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28 Dispositional Sexual Motives

interests in particular aspects sexual behavior-specifically, affec- enedmotivational state in that situ-
of sexual behavior. We therefore tion between people and power ation, whereasindividuals with less
focusedon the developmentof a self- exertedor yielded to (Murray, 1938). interest in the incentive will experi-
report instrument to measure sex- Further, we proposethat the experi- ence a smaller increase in motiva-
ual motives. ence of satisfaction dependson the tion to attain the incentive. Because
A '7'L t 1 I:' 1t f focusof the activity, that is, whether dispositional motives influence
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Motivation is a state of increased actions (although an individual may results in a pattern of similar
interest in a particular goal. With perceive both types of actions as behavior acrosssimilar situations or
respect to sexual motivation, the occurring simultaneously during produces the same behavior in
goal is experiencing satisfaction sexual interaction). Such a distinc- future occurrencesof the samesitu-
associatedwith sexual behavior. In tion is similar to that employedby ation (Emmons, 1989; Heckhausen,
more operational terms, motivation Murray (1938) between nurturance 1991; Murray, 1938). Dispositional
is the processby which behavior is and succoranceand between domi- motives also organize perception
initiated, energized, maintained, nance and deference. Eight incen- and emotion around motive-rele-
and directed toward a goal (Buck, tives are hypothesized to motivate vant goals, binding together seem-
1988; Heckhausen, 1991). The sexual behavior: (a) feeling valued ingly different behaviors as related
processconsistsof the orientation of by one'spartner, (b) showing that a to the goals.
cognitive, affective, and motor activ- person values his or her partner, (c) Because incentives intrinsic to
ities in service of its attainment. In obtaining relief from stress or nega- sexual behavior are conceivedas a
accounting for changes in motiva- tive psychologicalstates, (d) provid- class of distinguishable rewards, we
tion generally,many traditional the- ing nurturance through sexual propose that individuals may pos-
orists have maintained that interaction to improve a partner's sessan interest in one or in several
motivational processesare stimu- psychologicalcondition, (e) enhanc- sexual incentives. That is, distinct
lated by the perception that desir- ing feelings of personal power, (f) sexual motives are assumed to be
able or undesirable incentives are experiencingthe power of one'spart- associatedwith eachof the separate
available in the current situation, ner, (g) experiencing pleasure, and sexual incentives proposed previ-
which are the goals of motivated (h) procreating. ously. The self-report instrument
behavior. However, for behavior to This perspective emphasizesthe developedin the current study was
be initiated toward the incentives, importance of situational factors intended to assessindividual differ-
individuals must also believe that external to the individual as the ences in the eight sexual motives
their actions will reasonably lead to causes of motivated behavior (i.e., related to these sexual incentives.
the attainment of the incentives the availability of incentives). In The relationship betweensexual
(Heckhausen,1991). addition to situational factors, dis- motives and sexual desire. Sexual
As with motivation in general positional theorists also emphasize desire is a particularly difficult
(Atkinson, 1966;Heckhausen,1991), factors internal to the person, the aspectof sexual responseto concep-
we propose that sexual motivation value that different individuals tualize adequately (Bancroft, 1989).
involves interest in attaining a gen- place on the incentives that are Although desire has been conceived
eral class of incentives, all of which available. Enduring interest in a of as a distinct phase in prominent
provide the samebasic type of satis- particular type of incentive is clinical models of human sexual
faction (i.e., that associated with referred to as a dispositional motive response (American Psychiatric
sexual expression).That is, human (Heckhausen, 1991) or a disposi- Association, 1994; Kaplan, 1979),
motivation is hypothesizedto result tional need in the framework of Bancroft cautionedthat little empir-
from interest in any of a number of Murray's theory of motivation (Mur- ical evidenceexists to support a dis-
separate, but related incentives ray, 1938). The concept of disposi- tinction between the desire and
(Buss, 1986; Hill, 1987; Spence & tional motive is not merely excitement phases.Few researchers
Helmreich, 1983; Veroff & Veroff, descriptive but is intended as an have operationalized or measured
1980).In addition to the desire for explanatory construct (Heckhausen, sexual desire in nonclinical popula-
incentives related to pleasure and 1991). Dispositional motives deter- tions, particularly employingassess-
reproduction proposed by Murray mine the nature of an individual's ment instruments derived from a
(1938) and other prominent early reaction to incentives that are avail- specific theoretical construct. The
theorists (Freud, 1940/1969; Mas- able in the environment. Individu- lack of well-constructed and well-
ters & Johnson, 1966), we propose als with strong interest in an validated measures(O'Carroll, 1991)
that several more socially-oriented available sexual incentive are makes it difficult to evaluate the
types of incentives also motivate hypothesizedto experiencea height- exact nature of the conceptof sexual
Hill and Preston 29 .

desire, much less its validity and Consequently, we hypothesized researchershave demonstratedthat
practical utility. One of the few that the proposeddispositional sex- men are more likely to be interested
empirical attempts to measure sex- ual motivesregularly activate or ini- in sexual intercoursefor reasonsof
ual desire is the set of ratings devel- tiate sexual feelings and may lust, pleasure, "physical release,"or
oped by Beck et al. (1991) to contribute to heightened sexual being "horny" (Carroll et al., 1985;
determine the frequency of desire in desire. Dispositional sexual motives Denney et al., 1984; Leigh, 1989;
a nonclinical sample. are likely to exert stable, recurring Whitley, 1988).Women,on the other
As presentedin theoretical discus- influences on sexual desire because, hand, have reportedbeing interested
sions (e.g., Leiblum & Rosen, 1988) theoretically, dispositional motives for emotional reasons, such as the
and as defined by Beck et al. (1991), are enduring and operate across a expressionof love.Suchresearchsug-
sexual desire is a subjective feeling variety of motive-relevant situa- geststhat genderdifferencesmay be
that may be causedby factors both tions in an individual's life. Beyond found for severalmotivesproposedin
internal and external to the individ- a generalized influence, sexual the current theoretical framework.
ual and that mayor may not result in motives may also independently Three motives relate conceptuallyto
overt sexual behavior. Sexual desire increase sexual desire abovetypical feelingsof love and intimacy for one's
has been regarded as a relatively levels in situations that are concep- partner (i.e., feeling valued by one's
non-specificsensationthat results in tually relevant to a specific motive, partner, expressingvalue for one's
a subjective assessmentof height- meaning those that afford the partner, and providing nurturance
ened sexual interest. Furthermore, opportunity to attain specificincen- through sexual expression),and one
the subjectiveexperienceof interest tives (e.g.,love and esteem).In such motive focuseson obtaining pleasure
is often assumed to be associated situations, a particular sexual and sexual release. Thus, women
with a potentially complex array of motive (e.g., to express love and were expected to endorse motives
cognitive,affective,and neurophysio- value for one's partner) can be related to emotionalexpressionto a
logicalantecedentsand concomitants expected to predict sexual desire greater extent, whereas men were
(Bancroft, 1989).Yet, the theoretical and sexual behavior independently expectedto endorsemotives related
links among sexual desire, precipi- of one'stypical level of sexual desire. to pleasure.
tating conditions, and behavioral To examine the relationship .
outcomeshave been discussedonly between the proposedset of sexual OverVLew of the Research
in the most general sense.By exten- motives and the construct of sexual The purpose of the research was
sion, however,the sexual desire con- desire, the eight sexual motive to provide evidence regarding the
struct is apparently intended as a scales were correlated with a mea- existence of eight distinct sexual
mediating processbetween precipi- sure of typical sexual desire based motives by demonstratingthat indi-
tating factors and the translation of on the Beck et al. ratings. Addition- viduals variously report being sexu-
these influences into specific sexual ally, both instruments were ally stimulated by each of the eight
behaviors (including fantasizing, employed as correlates of sexual proposed types of incentives. By
masturbation,and sexualinteraction behaviors to investigate the rela- doing so, we sought to provide sup-
with a partner). tionship of motives and desire to port for the position that a number
Although sexual desire may be sexual activity. of different factors-rather than one
viewed as a transient state, it has .. fundamental reproductive drive or
alsobeenconceivedof as experienced GenderDif(erencesLn one pleasure-oriented drive-serve
by an individual at a characteristic Sexual Monves as sexualmotives.Wealsoattempted
level of intensity. In this view, typical Gender-roleprescriptionsin U.S. to establish a relationship between
intensity suggestsa disposition-like society maintain that men should sexual motives and the measure of
tendency(for example,in the concept have a strong, pervasiveinterest in sexual desire so that the different
of trait sexual arousability, Griffitt, sex and women should be relatively types of sexual motives could be
1987, and in discussionsof hypoac- less interested in and more linked empirically to established
tive sexualdesiredisorder,such as in restrained about sex (Griffitt, 1987; measuresof desire.Finally, the rela-
the Diagnostic and Statistical Man- Tiefer, 1993;Whitley, 1988).However, tionships of the eight sexual motives
ual of Mental Disorders, American researchrelated to reasonsfor engag- to self-reports of sexual behavior
PsychiatricAssociation,1994).Given ing in sexualintercourse(a term typ- and typical responsesto sexualfeel-
the proposeddispositional nature of ically referring to penile-vaginal ings were examined,to demonstrate
this form of sexual desire, the pro- intercourse) has indicated that a that the proposed motives are
clivity for an individual to experience more accurate conceptualizationof empirically associated with overt
characteristic levels of arousal is genderdifferencesmay be in terms of sexual responding.
likely to reflect the influence of stable the typesof motivesthat leadto inter- In Study 1, to provide support for
motives. est in sexual behavior. Several the proposed formulation, a self-
30 Dispositional Sexual Motives

report questionnaire, The Affective the study concernedreasonsthat indi- ducted using oblique rotation (Ll =
and Motivational Orientation viduals typically experience sexual 0), based on the assumptionthat the
Related to Erotic Arousal Question- feelings.The averageage of the par- motive factors were moderately
naire (AMORE), was designed to ticipants was 23.32years,with 38.8% related. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
measure the degree to which indi- being older than 21 years. With (KMO) measure of sampling ade-
viduals value and are interested in respect to current legal marital sta- quacy was .95, indicating that the
the sexual incentives associated tug, 71.9%were single, 19.6%were matrix was appropriate for factor
with the eight proposed motives. married, 8.0% were separated or analysis. As predicted, the eight fac-
Responsesto the questionnaire were divorced,and 0.5%were widowed.In tors obtained from an unconstrained
factor analyzedto demonstrate that terms of current romantic involve- factor solution consisted almost
the statements clustered into ment, 58.4%reportedbeing in a seri- exclusively of items that were con-
groups reflecting the theoretically ousrelationship(includingmarriage), structed to represent a given factor
proposeddimensions. Based on the 20.8%wereseeingor dating someone, (see Table 1). Specifically, 62 of the
first factor analysis, the question- and 20.8%were not seeingor dating original items written to representa
naire was revised and administered anyoneat the time. particular motive loaded most
to two additional sets of respondents Measures.At least 10 statements highly (approximately .30 or above)
in Studies 2 and 3. Data gathered in were written to reflect each motive, on the same factor and only mini-
these subsequentstudies were also with the initial version of the mally on other factors (less than
factor analyzed in an attempt to AMORE comprising 101 randomly .30).Thirty-nine original items were
replicate the first factor solution. ordered items. The responseformat eliIninated becausetheir pattern of
The convergent and discriminant consistedof a five-point Likert scale loadings was weak (i.e., < .30) or
validity (Campbell& Fiske, 1959)of ranging from not at all true (1) to because they were factorially com-
the final instrument was exaInined moderatelytrue (3) to co~pletelytrue plex (i.e., they loaded substantially
in Studies 2 and 3 by correlating (5). Respondentswere Instructed to on more than one factor).
scoresfor each of the eight motive indicate how true or descriptiveeach The final version of the AMORE
scaleswith establishedmeasuresof sta~ment was of them. Potentially (Table 1) consistedof the eight pre-
attributes and behaviors commonly am?I~OUS terms such as sexual dicted motive dimensionsreflectinga
employedin researchon personality a.cuvlty and partner were opera- desireto (a)feelemotionallyvaluedby
and human sexuality. nonally definedf~r the respo?dents. one'spartner (7 items); (b) express
(A complete verSIon of the mstruc- fi lings of emotional value for one's
Study 1 tions can be obtained from the pe;rtner(8 items);(c)obtainrelieffrom
authors.) . . stress or from negative psychological
Method Procedure. Part~cIpants com- states (10 items); (d) provide one's
Participants. Participants were pl~t~d the AMORE.m. gz:oupscom- partner with nurturance or stress
612introductory psychologystudents pnsmg 30 or fewer IndIVIduals. relief (6 items); (e) enhanceone'sfeel-
(385 women and 227 men) who Results ings of power (10 items); (f) experience
receivedcoursecredit for participat- .. . the power of one'ssexualpartner (10
ing in the research.Participantswere Factor analysls. A p~ncIpal com- items); (g) experiencepleasure (5
informed prior to volunteering that ponents factor analysIs was con- items); and (h)procreate(6 items).

Table 1
Factor Pattern Matrix of the Final Version of the AMORE
Item Number from the AMORE Scale and Item Statement I II III IV V VI VII VIII

Experiencing the Power of One's Partner

47. I often find it a real turn-on when my partner takes charge and becomes .89 -.02 -.00 -.00 -.05 .04 .00 -.08
authoritative .during sexual activity or fantasy.
54. I am especially excited by the feeling of domination and being controlled .86 -.01 -.03 -.01 .09 .01 -.01 -.13
by my partner during sex and sexual fantasy.
19. Sex and sexual fantasies are most exciting when I feel like my partner has .84 -.04 .07 .08 -.04 -.07 -.02 -.02
totally overpowered me and has taken complete control.
23. Many times it is extremely thrilling when my partner takes complete charge .84 -.03 -.02 .04 .08 -.04 -.04 .11
and begins to tell me what to do during sex.
50. I find it very exciting when my partner becomes very demanding and urgent .82 .08 -.03 -.07 .01 .02 -.01 -.07
during sex and sexual fantasy, as if he or she needs to possess me completely.
25. Often I have a real need to feel dominated and possessed by my partner .79 -.02 -.10 .02 -.06 -.05 .04 -.13
while we are engaged in sex or sexual fantasy.
Hill and Preston 31

Table 1,. continued

Item Number from the AMORE Scale and Item Statement I II III IV V VI VII VIII
13. It is frequently very arousing when my partner gets very forceful and .77 -.09 .00 -.00 -.05 -.01 .05 .11
aggressive during sex.
51. I frequently become very aroused when I sense that my partner is excited .72 .19 -.08 -.01 .01 .08 -.03 .04
by controlling and directing our sexual activity or fantasy.
5. Sexual activities and fantasies are most stimulating when my partner .64 -.12 .10 -.06 -.02 -.03 -.08 .26
seems extremely self-assured and demanding during sex.
29. Engaging in sexual activity is a very imp~rtant way for me to experience and .48 .04 -.14 .03 -.14 -.15 -.06 -.05
appreciate the personal strength and forcefulness that my partner is capable of.
Emotional Value for One's Partner
60. Sharing affection and love during sexual intercourse is one of the most -.05 .77 .00 .03 .05 .00 -.04 -.01
intense and rewarding ways of expressing my concern for my partner.
44. One of the most satisfying aspects of engaging in sex is expressing the .06 .76 .05 -.01 -.04 -.00 -.04 .10
intensity of my feelings for my partner while we are having sex.
43. The sense of emotional bonding with my partner during sexual intercourse -.01 .75 .05 -.00 .03 -.12 .01 .11
is an important way of feeling close to him or her.
61. The sense of emotional closeness I experience from having sex with my .01 .66 -.09 .06 -.07 -.17 .05 -.07
partner is one of the most satisfying ways I know of feeling valued.
59. Sexual intercourse is important in creating a great deal of emotional -.07 .63 -.07 .04 -.03 -.17 -.01 -.00
closeness in my relationship with my partner.
55. One of the most satisfying features of sex is when my partner really .05 .60 .11 .01 .00 -.05 -.31 -.07
seems to need the love and tenderness it conveys.
17. A major reason I enjoy having sex with my partner is because I can .04 .58 .09 .02 .04 -.26 -.09 .00
communicate how much I care for and value him or her.
49. Being able to experience my partner's physical excitement and sexual .15.44 .06 -.12 -.09 .05 -.10 .41
release is incredibly thrilling and stimulating for me.
Relief from Stress
39. Many times when I am feeling unhappy or depressed, thinking about .02 .01 -.82 -.02 -.03 -.00 -.04 .02
sex or engaging in sexual activity will make me feel better.
40. When things are not going well, thinking about sex or doing something .02 .09 -.82 -.05 -.04 .10 -.08 -.02
sexual is often very uplifting for me and helps me to forget about my
problems for a while.
45. I often have a strong need to fantasize about sex or to do something sexual .03 -.04 -.79 .02 -.07 .00 -.02 -.08
when I feel upset or unhappy.
27. I find that thinking about or engaging in sexual activity can frequently .00 -.00 -.78 .02 -.06 -.06 -.05 .01
help me get through unpleasant times in my life.
20. When I am going through difficult times, I can start feeling better simply by .10 -.02 -.78 .07 .01 -.03 .02 .05
engaging in some type of sexual fantasy or behavior.
28. I often feel like fantasizing about sex or expressing myself sexually when .03 -.08 -.77 .03 -.06 -.12 .01 -.07
life isn't going very well and I want to feel better about myself.
37. Doing something sexual often seems to greatly improve my outlook on life .03 -.00 -.72 -.03 -.04 -.03 -.12 .02
when nothing seems to be going right.
3. When bad or frustrating things happen to me, many times I feel like engaging .03 -.13 -.67 .04 .13 -.11 .01 .10
in sexual fantasy or doing something sexual to try to get to feeling better.
12. Thinking about sex or engaging in sex sometimes seems to help me keep .01 -.02 -.66 .04 -.04 -.10 -.00 .14
on going when things get rough.
31. Thinking about sex or engaging in sexual behavior can frequently be a source -.01 .08 -.64 -.10 -.04 .05 -.11 .13
of relief from stress and pressure for me.
42. One of the main reasons I am interested in sex is for the purpose of having -.00 .01 .01 .81 -.02 .07 .01 -.09
4. Sex is important to me largely for reproductive reasons. .03 -.00 -.00 .74 -.03 .00 -.06 .06
8. Often while I am engaging in sex or fantasy, the idea that children might .02 .08 -.05 .69 .00 -.04 .02 .10
result from our sexual behavior is extremely arousing.
15. I especially enjoy sex when my partner and I are trying to have a baby. -.02 .08 .01 .66 .02 .00 -.05 .13
32. I would prefer to have sex primarily when I am interested in having a child. .03 -.11 -.10 .63 -.03 -.01 .03 -.21
21. The idea of having children is not very significant in my feelings about why -.02 .01 .06 -.51 -.01 .06 .03 -.07
sexual activity is important to me.
Enhancement of Power
46. I really enjoy having sex as a way of exerting dominance and control over .14 -.02 -.02 .06 -.79 .05 .08 -.08
my partner.
56. Often the sense of power that I have over my sexual partner can be extremely.ll .13 -.07 -.05 -.76 .15 .02 -.07
32 Dispositional Sexual Motives

Table I, continued
Item Number from the AMORE Scale and Item Statement I II III IV V VI VII VIII
11. I find sexual behavior and sexual fantasy most exciting when I can feel .03 -.12 .06 -.00 -.76 .03 -.03 .08
forceful and dominant with my partner.
6. I find that I often feel a sense of superiority and power when I am expressing -.15 -.12 -.00 .06 -.72 -.12 -.10 .12
myself sexually.
48. I am often very excited by the sense of power that I feel I have over my .14 .09 .01 -.03 -.74 .02 .01 -.08
partner when I am sexually attractive to him or her.
58. I frequently find it quite arousing to be very directive and controlling while .16 .07 -.09 .03 -.68 .12 .08 -.00
having sex with my partner.
41. Engaging in sexual activity is very important to me as a means of feeling .01 .04 -.25 -.05 -.65 -.02 .08 .05
powerful and charismatic.
16. Often engaging in sex with my partner makes me feel like I have established .03 -.09 .05 .06 -.63 -.20 -.04 -.02
myself as a force to be reckoned with.
7. One of the most exciting aspects of sex is the sense of power I feel in .01 .04 .16 -.05 -.63 -.12 -.12 .14
controlling the sexual pleasure and stimulation my partner experiences.
53. Expressing myself sexually generally makes me feel personally strong -.01 .08 -.23 -.02 -.63 .00 -.05 .02
and in control of things.
Emotionally Valued by One's Partner
1. Often when I need to feel loved, I have the desire to relate to my partner .02 .00 -.00 .02 .06 -.66 -.02 .28
sexually because sexual intimacy really makes me feel warm and cared for.
14. I frequently want to have sex with my partner when I need him or her to .13 -.03 -.14 -.02 -.09 -.62 -.04 -.07
notice me and appreciate me.
36. When I need to feel a sense ofbelongingness and connectedness, sex with -.03 .25 -.10 -.04 -.11 -.62 -.02 -.13
my partner is really an important way of relating to him or her.
9. Frequently, when I want to feel that I am cared for and that someone .06 .10 -.07 -.03 -.03 -.61 -.09 .04
is concerned about me, relating to my partner sexually is one of the most
satisfying ways to do so.
35. I often feel like having sex with my partner when I need to feel understood -.01 .17 -.12 -.06 -.08 -.61 -.07 -.16
and when I want to relate to him or her on a one-to-one level.
26. One of the best ways of feeling like an important part of my partner's .02 .20 .01 -.06 -.05 -.55 -.14 -.01
life is by relating to him or her sexually.
38. I frequently feel like expressing my need for emotional closeness and .10 .29 -.20 -.07 -.01 -.48 .05 .04
intimacy by engaging in sexual behavior or fantasy with my sexual partner.
10. Often the most pleasurable sex I have is when it helps my partner forget -.01 -.13 -.08 -.00 .01 -.08 -.80 .00
about his or her problems and enjoy life a little more.
2. I enjoy having sex most intensely when I know that it will lift my partner's .08 -.15 .04 .03 .02 -.07 -.79 .08
spirits and improve his or her outlook on life.
62. To me, an extremely rewarding aspect of having sex is that it can make my .05 .32 -.07 .00 -.04 .10 -.63 -.03
partner feel good about himself or herself.
33. Often when my partner is feeling down on life or is unhappy about -.09 .07 -.27 -.05 -.10 -.11 -.55 -.17
something, I like to try to make him or her feel better by sharing intimacy
together sexually.
52. I frequently want to have sex with my partner because I know how much he .06 .19 .02 .00 -.07 .02 -.55 .17
or she enjoys it and how good it makes my partner feel as a person.
57. I find it very rewarding when I can help my partner get through rough times .02 .27 -.26 -.03 -.04 .06 -.55 -.25
by showing how much I care and being sexually intimate with him or her.
18. The sensations of physical pleasure and release are major reasons that -.03 -.11 -.16 -.09 -.12 -.10 -.07 .58
sexual activity and fantasy are so important to me.
24. I really value sexual activit yas a way of enjoying myself and adding an .13 .13 -.17 .00 -.16 -.06 -.07 .52
element of adventure to my life.
22. In many way&, I think engaging in sex and sexual fantasy are some of the .08 .17 -.22 .02 -.08 -.08 .00 .52
most exciting and satisfying activities I can experience.
34. The experience of sexual tension and energy are in many ways the most .11 .08 -.23 -.01 -.19 .04 .04 .42
thrilling and important aspects of sexual activity and fantasy.
30. I find it extremely exciting to be playful and to have fun when I am .09 .34 -.11 -.12 -.08 .18 -.05 .41
expressing myself sexually.


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