18 August 2019

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Whether you’re a regular part of our church or just visiting, it’s great to

have you with us today. Please stay after the service for a drink and a chat
so that we can get to know you better.

Life in the modern world is full of pressures,

deadlines, stresses, and fears about what we have,
or need, or will need tomorrow, or what will
happen. Actually, that doesn’t seem to be any
different to what life was like in the 19th century,
or the 15th, or… ever! Jesus recognised the problem
2000 years ago, and had something to say about it.

During our service today we will share communion. Everyone who wants to
be a follower of Jesus is welcome to participate (but if you would prefer,
please feel free just to pass on the bread and wine when they’re brought
round). The bread is gluten-free, and the “wine” is non-alcoholic.

Please bring your Bibles with you to follow the passages

read. If you’d like to borrow one, please ask a steward.
Our main reading today is Luke 12:22-40

Web: peeblesbaptistchurch.org Email: info@peeblesbaptistchurch.org

Peebles Baptist Church SCIO is Scottish Registered Charity SC049084
What’s on this week:
The Tuesday Drill Hall small group is meeting this week at 7.30pm,
continuing its study series looking at the book of Revelation. There will also
be a second small group starting in the near future, also on Tuesdays (not
Wednesdays as previously announced).
If you’re not in a home group and would like to find out more, please speak
to Ian or one of the deacons.
Wednesday Welcome - 3pm at Frank and Christine’s (12 Drovers Way), for
tea, coffee, cake and a very warm welcome.
Church Members’ Meeting, 7.30pm in the Drill Hall.
Also on Wednesday evening is the next Praying Together event - this time an
evening of Music, Art, and Contemplation, at 7.30pm in the Old Parish. It’s
unfortunate that this clashes with our members’ meeting, but if you’re not a
member, please consider going to this - it promises to be a lovely evening!
Coffee and Prayer in the caravan at 8.30am.
Coming Soon:
Emma & Colin’s Wedding, Saturday 31st August in Uddingston. See Moira
or John if you are interested in going.

Next Sunday: (BBQ? Not a BBQ? Listen out today…)

Setup: setup team Music lead/keyboard: Lyn/Mary
Stewards: Janet S, Helen Clopin Prayers: Lionel
Flowers: Pat Teas: Elizabeth
Children’s Talk: on summer break! JAM: TBC
If not a BBQ, then there will be a Prayer Lunch in the Drill Hall.
If you’re new to Peebles Baptist Church, it would be really
helpful if you could let us have your contact details. Please speak
to Ian (the pastor) or one of the Deacons, or if you’d prefer you
can email your details to pastor@peeblesbaptistchurch.org.
We won’t pass on your details to anyone else.
If you’d like more information about what’s going on, or if
you’d like to discuss something, or if you’d like someone to
visit or pray with you, please let us know.

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