldability of heat resistant nickel base superal- microstructure and relax residual welding stresses in
loys has gained importance because of the wide use of order to impart optimum reliable properties. It has been,
welding to fabricate and repair hot section components however, recognized [1] that the response of superalloy
of aero and industrial gas turbine engines that are made welds to PWHT is controlled primarily by the as-weld
from these materials. Microstructural development in microstructure of the weldment.
superalloy welds, which invariably controls properties Inconel 738 is a c 0 -(Ni3Al,Ti) precipitation hardened
and reliability of the weldments, can be significantly nickel base superalloy which, like other superalloys con-
influenced due to microsegregation and non-equilibrium taining high Al and Ti concentration, is highly suscepti-
phase transformation that occur during solidification. ble to microfissuring during welding and PWHT [5].
Dendritic microsegregation is known to often result in Cracking during welding of this alloy has been attrib-
formation of intermetallic secondary solidification con- uted mostly to large shrinkage stresses occurring as a re-
stituents along dendrite interstices as well as inhomoge- sult of rapid c 0 precipitation during weld cooling [6].
neous distribution of second phase precipitate particles Nevertheless, Ojo et al. [7] have recently reported that
[1 – 4]. In some cases important strengthening elements besides this factor, c 0 particles contribute to microfissur-
may be tied up in the resultant non-equilibrium interme- ing during welding of IN 738 in a significant way by con-
tallic particles, which could also exhibit other damaging stitutionally liquating in the heat affected zone (HAZ).
effects on high temperature performance [1]. Post weld However, very limited information is available in the lit-
erature about the as-weld fusion zone microstructures of
IN 738, which is considered fundamental to its response
to PWHT. Therefore, the present work was initiated
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-204-474-6675; fax: +1-204-261-
with the objective of studying microstructures that de-
E-mail address: (M.C. Chaturvedi). velop in the weld-metal zone of tungsten inert gas

1359-6462/$ - see front matter  2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
684 O.A. Ojo et al. / Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688

(TIG) welded IN 738 alloy, to help develop a more suit- 3. Results

able PWHT schedule that would result in minimal
microfissuring and reliable microstructure and 3.1. Optical metallography and electron microprobe
properties. This communication reports and discusses analysis
microsegregation pattern and the ensuing microconstit-
uents in the weld metal zone upon solidification and Fig. 1 shows optical micrograph of the fusion zone
cooling. consisting of cellular-dendritic microstructure. The
chemical composition of at least 15 points in the central
dendrite core regions was determined by EPMA/WDS
and is given in Table 1. The distribution/partition coef-
2. Experimental procedures ficient k of the alloying elements, which describes the
direction and extent of microsegregation during solidifi-
The as-received Inconel 738LC superalloy was in the cation, was determined from this data. Under equilib-
form of 2.5 · 0.5 · 0.6 cm cast plates and its compositions rium conditions and by neglecting undercooling at the
was (wt%) 0.11C, 15.84Cr, 8.5Co, 2.48W, 1.88Mo, dendrite tips, the first solid to form from the liquid,
0.92Nb, 0.07Fe, 3.46Al, 3.47T, 1.69Ta, 0.04Zr, 0.012B which is the dendrite core will have a composition of
balance nickel. 7.6 · 2.5 · 0.3 cm rectangular plates, kC0, where C0 is the nominal composition of the alloy
with a 0.13-cm deep V-groove were machined from the and k is the equilibrium partition coefficient [8]. There-
as-received material. They were given the standard solu- fore, the ratio between dendrite core composition and
tion treatment of 2 h at 1120 C followed by argon the nominal composition will yield the partition coeffi-
quenching. The heat-treated samples were tungsten gas cient at the beginning of solidification process. Another
arc (TIG) welded with IN 738 filler wire, using a current implicit assumption of this approach is that the solute
of 60 A DC and 10 V. The welding torch and wire elements exhibit negligible diffusion in the solid during
speeds were maintained at 76 and 304 mm/min, respec- solidification. The extent of solid-state diffusion during
tively. Welded samples were sectioned transversely to solidification would depend on the cooling rate and
the weld and polished using standard metallographic interdendritic arm spacing. The secondary dendrite
techniques. The fusion zone microstructure was ex- arm spacing along fusion zone centerline in the present
amined and analyzed by optical microscope, JEOL
5900 scanning electron microscope (SEM), JEOL
2000FX transmission electron microscope (TEM), both
equipped with an ultra thin window Oxford energy dis-
persive spectrometer (EDS), and a Cameca MBX elec-
tron probe microanalyser (EPMA) equipped with /
(p,z) correction algorithm. X-ray microanalysis using
theoretical Cliff – Lorimer k factors and selected area
diffraction analyses were performed in TEM on inter-
dendritic constituents extracted on carbon extraction
replicas, and on those present in thin foils prepared from
the weld fusion zone. Extraction replicas were prepared
through standard technique with a solution of 10 ml
HCL and 1 g of tartaric acid in 90 ml of methanol at
3 V. Thin foils were produced by twinjet polishing with
25% perchloric acid in 75% methyl alcohol at 20 to
40 C using a current of 1.8 – 3.5 A. Fig. 1. Optical micrograph of the fusion zone.

Table 1
Chemical composition of dendritic core and various phases present in weld fusion zone
Elements Ni Cr Co Al Ti Ta Nb Mo W Zr C B
Dendrite core (wt%) 63.16 15.52 9.28 3.19 2.43 1.24 0.48 1.64 2.81 0.005 – –
k 1.03 0.98 1.09 0.92 0.69 0.74 0.52 0.87 1.13 0.13 0.3 [10] 0.008 [10]
MC carbide (at%) 2.4 9.1 0.6 – 40.9 17.8 18.2 4.8 6.2 – – –
M3B2 boride (at%) 4.2 63.9 2.3 – 1.3 – 3.4 18.9 4.3 1.7 – –
Ni7Zr2 (at%) 63.1 2.6 5.4 – 1.6 4.0 2.3 – – 21 – –
O.A. Ojo et al. / Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688 685

work was between 3.3 and 4.5 lm, with an average value was observed in any of the welded samples, however,
of 3.75 lm. The cooling rate within the fusion zone was occurrence of microporosity mainly associated with
estimated to be about 550 C/s by using the empirical some eutectic regions was observed at higher magnifica-
data obtained for IN 738 on the relationship between tion. The interdendritic region consisted of discrete
cooling rate and secondary dendrite arm spacing [9]. second phase particles with blocky, rod-like and Chi-
Such rapid cooling rate could appreciably limit the ex- nese-script like morphologies and isolated c – c 0 eutectic
tent of solute back-diffusion. The initial partition coeffi- with its usual characteristic mode of formation consist-
cients at the start of solidification of the metallic ing of the ‘‘crown’’ region protruding into the last to
alloying elements were calculated and are listed in Table solidify liquid [11] (inset of Fig. 2). Preliminary SEM/
1. The result indicates that W and Co with k > 1 segre- EDS microchemical analysis of the interdendritic dis-
gate to the dendrite core while Mo, Ta, Ti, Nb, Zr crete particles suggested them to be based on MC type
and Al with k < 1 enrich the interdendritic regions. Ni carbides, which was confirmed by TEM analyses. Based
and Cr having k values approximately equal to unity on aerial fraction analysis, the volume fraction of c – c 0
tend to exhibit uniform distribution between dendrite eutectic islands was estimated to be between 2% and 3%
core and dendrite interstices. The microsegregation pat- while that of the discrete interdendritic particles was be-
tern of the alloying elements observed in the present tween 1.5% and 2%. Different second phase particles en-
work are in close agreement with those reported in other riched in Ni and Zr and others in Cr and Mo were
superalloys welds [2,4]. The partition coefficients of B observed in front of some of the c – c 0 eutectic (Fig. 2).
and C were not determined in the present work due to In addition, careful SEM examination at higher magni-
difficulty in quantifying these light elements with suffi- fication suggested that the observed variation in contrast
cient accuracy and the fact that effect of back-diffusion in interdendritic regions, which is most prominent
of interstitial elements can be significant during solidifi- around the c – c 0 eutectic could be due to precipitation
cation. However, values estimated from their Ni – X bin- of closely spaced fine c 0 precipitates which could not
ary phase diagram [10] are likewise listed in Table 1. It be resolved appropriately by SEM.
should be noted that the partition coefficients are not
necessarily constant during solidification process, but 3.3. Analytical transmission electron microscopic exam-
they explain well the formation of interdendritic micro- ination
constituent as would be discussed shortly. In addition, in
the case of solute buildup at dendrite tips, the initial so- TEM/EDS X-ray microanalysis of interdendritic con-
lid to form will have a higher composition as compared stituents extracted on carbon extraction replicas showed
to the case of no solute buildup, assumed in the present that most of the particles have a composition similar to
approach, and lead to a higher measured value of k. those of MC type carbides in the base metal (Table 1).
Hence, the obtained k values reported here provide an Analysis of electron diffraction patterns confirmed them
upper bound when k < 1. to be FCC-MC carbides with a lattice parameter of 4.36
Å. TEM examination revealed that some of these car-
3.2. Scanning electron microscopic examination bides existed in the form of coarsely lamellar and dendri-
tically shaped particles (Fig. 3). The inset in Fig. 3 shows
Fig. 2 shows a typical SEM micrograph of the fusion the diffraction pattern with [0 0 1] zone axis of the car-
zone. No evidence of centerline solidification cracking bide particle. Apart from the carbides, the only other

Fig. 3. TEM micrograph of coarsely lamellar and dendritically shaped

Fig. 2. SEM micrograph of the fusion zone. MC type carbide with SADP from [0 0 1] zone axis.
686 O.A. Ojo et al. / Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688

Fig. 4. TEM micrograph of M3B2 boride extracted on carbon

extraction replica with SADP from ½1 1 2 zone axis.

Fig. 6. TEM micrograph of a thin foil from fusion zone showing M3B2
and Ni7Zr2 associated with c – c 0 eutectic region.
phase observed on carbon extraction replicas was
Cr – Mo rich particle mostly in regions which had the of the Ni – Zr system (Ni5Zr fi 14.85 – 18.4 at% Zr and
topography of c – c 0 eutectic constituent (Fig. 4). Thin Ni7Zr2 fi 22.2 at% Zr). Ni7Zr2 is, however, shown to
foil examination likewise showed the presence of a sim- melt congruently, suggesting that in the liquid with a
ilar phase associated with c – c 0 eutectic regions (Fig. 6). composition close to this, Ni7Zr2 would form first on
SADP analysis and TEM/EDS x-ray microanalysis indi- solidification. In IN 738 weld metal, severe positive seg-
cate the phase to be tetragonal M3B2 boride with lattice regation of Zr during solidification could enrich the
parameters of a = 5.71 Å and c = 3.05 Å (Fig. 4 and interdendritic liquid such that Ni7Zr2 forms during the
Table 1). Fig. 5 shows a typical TEM/EDS spectrum terminal stages of solidification. Jayanth et al. [14] in
from a boride particle. As can be seen, boron was de- their study of phase equilibria in the Ni rich portion
tected by the ultra thin window EDS detector and the of Ni – Al – Zr ternary system reported a dominant pres-
strong Cr and Mo peaks are characteristic of M3B2 bo- ence of Ni7Zr2 compared to Ni5Zr in the Ni – Al – Zr
ride EDS spectra observed in other Ni base superalloys phase equilibria. The chemical composition given in
[12]. Table 1 suggests the phase to be based on Ni7Zr2. This
In addition to M3B2 boride, the Ni – Zr rich phase ob- was confirmed by TEM selected area diffraction pattern
served in SEM was also found in thin foils by TEM analysis of the particles, which indicated them to be
examination (Fig. 6). The chemical composition of this based on monoclinic Ni7Zr2 phase with lattice para-
phase as determined by TEM/EDS is given in Table 1. meters of a = 4.82 Å, b = 8.22 Å, c = 11.13 Å and
This type of Ni – Zr intermetallic phase has not been b = 96.7. Fig. 7 shows SADP from a particle of this
previously reported in IN 738 alloy. A review of Ni – phase at [1 0 1] zone axis. A phase of similar chemical
Zr binary phase diagram [13] reveals that two interme- composition as, determined by EPMA, and considered
tallic phases Ni5Zr and Ni7Zr2 form at Ni rich corner to be (Ni,Co)7Zr2 has been reported in a Zr doped Ni
base superalloy IN 100 [15].

Fig. 5. TEM/EDS spectrum from a M3B2 boride particle. Fig. 7. SADP from a Ni7Zr2 particle at [1 0 1] zone axis.
O.A. Ojo et al. / Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688 687

interdendritic liquid could cause the solubility limit of

the primary solidification phase, c matrix, to be ex-
ceeded, such that secondary solidification constituent
are formed between the dendrites. In nickel base super-
alloys, several secondary solidification constituents are
possible including carbides, borides, eutectic c 0 and a
number of other intermetallic phases. In IN 738 alloy,
substantial positive dendritic microsegregation of strong
carbide forming elements, Ti, Nb, Mo and Ta along
with C, which also exhibits limited solubility in Ni,
would eventually result in the formation of interdendrit-
ic MC carbides. This is most likely to occur via a mono-
variant L fi c + MC eutectic-type transformation, as
Fig. 8. TEM dark field image of c 0 precipitate particles with supported by the observed coarsely lamellar and dendri-
superlattice reflections at ½1 1 2 zone axis.
tically shaped carbide particles (Fig. 3).
On further cooling, supersaturation of remaining
interdendritic liquid with c 0 forming elements Ti, Al,
Nb and Ta due to continual enrichment would eventu-
ally be relieved through the formation of c – c 0 eutectic.
The c  c 0 eutectic formation has been reported to occur
over a range of temperatures in PWA 1480 [2] and IN
738 superalloys [16]. Based on the results of differential
thermal analysis (DTA) experiments, it is generally
believed that solidification of IN 738 is completed by
c – c 0 eutectic transformation at around 1200 C [17].
However, Zhu et al. [18] in their study of solidification
behavior of some Ni base superalloys, reported that in
an alloy, which is close to IN 738 in composition, there
existed a liquid pool ahead of solidified c – c 0 eutectic
which could not complete the solidification process until
the temperature was lowered below 1120 C. Similar
Fig. 9. TEM micrograph showing inhomogeneous c 0 distribution observation was also made by Zou et al. [19] in another
within interdendritic region. derivative of IN 738 alloy. These results [18,19] thus sug-
gest that contrary to the generally held view that solidi-
fication of IN 738 is completed by L fi c – c 0 eutectic
In addition to those solidification constituents men- transformation, a different terminal solidification reac-
tioned, precipitation of c 0 particles was observed in all tion involving formation of other intermetallic phases
the thin foils from fusion zone. Fig. 8 shows a TEM could be occurring in this alloy. During the formation
dark field micrograph obtained using a superlattice of c – c 0 eutectic, further solute partitioning, involving
reflection from c 0 precipitate particles with ½1 1 2 zone rejection of solute atoms with low solubility in c and
axis. However, the morphology and size of the c 0 phase c 0 phases into the residual liquid phase ahead of the
were observed to vary depending on their location. Re- formed c – c 0 eutectic could occur. In such a case, Zr
gions around the interdendritic c – c 0 eutectic were and B which have limited solubility in c and c 0 phases
found to contain the coarsest c 0 precipitates (Fig. 9). (though more Zr can dissolve in c 0 than in c) and exhibit
severe positive segregation in Ni alloys, would preferen-
tially segregate into the liquid phase. Considering the
4. Discussion high affinity of Cr and Mo for B, these elements could
also segregate into the residual liquid in front of c – c 0
The microstructural development in the fusion zone eutectic constituent. In addition, Zhu et al. [11] have re-
of a weld is largely dominated by two interrelated solid- ported that Cr and Mo exhibit positive segregation into
ification occurrences, dendrite formation and solute par- the residual liquid phase during c – c 0 eutectic transfor-
titioning. The first solid to form from the weld pool was mation in a Ni base superalloy.
in the form of c dendrites. During their continued for- On continuous cooling to the invariant terminal
mation, solute elements with partition coefficient k < 1 solidification reaction temperature for the alloy i.e. the
were rejected into interdendritic liquid at the dendrite/ effective solidus temperature, high concentration of sol-
liquid interface. Continual solute enrichment of the ute elements in the final liquid would invariably result in
688 O.A. Ojo et al. / Scripta Materialia 51 (2004) 683 – 688

the formation of terminal solidification product rich in 5. Summary and conclusions

these elements. This presumably could explain the pres-
ence of Cr – Mo rich M3B2 boride and Ni7Zr2 based Elemental microsegregation during TIG weld metal
intermetallic compound associated with interdendritic solidification of IN 738 resulted in the formation of
c – c 0 eutectic in the fusion zone of this alloy. It is also secondary solidification constituents MC type carbides,
possible that the M3B2 boride and Ni7Zr2 formed to- c – c 0 eutectic, M3B2 boride and Ni7Zr2 intermetallic
gether with c – c 0 eutectic by complex terminal eutec- compound within interdendritic regions. Consideration
tic-type transformation as suggested by Babu et al. [3]. of the presence of low melting terminal solidification
c 0 precipitate particles would start forming within the product consisting M3B2 and Ni7Zr2, is pertinent to the
supersaturated c dendrite when the temperature is suffi- development of an optimum PWHT cycle for the alloy.
ciently lower than the c 0 solvus temperature to initiate
nucleation during cooling. Inhomogeneous distribution
of c 0 particles involving fine c 0 precipitates within the Acknowledgments
dendrite core compared to coarse eutectic c 0 particles
in the interdendritic regions is likely to cause a deterio- The authors would like to thank the consortium of
ration in high temperature performance and is one of Manitoba aerospace industries and NSERC for the
the main factors that normally necessitates the use of financial support. One of the authors (OAO) also
PWHT to homogenize and restore properties of superal- acknowledges gratefully the award of Graduate Fellow-
loy weldments. ship from NSERC and the University of Manitoba.
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