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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Capilla, Pulungmasle, Guagua, Pampanga
Region III – Central Luzon
High School Blvd. Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando

BSP-GSP Venture Camp 2019

March 8 – 10, 2019
Guillermo D. Mendoza National High School
Sta. Filomena, Guagua, Pampanga

Day 1 – March 8, 2019

The encampment program began at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon with the registration of outfit
advisers from different schools of cluster II, where, a registration fee of 1200 pesos was paid to aid the
food, materials and other expenses of each outfit adviser.
After the registration, parade followed. The drum and lyre members of GD Mendoza National
High School led the parade which started from the gate of the host school, and went around barangay
Santa Filomena, then going back to the host school. It was a hot afternoon but the excitement of the
campers can’t be hidden because there’s joy and fun in their faces.

Upon returning to the campus, opening program of the BSP-GSP Encampment 2019 started at
exactly at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, with the selected CAT Officers performing the Entrance of Colors
together with some Boy Scouts and school flag bearers. Mr. Jerome Jayde Pantig, BSP Leader of Sebitanan
High School, served as the program host. The opening prayer was led by Mr. Roeder John Cuevas of
Becuran High School. Afterwards, the makabayan song was led by Betty Mae Baesa, a GSP from
Pulungmasle High School. The program continued with rededication to the Scout Oath and Law, Scout
Mission and Vision, GSP Promise and Law and the GSP Mission and Vision were led by various scouts from
various schools.
The next part of the opening program was the welcome address by the BSP Cluster II President,
Mr. Chrisper C. Escoto of Porac Model Community High School. He gave the guests a warm welcome to
GDMNHS and imparted some inspirational message. Mr. RD G. David of Pulungmasle High School stated
the house/camp rules for the scouts to be well-guided during the process. Afterwards, the scouts perform
their yells.
#BSP-GSP Cluster II
At exactly 5:00, the scouts together with
their respective leaders were given ample time to
pitch their tents. The open ground of the campus
became the tent camp of each crew. The camp of
the Girl scouts was set separately from the Boy
scouts’ camp for security purposes. Unity,
cooperation and understanding became more
evident during this activity. Each one of the scouts
has responsibilities and it was a nice sight to see
everyone doing their job correctly. After tent
pitching, prepared their sumptuous meals.

Evening sets in, therefore, it is time for one of the most anticipated events in a scout
camping – Cultural Presentations. After few minutes, all participating schools were having their practices
all around the school. All were preparing for the main event of the encampment 2019 – the presentation
of cultural dances. Here, the scouts should showcase a dance festival related to the ethnic groups in the
When everything was set at exactly 9:00, the presentation is on. The night became colorful
because of the glitz and glamour, dazzling dance steps of the scouts dancing their town’s own cultural
dance. Scouts showed grace and finesse in showcasing their talents. Participants, teachers and even the
judges were in awe because of the magical moment caused by the dancing scouts. The celebration ended
at exactly 11:00 pm. First day over. Lights off.

#BSP-GSP Cluster II
Day 2 – March 9, 2019

Dawn is breaking and roosters are crowing, it was time to rise and celebrate another wonderful
day in the camp. Zumba fitness is already the air. Mr. Marlon Lansang, BSP leader of GDM National High
School, led the scouts to number of dances - which the students and the leaders actively participated.
Every single sweat is surely worthy.

Series of orientations followed. They were as follows: a) History of Boy Scouts Movement, Mr. RD
G. David facilitated the discussion on how the Boy Scouts Movement started and when the Boy Scouts
Movement came about in the Philippines plus, who were the 7 founding fathers of the BSP movement.
After the discussion, there was a quiz in which each crew will have the chance to show their intelligence
by answering the questions correctly. Meanwhile, the Girl Scouts were under Ms. Maricel L. Tolentino for
the History of Girl Scouting Movement.
For the Knot-tying seminar/workshop, Mr. Eric Marck S. Fabian, an eagle scout and the BSP leader
of Villa Maria Integrated School. He taught the scouts about importance of each knot especially in case of
an emergency. The fourth speaker was Mr. Marlon Lansang of GD Mendoza National High School, gave a
seminar workshop about Trail Sign.
Another speaker was Ms. Crisanta R. Garcia, a teacher in GD Mendoza National High School
imparted her knowledge about first aid. She pointed out the importance of first aid in case of emergency.
The campers applied what they learned towards the end of the first aid workshop.

#BSP-GSP Cluster II
After the seminars/workshops, the campers were up for the next activity which is the fun-filled
team building activities. Mr. Sherwin Pinlac of Sto. Tomas High School, Mr. Noriel Erolin of Malusac High
School, and Mr. Marco Perez of Pulungsantol National High School facilitated the team building activities.
Laughter, cheers and excitement filled the whole gymnasium as the campers competed happily.

The scouts had their dinner after the team building activities. After few minutes, the campers
were asked to gather once again in the gymnasium. It’s time for the spiritual formation by Mr. Roeder
John Cuevas and Mr. Marco Perez. In this very solemn activity, the duo pointed out that we are all spiritual
beings, but our lives are largely driven by an unseen part of us. There is an immaterial center in us that
shapes the way the world and ourselves, directs the choices we make and guides our actions. Part of the
formation also taught the learners to love their parents.
Few minutes later, the stage was ready for the scouts to showcase their skits and yells. The
evening was filled with fun, songs and laughter as scouts flashes their own talents. There were comedies,
there were dramas and there were tragedies, the night was complete with packages of pure talents.

#BSP-GSP Cluster II
Afterwards, it is time for one of the most anticipated events in a scout camping – the lighting of
camp fire! Campers form a big circle with the camp fire in the center for solemnity. The ceremony began
with four elements boasting each other’s talent only to be pacified by mother nature herself. The fire
element was represented was a scout from Guagua, the wind by a scout from Santa Rita, a scout from
Sasmuan as the element of water, Earth was represented by a scout from Porac. As the slabs of wood are
burning, the campers sang along. Then, at end of the campfire, Mr. Eric Marck Fabian of Villa Maria
Integrated School led the Scout Benediction. Lights off.

Day 3 – March 10, 2019

The third day kicked off another Zumba exercises; this time led by Mr. Joey Albert Serrano of San
Basilio High School.

#BSP-GSP Cluster II
After the Zumba, the students gathered
in the gymnasium for the penultimate event,
awarding it is. The scouts finally received the
fruit of their 3-day labor. The awarding
ceremony led by Mr. Marlon L ansang, sending
his sincerest gratitude to all participating
schools. Certificates were given to the outfit
leaders and deserving individual scouts and

The encampment ended formally with the retreat of school banners and returned them to their
respective BSP-GSP Leaders.

Prepared by:

School Outfit Adviser

GSP Coordinator

Noted by:

Principal II

#BSP-GSP Cluster II

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