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Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Mixed with Normal Saline, Calcium

Chloride or KY Jelly as Apical Plug in Simulated Open Apices:

An In vitro Microleakage Study
a a b c
a d*

a Department of Endodontics, Dental Branch, Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; b General Dentist, Private Practice, Tehran, Iran; c
Endodontist, Private Practice, Tehran, Iran; d Iranian Center for Endodontic Research, Research Institute of Dental sciences, Department of Endodontics,
Dental School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2014;9(1):45-49

Mehrvarzfar et al.46

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2014;9(1):45-49

Sealing ability of MTA plug with different vehicles47

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2014;9(1):45-49

Mehrvarzfar et al.48

IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2014;9(1):45-49

Dianat et al.49
















IEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2014;9(1):45-49

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